Battle Retry
Publicado em 8 de novembro de 2011.Battle Retry é um script para o RPG Maker XP que, ao ser instalado num projeto, ele dá a opção ao jogador de tentar a batalha em que morreu, na tela do Game Over.
O autor do código é o sandgolem, e para funcionar, basta inserir o projeto em cima do “Main”, na janela de scripts do RMXP.
#========================================================================== # ** SG Battle Retry #========================================================================== # sandgolem # Version 5 # 16.06.06 #========================================================================== Scene_Battle::SG_CantRetryBattle = 0 #========================================================================== # # To check for updates or find more scripts, visit: # # # To use this script, copy it and insert it in a new section above "Main", # but under the default scripts and the SDK if you're using it. # # Have problems? Official topic: # # #========================================================================== begin SDK.log('SG Battle Retry', 'sandgolem', 5, '16.06.06') if SDK.state('SG Battle Retry') != true @sg_battleretry_disabled = true end rescue end if !@sg_battleretry_disabled #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Interpreter alias sandgolem_battleretry_interp_601 command_601 def command_601 if $sg_retrywon @branch[@list[@index].indent] = 0 $sg_retrywon = nil end return sandgolem_battleretry_interp_601 end alias sandgolem_battleretry_interp_602 command_602 def command_602 if $game_temp.battle_can_escape && $sg_retryescaped @branch[@list[@index].indent] = 1 $sg_retryescaped = nil end return sandgolem_battleretry_interp_602 end end class Game_System attr_accessor :playing_bgm end class Game_Temp attr_accessor :battle_music_playing end class Scene_Map alias sandgolem_bretry_map_callbattle call_battle def call_battle sandgolem_bretry_map_callbattle $game_temp.battle_music_playing = $game_system.playing_bgm.clone end end class Scene_Save < Scene_File def sg_write_retrysave_data file ='Data/', 'wb') write_save_data(file) file.close end end class Scene_Load < Scene_File def sg_read_retrysave_data file ='Data/', 'rb') read_save_data(file) file.close end end class Scene_Battle alias sandgolem_battleretry_battle_main main def main $sg_retryescaped = nil $sg_retrywon = nil if $game_switches[SG_CantRetryBattle] == 0 or !$game_switches[SG_CantRetryBattle] if !$sg_battleretry_inbattle && !$game_temp.battle_can_lose $sg_battleretry_inbattle = $game_temp sg_scene_save_temp = sg_scene_save_temp.sg_write_retrysave_data sg_scene_save_temp = nil end end sandgolem_battleretry_battle_main if !$scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover) if FileTest.exist?('Data/') File.delete('Data/') end $sg_battleretry_inbattle = nil end end alias sandgolem_battleretry_battle_batend battle_end def battle_end(result) case result when 0 $sg_retrywon = true when 1 $sg_retryescaped = true end sandgolem_battleretry_battle_batend(result) end end class Scene_Gameover alias sandgolem_battleretry_gameover_main main def main if $sg_battleretry_inbattle @sprite = @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.gameover($data_system.gameover_name) $game_system.bgm_stop $game_system.me_play($data_system.gameover_me) Graphics.transition(90) @command_window =,['Retry Battle','Title Screen']) @command_window.back_opacity = 160 @command_window.x = 320 - @command_window.width / 2 @command_window.y = 288 loop do Graphics.update Input.update sg_retry_update if $scene != self break end end @command_window.dispose Graphics.freeze @sprite.bitmap.dispose @sprite.dispose Graphics.transition(30) Graphics.freeze else sandgolem_battleretry_gameover_main end end def sg_retry_update @command_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @command_window.index when 0 sg_scene_save_temp = sg_scene_save_temp.sg_read_retrysave_data sg_scene_save_temp = nil $game_temp = $sg_battleretry_inbattle $game_temp.gameover = nil $game_system.bgm_play($game_temp.battle_music_playing) $scene = when 1 if FileTest.exist?('Data/') File.delete('Data/') end $sg_battleretry_inbattle = nil $scene = end end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- end
Informações adicionais
- Categoria: Programação XP
- Tags: Em revisão, RPG Maker XP
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 40
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