Guilink’s Barras De HP & MP é um script para o RPG Maker XP que adiciona duas barras (ou HUDs, como alguns os chamam) na tela do game.
As barras ficam sempre visíveis no canto superior direito da tela. A de Hit Points (HP) é a vermelha, e a de Spell Points (SP) é a azul. Este script pode ser interessante pro seu projeto, se seu jogo tiver mais ação ou algum sistema de batalha sem ser em turnos, por exemplo, por permitir ao jogador acompanhar estes stats, sem precisar de ficar abrindo toda hora o menu.
A instalação é muito simples. Basta adicionar no projeto que as barras já aparecem!
#----------------------------------------------------------------- # ¦ Guilink's barras de HP & MP ¦ #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Ultimo Update: 24/11/05 # - Adicionado barra de MP #----------------------------------------------------------------- $hp_bar = true $sp_bar = true #----------------------------------------------------------------- class Scene_Map #----------------------------------------------------------------- alias sk_bar_main main def main @bars = sk_bar_main @bars.dispose if @bars != nil end #----------------------------------------------------------------- alias sk_bar_update update def update @bars.update if $hp_bar or $sp_bar sk_bar_update end #----------------------------------------------------------------- end #----------------------------------------------------------------- class Window_Base < Window #----------------------------------------------------------------- def sk_initialize(font=0,size=22) font = "Tahoma" if font == 0 self.contents =,self.height-32) = font self.contents.font.size = size end #----------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_text_outline(x,y,w,h,str,c=normal_color,a=0) self.contents.font.color =,0,0,255) self.contents.draw_text(x-1,y,w,h,str,a) self.contents.draw_text(x+1,y,w,h,str,a) self.contents.draw_text(x,y+1,w,h,str,a) self.contents.draw_text(x,y-1,w,h,str,a) self.contents.font.color = c self.contents.draw_text(x,y,w,h,str,a) end #----------------------------------------------------------------- end #----------------------------------------------------------------- class Window_Sk_Bars < Window_Base #----------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(444,-10,206,96) sk_initialize("Arial") self.opacity = 0 end #----------------------------------------------------------------- def update self.contents.clear actor = $game_party.actors[0] if $hp_bar draw_text_outline(0,0,64,26,"HP") draw_actor_hp(actor,32,2) end if $sp_bar draw_text_outline(0,24,64,26,"MP") draw_actor_sp(actor,32,26) end end #----------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_hp(actor,x,y) width = 128 y += 4 w = width * actor.hp / actor.maxhp # White border and black back border_back(x,y,width) # Generating the color val = 255 * ((actor.hp*100)/actor.maxhp) green = 255 - val/100 color =,green,0,255) w_color =,green+32,96,255) if green > 64 then green -= 32 elsif green > 128 then green -= 64 end b_color =,green,0,255) # Making the bar make_bar(x,y,w,color,w_color,b_color) end #----------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_sp(actor,x,y) width = 128 y += 4 w = width * actor.sp / actor.maxsp # White border and black back border_back(x,y,width) # Generating the color val = 255 * ((actor.sp*100)/actor.maxsp) red = 255 - val/100 color =,0,224,255) w_color =,64,255,255) if red > 64 then red -= 32 elsif red > 128 then red -= 64 end b_color =,0,172,255) # Making the bar make_bar(x,y,w,color,w_color,b_color) end #----------------------------------------------------------------- def border_back(x,y,width) white =,255,255,255) black =,0,0,255) # White border self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y-1, width-2, 1, white) self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, 1, white) self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y+1, width+2, 9, white) self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+10, width, 1, white) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+11, width-2, 1, white) # Black back self.contents.fill_rect(x+2, y, width-4, 1, black) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+1, width-2, 1, black) self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+2, width, 7, black) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+9, width-2, 1, black) self.contents.fill_rect(x+2, y+10, width-4, 1, black) end #----------------------------------------------------------------- def make_bar(x,y,w,color,w_color,b_color) self.contents.fill_rect(x+2, y, w-4, 1, w_color) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+1, w-2, 1, w_color) self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+2, w, 7, color) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+9, w-2, 1, color) self.contents.fill_rect(x+2, y+10, w-4, 1, b_color) end #----------------------------------------------------------------- end #-----------------------------------------------------------------
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