Sistema Dinâmico De Dia E Noite (DDNS)

Publicado em 7 de setembro de 2012.

Dynamic Day And Night System (DDNS) é um script para o RPG Maker XP, desenvolvido por Blizzard. Resumidamente, ele controla o dia e a noite em um jogo/projeto feito neste sistema, inclusive clareando e escurecendo a tela, para dar uma impressão de dia e noite mesmo.

Ele parece ser bem compatível com outros scripts, o autor dá 99% de chance de compatibilidade total com o SDK apesar que ele mesmo não testou. Pode causar problemas de incompatibilidade com outros sistemas de diae noite e VAI corromper savegames antigos. É melhor começar o jogo de novo para prevenir este problema.

Jogos como os Might And Magics usam um sistema de dia e noite também, que eu sempre achei interessante, mas sem esse lance dinâmico que o DDNS promete, em um jogo de RPG Maker, fica meio chato.


  • Controle completo sobre o DDNS
  • Muda facilmente de dia para noite e noite para o dia
  • Possibilidade de duração dinamica do dia ou da noite
  • Facilmente manipulavel através de eventos com o comando “Call script” (Chamar evento)
  • Três estados possíveis: interiores, exteriores e interiores escuros
  • Exibe relógio (ou não)
  • Usa 5 switches e 2 variáveis, assim o usuário pode facilmente acessar o DDNS, para, por exemplo, conectar ele com sistemas baseados em eventos, ou aprimorá-lo com eventos

Para instalar o script, basta copiar o código abaixo acima do Main:

# Dynamic Day and Night System (DDNS) by Blizzard
# Version: 1.51b
# Date: 27.06.2006
# Date v1.1b: 29.06.2006
# Date v1.2b: 08.09.2006
# Date v1.3b: 11.09.2006
# Date v1.4b: 23.2.2007
# Date v1.43b: 25.3.2007
# Date v1.5b: 23.10.2007
# Date v1.51b: 5.11.2007
# Compatibility:
#   99% chance of full compatibility with SDK, not tested altough. Can cause
#   incompatibilty issues with other DNS-es. WILL corrupt old savegames. If
#   used with an old savegame, it could cause problems. Please start a new game
#   if you use this to avoid incompatibilty issues. 
# Features:
#   - complete control over the DDNS
#   - easy switching from day to night and night to day
#   - possibility for dynamic length of night and/or day
#   - easy manipulating through events with the "Call script" commands
#   - 3 possible states: interiors, exteriors, dark interiors
#   - display a clock or don´t display a clock
#   - uses 5 switches and 2 variables, so the user can easily access the DDNS
#     to e.g. connect it with event based systems and/or enhance it with events
# new in v1.1b:
#   - a fatal glitch was fixed, but it had its price, old savegames need to
#     turn on the DDNS to clear an issue
# new in v1.2b:
#   - shorter, more simple code and less lag
# new in v1.3b:
#   - improved code
# new in v1.4b:
#   - now compatible with Tons of Add-ons
# new in v1.43b:
#   - fixed a bug, improved code and changed a little bit
# new in v1.5b:
#   - rewritten conditions using classic syntax to avoid RGSS conditioning bug
#   - improved coding
#   - fixed an issue with Tons of Add-ons v5.x and higher
# new in v1.51b:
#   - fixed tpying mistakes that caused bugs
# Instructions:
# - Explanation:
#   This Dynamic Day and Night System will make your game have daytime and
#   nighttime periods. You can set up the length and variation intervals if you
#   want to use it dynamically. Other features are explained below. Please be
#   sure to configure this system appropriately.
# - Configuration:
#   DAY        - set this value to the switch ID you want to use for control
#                over the day
#   NIGHT      - set this value to the switch ID you want to use for control
#                over the night
#   INSIDE     - set this value to the switch ID you want to use to determine
#                if the player is inside
#   OUTSIDE    - set this value to the switch ID you want to use to determine
#                if the player is outside
#   INSIDEDARK - set this value to the switch ID you want to use to determine
#                if the player is inside a dark place
#   DAY_VAR    - set this value to the variable ID you want to use as the
#                seconds counter for the day
#   NIGHT_VAR  - set this value to the variable ID you want to use as the
#                seconds counter for the night
#   MAX_DAY    - set this value to the duration of a day in seconds
#   MAX_NIGHT  - set this value to the duration of a night in seconds
#   DYN_DAY    - set this value to true if you want a dynamic day that has a
#                variating length, otherwise to false
#   DYN_NIGHT  - set this value to true if you want a dynamic night that has a
#                variating length, otherwise to false
#   DAY_INT    - set this value to the variation a day might have in seconds
#                (i.e. 30 will make a day be MAX_DAY ± 30 seconds of length)
#   NIGHT_INT  - set this value to the variation a night might have in seconds
#                (i.e. 5 will make a night be MAX_NIGHT ± 5 seconds of length)
#   MINUTES    - set this value to true if you want the clock to use a precise
#                minute display, please also see IMPORTANT NOTES for further
#                reference, otherwise to false
#   SHOW_CLOCK - set this value to false to if you want to remove the clock
#                from the map, otherwise to true
# - Basic manipulation of the DDNS:
#   This system is based upon your eventing. It will work basically if you
#   want, but with a little bit of using the "Call Script" event command you
#   are able to have 3 different states of the DDNS (interior, exterior, dark
#   interior). Interiors and dark interior will never get dark during night.
#   Also dark interiors are always a little bit tinted. Here are the
#   instructions how to do so. Please also note, use this syntax with the "Call
#   Script" event command
#     $game_ddns.go_inside
#   This command will set up everything to enter an interior.
#     $game_ddns.go_outside
#   This command will set up everything to leave any interior.
#     $game_ddns.go_inside_dark_place
#   This command will set up everything to enter a dark tinted interior.
#     $game_ddns.turn_off
#   This command will turn off the DDNS if you want to tint the screen for
#   during a cutscene or something else related to screen tinting as DDNS is
#   dominant and will cause all of your event based screen tinting to reset the
#   next time day and night switch or the player changes the map. Day and night
#   will freeze during this period. To turn it on again, just use following
#   command:
#     $game_ddns.turn_on = false
#   AND one of the three commands above to determine where the player is.
#     $game_ddns.make_it_day
#   This command will set every counter to zero and start a new day. You can
#   use this together with an item, that calls a common event to execute this
#   code.
#     $game_ddns.make_it_night
#   This command will set every counter to zero and start a new night. You can
#   use this together with an item, that calls a common event to execute this
#   code.
#   Also note, that the last 2 commands will ONLY work if the DDNS is NOT
#   turned off. To check if it´s turned off, just check the state of the
#   INSIDE, OUTSIDE and INSIDEDARK switches. All the switches are off if the
#   DNSS is turned off.
# - Direct manipulation of the DDNS:
#   You can directly operate the switches WHICH IS NOT RECOMMENED to further
#   manipulate the system. An example is to change the values in the variables
#   which are used as second counter for the day and night. 
#     $game_system.show_clock = true
#     $game_system.show_clock = false
#   You can use this syntax if you want to show/hide the clock during e.g. the
#   appearance of a countdown timer. Version 1.41b and higher even saves this
#   setting.
# - Enhancement hints:
#   If you wish to implement the DDNS further into your game and e.g. allow
#   different behavious of monsters during day and night, you only need to
#   check the the state of the appropriate switch. e.g. If NIGHT is
#   turned on inflict "Sleep" on one enemy.
# Additional info:
#   The predecessor event based version of this script was tested a lot and the
#   result was the optimal tint during night, so the player can see the screen,
#   but also has the feeling, it is actually night in the game.
#   Make DAY_INT or $night_intervals at least by 2 smaller than MAX_DAY
#   or MAX_NIGHT
#   - do NOT use odd numbers for these variables, only even ones! (2, 4, 6...)
#     otherwise the clock WILL glitch
#   - if you use different lengths for day and night and do not use any dynamic
#     time, it is recommened, that you don´t show the minutes, because the
#     player can easily notice that one period is faster than the other
#   - there is NO timeflow during battle, menu etc., only in the map
#   - due to glitching the DDNS is initially turned off now
# If you find any bugs, please report them here:

# START Configuration

DAY = 1 # switch ID of the "day" switch
NIGHT = 2 # switch ID of the "night" switch
INSIDE = 3 # switch ID of the "inside" switch
OUTSIDE = 4 # switch ID of the "outside" switch
INSIDEDARK = 5 # switch ID of the "inside dark places" switch
DAY_VAR = 1 # variable ID of the "day counter"
NIGHT_VAR = 2 # variable ID of the "night counter"
MAX_DAY = 120 # duration of a day in seconds
MAX_NIGHT = 90 # duration of a night in seconds
DYN_DAY = false # allow dynamic shortening and prolongening of day
DYN_NIGHT = false # allow dynamic shortening and prolongening of night
DAY_INT = 3 # variation of day in seconds
NIGHT_INT = 2 # variation of night in seconds
MINUTES = true # if dynamic day and night are turned off show minutes on clock
SHOW_CLOCK = true # set to false to remove the clock from the map

# END Configuration

# Game_System

class Game_System
  attr_accessor :ddns_off
  attr_accessor :show_clock
  alias init initialize
  def initialize
    @ddns_off = false
    @show_clock = SHOW_CLOCK


# Game_DDNS

class Game_DDNS
  attr_reader   :dyn_day
  attr_reader   :dyn_night
  attr_reader   :dynamic_day
  attr_reader   :dynamic_night
  attr_reader   :minutes
  attr_accessor :off
  def initialize
    @minutes = MINUTES
    @day_intervals, @night_intervals = DAY_INT, NIGHT_INT
    @max_day, @max_night = MAX_DAY, MAX_NIGHT
    @dyn_day, @dyn_night = DYN_DAY, DYN_NIGHT
    @dynamic_day, @dynamic_night = @max_day, @max_night
    @off = true
  def go_inside
    unless @off
      $game_switches[INSIDE] = true
      $game_switches[INSIDEDARK] = $game_switches[OUTSIDE] = false
  def go_outside
    unless @off
      $game_switches[OUTSIDE] = true
      $game_switches[INSIDE] = $game_switches[INSIDEDARK] = false
  def go_inside_dark_place
    unless @off
      $game_switches[INSIDEDARK] = true
      $game_switches[INSIDE] = $game_switches[OUTSIDE] = false
  def turn_off
    $game_switches[INSIDE] = $game_switches[INSIDEDARK] =
    $game_switches[OUTSIDE] = false
    @off = $game_system.ddns_off = true
  def turn_on
    @off = $game_system.ddns_off = false
  def make_it_day
    if $game_switches[INSIDE] || $game_switches[OUTSIDE] ||
      $game_switches[DAY] = true
      $game_switches[NIGHT] = false
      $game_variables[DAY_VAR] = $game_variables[NIGHT_VAR] = 0
      if $game_switches[OUTSIDE]
        $game_screen.start_tone_change(, 0, 0, 0), 160)
    $game_map.need_refresh = true
  def make_it_night
    if $game_switches[INSIDE] || $game_switches[OUTSIDE] ||
      $game_switches[DAY] = false
      $game_switches[NIGHT] = true
      $game_variables[DAY_VAR] = $game_variables[NIGHT_VAR] = 0
      if $game_switches[OUTSIDE]
        $game_screen.start_tone_change(, -100, 0, 0), 160)
    $game_map.need_refresh = true
  def dynamize_day
    @dynamic_day = @max_day
    @dynamic_day -= @day_intervals + rand((2*@day_intervals)) if @dyn_day
  def dynamize_night
    @dynamic_night = @max_night
    @dynamic_day -= @day_intervals + rand((2*@day_intervals)) if @dyn_night

# Bitmap

class Bitmap

  def draw_time(x, y, w, h, string, a)
    font.size = 26
    save_color = font.color.clone
    font.color =, 0, 0, 192)
    if $tons_version != nil && $tons_version >= 3.71 &&
        $game_system != nil && $game_system.SHADED_TEXT
      draw_text_shaded_text_later(x+1, y+1, w, h, string, a)
      draw_text_shaded_text_later(x-1, y+1, w, h, string, a)
      draw_text_shaded_text_later(x-1, y-1, w, h, string, a)
      draw_text_shaded_text_later(x+1, y-1, w, h, string, a)
      draw_text(x+1, y+1, w, h, string, a)
      draw_text(x-1, y+1, w, h, string, a)
      draw_text(x-1, y-1, w, h, string, a)
      draw_text(x+1, y-1, w, h, string, a)
    font.color = save_color
    draw_text(x, y, w, h, string, a)
  if $tons_version == nil || $tons_version < 3.71
  alias draw_text_shaded_text_later draw_text
  def draw_text(x2, y2, w2 = 0, h2 = 0, text2 = "", a2 = 0)
    if x2.is_a?(Rect)
      x, y, w, h, text, a = x2.x, x2.y, x2.width, x2.height, y2, w2
      x, y, w, h, text, a = x2, y2, w2, h2, text2, a2
    save_color = self.font.color.clone
    self.font.color =, 0, 0, 255)
    draw_text_shaded_text_later(x+1, y+1, w, h, text, a)
    self.font.color = save_color
    draw_text_shaded_text_later(x, y, w, h, text, a)

# Clock

class Clock < Sprite
  def initialize
    self.x, self.y, self.z = 480, 8, 5000
    self.bitmap =, 32)
    if $fontface != nil = $fontface
      self.bitmap.font.size = $fontsize
    elsif $defaultfonttype != nil = $defaultfonttype
      self.bitmap.font.size = $defaultfontsize
    @odd = 0
    draw unless $
  def draw
    hours = minutes = 0
    if $game_switches[DAY]
      hours = (12*$game_variables[DAY_VAR]/$game_ddns.dynamic_day+8)%24
      minutes = (60*12*$game_variables[DAY_VAR]/$game_ddns.dynamic_day)%60
    elsif $game_switches[NIGHT]
      hours = (12*$game_variables[NIGHT_VAR]/$game_ddns.dynamic_night+20)%24
      minutes = (60*12*$game_variables[NIGHT_VAR]/$game_ddns.dynamic_night)%60
    if ($game_switches[DAY] || $game_switches[NIGHT]) && @odd % 2 == 0
      if !$game_ddns.minutes || $game_ddns.dyn_day || $game_ddns.dyn_night
        self.bitmap.draw_time(0, 0, 128, 32, sprintf('%d 00', hours), 2)
        self.bitmap.draw_time(0, 0, 128, 32, sprintf('%d %02d', hours, minutes), 2)
    elsif !$game_ddns.minutes || $game_ddns.dyn_day || $game_ddns.dyn_night
      self.bitmap.draw_time(0, 0, 128, 32, sprintf('%d:00', hours), 2)
      self.bitmap.draw_time(0, 0, 128, 32, sprintf('%d:%02d', hours, minutes), 2)
    @odd = (@odd + 1) % 2

# Scene_Title

class Scene_Title
  alias main_ddns_later main
  def main
    $game_ddns =

# Scene_Map

class Scene_Map
  attr_accessor :timer
  alias main_ddns_later main
  def main
    @clock = if $game_system.show_clock
    @timer = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate * 2
    @clock.dispose unless @clock == nil
  alias update_ddns_later update
  def update
    if $game_system.show_clock
      @clock = if @clock == nil
    elsif @clock != nil
      @clock = nil
    $ = $game_system.ddns_off
    if @timer != Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate * 2
      @timer = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate * 2
      @clock.draw if $game_system.show_clock
  def update_ddns
    if $game_switches[DAY]
      $game_variables[DAY_VAR] += 1 unless $
      if $game_variables[DAY_VAR] == $game_ddns.dynamic_day
        if $game_switches[OUTSIDE]
          $game_screen.start_tone_change(, -100, 0, 0), 160)
        $game_switches[DAY] = false
        $game_switches[NIGHT] = true
        $game_variables[DAY_VAR] = $game_variables[NIGHT_VAR] = 0
        $game_map.need_refresh = true
    elsif $game_switches[NIGHT]
      $game_variables[NIGHT_VAR] += 1 unless $
      if $game_variables[NIGHT_VAR] == $game_ddns.dynamic_night
        if $game_switches[OUTSIDE]
          $game_screen.start_tone_change(, 0, 0, 0), 160)
        $game_switches[DAY] = true
        $game_switches[NIGHT] = false
        $game_variables[DAY_VAR] = $game_variables[NIGHT_VAR] = 0
        $game_map.need_refresh = true
  alias transfer_player_ddns_later transfer_player
  def transfer_player
    if $game_switches[INSIDE]
      $game_screen.start_tone_change(, 0, 0, 0), 0)
    elsif $game_switches[OUTSIDE]
      if $game_switches[DAY]
        $game_screen.start_tone_change(, 0, 0, 0), 0)
      elsif $game_switches[NIGHT]
        $game_screen.start_tone_change(, -100, 0, 0), 0)
    elsif $game_switches[INSIDEDARK]
      $game_screen.start_tone_change(, -40, 0, 0), 0)

Download e ficha técnica

  • Download (clique com o botão esquerdo do mouse ou toque no link)
  • Desenvolvedor, publisher e/ou distribuidor: Blizzard (RM)
  • SO: Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Tamanho: 153 KB (pacote de instalação e/ou espaço em disco)
  • Licença: Grátis
  • Categoria: Programação XP
  • Tag: RPG Maker XP
  • Adicionado por: LichKing
  • Acessos: 155

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Cyber Soldier

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