Sistema De Batalha Com Visão Lateral Ou De Frente Pra Trás

Publicado em 15 de dezembro de 2011.

Side View Or Front To Back View Battle System Tutorial v2.0 é um texto feito por afters que ensina como implementar num projeto de RPG Maker 2000, um sistema customizado de batalha com a visão lateral, ou visão de frente pra trás. O tuto está em inglês, e precisa de conhecimentos pelo menos intermediários de variáveis, switches e eventos em geral.

É interessante também para aprender um pouco de programação por eventos neste maker.

Side view or Front to Back View Battle system Tutorial v2.0 by afters
Here's how to make your own Side view or Front to Back Battle system like Globe's
Newest Project, Secret of the Spirits. Follow this guide and have one kick-ass battle.
PS: Read the WHOLE thing or you'll be confused.

Setting the Battle Arena Up
Step 1: Create New Map From Whatever Area You Are Battling In (Mine was called KnightBattle1)
Step 2: Add your monsters (We'll use a knight as an example)
Step 3: Add your Party Chars (NPC's Here) But don't add your main guy. He'll appear automatically
Step 4: Name the NPC Party Members by their party name and the monster Knight (My party members will be Agrea, {the main} Akhar and Melee {NPC's} and your monster (Knight is mine)
Step 5: Set up 2 blank events
And now we are done with the map setup

Setting up the Monster's HP/MP
Step 1: Choose one of your blank events to edit
Step 2: Set it at autostart with no conditions
Step 3: Go to Change Variable
Step 4: Set Max Field Number to 5000 (You'll need most of 'em)
Step 5: Choose and Unused Variable
Step 6: Choose set, ?HP (This means whatever its HP is, mine's 10)
Step 7: Name the variable Knight1HP
Step 8: Choose another Variable, set it to, hmm... 5 and name is Knight1MP
Step 9: Change Switch
Step 10: Set Max to 5000 (you'll need 'em again)
Step 11: Name switch AfterSetupK1
Step 12: Turn it on
Step 13: Make a new, blank page, with something other than autostart activation with the condition that switch and leave it blank.

Setting up the actual battle itself
Step 1: Make 4 pages (2 if you don't mind your enemies doing the same thing over and over)
Step 2: Set page 1 at autostart with conditions AfterSetupK1 switch
Step 3: I'm just going put what the screen would look like to make it easy for me and you

Page 1
MSG: It's ?HeroName's Turn!
MSG: What will ?HeroName do?
Choice: Attack, ?TechSkillSlotName, Item, Escape
	[Attack Case]
	Choice: ?Enemy1, ?Enemy2, ?Enemy3, ?Enemy4
		[?Enemy? Case]
		Set Hero Char Movement: ?MoveToEnemy
		Show Battle Anim: ?AtkAnim
		Change Variable: ?EnemyHP - Rand: ?DecrRang
		MSG: ?MonsterName has /V? HP left!
		Fork Conditions: Var ?EnemyHP Below 1
			Change Variable: ?BattleNameDefCounter + 1
			Change Switch: After $BattleName $Enemy Defeat On
			Fork Conditions: ?BattleNameDefCounter = ?EnemyNumber
				Change EXP Show Levelup MSG
				Change Switch: After $BattleName $Enemy Def Off
				Change Switch: AfterK1Setup Off
				Teleport: ?MapPosition
				[Excepting Case]
			[Excepting Case]
		Set Hero Char Movement: ?ReturnToSpot
		[End Case]
	[?TechSkillSlotName Case]
	Choice: ?Enemy1, ?Enemy2, ?Enemy3, ?Enemy4
		[?Enemy? Case]
		Choice: ?Skill1 ?Skill2, etc.
			[?Skill Case]
			Show Battle Anim: ?SkillAnim
			Change MP: Decrease ?SkillMPUse
			Change Variable: ?EnemyHP - Rang: ?DecrRang
			Fork Conditions: Var ?EnemyHP Below 1
				Change Variable: ?BattleNameDefCounter + 1
				Change Switch: After $BattleName $Enemy Def On
				Fork Conditions: ?BattleNameDefCounter = ?EnemyNumber
					Change EXP Show Levelup MSG
					Change Switch: After $BattleName $Enemy Def Off
					Change Switch: AfterK1Setup Off
					Teleport: ?MapPosition
					[Excepting Case]
				[Excepting Case]
			[End Case]
		[End Case]
	[End Case]
	[Item Case]
	Call System Menu
	[End Case]
	[Escape Case]
	Set Hero Char Movement: ?MoveToScrnEdge, ChangeGraphic ?BlankPic
	Set ?PartyMem1 Movement: ?MoveToScrnEdge, ChangeGraphic ?BlankPic
	Set ?PartyMem2 Movement: ?MoveToScrnEdge, ChangeGraphic ?BlankPic
	Teleport: ?MapLocation
MSG: It's ?MonsterName's Turn to Attack!
MSG: ?MonsterName does an attack!
Take Damage (Everything Custom)
MSG: ?HeroName took ?Damage damage.
Change Switch: After ?BattleName Turn 1 Over
[End Event]

(You can just Copy/Paste stuff to the next page and the however many other pages. But, make sure to change
the switches and make them conditional for the next round. Also, at the end of the last turn before the cycle
restarts, take all the switches off and make sure you take old switches off at the end of the other turns.)

Customization Key
?HeroName - The Name of the Attacking Hero
?TechSkillSlotName - Attacking Character's Tech Skill Slot Name
?Enemy - The Enemy Name
? - Any Numbers at the End of A Name
?MoveToEnemy - The Movement Pattern that would be used to stand in front of target
?AtkAnim - Attacking Character's Weapon Anim
?EnemyHP - The Variable Representing your Target's HP
?DecrRang: The range of which HP with be decreased.
?BattleNameDefCounter - The variable that counts the number of enemies that have been killed in the battle
?EnemyNumber - The number of enemies fought in a battle
?MapPosition - Area where you came into battle. (Might want to save Variable when Hero Touch activates battle)
?ReturnToSpot - The movement pattern that would be used to return to the hero's spot
?Skill - Name of TechSkill to be used
?SkillAnim - The animation of the skill
?SkillMPUse - The amount of MP a skill uses
?PartyMem? - The NPC Char Name of a Party Member
?MonsterName - Name of Attacking Monster
?BattleName - The Name of the Currently Fought Battle
?Damage - The amount of damage given to your character.

Extra Stuff
You may want to Label the part of the map where you entered battle so you can use
Go To Label instead of Teleport. I used Teleport because this battle was a boss
kind of battle. Also, to clear this up, to make the encounter, you can use this event
on your map. And, at the bottom, I'll show how to make a scan attack for this system.

For a regular enemy...
Random Movement, At Hero Touch

Label Hero X-Y Coordinates.
Teleport: (Wherever on your Battle Map)
Change Switch: Start Monster1 Battle On

Page 2: Stay Still, Autostart, Condition: Start Monster1 Battle

Change Switch: Start Monster1 Battle Off
Change Switch: After Monster1 Defeat On

Page 3: Blank Pic, Stay Still, Any but autostart or parallel process. Condition: After Monster1 Defeat
(Blank Page)

For A Boss
Stay Still, Push Key

MSG: (Whatever trash talking there is)
Teleport: (Wherever on your Battle Map)
Change Switch: Start Monster1 Battle On

Page 2: Stay Still, Autostart, Condition Switch Start Monster1 Battle

Change Switch: Start Monster1 Battle Off
Change Switch: After Monster1 Defeat On

Page 3: Blank Pic, Stay Still, Any but autostart or parallel process. Condition: After Monster1 Defeat
(Blank Page)

Making A Scan Attack
Change MP: Decrease 10
MSG: Knight
HP: /V? / 25	MP: /V? / 15
Weaknesses: None
Strengths: None

Informações adicionais

Observação: se você gostou deste post ou ele lhe foi útil de alguma forma, por favor considere apoiar financeiramente a Gaming Room. Fico feliz só de ajudar, mas a contribuição do visitante é muito importante para que este site continua existindo e para que eu possa continuar provendo este tipo de conteúdo e melhorar cada vez mais. Acesse aqui e saiba como. Obrigado!

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