Fog Of War 2.0 (Neblina De Guerra No RMXP)
Publicado em 26 de outubro de 2012.Fog Of War 2.0 é um script desenvolvido por Wachunga, para o RPG Maker XP, que, ao ser instalado num jogo ou projeto, ele ativa uma Neblina De Guerra similar a jogos de estratégia em tempo real, como o StarCraft, Warcraft e outros.
A demo é auto explicativa, e vem com um script do Near Fantastica, o Dynamic Maps, embora modificado pelo Wachunga.
O código do Fog Of War deve ficar acima do Dynamic Maps que, por sua vez, deve ficar acima do Main:
#============================================================================== # ** Fog of War #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version 2.0, 2005-11-21 # by Wachunga #============================================================================== =begin 0.8 - original release 0.85 - added colour parameter to map names - fixed bug where map grids overlapped 0.9 - switched over to a tilemap (from a sprite) - now more compatible with minimap scripts (but they'll have to take extra tilemap into account) 1.0 - switched over to an autotile instead of using a custom tileset * edges looks nicer, but gradual fading had to be removed * colour parameter no longer possible (set by autotile) - move event (including jumping and speed changes) bug fixed - teleportation bug fixed - some optimization - made compatible with Cogwheel's Pixel Movement script (see for details) 1.01 - fixed bug when teleporting from map without fow to a map with fow 2.0 - now two independent types of fog of war: * static, which never returns (i.e. typical RTS "terrain" fog) * dynamic, which returns once out of visual range and can optionally hide map events (i.e. typical RTS "unit" fog) - now using a compact version of Near's Dynamic Maps script - fog of war is now above weather and normal fog - added support for much larger visual ranges (0 - 9) - added support for option to set up fog of war from a call script event command - optimization A map specified as having "fog of war" (fow) has tiles that are (fully or partially) obscured until the player gets within visual range. The amount of fow to disappear as the player moves depends on the visual range specified. Gamers with experience playing Real Time Strategy games like Warcraft, Age of Empires, etc. should be quite familiar with the concept. This script supports two kinds of fog of war: static and dynamic. Static fow is the kind that typically hides terrain in RTS games. It covers the entire map until the player explores the area, discovering the underlying terrain. Once static fow disappears from an area of the map, it stays gone indefinitely (even if loading a saved game, leaving the map and returning later, going to the menu, etc). Dynamic fow is identical to the static kind except that it doesn't stay gone forever: as soon as the player leaves visual range of an explored tile, dynamic fow covers it again. This kind of fow is typically used to hide enemy units in RTS games. SETUP: There's no need to add the autotile via the database. Just place the file in the autotile folder, import it, and change the FOW_AT_NAME constant to the appropriate filename. To change the colour of the fog of war you must create a new autotile. (However, opacity is customizable by constants below.) To indicate a map is to have either (or both) of these kinds of fog of war, include <fow> in its name (via "Map properties"). To enable both static and dynamic fow, you can either add nothing more (since it's the default), or add <s><d> (or <d><s>). To enable one or the other, just add the appropriate one (e.g. <s> for static, <d> for dynamic). You may also optionally specify a visual range between 0 and 9 in the map name (e.g. <5>), noting that 3 is the default. Here are some example map names: "your-map-name <fow><2>" (defaults to static&dynamic on; range specified as 2) "your-map-name <fow><s>" (only static fow is on; range defaults to 3) "your-map-name <fow><d><8>" (only dynamic fow is on; range specified as 8) Alternatively, fog of war can be setup via a call script event command using the fog_of_war global method. Detailed instructions are just before the method itself. Finally, an edited version of Near Fantastica's Dynamic Maps script needs to be below this one. You may find it at the following URL: The ranges work as follows: range = 0 reveals just the square on which the player stands range = 1 is the same as range 0 plus four adjacent tiles i.e. @ @P@ @ range = 2 is the same as range 1 plus eight additional tiles i.e. @ @@@ @@P@@ @@@ @ range = 3 (default) is the same as range 2 plus twelve additional tiles i.e. @ @@@ @@@@@ @@@P@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @ etc. Note: I've taken great pains to optimize this script as much as possible (which unfortunately reduces the readability of the code). There shouldn't be much visible effect on frame rate. =end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # filename of the fog of war autotile (used for both): FOW_AT_NAME = 'fow_default' # the opacity of static (non-returning) and dynamic (returning) fog of war # (value between 0 and 255) # note that static fow appears on top of its dynamic counterpart (if both on) FOW_STATIC_OPACITY = 255 FOW_DYNAMIC_OPACITY = 100 # whether or not dynamic fow hides map events FOW_DYNAMIC_HIDES_EVENTS = true # default range of fog of war (if not specified in map name) FOW_RANGE_DEFAULT = 3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # internal constants - no need to edit FOW = 0b00 REVEALED = 0b01 # tiles with no surrounding fog are flagged "SKIP" for efficiency SKIP = 0b10 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =begin Setup fog of war. This method is an alternative to using the default map name method, and is designed to be called from a call script event command. This allows fog of war to be dynamically enabled or disabled during gameplay. Parameters: static - if true, static fow enabled dynamic - if true, dynamic fow enabled (if both of the above are false, fow is totally disabled) range (optional) - the visual range of the player * default is FOW_RANGE_DEFAULT reset (optional) - if true, fow for this map resets entirely (i.e. previously explored areas are covered again) * default is false Sample calls: fog_of_war(true,true,5) - enable both static and dynamic fow with range of 5 fog_of_war(false,false,3,true) - disable and reset both types of fow =end def fog_of_war(static, dynamic, range = FOW_RANGE_DEFAULT, reset = false) if static == nil or dynamic == nil print 'Two true/false parameters are required in call to fog_of_war.' exit elsif range < 0 or range > 9 print 'Invalid range in call to fog_of_war (only 0-9 is valid).' exit end $game_map.fow_static = static $game_map.fow_dynamic = dynamic $game_map.fow_range = range if reset $game_map.fow_grid = nil end if not $game_map.fow_static and not $game_map.fow_dynamic $game_map.fow = false $scene.spriteset.fow_tilemap.dispose # set all events back to visible for i in $ $[i].transparent = false end else # static or dynamic fow (or both) are on $game_map.fow = true if $game_map.fow_grid == nil # only if not already defined $game_map.fow_grid =$game_map.width, $game_map.height, 2) for i in 0...$game_map.fow_grid.xsize for j in 0...$game_map.fow_grid.ysize $game_map.fow_grid[i,j,1] = $game_map.fow_grid[i,j,0] = FOW end end end if $game_map.fow_dynamic $game_map.fow_revealed = $game_map.fow_last_revealed = [] end $scene.spriteset.initialize_fow end end class Game_Map attr_accessor :fow attr_accessor :fow_static attr_accessor :fow_dynamic attr_accessor :fow_grid attr_accessor :fow_range attr_accessor :fow_revealed attr_accessor :fow_last_revealed alias wachunga_fow_gm_setup setup def setup(map_id) wachunga_fow_gm_setup(map_id) @fow = false @fow_dynamic = false @fow_static = false @fow_grid = nil @fow_range = nil # get any tags from the map name tags = $game_map.map_name.delete(' ').scan(/<[A-Za-z0-9_.,]+>/) if not tags.empty? and tags[0].upcase == ('<FOW>') tags.shift # remove FOW tag @fow = true if @fow_grid == nil # only if not already defined @fow_grid =, @map.height, 2) for i in 0...@fow_grid.xsize for j in 0...@fow_grid.ysize @fow_grid[i,j,1] = @fow_grid[i,j,0] = FOW end end end # check if types of fog of war specified while not tags.empty? case tags[0].upcase when '<S>' @fow_static = true when '<D>' @fow_dynamic = true else x = tags[0].delete('<>').to_i @fow_range = x if x >= 0 and x <= 9 end tags.shift end # if <FOW> tag found but neither static nor dynamic specified, assume both if @fow and not @fow_static and not @fow_dynamic @fow_static = true @fow_dynamic = true end # if no range specified, set to default if @fow_range == nil @fow_range = FOW_RANGE_DEFAULT end @fow_revealed = @fow_last_revealed = [] if @fow_dynamic end end def map_name return load_data('Data/MapInfos.rxdata')[@map_id].name end =begin Updates the map's grid which keeps track of one or both of the following (depending on what is enabled for the current map): 1) which tiles have been "discovered" (i.e. no static fog of war) based on where the player has already explored 2) which tiles are currently not covered by dynamic fog of war (i.e. not in visual range) =end def update_fow_grid px = $game_player.x py = $game_player.y x = px - @fow_range start_y = py y = start_y count = 1 mod = 1 # loop through all tiles in visible range until x == (px + @fow_range+1) i = count while i > 0 if valid?(x,y) if @fow_static @fow_grid[x,y,1] |= REVEALED end if @fow_dynamic @fow_grid[x,y,0] = REVEALED if @fow_grid[x,y,0] == FOW @fow_revealed.push([x,y]) end end y -= 1 i -= 1 end if x == px mod = -1 end x += 1 start_y += 1*mod y = start_y count += 2*mod end if @fow_dynamic if @fow_last_revealed != [] # make dynamic fog return once out of visual range for t in @fow_last_revealed - @fow_revealed @fow_grid[t[0],t[1],0] = FOW end end @fow_last_revealed = @fow_revealed @fow_revealed = [] end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Spriteset_Map attr_reader :fow_tilemap alias wachunga_fow_ssm_initialize initialize def initialize initialize_fow if $game_map.fow wachunga_fow_ssm_initialize end =begin Initializes fog of war. =end def initialize_fow @fow_tilemap = @fow_tilemap.map_data =$game_map.width, $game_map.height, 3) @fow_tilemap.priorities = @fow_autotiles = j = 48 # starting autotile index for i in Autotile_Keys @fow_autotiles[i] = j j += 1 end # add duplicates for i in Duplicate_Keys.keys @fow_autotiles[i] = @fow_autotiles[Duplicate_Keys[i]] end if $game_map.fow_static for m in 0...$game_map.fow_grid.xsize for n in 0...$game_map.fow_grid.ysize # reset SKIP flag $game_map.fow_grid[m,n,1] &= ~SKIP end end at =,128) at.blt(0,0,RPG::Cache.autotile(FOW_AT_NAME),\,0,96,128),FOW_STATIC_OPACITY) @fow_tilemap.autotiles[0] = at # set everything to fog for x in 0...$game_map.width for y in 0...$game_map.height @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,2] = 48 # fog end end # set to highest priority for i in 48...96 @fow_tilemap.priorities[i] = 5 end end if $game_map.fow_dynamic bm =,128) bm.blt(0,0,RPG::Cache.autotile(FOW_AT_NAME),\,0,96,128),FOW_DYNAMIC_OPACITY) @fow_tilemap.autotiles[1] = bm # unlike tilemap for static, set everything to clear for x in 0...$game_map.width for y in 0...$game_map.height @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,1] = 0 end end # set to highest priority for i in 96...144 @fow_tilemap.priorities[i] = 5 end end $game_map.update_fow_grid update_fow_tilemap update_event_transparency if $game_map.fow_dynamic end =begin Updates the (static and/or dynamic) fog of war tilemap based on the map's underlying grid. =end def update_fow_tilemap if $game_map.fow_static checked =$game_map.width,$game_map.height) for j in 0...$game_map.width for k in 0...$game_map.height checked[j,k] = 0 end end end dx = ($game_map.display_x/128).round dy = ($game_map.display_y/128).round # to increase performance, only process fow currently on the screen for x in dx-1 .. dx+21 for y in dy-1 .. dy+16 # check boundaries if not $game_map.valid?(x,y) then next end if $game_map.fow_dynamic if $game_map.fow_grid[x,y,0] == REVEALED @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,1] = 0 if @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,1]!=0 else @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,1]=96 if @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,1]!=96 end end if $game_map.fow_static if $game_map.fow_grid[x,y,1] == REVEALED # (but not SKIP) others = false; @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,2] = 0 if @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,2]!=0 for i in x-1 .. x+1 for j in y-1 .. y+1 # check new boundaries if not $game_map.valid?(i,j) then next end if $game_map.fow_grid[i,j,1] == FOW others = true # can't flag as SKIP because there's nearby fog if checked[i,j] == 0 checked[i,j] = 1 # only fill if not already revealed if @fow_tilemap.map_data[i,j,2] != 0 adj = check_adjacent(i,j,1,$game_map.fow_grid,REVEALED) if adj != nil @fow_tilemap.map_data[i,j,2] = eval '@fow_autotiles[adj.to_i]' end end end end end end if not others # no adjacent static fog found, so flag tile to avoid reprocessing $game_map.fow_grid[x,y,1] |= SKIP end end end # fow_static end # for end # for if $game_map.fow_dynamic if $game_map.fow_static for x in dx-1 .. dx+21 for y in dy-1 .. dy+16 # erase dynamic fow if static fow is above it anyway if @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,2] == 48 @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,1]=0 if @fow_tilemap.map_data[x,y,1]!=0 end end end end # calculate autotiles for dynamic fow (around player) px = $game_player.x py = $game_player.y tiles = [] x = px - ($game_map.fow_range+1) y_top = py mod_top = -1 y_bot = py mod_bot = 1 until x == px + ($game_map.fow_range+2) tiles.push([x,y_top]) if $game_map.valid?(x,y_top) tiles.push([x,y_bot]) if $game_map.valid?(x,y_bot) if x == px mod_top = 1 mod_bot = -1 x+=1 next end y_top+=1*mod_top y_bot+=1*mod_bot tiles.push([x,y_top]) if $game_map.valid?(x,y_top) tiles.push([x,y_bot]) if $game_map.valid?(x,y_bot) x+=1 end tiles.uniq.each do |t| adj = check_adjacent(t[0],t[1],0,$game_map.fow_grid,REVEALED) if adj != nil @fow_tilemap.map_data[t[0],t[1],1] = (eval '@fow_autotiles[adj.to_i]') + 48 end end end end =begin Update event transparency based on dynamic fog. Note that if a specific character is passed as a parameter then only its transparency is updated; otherwise, all events are processed. =end def update_event_transparency(pChar = nil) return if not FOW_DYNAMIC_HIDES_EVENTS if pChar == nil # check them all for i in $ event = $[i] if $game_map.fow_grid[event.x,event.y,0] == FOW event.transparent = true else event.transparent = false end end else # just check the one pChar.transparent=($game_map.fow_grid[pChar.x,pChar.y,0]==FOW) ?true:false end end # create a list of tiles adjacent to a specific tile that don't match a flag # (used for calculating tiles within an autotile) def check_adjacent(i,j,k,grid,flag) return if not $game_map.valid?(i,j) or grid == nil or flag == nil adj = '' if (i == 0) adj << '147' else if (j == 0) then adj << '1' else if (grid[i-1,j-1,k] != flag) then adj << '1' end end if (grid[i-1,j,k] != flag) then adj << '4' end if (j == $game_map.height-1) then adj << '7' else if (grid[i-1,j+1,k] != flag) then adj << '7' end end end if (i == $game_map.width-1) adj << '369' else if (j == 0) then adj << '3' else if (grid[i+1,j-1,k] != flag) then adj << '3' end end if (grid[i+1,j,k] != flag) then adj << '6' end if (j == $game_map.height-1) then adj << '9' else if (grid[i+1,j+1,k] != flag) then adj << '9' end end end if (j == 0) adj << '2' else if (grid[i,j-1,k] != flag) then adj << '2' end end if (j == $game_map.height-1) adj << '8' else if (grid[i,j+1,k] != flag) then adj << '8' end end # if no adjacent fog, set it as 0 if (adj == '') then adj = '0' end # convert to an array, sort, and then back to a string return adj.split(//).sort.join end alias wachunga_fow_ssm_dispose dispose def dispose @fow_tilemap.dispose if @fow_tilemap != nil wachunga_fow_ssm_dispose end alias wachunga_fow_ssm_update update def update if $game_map.fow @fow_tilemap.ox = $game_map.display_x / 4 @fow_tilemap.oy = $game_map.display_y / 4 @fow_tilemap.update end wachunga_fow_ssm_update end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Game_Character alias wachunga_fow_gch_initialize initialize def initialize wachunga_fow_gch_initialize @last_x = @x @last_y = @y end alias wachunga_fow_gch_update_move update_move def update_move wachunga_fow_gch_update_move if $game_map.fow if $game_map.fow_dynamic and (@x != @last_x or @y != @last_y)\ and self != $game_player # check if character entered/left player's visual range $scene.spriteset.update_event_transparency(self) end end @last_x = @x @last_y = @y end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Game_Player def update_jump super # only update when about to land, not revealing anything jumped over if $game_map.fow and @jump_count == 0 $game_map.update_fow_grid $scene.spriteset.update_event_transparency if $game_map.fow_dynamic $scene.spriteset.update_fow_tilemap end end def update_move if $game_map.fow and (@x != @last_x or @y != @last_y) unless jumping? $game_map.update_fow_grid $scene.spriteset.update_event_transparency if $game_map.fow_dynamic $scene.spriteset.update_fow_tilemap end end super end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Scene_Map attr_reader :spriteset end =begin Autotile in column 2: row\col| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --------------------------- 1 | 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 2 | 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 3 | 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 4 | 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 5 | 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 6 | 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 The function to return the index of a single tile within an autotile (given by at_index) is (at_index-1)*48 + col-1 + (row-1)*8 (where row, col, and at_index are again NOT zero-indexed) =end =begin The following array lists systematic keys which are based on adjacent walls (where 'W' is the wall itself): 1 2 3 4 W 6 7 8 9 e.g. 268 is the key that will be used to refer to the autotile which has adjacent walls north, east, and south. For the Castle Prison tileset (autotile #1), this is 67. (It's a bit unwieldy, but it works.) =end Autotile_Keys = [ 12346789, 2346789, 1246789, 246789, 1234678, 234678, 124678, 24678, 1234689, 234689, 124689, 24689, 123468, 23468, 12468, 2468, 23689, 2689, 2368, 268, 46789, 4678, 4689, 468, 12478, 1248, 2478, 248, 12346, 2346, 1246, 246, 28, 46, 689, 68, 478, 48, 124, 24, 236, 26, 8, 6, 2, 4, 0 ] # many autotiles handle multiple situations # this hash keeps track of which keys are identical # to ones already defined above Duplicate_Keys = { 123689 => 23689, 236789 => 23689, 1236789 => 23689, 34689 => 4689, 14689 => 4689, 134689 => 4689, 14678 => 4678, 34678 => 4678, 134678 => 4678, 146789 => 46789, 346789 => 46789, 1346789 => 46789, 23467 => 2346, 23469 => 2346, 234679 => 2346, 123467 => 12346, 123469 => 12346, 1234679 => 12346, 12467 => 1246, 12469 => 1246, 124679 => 1246, 124789 => 12478, 123478 => 12478, 1234789 => 12478, 146 => 46, 346 => 46, 467 => 46, 469 => 46, 1346 => 46, 1467 => 46, 1469 => 46, 3467 => 46, 3469 => 46, 4679 => 46, 13467 => 46, 13469 => 46, 14679 => 46, 34679 => 46, 134679 => 46, 128 => 28, 238 => 28, 278 => 28, 289 => 28, 1238 => 28, 1278 => 28, 1289 => 28, 2378 => 28, 2389 => 28, 2789 => 28, 12378 => 28, 12389 => 28, 12789 => 28, 23789 => 28, 123789 => 28, 1247 => 124, 2369 => 236, 147 => 4, 247 => 24, 14 => 4, 47 => 4, 1478 => 478, 3478 => 478, 4789 => 478, 134789 => 478, 14789 => 478, 13478 => 478, 34789 => 478, 1234 => 124, 1247 => 124, 1249 => 124, 12347 => 124, 12349 => 124, 12479 => 124, 123479 => 124, 1236 => 236, 2367 => 236, 2369 => 236, 12367 => 236, 12369 => 236, 23679 => 236, 123679 => 236, 12368 => 2368, 23678 => 2368, 123678 => 2368, 12348 => 1248, 12489 => 1248, 123489 => 1248, 1689 => 689, 3689 => 689, 6789 => 689, 13689 => 689, 16789 => 689, 36789 => 689, 136789 => 689, 12689 => 2689, 26789 => 2689, 126789 => 2689, 23478 => 2478, 24789 => 2478, 234789 => 2478, 12 => 2, 23 => 2, 27 => 2, 29 => 2, 123 => 2, 127 => 2, 129 => 2, 237 => 2, 239 => 2, 279 => 2, 1237 => 2, 1239 => 2, 1279 => 2, 2379 => 2, 12379 => 2, 14 => 4, 47 => 4, 34 => 4, 49 => 4, 147 => 4, 134 => 4, 347 => 4, 349 => 4, 149 => 4, 479 => 4, 1347 => 4, 1479 => 4, 1349 => 4, 3479 => 4, 13479 => 4, 16 => 6, 36 => 6, 67 => 6, 69 => 6, 136 => 6, 167 => 6, 169 => 6, 367 => 6, 369 => 6, 679 => 6, 1369 => 6, 3679 => 6, 1367 => 6, 1679 => 6, 13679 => 6, 78 => 8, 89 => 8, 18 => 8, 38 => 8, 138 => 8, 789 => 8, 178 => 8, 189 => 8, 378 => 8, 389 => 8, 1789 => 8, 3789 => 8, 1378 => 8, 1389 => 8, 13789 => 8, 1468 => 468, 3468 => 468, 13468 => 468, 2467 => 246, 2469 => 246, 24679 => 246, 2348 => 248, 2489 => 248, 23489 => 248, 1268 => 268, 2678 => 268, 12678 => 268, 148 => 48, 348 => 48, 489 => 48, 1348 => 48, 1489 => 48, 3489 => 48, 13489 => 48, 168 => 68, 368 => 68, 678 => 68, 1368 => 68, 1678 => 68, 3678 => 68, 13678 => 68, 234 => 24, 247 => 24, 249 => 24, 2347 => 24, 2349 => 24, 2479 => 24, 23479 => 24, 126 => 26, 267 => 26, 269 => 26, 1267 => 26, 1269 => 26, 2679 => 26, 12679 => 26, }
Download e ficha técnica
- Download (clique com o botão esquerdo do mouse ou toque no link)
- Desenvolvedor, publisher e/ou distribuidor: Wachunga
- SO: Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7
- Tamanho: 210KB (pacote de instalação e/ou espaço em disco)
- Licença: Grátis
- Categoria: Programação XP
- Tag: RPG Maker XP
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 87
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