Melhorando o Menu No RPG Maker 2K
Publicado em 22 de outubro de 2009.Hoje vamos divulgar um tutorial que ensina os primeiros passos para criar um menu customizado no RPG Maker 2000, criado por DraGoon e recriado em html por Norwolf (originalmente).
Esse tuto pode ter várias utilidades dentro do teu game, o autor cita 3 exemplos. E, provavelmente, pode ser adaptado sem maiores dificuldades no RPG Maker 2003! O texto está em inglês.
Making a Better Menu for RPG Maker 2k
Created by: DraGoon
Redone in HTML by Norwolf.
Let me start by saying there are a couple of things you can do to make your Game menu more interesting.
1st Example
One thing you can make it do is have it change the system settings to a different one every time you enter the menu. Here is how:
Step 1: Go to the database (F8) and select the common events tab.
Step 2: Select a number from the left and name it Menu or whatever you want. Next set the event start condition to Parallel Process. After that check the square under appearance conditions switch. Choose a name for you switch and select it. Now for this whole thing to work make sure you turn this switch on before the player can access the menu.
Step 3: Now go to the event commands. Start off by selecting the Disable Menu option (3rd tab).
Step 4: Now select the Set Password option (3rd tab). From here we create a variable. Select the … button and create a variable and call it what ever you want. Now make sure each check box is checked.
Step 5: Now select the Fork Conditions option (3rd tab). From here select the variable dot and select the variable you created. Now set the number as 6 and make sure that the same is selected. Make sure the check at the bottom is off.
Step 6: Now select the Set System Settings Option (1st tab). Select whichever system you prefer.
Step 7: Now select the Call Menu Option (3rd tab).
Step 8: After all of that go to were it says end case. Right under that select the Set System Settings Option and select the original one that you had before.
The Command Events should look like this:
<>Disable System Menu: Disable
<>Enter Password: [0001: Menu] *The variable you created*
<>Fork Optn: Varbl [0001: Menu] – 6 *The variable you created*
<>Change System Graphics: System *The system you chose*
<>Call System Menu
:End Case
<>Change System Graphics: System *Your original system setting*
Q: How does this work?
A: Well, it’s rather simple. You stored the number 6 into a variable. Every time you hit the Esc key it is equal to the value of six, so the variable you created matches the Esc key and then It changes the system settings before you enter the menu, and it does it every time you access the menu.
2nd Example
You can also have a certain midi playing in the background instead of the one playing in the map. Here is how:
Step 1: Go to the database (F8) and select the common events tab.
Step 2: Select a number from the left and name it Menu or whatever you want. Next set the event start condition to Parallel Process. After that check the square under appearance conditions switch. Choose a name for you switch and select it. Now for this whole thing to work make sure you turn this switch on before the player can access the menu.
Step 3: Now go to the event commands. Start off by selecting the Disable Menu option (3rd tab).
Step 4: Now select the Set Password option (3rd tab). From here we create a variable. Select the … button and create a variable and call it what ever you want. Now make sure each check box is checked.
Step 5: Now select the Fork Conditions option (3rd tab). From here select the variable dot and select the variable you created. Now set the number as 6 and make sure that the same is selected. Make sure the check at the bottom is off.
Step 6: Now select the Memorize BGM option (3rd tab).
Step 7: Next you select the Play BGM (3rd tab) and select the BGM you want to play during the menu.
Step 8: Then Select the Call Menu (3rd tab). Now go to were it says end case and right below it select the Play memorized BGM option (3rd tab).
The Command Events should look like this:
<>Disable System Menu: Disable
<>Enter Password: [0001: Menu] *The variable you created*
<>Fork Optn: Varbl [0001: Menu] – 6 *The variable you created*
<>Memorize BGM
<>Play BGM: Farewell1 *The BGM you chose*
<>Call Menu
:End Case
<>Play Memorized BGM
Q: How does this work?
A: Well, It’s pretty much the same as above, but it Memorizes the last BGM it heard then it switches to the BGM you selected. Then when you exit the menu it plays the BGM that you heard before you accessed the menu.
3rd Example
You can also have a different system setting and a BGM playing at the same time. Just follow the event commands below:
<>Disable System Menu: Disable
<>Enter Password: [0001: Menu] *The variable you created*
<>Fork Optn: Varbl [0001: Menu] – 6 *The variable you created*
<>Memorize BGM
<>Play BGM: Farewell1 *The BGM you chose*
<>Change System Graphics: System *The system you chose*
<>Call System Menu
:End Case
<>Change System Graphics: System *Your original system setting*
Well I hope my FAQ was easy to understand, and it helped you make a better menu. You don’t have to put my name in the credits if you actually use this, I don’t care. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at dragoon3763 (at) hotmail (dot) com
When you get a chance please stop by my RPG maker 2000 web site at thanks!
Informações adicionais
- Categoria: Tutoriais 2k/2k3
- Tag: Custom Menu System
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 77
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muito bom esse tutorial lembro-me que foi uma das primeiras
coisas que aprendi no 2k na minha finada rpg maker brasil
havia este tutorial traduzido!