Trapaças e segredos do Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Personagens secretos, guia de combos, inverter ordem dos lutadores, Ex Option e mais.
Nesta matéria, registro algumas trapaças, segredos e eventuais dicas de todas as versões oficiais do divertido jogo de luta competitiva Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter que consegui relembrar e encontrar pesquisando por aí.
Lançado inicialmente em 1997 e disponibilizado para fliperama, Saturn e PlayStation, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter traz 17 personagens que se enfrentam pra ver quem vai encarar Apocalypse e o ordinário Cyber-Akuma. Este jogo já traz o esquema de luta em duplas que, ao meu ver, foi solidificado no título seguinte da série, Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes.
Tem manha neste artigo para o jogo em todas estas três plataformas, e elas consistem em jogar com e/ou contra personagens secretos, guia de combos, trocar cores dos lutadores, inverter ordem dos personagens, Easter Eggs, Ex Option e mais. Ah! Se está procurando a lista de golpes do Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, temos também.
Mas, agora, vamos ao que interessa.
Personagens secretos
Se você estiver jogando no teclado com algum emulador, lembre-se da parada do ghosting, o que pode atrapalhar os comandos no caso da versão de Arcade do game. Sugiro tentar configurar alguma macro se o seu teclado não conseguir captar mais de três teclas pressionadas ao mesmo tempo.
- PlayStation – Primeiro você deve zerar uma partida na dificuldade Hardest sem nenhum continue (usar o Apocalypse não conta) e depois salvar o jogo, após isso vá para a tela da seção de personagens e pressione o botão Select 5 vezes sobre Akuma e depois pressione qualquer botão.
- Saturn – Complete o jogo uma vez, destaque o modo Survival e segure o botão L ou R para abrir o modo Mech Gouki NOW! Selecione o modo e vença-o. Então, na tela de seleção de personagem, escolha Gouki como ambos os personagens.
- Fliperama – Até onde sei, não tem jeito legítimo de jogar com o Cyber-Akuma na versão de arcade do Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. Dá, entretanto, usando cheats do emulador WinKawaks, o que é até mais fácil do que ficar fazendo código e tal.
Se conseguir jogar com o Cyber-Akuma, temos os golpes dele aqui.
Armored Spider-Man
- Fliperama – Na tela de seleção de personagens, segure Start, vá para Ryu, segure Baixo por pelo menos cinco segundos e pressione Soco Fraco + Soco Forte ou Chute Fraco + Chute Forte.
- PlayStation – Deixe o cursor sobre o Spider-Man, segure Select e pressione qualquer botão de ataque.
- Saturn – Segure Start enquanto seleciona Spider-Man.
Se conseguir jogar com o Armor Spider-Man, aprenda os golpes dele aqui.
Evil Sakura
- Fliperama – Segure Start, vá para Hulk, segure Direita por pelo menos cinco segundos e pressione Soco Fraco + Soco Forte ou Chute Fraco + Chute Forte.
- PlayStation – Deixe o cursor no Hulk, segure Select e pressione qualquer botão de ataque.
- Saturn – Segure Start enquanto seleciona Hulk.
Se precisar, aprenda os golpes da Evil (ou Sunburned) Sakura aqui.
Mech Zangief
- Fliperama – Segure Start, vá para Blackheard, segure Esquerda por pelo menos cinco segundos e pressione Soco Fraco + Soco Forte ou Chute Fraco + Chute Forte.
- PlayStation – Na tela de seleção de personagem, deixe o cursor sobre Blackheart, segure Select e pressione Soco Médio.
- Saturn – Segure Start enquanto seleciona Blackheart.
Temos os golpes do Mech Zangief aqui também.
- Fliperama – Segure Start, vá para Omega Red, segure Baixo por pelo menos cinco segundos e pressione Soco Fraco + Soco Forte ou Chute Fraco + Chute Forte.
- PlayStation – Na tela de seleção de personagem, deixe o cursor sobre Omega Red, segure Select e pressione Soco Forte.
- Saturn – Segure Start enquanto seleciona Omega Red.
Dá pra conferir os golpes do Mephisto aqui.
Shadow Charlie
- Fliperama – Segure Start, vá para Dhalsim, segure Cima por pelo menos cinco segundos e pressione Soco Fraco + Soco Forte ou Chute Fraco + Chute Forte.
- PlayStation – Na tela de seleção de personagem, deixe o cursor sobre Dhalsim, segure Select e pressione qualquer botão de ataque.
- Saturn – Segure Start enquanto seleciona Dhalsim.
Acesse a lista de golpes do Shadow Charlie, se precisar.
U.S. Agent
- Fliperama – Na tela de seleção de personagens, segure Start, vá para Bison, segure Cima por pelo menos cinco segundos e pressione Soco Fraco + Soco Forte ou Chute Fraco + Chute Forte.
- PlayStation – Deixe o cursor sobre o Bison (ou Vega), segure Select e pressione qualquer botão de ataque.
- Saturn – Segure Start enquanto seleciona Bison (ou Vega).
Aprenda os golpes do U.S. Agent também.
Cores alternativas
Para escolher cores alternativas dos personagens, deixe o cursor sobre eles e pressione Chute Alto + Soco Alto. Teste na versão de fliperama e deu certo.
Chutar cachorro morto
Para atacar o oponente depois de vencer uma partida, depois de vencê-lo e seu personagem fazer sua pose de vitória, pressione Start. Você poderá atacar seu oponente caído enquanto ele estiver caído.
Funciona em todas as versões, acho.
Trocar a ordem de lutadores
Dá para trocar o seu lutador inicial mesmo depois de escolhê-los. Na tela de seleção de personagem e/ou naquela que vem imediatamente depois (tipo com as equipes de frente umas pras outras), aperte os três botões de soco simultaneamente e segure até a próxima batalha começar. Dá para alternar essa ordem sempre que estas telas aparecerem.
Só testei essa manha na versão de fliperama do game, mas talvez funcione nas outras. Testa aí e me fala.
Lutar contra personagens secretos
Os esquemas abaixo foram testados apenas na versão de fliperama do Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.
- Evil Sakura – Faça 5 Team Super Finishes (
, com a barra de especial no 2);
- Mech Zangief – Faça 6 Team Super Finishes;
- Shadow Charlie – Faça 7 Team Super Finishes;
- (Versão japonesa) Mech Zangief – Faça 3 Crossover Combination Finishes e 2 Hyper Combo Finish ou 2 Crossover Combination Finish e 3 Hyper Combo Finish;
- (Versão japonesa) Evil Sakura – Faça 4 Crossover Combination Finish e 1 Hyper Combo finish ou outro Crossover Combination Finish;
- (Versão japonesa) Shadow – Use the Swap Trick (holding 3 punches before the fight starts) in EACH battle (including the battle 6), get a “First Attack” in Each battle and finish 4 battles with a Crossover Combination Finish and the last one with a Hyper Combo Finish or a Crossover Combination Finish.
Qualquer uma das lutas secretas ocorrerá antes do Stage 06. Consta que não pode usar continue e nem deixar nenhum personagem morrer até este combate.
Ex Option (PlayStation)
- Versões internacionais – Na tela de título, destaque Option e pressione rapidamente R1, Círculo, Esquerda, Triângulo, Triângulo.
- Versão japonesa – No Menu Principal, destaque Option e digite rapidamente R1, X, Esquerda, Quadrado, Quadrado.
Lutar contra seu companheiro
Na versão de PlayStation, depois de derrotar Cyber-Akuma, o segundo personagem selecionado aparecerá e fará uma pose de vitória junto com você. Pressione Select para sair da pose de vitória e atacar seu parceiro, que começará a revidar. Este Easter Egg é uma referência ao X-Men vs. Street Fighter, onde a última partida é contra o segundo personagem que escolheu após vencer Apocalypse.
Dá pra fazer algo parecido na versão de fliperama, mas apertando Start em vez de Select (nem existe esse botão nesta plataforma).
Saltos extras para Norimaro (Saturn)
Primeiro, selecione Norimaro e, na tela Versus, pressione Chute Fraco + Soco Médio + Chute Forte.
Como vencer Cyber-Akuma com Ryu e Akuma
Guia de combos
Abaixo, segue um texto de Benzi que ensina os combos dos lutadores do Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. Mantive em inglês para não alterar nada do original:
###b d### A ########b Y##b d##P ######### ### ####b d#### d#b #########b Y##b d##P ######### ### #####b d##### d#^#b ### Y###P Y##b d##P #### ### ######bd###### d#P Y#b ### d##P Y##b d##P ######### ### *****Y**P***** d*******b *******C Y**bd**P ********* *** ***** YP ***** d**P***Y**b ***IY***b Y****P **** *** ***** ***** d**P Y**b ***I Y***b Y**P ********* ******** ***** ***** d**P Y**b ***I Y***b YP ********* ******** ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ / ___|| | | || _ \ | __|| _ \ | | | || __|| _ \ / _ \| __|/ ___| | |__ | | | || |_> || |__ | |_> | | |_| || |__ | |_> || | | || |__ | |__ \__ \| | | || ___/ | __|| / | _ || __|| / | | | || __|\__ \ __| || |_| || | | |__ | |\ \ | | | || |__ | |\ \ | |_| || |__ __| | |____/\_____/|_| |____||_| \_\ |_| |_||____||_| \_\_____/|____||____/ , .=/ d8P' ..d8888 Y%b d%P .%%%%%% ...d8888888b Y%b d%P %%( ...d88888888P'' ====== Y%b d%P "%%%%%. ====== 888888888P'' Y%bd%P )%% ..d 8888888c Y%%P %%%%%%" ..d888 ..d888' 888b ..d88**' ..d888P' 8P** ..d88 .d888P d8888 d888P'' **** ..d8888P .d888P' ,88888b. 88.=P 88P* ..d **** .d88888P' .d88888 d888P"q88b 8P*** P'**..d**P **** 8888P' d88P'88 q88L' d888 **P" *****P' **** 888P 88 pq8 d8**P ** .d****P' **** '888b.. 88 8* ***P' **.d**P***' /**** / 'q8888b.. 88 , ** ***' *****' ** .d*P'****.d' 'q88888b. P"*' ** '**. ***P' , ***.d**P **d#P d88P"*** *' ** **. P ./: "q**P' ###P .*******' j** , '**. .d*P q' ##' .********', *P **.d*P' V ********' *" ***P *******"' 'V *****"' ***"' ..d##b... ..d##########b.. d######P"'''"Y####b. , ######P'' q### ..,/ .,d Y###a ###b ...d*P' ..d##b V'### ### ...d***** ..d####### .,### ..d##P ...d*********b ..d######P'' ..d/ ### ..d####" ...d**********P'' ..... #######P'' ..d### ### .....d#####P ./ \************P'' .**d###==- #,'#####a ..d####P' ### "#######P" P ************ , **d####'' ##b"' ### #####P ### "###P"' d' ****P'' **** ..d d###P'' d### ### ### ##### ### "###b dP /*P'' ***P..d## d###P .d"### ###.d ### ###..d ### Y###b d#' *P#####P"' ###P ..d## ###.d####' ### #####P ### '####b d#P #####P' a. ### T####P ########" ### "###P' ### "####b d## ####' .d## ### ,##### ###P'### ### , ### ### "####b #### ### Y##b ### ### ### ### d! ### ..d ### Y####b #### ### Y##b/#### ### ### ,d###dP ,###ad## ### , '#####b. #### ### Y#######, "## ###d" "##" q###P' ###.dP "##### #### ###, YP"####" V' ##P" V q#P J###d" "##### ,####' ,### V "##" V V ##P Y#### qP ##P V V '#### V V YP''V ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ / (compiled) by benzi ( \ < > \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ****Introduction**** Hello!! I'm Benzi and this is my first (COMBO FAQ) contribution to the net. I didn't make all of this, some parts are just copied/borrowed from other "marvelous" FAQs out there (some "marvelous" webpages too). Addictiveness to the game itself...helped me a lot. Also, please understand that this is my first FAQ, some players (Dhalsim, Shuma-Gorath..etc.) had few combos. U know, I don't play them that much. Anyway, I'm not sure if all combos here work. I also pressume that you know the moves of the characters (too lazy to write it) If you don't, get Charles' FAQ at my page. So much for that, here goes: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KEYS: ______ __ __ __ /******\ / \ / \ / \ |********| ( ) ( ) ( ) -----> Punch buttons \_****_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ |~~| J a b S t r o n g F i e r c e .-|~~|-. __ __ __ / \__/ \ / \ / \ / \ \.______./ ( ) ( ) ( ) -----> Kick buttons \__/ \__/ \__/ S h o r t F o r w a r d R o u n d h o u s e b = hold back d = hold down u = hold up t = hold toward c = while crouching j = while jumping + = add * = combo has been tested \/ = you've landed -> = chain d = while dashing otg = off the ground { } = do it quickly /\ = super-jump s.j. = while super- (tap fast but d.c./d.s.= dash then jumping not necesarrily quickly crouch/dash needed for while standing the combo) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Secret Characters: 1. SHADOW CHARLIE (he has his own combos) -> hold Start, go to Dhalsim, hold up for 5 seconds, press Jab+Fierce. 2. MEGA ZANGIEF (same combos for Zangief) -> hold Start, go to Blackheart, hold left for 5 seconds, press Jab+Fierce. 3. EVIL SAKURA (same combos for Sakura) -> hold Start, go to Hulk, hold right for 5 seconds, press Jab+Fierce. 4. MEPHISTO (same combos for Blackheart) -> hold Start, go to Omega Red, hold down for 5 seconds, press Jab+Fierce. 5. U.S.AGENT (same combos for Capt. America) -> hold Start, go to M.Bison, hold up for 5 seconds, press Jab+Fierce. 6. SILVER SPIDERMAN (same combos from Spiderman) -> hold Start, go to Ryu, hold down (now on SpiderMan), wait for 5 seconds, press Jab+Fierce 7. CYBER-AKUMA (i dunno if this "extremely powerful" character is really playable (in the game)...if yes, it will be same combos for akuma) -> go to Akuma, hold Start, motion joystick with up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right then press jab and roundhouse together. (?) Tricks: Change Characters (before round starts) 1. press all punches (jab, strong, fierce) before round starts for you to play the 2nd selected character. (2nd goes first instead of the 1st selected hero) Dan's Explosion (someone told me) 2. select Dan for 1st character and anyone for 2nd. hold jab on the vs. screen until the word "fight" has been said. dan will fall into an explosion. (?) Speed up game (faster than turbo) 3. select 2 characters (anyone) then hold short, strong, and roundhouse all together on the vs. screen until the word "fight" is said. (?) To get Spidey and the Silver Spidey (get them both) 4. It's possible to play with both Spidey and Silver Spidey in the same match. But their is one catch. The match (before) has to be played by a character and Spidey either one. Whoever play's after that can pick Silver Spidey then the second character will appear on the regular Spidey. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --==[Wolverine]==-- Combos: *1. cheesy: jump in: {j. jab -> j. short -> j. roundhouse} -> d.s. jab -> s. jab -> s. strong -> s. fierce *2. the "magic series": s. roundhouse -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce or s.j. roundhouse *3. against airborne enemies: just press (j. or s.j.) strong a few times (about 3-4 times) then drill claw. (extra: you could also do a jab -> short -> roundhouse while super/jumping) >From Charles' FAQ: *4. s. jab -> s. jab -> s. short -> c. forward -> c. strong -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> j. strong -> j. strong -> j. forward -> Fatal Claw OR drill claw up (The rest is pure cheapness it can be blocked, but if they block you can catch them with the throw) -> j. jab -> j. jab -> j. strong -> j. fierce My "favorite cheap" Combo...(for big characters) *5. jump in near enemy j. jab -> j. short -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.s. short -> s. forward -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. strong -> s.j. strong -> {s.j. strong -> s.j. strong -> s.j. strong} drill claw -> {go above enemy and press/tap d + roundhouse (otg)} from Charles' FAQ: 6. jump in: j. jab -> j. strong -> j. strong -> j. forward -> j. fierce -> /\ -> s. jab -> c. jab -> s. strong -> s. forward -> s. forward -> c. FP -> Berserker Barrage or Berserker Barrage X *7. after defeating the enemy (press start): d.s. short -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. strong -> s.j. strong -> {s.j. strong} -> drill claw *8. d.s. jab -> {s. jab} -> s. strong -> c. fierce -> Tornado claw. *9. d.c. jab -> c. short -> c. forward -> c. fierce -> c. roundhouse Putting up the super: --==< Berserker Barrage X >==-- *a.) jump in (do any "jumping in" attack) or hit with a jab or strong two times (on ground) then execute berserker barrage x. b.) jump in: j. fierce -> \/ c. fierce -> Berserker Barrage X -> s. fierce -> s. roundhouse or c. roundhouse c.) d.c. jab -> c. short -> c. forward -> c. fierce -> Berserker Barrage X --==< Weapon X >==-- *a.) use weapon x against fireball happy guys (ryu, ken, akuma, chun-li, dan, etc. not cyclops) --==< Fatal Claw >==-- *a.) c. short -> c. strong -> {s. roundhouse} -> fatal claw *b.) d.s. (hold toward) short -> s. forward -> s. forward -> fatal claw c.) s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> fatal claw d.) d.c. jab -> c. short -> c. forward -> c. roundhouse -> fatal claw --==< Berserker Rage >==-- (actually, this is an infinity...almost) *a.) (better to start with 3 super combo meters) berserker rage then hold toward and s. short (or jab, b + fierce etc). when used up execute immediately execute the berserker rage again...repeat. (very hard to do...already done it twice. Infinities: 1. hold toward...d.s. jab -> c. short -> s. jab -> c. short...repeat =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --==[Spiderman]==-- ***note!!!*** Spiderman's combos works only for turbo mode!!! Combos: *1. d.s. short -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse -> (jab) web ball/web swing *2. web ball then jump in: j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> d.s. jab -> {s. jab} -> s. strong -> (strong) web throw (d, db, b strong) ***note:*** i think you could use fierce web throw (d, db, b fierce) against larger enemies. unconfirmed for the moment. *3. web ball then jump in: j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> d.s. jab -> s. jab -> s. strong -> /\ s.j. jab -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. roundhouse ***note:*** do the combo in a steady manner in order to count the s.j. roundhouse. if you want to do all the combo (including in the { } ), do it for bigger characters *4. basic "magic series": c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. roundhouse ***note:*** steady manner... My fave combo (idea came from Charles' FAQ): *5. web ball then jump in: j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> -> \/ -> {d.s. jab} -> c. short -> c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. roundhouse ***note:*** steady manner (for the roundhouse to hit). all (i mean all!) hits will work only for big characters you could substitute the s.j. fierce for a (forward or roundhouse) web swing. in the first part (the part when you land), the d.s. jab sometimes doesn't connect...if you want to skip this, go for the c. short immediately (so it will be d.c. short -> c. forward...etc) another is... *5.5. web ball then jump in: j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> -> \/ -> {d.s. jab} -> c. short -> c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> {s.j. roundhouse} -> (still on air...the super jump) s.j. jab -> {s.j. short} -> s.j. strong -> s.j. fierce -> \/ -> -> c. short -> c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short...etc. ***note:*** this works (best on big characters) on everyone except Omega Red because he recovers (from a blow) very slowly. on the air combo, after the s.j. fierce hits the opponent, on the way down, after the opponent is finished in his/her recovery (what??!!), quickly follow with a (still on super jump) s.j. jab -> s.j. strong -> s.j. fierce -> \/...etc... 6. jump in: j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> \/ -> d.c. short -> c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> (fierce) spider-sting -> (otg) c. short -> s. roundhouse -> /\ s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. roundhouse 7. do first the Maximum Spider (depends where he/she falls...must be corner): (otg) d.c. short -> {c. forward} -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. roundhouse 8. jump in: j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> \/ -> d.c. short -> c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> /\ s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> grab enemy ***note:*** this looks totally cool!! i dunno if you could add s.j. forward after the s.j. strong then grab...(confused) 9. after defeating the enemy (press start): j. roundhouse (hold up) -> j. jab -> j. short -> j. strong -> j. forward -> j. fierce... *10. when against Apocalypse: do a j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. *11 j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> \/ -> d.s. -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse Putting up the super: --==< Crawler Assault >==-- *a.) on ground: {s. jab ->} s. short -> s. forward -> Crawler Assault b.) jump in: j. jab -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> {d.s. jab} -> c. forward -> Crawler Assault --==< Maximum Spider >==-- *a.) use against fireball happy guys (ryu, dan, ken..inclding cyclops) b.) launch enemy on air hit him/her 2 times then Maximum Spider (suggested: c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> Maximum Spider) Infinities: 1. anywhere: d.s. jab -> s. strong -> (jab) spider-sting -> \/ (land from spider-sting) -> s. strong -> (jab) spider-sting -> \/ -> s. strong...repeat 2. do it fast: d.c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> web ball (do the fierce web-ball. let enemy land) -> \/ -> d.c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short... 3. jump in: j. jab -> {j. short} -> j. strong -> j. fierce -> \/ -> d.c. short -> c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> (fierce spider-sting) -> (otg) c. short -> s. roundhouse -> (fierce) spider-sting -> (otg) c. short -> s. roundhouse -> (fierce) spider-sting -> (otg) c. short... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --==[Cyclops]==-- Combos: 1. jump in: j. jab -> j. strong -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. jab -> s. short -> c. strong -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse -> s. roundhouse -> optic blast *2. d.c. short -> c. forward -> s. strong -> OR j. jab -> j. strong -> {j. roundhouse or d + roundhouse} -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> (hold up) s.j. forward -> Guidable Super Optic blast 3. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> d + j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. jab -> s. short -> s. forward -> Holyfield ( button 3 times) -> (fierce) Gene Splice 4. d + j. fierce -> \/ -> s. short -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse -> {s. roundhouse} -> Cyclone Kick 5. c. short -> c. short -> c. short -> c. roundhouse -> Cyclone Kick *6. j. jab -> j. strong -> {d + j. roundhouse} -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. jab -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> {s.j. roundhouse} 7. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. jab -> s. short -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> (pause until the "peak" or pinacle of jump) -> s.j. fierce -> d + roundhouse (on way down, which will juggle them back up) -> (still at jump) s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> s.j. roundhouse...throw (roundhouse) -> s. short (otg) -> s. roundhouse -> Guidable or Mega Optic Blast Putting up the Super: --==< Mega Optic Blast >==-- *a.) use first: s. jab -> s. jab then... *b.) use on fireball happy guys (ryu, dan...not cyclops) *c.) dashing opponents --==< Guidable Optic Blast >==-- *a.) after an (air or ground) combo *b.) use anytime c.) against aerial attacks Infinities: 1. Not sure: trap the enemy in a corner and grab/slam him with: s. fierce -> c. forward -> grab w/ s. fierce...repeat For big chracters: 2. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. jab -> s. short -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> (pause until the "peak" or pinacle of jump) -> s.j. fierce -> d + roundhouse (on way down, which will juggle them back up) -> (still at jump) s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> s.j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. jab -> s. short -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab... ***note:*** i really don't know if this works... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Omega Red]==-- Combos: 1. jump back: (air dash toward) j. fierce -> \/ -> s. jab -> s. short -> s. strong -> s.j. jab -> j. short -> j. forward -> j. strong... after which one can do : a. s.j. fierce for another six hits b. Carbonadium Coil (to suck some life) c. Carbonadium Smash (super) (if your timing is perfect) 2. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. short -> s. forward... after which one can do: a. s. roundhouse -> (short) Omega Strike b. d + b (defense-crouching) roundhouse -> c. fierce c. (forward) Omega Strike -> d + j. jab -> j. strong -> j. fierce 3. ground: s. short -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse -> (short) Omega Strike -> s. roundhouse -> (jab) Carbonadium Coil -> c. roundhouse -> (roundhouse) Omega Strike My combo *4. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. jab or s. short -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> {s.j. forward} -> s.j. fierce, s.j. roundhouse or (jab) Carbonadium Coil ***note:*** { } (s.j. forward) -> from here, you could follow it with a (forward) Carbonadium Coil *5. any "jumping in attack": \/ -> s. jab -> s. jab -> s. strong -> (strong for medium-sized, fierce for big ones) Carbonadium Coil *6. when against Apocalypse: hold u + j. fierce...repeat Putting up the super: --==< Omega Destroyer >==-- *a.) execute when enemy jumps in b.) after a knockdown (otg...not sure) --==< Carbonadium Smash >==-- a.) launch enemy (s. strong) -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> C. Smash *b.) against airborne enemies Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Chun-Li]==-- Combos: 1. air dash: j. short-> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.c. short -> c. strong -> c. fierce -> Lightning Legs 2. jump in: j. strong -> j. fierce -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. short -> c. strong -> c. forward -> c. roundhouse -> Axe Kick 3. while dashing/sliding (holding down): c. short -> s. strong -> s. round- house -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> j. forward -> {s.j. strong} -> s.j. forward -> d + s.j. forward -> (forward) Lightning Legs 4. d.s. jab -> s. strong -> s. fierce -> Kikosho (super) 5. d.c. short -> c. forward -> c. fierce -> Thousand Burst Kick (super) 6. d.c. short -> c. forward -> c. fierce or (roundhouse) Axe Kick 7. against Apocalypse: Lightning Legs...on his face!!! Putting up the Super: --==< Kikosho >==-- *a.) after a fierce --==< Thousand burst Kick >==-- *a.) after a knockdown (otg) *b.) use anytime when enemy's unguarded (near) Infinities: 1. do a s. fierce then Lightning Legs (unsure...Apocalypse??) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Captain America]==-- Combos: 1. jump in: j. fierce -> \/ -> s. jab -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. fierce 2. jump in: j. fierce -> \/ -> d.s. short -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> grab (using strong) opponent -> \/ -> (otg) {Hyper Charging Star or Final Justice} 3. jump in: j. fierce -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> c. short -> s. forward -> s. forward -> s. fierce 4. c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. roundhouse -> s.j. fierce 5. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> c. short -> c. forward -> Hyper Stars n' Stripes 6. c. short -> c. short -> c. roundhouse -> (jab) Shield Slash 7. jump in: j. fierce -> \/ -> c. jab -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> {s.j. fierce} -> (jab) Shield Slash Basic combo: 8. jump in: j. short -> j. fierce -> \/ -> d.s. short -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce or s.j. roundhouse 9. c. short -> c. short -> c. roundhouse -> Hyper Stars 'n Stripes Putting up the Super --==< Final Justice >==-- *a.) execute against fireball happy guys (you know...not cyclops) b.) for slow "reaction" enemies --==< Hyper Stars n' Stripes >==-- *a.) execute against (near) airborne enemies b.) for dumb-witted guys --==< Hyper Charging Star >==-- *a.) execute only when near opponnent *b.) cornered guys c.) and also for stupid, idiotic, dumb-witted, slow, mother-fu**ing jerks Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Zangief]==-- ***note:*** those marked with # is for Mega Zangief only Combos: #1. jump in: j. fierce -> \/ -> c. fierce -> yoga flame 2. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> c. strong -> /\ -> s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> (kick) Lariatt -> \/ -> s. roundhouse or (punch) Latriatt 3. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> c. strong -> s. short -> s. forward -> (air...i dunno) screw pile driver 4. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. forward -> Siberian Slam -> (as he/she gets up, corner) Spinning Piledriver 5. jump in: j. forward -> \/ -> s. jab -> Green Hand -> Spinning Piledriver 6. jump in: d + fierce -> \/ -> c. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> (kick) Spinning Lariat -> \/ -> s. roundhouse -> walk or jump forward, as they are about to land and do whatever special grab or super throw you like. Putting up the Super: --==< Double Final Atomic Buster >==-- *a.) must be level 2 power meter: jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> (land close) c. fierce -> Double Final Atomic Buster (motion for super: QCF fierce + roundhouse) --==< Final Atomic Buster >==-- *a.) c. fierce -> F.A.B. b.) if they roll after an F.A.B., do it again Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Akuma or Gouki]==-- ***note:*** some combos work for Ryu too... Combos: *1. Drop kick -> \/ -> d.c. fierce -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j forward *2. d.c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j strong -> s.j. forward -> u + s.j. forward -> Air Hadoken -> Demon Blade Kick *3. jump in: Demon Blade Kick -> \/ -> c. forward -> (forward or roundhouse) Hurricane Kick -> {Messatsu Gou Shoryuu} ***note:*** this is really for the "Putting up the Super" section *4. jump in: j. forward -> j. fierce -> \/ -> d.c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j strong -> s.j. forward -> {u + s.j. forward} -> (forward or roundhouse) Huricane Kick Putting up the Super: --==< Tenma Gou Zankyu >==-- *a.) jump in: j. roundhouse -> d.c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> Tenma Gou Zankyu *b.) for Spiderman only: after the Maximum Spider -> execute the Tenma... --==< Messatsu Gou Shoryuu >==-- *a.) c. roundhouse -> Messatsu Gou Shoryuu *b.) do any "jump-in" attack -> Messatsu Gou Shoryuu *c.) look at #3 (combo) --==< Messatsu Gou Hadoken >==-- *a.) jump in: j. forward -> j. fierce -> \/ -> c. jab -> s. strong -> s. fierce -> Messatsu Hadoken --==< Raging Demon >==-- a.) jump in: j. strong -> \/ -> c. jab -> s. jab -> Raging Demon Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Blackheart]==-- Combos: 1. jump in: j. strong -> \/ -> c. jab -> c. jab -> s. short -> s. strong -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> s.j. strong -> s.j. roundhouse 2. Air Dash: j. forward -> j. fierce -> \/ -> c. short -> c. short -> s. strong -> Armageddon ***note:*** for "Putting up the Super:" section Putting up the Super: --==< Judgement Day >==-- *a.) s. roundhouse -> Judgement day...or... --==< Heart of Darkness >==-- *a.) s. roundhouse -> Heart of Darkness...or if cornered --==< Armageddon >==-- a.) s. roundhouse -> Armageddon b.) look at # 2 (combos) Infinities: 1. Use Mephisto & Blackheart: press strong and forward together for Variable assist -> (strong) Dark Thunder Repeat... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Bison]==-- Combos: 1. jump in: j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. roundhouse -> Scissor Kick 2. c. forward -> s. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> Psycho Crusher -> s.j. fierce ***note:*** for "Putting up the Super:" Section (actually) 3. jump in: j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. short -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse -> Psycho Crusher ***note:*** for "Putting up the Super:" Section 4. jump in: j. short -> j. strong -> \/ -> d.s jab -> s. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> (roundhouse) scissor kick or PSYCHO CRUSHER. ***note:*** for "Putting up the Super:" Section (actually) Putting up the Super: --==< Psycho Crusher >==-- a.) do the "Delayed Shot" (when it hits the opponent) -> Psycho Crusher b.) look at #2, #3, #4 (combos) --==< Scissor kick Nightmare >==-- a.) do it anytime when the enemy is unguarded Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Dan]==-- Combos: 1. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce 2. jump in: j. forward -> \/ -> s. forward (2 hits) -> Kouryuu Hadoken ***note:*** for "Putting up the super" section 3. jump in: j. forward -> \/ -> c. forward -> Gale Kick 4. jump in: j. forward -> \/ -> c. short -> s. fierce -> Kouryuken 5. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. forward -> Gale Kick 6. jump in: j. fierce -> \/ -> c. forward -> Hissho Murai Ken) 7. d.c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. roundhouse -> s.j. roundhouse Putting up the Super: --==< Kouryuu Hadoken >==-- a.) jump in: fierce -> Kouryuu Hadoken --==< Super Taunt >==-- a.) use only if enemy's unguarded...or if you wanna make him/her funny or just an insult --==< Kouryuu Reppa >==-- a.) use timing against airborne enemies --==< Hissho Murai Ken >==-- a.) connects with s. forward Infinities (I don't believe that he has a infinity): 1. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> grab w/ t + s.j. fierce -> \/ -> c. fierce -> s.j. jab -> s.j short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> grab w/ t + s.j. fierce -> \/ -> c. fierce... ***note:*** it's hard to grab!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Dhalsim]==-- Combos: 1. jump in: d + j. short -> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. strong -> s. roundhouse -> Yoga Inferno ***note:*** not sure if this "really" combo works. For "Puting up..." section 2. jump in: d + j. short -> j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. strong -> Yoga Throw ***note:*** for "Puttin up..." section 3. Drill (D + j. short) -> /\ -> s. forward -> s. roundhouse -> Yoga Inferno ***note:*** for "Puttin up..." section 4. Against airborne opponents: b + s. strong Yoga Throw ***note:*** for "Puttin up..." section 5. jump in: j. strong -> j. fierce -> s. fierce -> Yoga Inferno ***note:*** for "Puttin up..." section Putting up the Super: --==< Yoga Throw >==-- a.) do any jumping in attack -> s. strong -> Yoga Throw b.) look at #2, #4 --==< Yoga Inferno >==-- a.) look at #1, #3, #5 Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Hulk]==-- Combos: 1. c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce 2. jump in: j. fierce -> \/ -> c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce 3. jump in: b + j. fierce -> \/ -> s. fierce -> Gamma Charge (2 hits) 4. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> \/ -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. forward -> u + s.j. roundhouse -> s.j. roundhouse 5. s. jab -> s. short -> s. forward -> Gamma Charge (2 hits) 6. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. jab -> s. fierce 7. corner: Gamma Tornado -> s. fierce Putting up the Super: --==< Gamma Wave >==-- a.) use in corner for more hits --==< Gamma Crush >==-- a.) use (again) for stupid players. b.) use it when near enemy...hold down to immediately smash the meteor down...i think you could direct where should it fall... Infinities: 1. None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Ken]==-- Combos: 1. d.c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> (roundhouse) hurricane kick -> Shinryuken. ***note:*** for "Putting up..." section 2. jump in: j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> c. jab -> s. strong -> s. forward Shorryuu Reppa ***note:*** for "Putting up..." section 3. d.c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> any SPECIAL ***note:*** for "Putting up..." section 4. air to air (while s.j./j): j. short -> j. forward -> j. fierce -> Hurricane Kick -> \/ -> Hurricane Kick Putting up the Super: --==< Shinryuken >==-- a.) do any "jump-in" attack -> c. fierce -> Shinryuken b.) just launch the opponennt then do it! --==< Shouryu Reppa >==-- a.) jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. short -> s. forward -> Shouryureppa --< Shippu Jinrai Kyaku >==-- a.) be near!! (because it looks cool) Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Ryu a.k.a. Deux]==-- ***note:*** some combos for Akuma (in some cases) works for Ryu too... Combos: 1. jump in: j. roundhouse -> d.c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong (2 hits) -> s.j. forward -> Super Fireball, Hadoken or Hurricane Kick ***note:*** the super is for "Putting up..." section 2. not sure: (corner) Vacuum Hurricane -> \/ (landing after the super) -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong (2 hits) -> s.j. forward -> Vacuum Shinku Hadoken ***note:*** the super is for "Putting up..." section 3. jump in: j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> c. forward -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> {s.j. strong} -> u + s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. roundhouse 4. jump in: j. forward -> j. fierce -> \/ -> s. jab -> s. short -> s. fierce -> Shinkyuu Hadoken ***note:*** the super is for "Putting up..." section 5. d.s. short -> c. jab -> c. short -> c. forward -> c. roundhouse -> Shinkyuu Hadoken ***note:*** the super is for "Putting up..." section 6. jump in: j. fierce -> s. strong -> c. roundhouse -> Vacuum Hurricane ***note:*** the super is for "Putting up..." section Putting up the Super: --==< Shin Shoryuken >==-- a.) do c. fierce then execute b.) look above --==< Vacuum Shinkuu Hadoken >==-- a.) in the middle of an air combo (#1) b.) any "jump-in" attack then execute c.) c. roundhouse then execute (otg ?) d.) any ground combo that ends with a roundhouse then execute e.) c. fierce -> /\ -> execute f.) look above --==< Shinkyuu Tatsumaki Senpyu-Kyaku a.k.a. Vacuum Hurricane >==-- a.) be near and enemy's cornered b.) any ground combo that ends with a roundhouse then execute c.) look above Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Sakura]==-- Combos: ***note:*** from Charles' FAQ: Sakura has the full six button "Hunter" chain on the ground and in the air, meaning that if you push jab, short, strong, forward, fierce, roundhouse in this order they will connect even if you skip a button or two. The problem is that she is the shortest Capcom character in height and thus her range is limited and her air launcher has very little range, so when you are close you must immediately commit to either an air or ground combo. 1. jump in: j. forward -> j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. jab -> c. short -> c. forward -> s. roundhouse -> (strong) Dragon Charge 2. d.c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> (jab or strong) Dragon Charge Putting up the Super: --==< Haru-Ichiban >==-- a.) do a standard (ground?) combo -> Shoryuken -> execute super --==< Midare Zakura >==-- a.) The Midare Zakura chains only off the standing fierce b.) same with a.) (Haru-Ichiban) --==< Shinkuu Hadoken >==-- a.) The Shinkyuu Hadoken chains off of all attacks. b.) for Evil Sakura: do it in the middle of an air combo and... c.) read Ryu's Section for more details --==< Raging Demon (for Evil Sakura) >==-- a.) use it whenever you want b.) use when enemy's dumb or something... Infinities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Shadow Charlie]==-- Combos: 1. jump in: j. roundhouse -> \/ -> d.c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> -> Arc Down Kick -> {Shadow Justice} ***note:*** the super is for "Putting up..." section 2. (Get your Level 3 Meter charged up) -> Shadow Break -> Shadow Break -> Shadow Break 3. jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> \/ -> d.c jab -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> (air) Flash Kick -> \/ -> (otg) c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. fierce -> s.j. roundhouse 4. jump in: j. roundhouse -> c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> Grab opponent (strong or fierce) -> Shadow Justice ***note:*** the super is for "Putting up..." section Putting up the Super: --==< Shadow Break >==-- a.) look at #3 --==< Cross Shadow Blitz >==-- a.) i dunno... --==< Shadow Justice >==-- a.) look at #1, #5 b.) Grab near corner -> execute super --==< Final Mision >==-- a.) do it against near and stupid enemies (looks cool too) Infinities: 1. (not sure) jump in: j. short -> j. forward -> \/ -> d.c jab -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> (air) Flash Kick -> \/ -> (otg) c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> (air) Flash Kick -> \/ -> (otg) c. short -> c. fierce -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> (air) Flash Kick -> \/ -> c. short...repeat =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==[Shuma-Gorath]==-- Combos: 1. do any "jump-in" attack -> s. forward -> /\ -> s. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> s.j. roundhouse or...grab (use forward to absorb energy) 2. c. jab -> s. short -> c. strong -> c. forward -> (fierce) Mystic Stare 3. s. jab -> s. strong -> c. forward -> s. fierce -> (in corner) s. roundhouse 4. Air to air (or in air combo...super-jumping or jump only): j. jab -> j. strong -> j.forward -> (roundhouse) Shuma Ball 5. jump in: j. strong -> j. forward -> \/ -> s. jab or s. short -> s. strong -> s. forward -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> u + s.j. fierce -> Regeneration (grab with forward??) Putting up the Super: --==< Chaos Dimension >==-- a.) execute the Chaos Dimension as close to your opponent as possible so you will have more time for the later part of this trick. Most opponents will start to jump back trying to avoid you. Now, time it properly, and try to dash under the jumping opponent to the other side. Their blocking direction will be changed. Due to their reflex time 2 switch direction, you can take this oppurtunity to press D + HK to launch the opponent up a little. Immediately after that, jump towards them and grab for the Chaos Dimension to take effect. Works best on human players, as the computer doesn't require the change in direction to block. --==< The Spawning >==-- a.) this is very useless...once your hit...sorry. try to do the same with Chaos Dimension (i think). Ininities: 1. none =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Best Teams (for me): -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Wolvie and Spidey: - I think they're the best player/comboers who could rack up lotsa damage. Even Spidey's delay on the Maximum Spider...I still like them. 2. Wolvie and Cyclops: - They're good too...i just hate Cyclops delay before doing the super... 3. Wolvie and Akuma: - My first team...they're both fast (on supers). 4. Wolvie and O. Red - Omega Red is so strong...but he has a slow rate of recovery. 5. Zangief and Mega Zangief: - Ouch!! do the Double Final Atomic Buster...boom!! 6. Wolvie and Shadow Charlie - I like Charlie...coolness. 7. Spidey and Silver Spidey - (see above for instructions how to get both) Cool!! Oh well, I really like them all...but mostly I use Wolvie and Spidey for challenging on a player or just a show-maker. I really use players who could combo up to (at least) " 7 - 8 + hits". Rumors: =-=-=-= 1. Cyber-Akuma is really playable ("unsure" code above) 2. Norimaro is playable for the American version =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Credits: =-=-=-=- There!! I have finished the FAQ!!! It was very boring though. I am so tired 'cause of this FAQ...if you would like to ask something, suggest a combo, or even just say hi...please do!!! but remember, Always put the subject ATTN: BENZI. anyway, I'd like to thank those who helped me (even though they don't know), my co-comboers, Spider-man and Wolverine for proving it to be the best partners in the game, Eduardo "Dong" Perez III for teaching me how to do my very first combo and teaching me more, where I play; the "CARNIVAL" (not the carnival with rides stupid) for nice machines and games, to the first FAQ I read; Charles Washington's MSH vs. SF ver 2.00 FAQ, to my dearest love... Shirley (where are you?), to Marvel Comics, James Chen (the art and everything else...thanks), to God (thanks), to Capcom (hi guys), and to me!!! yes, myself! The FAQ would be nothing without me!!! So, if you want more info about the game, try this sites: --> my page!!! --> where I got Charles' FAQ --> Gouki's Page there you have it folks...also, no thanks to Josamm Leano ('cause of Shyla), Charles (for not answering my letter), to Cyber-Akuma (for making the game very easy), to Carnival (for charging it three tokens), for Shirley (why did you leave me?), Mr. Antonil (ten 65's), Cjayc (thanks a lot!) and many more...anyway, thanks for reading my Combo FAQ, I dunno if I will upgrade this thing. And mail me for more combos...k?? so much for that... As James Chen (and the Xmen: Children of the Atom) said: "COMBO IS THE KEY!!" (and I believe that's true....sigh...i think i'm gonna play Run n' Gun 2 for a while...Time Crisis or even Virtua Cop 2...hmmm...) ._______________________________. ---===< by benzi ( >===--- |-------------------------------|_________________. ---===< >===--- `------------------------------------------------'
Bom, é isso aí.
Espero que estes macetes renovem o seu prazer de jogar Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.
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Mais Marvel vs. Capcom
Informações adicionais
- Categoria: Dicas e soluções
- Tags: Capcom, Combos, Easter Egg, Marvel, Marvel vs. Capcom (Série), PlayStation, Saturn, Spider-Man, Super-heróis, Trapaças
- Adicionado por: Facínora
- Acessos: 1976
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