RPG Maker 2000 Hexing guide v1.1

Publicado em 25 de setembro de 2009.

Eu achei mais um tutorial MUITO útil para o RPG Maker 2000 perdido aqui. Com ele, você pode mudar o ícone e as splash screens (aquelas telas que aparecem antes do título do seu jogo), o que não é possível de fazer simplesmente através da interface do usuário do RM2K.

Note que você precisará do Resource Workshop, que pode ser baixado no nosso site também.

Mesmo que exista bem menos gente utilizando o RM2k atualmente, vale a pena postar, pois de repente pode ter utilidade para alguém. O texto está em inglês!

RPG Maker 2000 Hexing guide v1.1

	It is very possible to easily hex RPG Maker 2000. You need only two
things. The first of which is, of course, RPG Maker 2000. The other thing is a
program called the Resource Workshop, made by Borland Co. If you've ever programmed
in Visual C++ you know that a resource is anything like a bitmap or string table. In this
tutorial, we'll be working with string tables, bitmaps and XYZ's.

	Step one. Open the Resource Workshop(RW), and go to
File - Open Project. Set the File Type the .EXE Applications and find
Rpg2000.exe, open it. Scroll down the newly opened window until you find
the STRINGTABLE category. These string tables can be altered to change
ANY of the text in the RM2k editor. *NOTE* ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP
OF ANYTHING YOU DECIDE TO HACK! When you done messing with the
string tables, find BITMAPS. Here, you can change most of the icons
used in the RM2k editor. Now save and run RM2k to see your handy work.
Hexing the editor is simply for preference, now let's spiff up an RM2k game!

	Open the RW and open the RPG_RT.exe file the you want to
hex. The RPG_RT.exe file is your game .exe found in you game's folder.
Scroll down the window until you see a bitmap file called EXFONT. EXFONT
is the special icon characters that come with you game. In messages or
item name, you can type something like $A or $f or such to make a special
character appear. $A and $B are a sword and a shield, but everything else
is just useless symbols like astronomical signs. Let's change it! Open EXFONT
and edit any and all the icons you want! Now save the file and try it out.

	If you've ever ran the RPG_RT.exe file, you'll notice three
ASCII splash screens. Unless you want to give all the credit for your
game to ASCII, let's change those. When you open your RPG_RT.exe
file in the RW, you should notice three files under the XYZ category.
Step one. Make the images. Each image must be 320x240 and you
shouldn't use any more than 5 colors on the screen at a time. Save
them as 256color bitmaps and call them LOGO1, LOGO2 and LOGO3.
Open up RM2k and open the RAW File Manager. Import you three
logo images, and the export them as .xyz files. Now go back to the
RW and open RPG_RT.exe  . Delete all the of the XYZ files (Not the
ones you just made) and then go to File - Add to File. Add all of your
logo files under the XYZ category. Once all three have been added,
right-click and rename your three files and call them LOGO1.xyz,
LOGO2.xyz and, you guessed it, LOGO3.xyz  . Save and run your game.
It should show your splash screens now. Good luck.

Send all questions comments and general insults to Dragon_Master_14@hotmail.com

Informações adicionais

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