Nesta página, temos jogos free to keep que as lojas distribuem de graça naquelas ofertas por tempo limitado. Ou seja, se você pegar o game durante a festa da uva, será seu pra sempre, mas, se der mole, volta a ficar pago.
Como bônus, tem também jogos eternamente free to play de diversas lojas (GOG, Steam, Epic, Indiegala, etc.), freewares, sharewares e títulos open source. Enfim, vai ter muito game para você adicionar às suas contas e/ou baixar gratuitamente aqui.
Aproveitando, entre no nosso canal do Telegram para receber mais games neste esquema, sem perder nenhum:!
Jogos na faixa
A lista abaixo (atualizada 27/03/2025) contém os jogos atualmente free to keep ou aqueles que são grátis sempre:
- Cat Quest
- Neko Ghost, Jump!
- Gear of Glass: Eolarn’s War
- Demon’s Souls Demake
- Christmas at the Overlook
- Zombies Ate My Neighbors TC
- Jedi Knight – Imperial Bioweapon
- Ghosts’n Demons
- MegaRace
- Star Wars Arcade Remake – Battle of Yavin
- The Last Teleth
- Hell Broke Loose : Eternal Night
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rescue-Palooza
- Anzu Castle Gracula
- Olympics Go! Paris 2024
- TrenchPunk
- Scroll of Magisha
- The Shining: Madness Night
- Friday The 13th – (1988 NES Remake)
- TUROK Dinosaur Hunter – T-Rex Boss Battle
- Kloinks
- Firestone: Online Idle RPG
- Aliens: Redacted
- Donkey-Me
- Grelox
- Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters
- Doki Doki Literature Club!
- Ascent
- Ultrakill Prelude
- Jolly Gunner (Too late for Xmas)
- Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 Doom
- From The Deep Web
- Xonotic
- Wreck the Fed
- Helium Rain
- Darker
- Ninja Kiwi Archive
- Blimpo Warrior 2
- SuperKarts
- Lamborghini American Challenge
- Betrayer
- BC Racers
- Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge
- Speed Racer in The Challenge of Racer X
- The Third Wish
- Bloody Hell
- Against All Odds
- Coltris
- The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
- Wings of Virtus
- Mortal Kombat New Era
- Command & Conquer – Combined Arms
- Rooted in Darkness
- Agent no. 6
- FreedroidRPG
- Secret Santa
- Ghost of Tomorrow: Chapter 1
- Escape The Maze (ETM)
- Seinfeld The Telltale Series
- Better Call Saul Kart
- Super Zombie Shooter V2
- Rumbleverse
- Zillion 3D
- Cobra Kai
- Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft
- Marvel Infinity War
- UnDUNE II: The Demaking of a Dynasty
- Project Crypt
- Justice League vs Street Fighter
- OpenTTD
- Caverna do Dragão
- Final Fight LNS Ultimate
- Street Fighter Z
- Justice League Legacy
- Die Young: Prologue
- Carveola Incident
- Marvel First Alliance 2
- Marvel First Alliance
- Tyrian 2000
- H.E.R.O.I.
- Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
- Papa Louie 2
- Chex Quest HD
- Murder in a Wheel
- Behead the Undead 2: Project Crypt
- Treasure Adventure Game
- Final Drive Fury
- Lure of the Temptress
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Tasty Static
- Doomdark’s Revenge
- Dragon Overseer
- The Lords of Midnight
- Penumbra: Overture
- Sonic SMS Remake
- Hedon
- Guardian of Paradise, um action RPG retrô com gráficos anime
- Chalk: shoot ’em up independente com um toque único
- Toad Strikes Back!
- Sydney Finds Employment [Adventure Retrô]
- Fedora Spade [Adventure retrô que lembra Carmen Sandiego]
- Zero Horizon
- Street Fighter Mugen
- Time Slaughter
- Street Fighter One
- Splatterhouse 3D [Mod para Doom]
- Chex Quest
- Heretic
- Steam Heart
- Sailor Moon Plus: Beats of Rage
- DragonDoomZ [DBZ no Doom]
- Hokuto no Doom
- Planeta Vermelho
- Golden Axe: The Curse of Death Adder
- X-Men: Second Coming
- SuperTuxKart
- Real Race
- Wilfred the Hero (2005)
- The Family Treasure
- Stargate Adventure
- Grand Prix
- Forgotten
- Resident Evil RPG Rebirth
- Streets of Rage Remake
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Madruga Craft
- Elifoot II
- Mario!!!
- Tekken Evil Essence 2
- Sint Nicolaas
- Armored Fighter: New War
- Fear
- Hero Core
- Death Rally Full
- Mario Forever
- Street Chaves: O Lutador da Vila
- LinCity-NG
- Vila do Nevoeiro R.E.L.I.D.O
- TrackMania Nations Forever
- The Drake Legend: The River of the Dragons
- The Catacomb Abyss
- Heroes of Might and Magic II
- Icy Tower 1.4
- Dragon Ball Z RPG XP
- Mortal Kombat Project
- The Last Stand
- Marvel Super Heroes – Melee Edition
- Metroid Redemption
- Outlive: A Era da Sobrevivência
- StarFight VI: Gatekeepers
- Resident Evil RPG
- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Mais games grátis!
- Classic Marathon 2
- Selaco Demo
- Classic Marathon
- Death Rally
- Shrine II
- Shadow Warrior
- Quake Champions
- Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
- Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire
- Streets Of Kamurocho
- Teenagent
- TrackMania Nations Forever
- H.E.R.O.I.
- Chex Quest 3
- Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure
- Eldritch Eclipse
- Symphonia
- The Imagined Leviathan
- Hellbound: Survival Mode
- Bio Menace
- Stargunner
- Loria
- Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
- Crowd Control
- 3 out of 10: Season Two
- Doomer
- Vorax
- The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
- The Elder Scrolls: Arena
- Backbone: Prologue
- Cave Story’s Secret Santa
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Cayne
- Eternal Threads
- The Evil Within
- Ascendant
- Widelands
- Bernard & Hank: Springtime Again
- Rocket League
- Vega Strike
- Diabotical
- High Entropy: Challenges
- Faerie Solitaire Classic
- POSTAL: Classic and Uncut
- Occupy Mars: Prologue
- Heavy is the Crown
- A Night In Berlin
- GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
- Terra Feminarum
- Deceit
- Grimm’s Hollow
- Hide and Shriek
- Pinball Arcade
- Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius
- Overload – Playable Teaser
- Jill of the Jungle: The Complete Trilogy
- Hello Neighbor Alpha Version
- Killer Instinct (2013)
- Eschalon: Book I
- Akalabeth: World of Doom
- Phantasy Star Online 2
- War Wind
- We Were Here
- The True Tales of Bloodstreet 13 – Chapter 1;
- Royal Quest
- Ties;
- War Selection
- Genshin Impact
Abaixo, temos jogos que entraram na festa da uva, mas a promoção já encerrou e agora voltaram a ser pagos. Ou seja, se você não pegou, deu mole:
Ah, tem mais jogos grátis aqui!