Dia e noite no RPG Maker 2000/2003

1 de setembro de 2011

Dia e noite no RPG Maker 2000/2003
Segue um tutorial em inglês feito por Magus989 que ensina como fazer seu projeto do RPG Maker 2000/2003 ter dia e noite. O sistema funciona perfeitamente e pode ser expandido. Inclusive você pode colocar um efeito de fade, para dar impressão de falta de luz solar quando estiver de noite.

Você também pode fazer com que alguns eventos só funcionem em determinado momento do dia. Por exemplo, se você quiser que o herói acesse alguma loja apenas quando estiver de dia, basta colocar a condição de evento (Event Conditions) quando o switch [0000]Morning (switch usado no exemplo do tuto) estiver on.

Note que as linhas dos códigos em vermelho, são comentários do autor do texto original, e se referem às linhas imediatamente abaixo.

O tutorial tem dificuldade fácil pra média, exigindo apenas que o usuário tenha conhecimentos com switches, common events e parallel processes.

Autor: Magus989
Plataforma: RPG Maker 2000/2003
Grau de dificuldade: Médio
Requerimentos: Conhecimento básico de programação por eventos (switches, common events, parallel processes) e timer.

Day and Night: The Easy Way
By Magus989

I have been using RPG Maker 2000 since December 2000. I have came across some day and night tutorials and I have found that they didn’t work. Not to brag, but I have found an easier way. All you need to know is how to use switches, wait commands. This tutorial is mainly focussed on newbies so if you have a harder way but it is better then stick to your way. First you need to go to the common events page and name it something that has to do with day and night. Make it set under Parallel Process. Make the switch apperance say Day/Night. In the events command box add a cycle.

<>END Cycle

Good. We need to use a cycle so the event will keep going on and on. Now we need to make a morning switch. Therefore you must go to change switch and put a switch called morning in. Make it on set. Also you need to make another switch called night, and set it on off set. By doing this when the cycle resets whatever you choose to put on night it will go off on morning. It should look like this:

 <>Note: Note that the number beside the switch is
 <>Change Switch:[0000]Morning-On Set
 <>Note: whatever number you have the switch on.
 <>Change Switch:[0001]Night-Off Set
<>END Cycle

Doing good so far? Okay we need a wait command. This will decide how long the morning will last. I set my mornings to 30 seconds, but you can make it whatever you want. Now here is the main part of the tutorial. On the maps that you want things to happen you need to make the events happen under these switch conditions. (Sorry bad wording) If you have a map of a castle or town and you want the background to change during the day you will need to make an event and in the command box put Change Parralex BG to a Dawn picture if it is morning. In the appearance switch make it appear under morning. By doing this the back ground will change to morning when the morning switch is activated by the cycle in the common events. Also you will need to set a screen tone that looks like morning. Now make a new page. Make the appearance switch on day. Change the background to one of the morning pictures. Set the screen tone to the normal level. (Everything at 100) Make a new page. Put in an evening background and set the screen tone to something that looks like it is evening. Now make a new page. Put in a night background. Set the screen tone where it looks kinda bluish.

You can also make Charas appear at certain times of day like at night make bats and day make birds. To do this make an event and set the appearence swith on day and put a chara you want to see at daytime. Do the same for night but make the appearence switch on night.

Anytime you want a place to change during the day or night make a copy of the event with these steps and place it on the map you wish for them to happen.

Now that that’s all cleared up we can go back to the common events and finish the thing that triggers all of these events. If you forgot this is what the commands should look like so far.

 <>Change Switch:[0000]Morning-On Set
 <>Change Switch:[0001]Night-Off Set
 <>Wait: 30.0 s
<>END Cycle

Now we need to make the day time. After the wait command out in switches day on set and morning off set.

 <>Change Switch:[0000]Morning-On Set
 <>Change Switch:[0001]Night-Off Set
 <>Wait:30.0 s
 <>Change Switch:[0003]Day-On Set
 <>Change Switch:[0000]Morning-Off Set.
<>END Cycle

By now you probably know how to use these commands in the common events so I’ll give you what the rest looks like. Here goes.

 <>Change Switch:[0000]Morning-On Set
 <>Change Switch:[0001]Night-Off Set
 <>Note: You can change this time if you want.
 <>Wait:30.0 s
 <>Change Switch:[0003]Day-On Set
 <>Change Switch:[0000]Morning-Off Set.
 <>Note: You can change this time if you want.
 <>Wait:100.0 s
 <>Change Switch:[0004]Evening-On Set.
 <>Change Switch:[0003]Day-Off Set
 <>Note: You can change this time if you want.
 <>Wait:30.0 s
 <>Change Switch:[0004]Evening-Off Set
 <>Change Switch:[0001]Night-On Set
 <>Note: You can change this time if you want.
 <>Wait:70.0 s
<>End Cycle

Now just stick in an event that you can’t avoid at you starting position. Set it on Hero Touch and in the event commands make it change switch to Morning On Set. Make a new page and make the appearance switch on Morning.Set it to push key and leave everything else blank.

This should do it. The main reason I created this tutorial is when I used the others they didn’t work, or the screen would change from dark to light when I didn’t want it to. Some places I wanted the screen tone to stay normal but it didn’t let it so I thought up this tutorial. I hope it didn’t confuse anyone.

By Magus989.

Thank you Don Miguel for giving us RPG Maker 2000.

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