Trocando de armadura no RPG Maker

Publicado em 19 de agosto de 2011.

Mais um simples tutorial, portanto interessante para os novatos que querem começar a fazer coisas além do basicão mesmo no RPG Maker 2000/2003, de Mark Austin. Este texto ensina como fazer o seu herói mudar de visual quando troca de armadura. Ele usa common events, forks e parallel processes pra isto. Ah, o texto está em inglês…

The Armor Event

This document will teach you how to make your character’s look change when they equip different types of armor.

1) Make a common event and place a fork in it, have this fork only happen when one of your chars in in the party. Now, make another fork and say if “Whatever Armor” is equiped on your char “You may want to add a else case to this fork just in case you want the char to still change his/her appearance if you take off their armor literally.

Now you can make as many forks afterwards for all the types of armor in your database, you just need to put it fork after fork at the end of each ones end case. Now, in thes forks just tell it to chage the hero’s walk GFX to whatever you desire. Finally, make sure that you have the common event set to parallel process and your finished.
Created By: Mark Austin

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