Sistema De Munição Para O RPG Maker 2000

Publicado em 26 de setembro de 2011.

Stephen Armstrong e Hitchhiker desenvolveram este sistema de munição para o RPG Maker 2000 (e que pode ser usado no RPG Maker 2003) que pode ser implementado de duas maneiras. De acordo com os autores, ambos os jeitos envolvem equipar com uma arma e usar balas como munição. Também avisam que é necessário conhecimento em variables, switches, fork conditions e common events. O tutorial está em inglês e funciona bem, eu usei como base para um sistema de munição em um projeto antigo do RPG Maker 2000 meu.

Ammo System for RM2K: Type A

  1. First things first. You need to have a charactor who will be able to use the bullet system. For this example, I will call my charactor “Bob”. Make his Skills slot be called “Bullets”.
  2. Now, make an item called “gun”. Select “arms” from the classification drop-down menu. Make Bob able to equip this weapon. Now, make its attack 0, and make its mind force 10. Make the animation the same as the animation you use for a normal attack. When you attack while holding the gun, you’ll attack with your bare fists, but to use the gun, you’ll have to fire a bullet.
  3. Now, make an item called “bullet”. Make it’s classification “Common Goods”. That’s all you need to do here.
  4. Now, make skill called “bullet”. Make it’s classification to “Switch”. Change it explanation, and everything to your likings. It is advised that you don’t use a sound effect. Make it turn on switch “bullet”.
  5. Ok, now onto the scripting. Make a common event called (yes, you guessed it!) “bullet”. Go to change variable. Create a variable called “Bullets”. Under operation, select “set”. Under operand, select items. Now, select bullet from the drop-down list, and select “owning number” from the second drop down menu.
  6. Next, make a fork option. Click on the second page, and select “hero”. Now, under it, click “…”. Select item, and then select “gun”. Make sure the checkbox at the bottom is not checked. This is so you can’t fire a bullet without having a gun equipted.
  7. Now, make a new fork option. Go to the second page, and select Item. in the drop-down boxes, select “bullet” and “has it”. Make sure the checkbox is checked.
  8. Under the new fork option make Bob memorize the skill “bullet”.
  9. Under the excepting case, make Bob forget the skill “bullet”. You have just mastered making Edgar’s tools system from Final Fantasy. Now, all that’s need are some battle events.
  10. Scripting:
    <>Variable Op:[####:Bullets] Set, BulletHold Num
    <>Fork Optn:Bob- gun Equipment
     <>Fork Optn:Bullet Have (hold)
      <>Change T.Skills:Bob- Bullet->Memory
     :Excepting Case
      <>Change T.Skills:Bob- Bullet->Forget
     :End Case
    :End Case
  11. Now on to our battle events. Make the conditions be switch “Bullet” on. Click on Change Variable. Make a new one called “Power”. We’ll call this variable numer 0001. You can change this, but that’s what I’m using for the example. Click set, and then select “hero” Now select Mind Force from the drop-down box.
  12. Make it show a battle animation to the entire group of enemies. Choose whatever you like.
  13. Now, make a change enemy HP from the events. Target it at one of the enemies. Then, make it HP strict. Now make it’s variable set to “Power”. Make sure you click the box at the bottom!
  14. Repeat step #13 for all enemies in the party.
  15. Make a message that says something like “\v[1] damage to the enemy!” Make sure it has \v[1] (make sure the number in the brackets matches the variable you called “power”).
  16. Now, make it take away one bullet from your inventory. And, make it subtract “1” from the variable “Bullets”.
  17. Make a fork option and select variable. select Bullet from the variable list. Click select, and type in “0”. Now, select “same” from the drop-down box. Don’t check the box at the bottom.
  18. Make a message that says something like “out of ammo!”. Now, make Bob forget the skill “Bullet”.
  19. At the very end, turn the switch “Bullet” off.
  20. Scripting:
    <>Show Battle Anim.:Spear C, Whole Group (W)
    <>Change Enemy's HP: 1.(enemy name) HP - V[0001]Decrem
    <>Messg:\v[0001] damage to the enemy!
    <>Add/Remove Item:Bullet->1Decrem
    <>Variable Op:[####:Bullets]- , 1
    <>Fork Optn:Varbl[####:Bullets]-0
     <>Messg:Out of ammo!
     <>Change T.Skills:Bob- Bullet->Forget
    :End Case
    <>Change Switch: [####:Bullet]-OFF Set

That should be all for the ammo system. If you have any problems, please email any one of us, and we’ll try to help you. Now, if you don’t want to waste your precious Skills, here’s another way of doing it:

Type B

  1. First things first. You need to have a charactor who will be able to use the bullet system. For this example, I will call my charactor “Bob”.
  2. Now, make an item called “gun”. Select “arms” from the classification drop-down menu. Make Bob able to equip this weapon. Now, make its attack 0, and make its mind force 10. Make the animation the same as the animation you use for a normal attack. When you attack while holding the gun, you’ll attack with your bare fists, but to use the gun, you’ll have to fire a bullet.
  3. Now, make skill called “bullet”. Make it’s classification to “Norm”. Customize it to your likings. This will be what happens when you use the bullet. Make sure you put the Mind related counter high, and the blow related Times lower.
  4. Now, make an item called “bullet”. Make it’s classification “Unique”. Make it Invoke the Tech Skill “Bullet”.
  5. To use the bullet, select the item in battle. This may not be as efficient, because you can fire a bullet when you don’t even have a gun equipped. But, this won’t take up Tech Skills.


So, that’s it for the ammo tutorial. I hope this works, and will improve your games. If you use this in your game, it would be nice to mention us in your game. That’s it, happy creating!!

By: Stephen Armstrong and Hitchhiker

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