Tutorial De Custom Menu System

Publicado em 15 de junho de 2011.

Segue um texto em inglês que ensina como fazer seu próprio menu no RPG Maker 2000 (Custom Menu System, ou CMS), pro caso de você precisar de algo além do que a engine já oferece. O tutorial, como o próprio autor fala, parece complicado, mas não é. Se não me engano este foi um dos que me ensinou a fazer menus customizados no rm2k. Achei esse tutorial perdido aqui nos nossos arquivos, e o autor é desconhecido, e não conseguimos procurá-lo, se alguém souber, entre em contato!

This tip is especially for you custom menu designers, however, and can cram a whole load of
configuration options into one variable, as opposed to using 10-20 for very trivial things.
If you are familiar with how a bitflag works, you'll better understand this tip then.
However, if you don't, the system works based on an exponential increasing rate, starting
with 2. Lets say you take 2, then the next exponential 4, then 8, then 16, and so forth.
These are your 'flags' within a variable.

Now lets say we have 5 options to choose from on your menu.  All of which are either ON or
OFF choices (who knows, lets say things like...)

1.  Complicated Spell Effects [ON OFF] (2)
2.  Enemy Animations [ON OFF] (4)
3.  Short Summons [ON OFF] (8)
4.  Help [ON OFF] (16)
5.  Music [ON OFF] (32)

Each option on the config menu has a 'bitflag' value, and they are represented as an
increasing exponential value. Now lets say we turn 2 and 5 ON, thats 4 and 32...add
them then together and get 36. Your config variable would now be 36.

Now...later on in the game when you need RM2k to read this config bitflag, you do the opposite
of what you did to create it, subtract, starting with the highest value, (in this case it is
32). If it is less than the TOTAL of the bitflag then activate that option, so this would turn
music ON as it read off the bitflag, and subtract 32 from it, leaving 4. Next we try to
subtract 16 from whats left but get a negative number, so this option stays in the OFF
position, next we try 8, but the same deal happens so that also stays off.  We try 4 now,
and option two can now be turned ON. Finally, we try 2, but with 0 left, it also leaves
a negative.

All it involves is addition and subtraction. Now you can use multiple option bitflags and
have each option after the 2nd equal the next exponential value instead of having a
TRUE/FALSE option.

1.  Option #1 [Custom Default Auto]
2.  Option #2 [Custom Default Auto]
3.  Option #3 [Custom Default Auto]

Default generally would be the 0 value for each choice, and would not add to the flag at all.
Now going from left to right, top to bottom, we insert the values. For the first lets choose
Custom, 2nd choose Default, and 3rd choose Auto.

Custom [2]+ Default [0]+ Auto [64] = 66

And the configuration would be read off the bitflag later for whatever purpose this serves.
Generally use a 2nd variable as the constant checker, and have it start out at an extreme
value within the possible line, like lets say '262144', and increasingly divide it by 2, then
check to see whether it makes a negative when subtracted from the current bitflag value.

It's not as complicated as it sounds, and it will save a lot of time and space, not just for
menus, but it can also be used for several other things. Equipment, lists, battle arrays
and complex combo-based combat, the possibilities are endless!

Informações adicionais

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Super Onion Boy

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