Seguindo O Líder No RMXP Com Caterpillar
Publicado em 23 de dezembro de 2011.Neste post vamos postar dois scripts que fazem os heróis seguirem o líder em um jogo do RPG Maker XP. Os dois scripts são o Caterpillar e o Caterpillar EX, que é o mesmo com algumas inclusões como: mudança de líder em tempo de jogo, ativar/desativar Caterpillar em tempo de jogo e mudar a quantidade de heróis que o Caterpillar vai exibir.
O script original foi criado por fukuyama e as inclusões da versão EX são de JOAONETO.
# SEGUIR O LIDER # Criado por fukuyama # TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT_SWITCH = false TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT_SWITCH = true TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT_SWITCHES_INDEX = 20 # # # DOWN_LEFT = 1 DOWN_RIGHT = 3 UP_LEFT = 7 UP_RIGHT = 9 JUMP = 5 class Game_Party_Actor < Game_Character def initialize super() @through = true end def setup(actor) # if actor != nil @character_name = actor.character_name @character_hue = actor.character_hue else @character_name = "" @character_hue = 0 end # @opacity = 255 @blend_type = 0 end def screen_z(height = 0) if $game_player.x == @x and $game_player.y == @y return $game_player.screen_z(height) - 1 end super(height) end # # # # def move_down(turn_enabled = true) # if turn_enabled turn_down end # if passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) # turn_down # @y += 1 end end # # # # def move_left(turn_enabled = true) # if turn_enabled turn_left end # if passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) # turn_left # @x -= 1 end end # # # # def move_right(turn_enabled = true) # if turn_enabled turn_right end # if passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) # turn_right # @x += 1 end end # # # # def move_up(turn_enabled = true) # if turn_enabled turn_up end # if passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) # turn_up # @y -= 1 end end # # # def move_lower_left # unless @direction_fix # @direction = (@direction == Input::RIGHT ? Input::LEFT : @direction == Input::UP ? Input::DOWN : @direction) end # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) # @x -= 1 @y += 1 end end # # # def move_lower_right # unless @direction_fix # @direction = (@direction == Input::LEFT ? Input::RIGHT : @direction == Input::UP ? Input::DOWN : @direction) end # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) # @x += 1 @y += 1 end end # # # def move_upper_left # unless @direction_fix # @direction = (@direction == Input::RIGHT ? Input::LEFT : @direction == Input::DOWN ? Input::UP : @direction) end # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::UP)) # @x -= 1 @y -= 1 end end # # # def move_upper_right # unless @direction_fix # @direction = (@direction == Input::LEFT ? Input::RIGHT : @direction == Input::DOWN ? Input::UP : @direction) end # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::UP)) # @x += 1 @y -= 1 end end def set_move_speed(move_speed) @move_speed = move_speed end end class Spriteset_Map def setup_actor_character_sprites? return @setup_actor_character_sprites_flag != nil end def setup_actor_character_sprites(characters) if !setup_actor_character_sprites? index_game_player = 0 @character_sprites.each_index do |i| if @character_sprites[i].character.instance_of?(Game_Player) index_game_player = i break end end for character in characters.reverse @character_sprites.unshift(, character) ) end @setup_actor_character_sprites_flag = true end end end class Scene_Map def setup_actor_character_sprites(characters) @spriteset.setup_actor_character_sprites(characters) end end class Game_Party def set_transparent_actors(transparent) @transparent = transparent end def setup_actor_character_sprites if @characters == nil @characters = [] for i in 1 .. 4 @characters.push( end end if @actors_chach == nil @actors_chach = [] end if @actors_chach != @actors @actors_chach = @actors.clone for i in 1 .. 4 @characters[i - 1].setup(actors[i]) end end if $scene.instance_of?(Scene_Map) $scene.setup_actor_character_sprites(@characters) end end def update_party_actors setup_actor_character_sprites transparent = $game_player.transparent if transparent == false if TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT_SWITCH transparent = $game_switches[TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT_SWITCHES_INDEX] else transparent = $game_player.transparent end end for character in @characters character.transparent = transparent character.set_move_speed($game_player.get_move_speed) character.update end end def moveto_party_actors( x, y ) setup_actor_character_sprites for character in @characters character.moveto( x, y ) end if @move_list == nil @move_list = [] end for i in 0 .. 10 @move_list[i] = nil end end def move_party_actors if @move_list == nil @move_list = [] for i in 0 .. 10 @move_list[i] = nil end end @move_list.each_index do |i| if @characters[i] != nil case @move_list[i].type when Input::DOWN @characters[i].move_down(@move_list[i].args[0]) when Input::LEFT @characters[i].move_left(@move_list[i].args[0]) when Input::RIGHT @characters[i].move_right(@move_list[i].args[0]) when Input::UP @characters[i].move_up(@move_list[i].args[0]) when DOWN_LEFT @characters[i].move_lower_left when DOWN_RIGHT @characters[i].move_lower_right when UP_LEFT @characters[i].move_upper_left when UP_RIGHT @characters[i].move_upper_right when JUMP @characters[i].jump(@move_list[i].args[0],@move_list[i].args[1]) end end end end class Move_List_Element def initialize(type,args) @type = type @args = args end def type() return @type end def args() return @args end end def add_move_list(type,*args) @move_list.unshift(,args)).pop end def move_down_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::DOWN,turn_enabled) end def move_left_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::LEFT,turn_enabled) end def move_right_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::RIGHT,turn_enabled) end def move_up_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::UP,turn_enabled) end def move_lower_left_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(DOWN_LEFT) end def move_lower_right_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(DOWN_RIGHT) end def move_upper_left_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(UP_LEFT) end def move_upper_right_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(UP_RIGHT) end def jump_party_actors(x_plus, y_plus) move_party_actors add_move_list(JUMP,x_plus, y_plus) end end module Game_Player_Module def update $game_party.update_party_actors super end def moveto( x, y ) super $game_party.moveto_party_actors( x, y ) end def move_down(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) $game_party.move_down_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_left(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) $game_party.move_left_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_right(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) $game_party.move_right_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_up(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) $game_party.move_up_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_lower_left # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) $game_party.move_lower_left_party_actors end super end def move_lower_right # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) $game_party.move_lower_right_party_actors end super end def move_upper_left # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::UP)) $game_party.move_upper_left_party_actors end super end def move_upper_right # if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::UP)) $game_party.move_upper_right_party_actors end super end def jump(x_plus, y_plus) # new_x = @x + x_plus new_y = @y + y_plus # if (x_plus == 0 and y_plus == 0) or passable?(new_x, new_y, 0) $game_party.jump_party_actors(x_plus, y_plus) end super(x_plus, y_plus) end # # # def get_move_speed return @move_speed end end class Game_Player include Game_Player_Module end
Caterpillar EX
CODE ################################################################# ################## CATERPILLAR EX ############################### ####### Caterpillar - ########## ####### Seleção rápida - JOAONETO - ####### ####### Ativar/Desativar Caterpillar - JOAONETO ################# ####### Quantidade de Heróis - JOAONETO ######################### ################################################################# # Este é o mesmo Caterppilar, porém com algumas inclusões: #1º - Mudança de líder em tempo de jogo #2º - Ativar/Desativar Caterpillar em tempo de jogo #3º - Mudar a quantidade de heróis que o Caterpillar vai exibir # Para mudar a equipe, aperte L(A tecla Q) # Para On/Off o Caterpillar, Aperte R(A tecla W) #Para mudar as Teclas, apenas troque-as no código logo abaixo. #Para mudar a quantidade de exibição de heróis, apenas mude o #Valor de $HEROS para o valor que você quer mais um. #EX: $HEROS = 3 vai mostrar o Líder mais 3 aliados #--------------------------------------------------------------- class Scene_Map alias new_update update def update new_update if Input.trigger?(Input::L) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) change_party end if Input.trigger?(Input::R) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT == false ? $TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT = true : $TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT = false end end def change_party @heros = [] for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size @heros[i] = $game_party.actors[i] end for i in 1...@heros.size $game_party.actors[i - 1] = @heros[i] end $game_party.actors[@heros.size - 1] = @heros[0] $game_player.refresh end end TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT_SWITCH = true $TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT = false $HEROS = 5 DOWN_LEFT = 1 DOWN_RIGHT = 3 UP_LEFT = 7 UP_RIGHT = 9 JUMP = 5 class Game_Party_Actor < Game_Character def initialize super() @through = true end def setup(actor) if actor != nil @character_name = actor.character_name @character_hue = actor.character_hue else @character_name = "" @character_hue = 0 end @opacity = 255 @blend_type = 0 end def screen_z(height = 0) if $game_player.x == @x and $game_player.y == @y return $game_player.screen_z(height) - 1 end super(height) end def move_down(turn_enabled = true) if turn_enabled turn_down end if passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) turn_down @y += 1 end end def move_left(turn_enabled = true) if turn_enabled turn_left end if passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) turn_left @x -= 1 end end def move_right(turn_enabled = true) if turn_enabled turn_right end if passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) turn_right @x += 1 end end def move_up(turn_enabled = true) if turn_enabled turn_up end if passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) turn_up @y -= 1 end end def move_lower_left unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == Input::RIGHT ? Input::LEFT : @direction == Input::UP ? Input::DOWN : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) @x -= 1 @y += 1 end end def move_lower_right unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == Input::LEFT ? Input::RIGHT : @direction == Input::UP ? Input::DOWN : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) @x += 1 @y += 1 end end def move_upper_left unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == Input::RIGHT ? Input::LEFT : @direction == Input::DOWN ? Input::UP : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::UP)) @x -= 1 @y -= 1 end end def move_upper_right unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == Input::LEFT ? Input::RIGHT : @direction == Input::DOWN ? Input::UP : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::UP)) @x += 1 @y -= 1 end end def set_move_speed(move_speed) @move_speed = move_speed end end class Spriteset_Map def setup_actor_character_sprites? return @setup_actor_character_sprites_flag != nil end def setup_actor_character_sprites(characters) if !setup_actor_character_sprites? index_game_player = 0 @character_sprites.each_index do |i| if @character_sprites[i].character.instance_of?(Game_Player) index_game_player = i break end end for character in characters.reverse @character_sprites.unshift(, character) ) end @setup_actor_character_sprites_flag = true end end end class Scene_Map def setup_actor_character_sprites(characters) @spriteset.setup_actor_character_sprites(characters) end end class Game_Party def set_transparent_actors(transparent) @transparent = transparent end def setup_actor_character_sprites if @characters == nil @characters = [] for i in 1 .. $HEROS @characters.push( end end if @actors_chach == nil @actors_chach = [] end if @actors_chach != @actors @actors_chach = @actors.clone for i in 1 .. $HEROS @characters[i - 1].setup(actors[i]) end end if $scene.instance_of?(Scene_Map) $scene.setup_actor_character_sprites(@characters) end end def update_party_actors setup_actor_character_sprites transparent = $game_player.transparent if transparent == false if TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT_SWITCH transparent = $TRAIN_ACTOR_TRANSPARENT else transparent = $game_player.transparent end end for character in @characters character.transparent = transparent character.set_move_speed($game_player.get_move_speed) character.update end end def moveto_party_actors( x, y ) setup_actor_character_sprites for character in @characters character.moveto( x, y ) end if @move_list == nil @move_list = [] end for i in 0 .. 10 @move_list[i] = nil end end def move_party_actors if @move_list == nil @move_list = [] for i in 0 .. 10 @move_list[i] = nil end end @move_list.each_index do |i| if @characters[i] != nil case @move_list[i].type when Input::DOWN @characters[i].move_down(@move_list[i].args[0]) when Input::LEFT @characters[i].move_left(@move_list[i].args[0]) when Input::RIGHT @characters[i].move_right(@move_list[i].args[0]) when Input::UP @characters[i].move_up(@move_list[i].args[0]) when DOWN_LEFT @characters[i].move_lower_left when DOWN_RIGHT @characters[i].move_lower_right when UP_LEFT @characters[i].move_upper_left when UP_RIGHT @characters[i].move_upper_right when JUMP @characters[i].jump(@move_list[i].args[0],@move_list[i].args[1]) end end end end class Move_List_Element def initialize(type,args) @type = type @args = args end def type() return @type end def args() return @args end end def add_move_list(type,*args) @move_list.unshift(,args)).pop end def move_down_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::DOWN,turn_enabled) end def move_left_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::LEFT,turn_enabled) end def move_right_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::RIGHT,turn_enabled) end def move_up_party_actors(turn_enabled = true) move_party_actors add_move_list(Input::UP,turn_enabled) end def move_lower_left_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(DOWN_LEFT) end def move_lower_right_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(DOWN_RIGHT) end def move_upper_left_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(UP_LEFT) end def move_upper_right_party_actors move_party_actors add_move_list(UP_RIGHT) end def jump_party_actors(x_plus, y_plus) move_party_actors add_move_list(JUMP,x_plus, y_plus) end end module Game_Player_Module def update $game_party.update_party_actors super end def moveto( x, y ) super $game_party.moveto_party_actors( x, y ) end def move_down(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) $game_party.move_down_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_left(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) $game_party.move_left_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_right(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) $game_party.move_right_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_up(turn_enabled = true) if passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) $game_party.move_up_party_actors(turn_enabled) end super(turn_enabled) end def move_lower_left if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) $game_party.move_lower_left_party_actors end super end def move_lower_right if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::DOWN)) $game_party.move_lower_right_party_actors end super end def move_upper_left if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::LEFT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::UP)) $game_party.move_upper_left_party_actors end super end def move_upper_right if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::RIGHT)) or (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::UP)) $game_party.move_upper_right_party_actors end super end def jump(x_plus, y_plus) new_x = @x + x_plus new_y = @y + y_plus if (x_plus == 0 and y_plus == 0) or passable?(new_x, new_y, 0) $game_party.jump_party_actors(x_plus, y_plus) end super(x_plus, y_plus) end def get_move_speed return @move_speed end end class Game_Player include Game_Player_Module end
Informações adicionais
- Categoria: Programação XP
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 179
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