Custom Battle System Tutorial v1.0

Publicado em 3 de agosto de 2011.

Custom Battle System Tutorial v1.0, como o próprio nome dá a dica, é um tutorial para o RPG Maker 2000/2003 que ensina como implementar o seu sistema personalizado de batalha neste maker. De autoria de Shear Destiny, o texto está em inglês e não é muito explicado, sendo assim necessário que o maker já tenha algum conhecimento com programação por scripts, pelo menos básico. Um bom senso também seria interessante. Apesar disto, ele mostra os exemplos dos códigos, o que ilustra bem, para quem já sabe do que se trata.

Custom Battle System Tutorial v1.0

Author: Shear Destiny
Gaming Ground Zero


  1. Battle Cursor
  2. Battle Menu
    • Attack
    • Defend
    • Items
    • Magic
    • Run
  3. Monster [Artificial Intelligence]

1.Battle Cursor
Cursor Code Provided by: Godeki

<>Show Picture: ID: 1-<BATTLE MENU NAME>-[X, Y]
<>Change Var: Var [0002: <CURSOR X>] [Set]-[X]
<>Change Var: Var [0003: <CURSOR Y>] [Set]-[Y]
<>Show Picture: ID: 2-[V [0002], [V [0003]

Note: This is where the cursor movement is placed
Max Y# = 10
Min Y# = 0

<>Label 1#
<>Change Var: Var: [0001: <CURSOR>] [SET]-0
<>Enter Password: Var [0001: <CURSOR>]
<>If Var [0001: <CURSOR>] 1
<>If Var: [0003: <CURSOR Y>] [Max Y#] [>=]
<>Change Var: Var: [0003: <CURSOR Y>] [SET]-[Max Y#]
<>Go to Label #1
: End Case
<>Change Var: Var: [0001: <CURSOR Y>] [+]-[DISTANCE BETWEEN ACTIONS]
<>Move Picture: ID: 2-[V [0002], [V [0003]
: End Case
<>If Var [0001: <CURSOR>] 4
<>If Var: [0003: <CURSOR Y>] [Min Y#] [>=]
<>Change Var: Var: [0003: <CURSOR Y>] [SET]-[Min Y#]
<>Go to Label #1
: End Case
<>Change Var: Var: [0001: <CURSOR Y>] [-]-[DISTANCE BETWEEN ACTIONS]
<>Move Picture: ID: 2-[V [0002], [V [0003]
: End Case

Note: This is where the selection of the commands happen

<>If Var [0001: <CURSOR>] 5
  <>If Var [0001: <CURSOR Y>] 0
: End Case
  <>If Var [0001: <CURSOR Y>] 10
: End Case

Note: Depending on what your values for X and Y are is dependant on how many choices u will have.

2.Battle Menu

The battle menu can be 1 of 2 things depending on how hard and how much time u want to put into you custom battle system. There’s Show Choice that limits you to 4 commands or using a picture method it may be long ex. Making the graphics and making it presentable but in time its worth it. Since the show choice command is pretty much straight forward I didn’t put it in this tutorial.

Ok, depending on how many commands your battle system has depends on how big it is but for now im just going to follow the basics.

A. Attack
Straight forward if u know what I mean it can be done with character sets or pictures in my case I strongly urge pictures even if it can easily be put into character sets pictures is worth it!

Ex. We have a 5-frame attack:

<>Show Picture: ID: 3[Since we already used ID: 1 and 2]-HeroAttack1
<>Wait: 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 3-HeroAttack2
<>Wait: 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 3-HeroAttack3
<>Wait: 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 3-HeroAttack4
<>Wait: 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 3-HeroAttack5
<>Wait: 0.0

The wait command can vary depending on how fast u want your attack to go [0.0 -?,?] the more the wait the more jumps between attack frames your going to have.

B. Defend:


C. Items:
This will also have to have another separate cursor coding to it as well, almost basic to some. It uses fork options mostly. Basically:

<>Show Picture: ID: 4-Item Menu <>If Potion is held:   <>Show Picture: ID: 5-Item-Potion   <>Show Picture: ID: 6-Item-Quanity : Else Case <LEFTBLANK>
: End Case

D. Magic:
This will also have to have another separate cursor coding to it as well, almost basic to some. It uses fork options mostly. Basically:

<>Show Picture: ID: 4-Item Menu
<>If Potion is held:
  <>Show Picture: ID: 5-Item-Potion
  <>Show Picture: ID: 6-Item-Quanity
: Else Case
: End Case

Note: Depending on your cursor values [CURSORY, MAGICCURSORY, ETC] will determine on when u can use this spell.

E. Run
Depending on how the chances of your running shall be to your hero’s party is determined on how you want the % of success to be. Ex. In this it will be 50/50 percentage

<> Change Var: Var: [0001: <RUN>] [SET RANDOM]-[0 – 1]
  <> If Var [0001: <RUN>] 0
: End Case
  <> If Var [0001: <RUN>] 1
  <>Teleport to: Hero ID Location
: End Case

4.Monster AI

When setting up your monster AI there’s various things you can pull off. Regular Attacks-Physical can vary mainly there could be 3 physical attacks that each deliver various amount of HP damage to your hero and/or the team itself. Magical mainly just fire, heal etc.

<> Change Var: Var: [0001: <MONSTERAI>] [SET RANDOM]-[0 – 1]
  <> If Var [0001: <MONSTERAI>] 0

Note: For starters lets say this is the physical attacks
Note: It is VERY important that you eliminate Else Case feature when making the MAI[Monster AI] or else the MAI will space out and never attack

<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeAttack1 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeAttack2 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeAttack3 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeAttack2 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeAttack1 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<> Change Var: Var: [0001: <HEROHP>]-15
: End Case
  <> If Var [0001: <MONSTERAI>] 1

Note: OK this is the magical command if you choose to have this monster to have magical capabilities

<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeMagic1
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeMagic2
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 8-SlimeMagic3
<>Wait 0.0

Note: Now if the monster has a separate magical feature to is, Ex. Fire appears on the hero and/or team

<>Show Picture: ID: 9-Magic-Fire1 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 9-Magic-Fire2 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 9-Magic-Fire3 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 9-Magic-Fire4 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Show Picture: ID: 9-Magic-Fire5 [0005: <MONSTERX>], [0006: <MONSTERY>]
<>Wait 0.0
<>Erase Picture: ID: 9

And that basically concludes the whole Basic Custom Battle System stuff.
More added features must come from you, [USER].

Informações adicionais

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