Trapaças, dicas e detonados do P.O.W.: Prisoners of War do NES
Algumas trapaças, dicas e detonados do P.O.W.: Prisoners of War do NES, a versão deste beat 'em up da SNK lançada ao console 8-bit da Nintendo em setembro de 1989.
Neste post, reunimos algumas trapaças, dicas e detonados do P.O.W.: Prisoners of War do NES, a versão deste clássico beat ’em up da SNK, onde o jogador deve escapar de uma prisão militar e frustrar os planos do inimigo, lançada ao console 8-bit da Nintendo em setembro de 1989.
Até momento, temos aqui a manha para começar o jogo com 21 vidas, códigos para Pro Action Replay e Game Genie, um guia em texto e um detonado em vídeo. Claro, acho que tudo isso deve funcionar no Famicom, a versão japonesa deste videogame, de boa também.
Como sempre, na medida em que eu encontrar mais dicas, complementarei a publicação, e você pode ajudar, enviando complementações, correções e dúvidas nos comentários.
Enfim, vamos às dicas:
Começar com 21 vidas
Para começar uma partida do P.O.W.: Prisioners of Wars com 21 vidas, pressione, na tela de título, a sequência: A, B, B, Cima, Cima, Baixo, Esquerda e Start.
Se tiver feito certo, o protagonista vai começar com o mostrador contando 20 vidas que, mais a vida “0”, dá 21:
Note que esse código tem que ser executado na tela de título mesmo, a que fica escrito “Game Start” e “Continue”, nem antes dela aparecer e nem depois:
Note também que esses são os botões do controle do NES, não as teclas do seu teclado, caso esteja jogando no emulador. Configure a parada direito aí antes de reclamar.
Códigos do Game Genie
As trapaças abaixo necessitam do dispositivo Game Genie:
– Vidas infinitas;AEUEIZZA
– Iniciar com 1 vida;IEUEIZZA
– Iniciar com 6 vidas;AEUEIZZE
– Iniciar com 9 vidas;AAVGOTPA
– Munição infinita;APKGPLAZ + APESYZAZ
– Iniciar com menos energia;STOLOUON
– Tomar menos dano quando atingido por trás;GZUUNUSE + GZSLOSSE
– Manter armas.
Códigos do Pro Action Replay
As trapaças abaixo necessitam do dispositivo Pro Action Replay:
0004 2A09
– Vidas infinitas;0004 2420
– Energia infinita.
Guide and Walkthrough
Abaixo, segue um guia e detonado em texto do Frankie_Spankie para o P.O.W.: Prisoners of Wars do Nintendo 8-bit. O walkthrough está em inglês, sem modificações e aborda vários aspectos do jogo, desde controles até táticas:
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Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v. 1 : Walkthrough made and completed. -2/19/04 v. 1.1 : Fixed several typos. -2/23/04 v. 1.2 : Added a lot of upgrades like three new sections. Also fixed a few typos. -3/7/04 v. 1.3 : Aww man, looks like another unexpected update. But now you can find this FAQ/Walkthrough down at IGN. :) -3/10/04 V. 1.4 : Added a nice little picture as the title to the walkthrough. Also added some minor details and fixed a few mistakes. -3/19/04 v. 1.41: Found out my guides also go to gamespot so I updated that in my disclaimer for less confusion. -7/30/04 v. 1.5 : Formatted this FAQ/Walkthrough so it's much easier to read. -9/28/04 v. 1.6 : [Final] Added the better ASC up top. -10/28/04 *And when I say final, I mean I hope it's final. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. About the Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This game doesn't really have a story line to it. The story line is basically just that you are a soldier that is in the enemy base and is trying to escape. This game is an Action/Fighting game. You may also call it a platform game since the game play is a little bit like that. The game is kind of like River City Ransom (another great game) except for the storyline and the stores. Unlike River City Ransom, this game does not have malls and stores where you can buy power-ups to help you on your journey and killing gangs. That is the other difference, the story line. Other than those two things, the games are both basically the same. So, if you like this game, you will love River City Ransom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Pad : Move (Up/Down/Left/Right) and up next to door enters door A : Kick or shoot B : Punch or use weapon/hit with butt of gun A+B : Jump kick Start : Pause game Select : No apparent use *NOTE - You can't run in this game, it doesn't matter how many times you double tap the D-Pad, you won't run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm telling you now that you should save the guns as much as you can!! The game basically is about a no-name p.o.w. who is trying to destroy the enemy base. The story isn't that great but it's a really fun game to play if you like action fighters like this. --------------------------------------- Level 1 : P.O.W. Camp --------------------------------------- The game starts off with you as a POW; you light a fuse that leads to explosives that blow up the wall. You have to escape the prisoner camp. Before you leave the building, you will come across two enemies in green suits. Kill them to advance. When you go off the wooden floorboard and begin walking on the dirt, you will come across two more enemies in green suits. One of those two enemies is carrying a knife, which you should hold onto until you reach the next two enemies. You will then reach two enemies in tan suits. They will both have a knife. You can now choose to either go in the building or keep going forward. If you go in the building you will have to fight two enemies in tan suits who are again holding knives. If you kill these enemies, a power-up will be in the middle of the room. After you get that power-up you will see an enemy in a green suit that is carrying a knife. After you kill him and take a few steps you will find two enemies in green suits, one with a knife and another with a gun (which will really come in handy.) After you kill those two, you will find two enemies in tan suits both carrying knives. Kill these with the gun that you got from one of the enemies in a green suit. When you kill those two, another two enemies in tan suits will appear, both again carrying knives. After you kill those two enemies, two enemies in green suits come out and you will reach a building. Enter the building if you'd like to get the power-up. In the building, there will be two enemies with light blue suits in there and they will both be carrying knives. Now take the power-up on the ground and leave the building. When you leave and take a few steps, you will see two enemies with tan suits. They will both carry a knife. The one on the left of the screen just comes out to throw the knife. The other enemy is the one you have to kill. When you kill him, walk to the next building. Three enemies with green suits, one with a knife, will attack you. After you kill one, another enemy will come out of the building, and then when you kill one more, another enemy will come out of the building and that will be the last of them. After you kill those people, one enemy with a tan suit will come out just to throw a grenade. When you get to the next building, an enemy will surprise you coming out of the door right before you enter it. In the building there will be two enemies in green suits. When you leave the building an enemy with a green suit will come out of the door that you just left, an easy kill to get. After you kill him you will come across two enemies in tan suits, they will both walk out, throw a grenade, and walk away. You don't need to attack these people but if you want to go ahead. I advise that you stay safe and you go to the right of the building to stay safe. You will then come across three enemies in tan suits, two throwing grenades and one carrying a knife, you only need to kill the enemy has the knife to move on. Enter the building to come across two enemies both in green suits and one with a knife. Keep going to exit the building. You will then encounter the enemy in the light blue suit for the first time. He is carrying a knife and there is only one of them. Keep going to see two enemies in light blue suits, both carrying knives. After them, two more enemies in blue suits with knives come out. You will now find one enemy in a green suit with a gun. Once again this gun will come in handy. After you kill him you will come across another enemy in a green suit. Enter the building to find another enemy in a green suit. Keep going to find two enemies in green suits that surrounded you. When you exit the building there will be two more enemies in green suits. You will then reach the hardest part of the game you have come across so far. There will be a grenade thrower on the ladder on the tower throwing grenades that you can't do anything about so you'll just have to run by him. After you run by him, you will climb a ladder that reaches you to the top of a bridge. Take a few steps and you'll come across an enemy in a green suit. After you kill him and walk out a few steps you will come across three enemies in tan suits, one that throws the knife and runs away. Continue walking to find another enemy with a tan suit carrying a knife. Keep going to find two enemies in green suits, no weapons. Keep walking until you reach the boss. I hope you still have that gun!! A helicopter will come out releasing a few enemies. They will all be in tan suits with knives. Wait until they line up so you can save ammo, that's if you still have the gun. What you should do is kill all the enemies that don't have a knife before they throw a grenade. You'll need these grenades that they drop to throw at the helicopter and that is how you defeat the boss. It takes about four or five grenades to kill the boss. --------------------------------------- Level 2 : Enemy Base --------------------------------------- Now walk through the exploded wall to come across two green enemies. Enter the back of the truck and kill the enemy in a green suit with a knife to get a power-up. Keep walking and an enemy in a green suit will come out of the truck. The next truck will have an enemy in a green suit come out before you reach it. Enter the truck and kill the two enemies in green suits with knives for another power-up. After leaving the truck, two enemies in green suits exit the back of the truck. After those two are killed, you keep walking having two more come out. From the other truck, about five will come out, all the same as the other enemies in the level, green suits, no weapons. Go in the truck and kill the three enemies in green suits with knives. Keep going to come across an enemy on a motorcycle. Just stay on the bottom of the path and you won't get hurt. After you pass the motorcycle, you will come across two enemies in light blue suits and knives (do not go any further,) kill them, take about one more step and another enemy in a light blue suit will come out with a knife. Keep going to come across two more enemies in light blue suits and knives. Keep going for another pair of the same enemies. Keep going to reach one more enemy in a light blue suit and a knife. Keep going to reach three enemies in tan suits, two with guns, one with a knife. If you stay in between the outer two, you won't get hurt by the guns and they'll run off, just kill the last enemy and move on. Keep going to see some green suited enemies walk across the screen, no weapons, no attacking, just walk from one end to another. Now you want to stay on the top half of the screen to dodge the motorcycles. You will come across two enemies in red suits with knives and one in a tan suit that throws a grenade. Kill the two in red suits and move on. The water tower next to you will then blow up. Flames will fall around you and you should dodge as many as you can. Keep going to reach some cranes that you should avoid the little wrecking ball. An enemy in a green suit will come to you in between the first two cranes. Another will appear in between the next two. After the last crane, another enemy will come to you. Keep going to reach the water, in the water you can only punch so I hope you have the brass knuckles, after a few steps you will see an enemy that throws a grenade then leaves, you should keep going until you see a hole in the wall with scuba divers falling through it. In the water stay in one spot until you see waves, turn to the direction and start punching until you see the body fly. Keep killing the enemies until there are no more, there are about five of them. Keep going to the next set of scuba divers. Kill them and keep moving. When you leave the water, you will reach another hole in the wall with a ladder. Go up the ladder if you wish and kill the four scuba divers in there. Then take the power-up. Get out and keep walking against the top wall until you see two gunners that come out quick, make a shot, and run away. After they leave an enemy in a green suit will appear. The first two enemies don't do anything but the third and fourth fight you. Then gunners on the top and bottom of the screen will appear, then one in the middle and another enemy. Next kill the two enemies in green suits with knives. Then go on the top half of the screen to miss the first motorcycle and then the bottom to dodge the last motorcycle. Dodge the next three gunners and you will come across three enemies in red suits with knives. This part is pretty hard to pass without losing any health. After you kill one another will come. Keep killing them until there is no more coming. Keep going until a lot of enemies come out of a door, kill all of them and run in the door where you will come across three enemies in red suits with knives. Now take the power up and leave. After them a lot of enemies will just walk by. After that three tan suited enemies will come out with knives, two throwing them, one fighting you. Kill him and dodge the next two knife throwers. Now kill the next enemy in a red suit and knife and keep moving. Next will be two grenadiers and one knife thrower so just stay on the very bottom of the screen to be safe. Next will be two enemies with knives and one grenade thrower. Keep going until you reach the shot gunner, yet another boss! This boss is annoying since he has a gun and he knows how to use it. He also uses grenades to hurt you when you're close. From here on you should just keep punching and kicking him until he falls. --------------------------------------- Level 3 : Jungle --------------------------------------- Walk a few steps to come across two enemies in green suits that come to you just to kick you and then walk away. Keep going to reach two more enemies in green suit; these know how to fight unlike the enemies in earlier levels. Keep going to reach two knife throwers on the bottom of the screen so stay to the top. Keep going to reach two enemies in red suits and one in a tan suit with a knife. Keep going for another tan suited enemy with a knife and two grenade throwers, now go up through the doorway for your first power-up of the level. Go in to kill three enemies in tan suits with knives and kill them for your power-up. Keep going after exiting the cave to kill two enemies, one in a tan suit and another in a red suit, both with knives. Reaching the next cave, two enemies in light blue suits will come out with knives and you can now enter the cave for yet another power-up. After you kill those two, three more, same type, will come out of the other cave. Now go in the cave to kill the three enemies in light blue suits with knives. Now grab your power-up and leave. Now stay as far to the bottom as you can because there will be two knife throwers. Keep going to come across four more enemies in light blue suits with knives. Keep going to reach two knife throwers and one enemy in a tan suit. Keep going to reach two enemies in green suits, now they jump. Keep going to reach seven enemies in light blue suits with knives. Next will be a knife thrower and a grenade thrower. There will also be an enemy in a tan suit with a knife. Next will be five enemies in green suits. Next will be three gunners and one enemy in a green suit. This is one you'll have to dodge yourself, two on the bottom half and one on the top. Keep going for two more enemies in green suits. Now keep going to the waterfall where you will automatically jump down into the water so be ready for scuba divers. First will be three scuba divers. Keep going to reach two enemies in tan suits with knives. Keep going to fight two more scuba divers. Keep going until you reach a stronger scuba diver that takes three punches to kill. Keep going to reach about five enemies in red suits with knives. Keep going until you see three scuba divers fall, don't worry you only need to kill one of them since the others don't attack. Now keep going where you will get out of the water and reach another one of those grenade throwers like in level one. Dodge him to move on. Keep going to reach two enemies in red suits and one in a tan suit, all carrying knives. Now move on and kill the two enemies in green suits, one carrying a knife. Keep going to reach three enemies in green suits with knives, after you kill them, you will reach two enemies in red suits with knives and one knife thrower. Keep going to reach two more knife throwers so stay on the bottom half of the screen. Keep going to reach three enemies in green suits with knives. Keep going to six enemies in light blue suits with knives. Now move on to reach three grenade throwers and a cave, go in the cave if you want the power-up. Don't bother killing the next enemies, just go in the cave. There will be two enemies in light blue suits with knives. Get the power-up and leave. You will then come across a knife thrower and an enemy with a tan suit and knife that you don't need to kill, he comes out to try to stab you once then runs away. Keep going into the elevator and you have to fight the boss. Just keep punching him until he falls off the elevator. --------------------------------------- Level 4 : Enemy Warehouses --------------------------------------- The first enemy you will see is in a green suit with a gun. Keep going to reach six enemies in green suits. Go in the building to fight three enemies in light blue suits and knives, kill them for another three. Kill all six to get the power-up. Now get out and an enemy in a light blue suit will come out with a knife. Two enemies in green suits will come out after him, just go in the building to kill the six enemies in light blue suits with knives for the power-up. Grab the power-up and move on. You will then reach six enemies in green suits, no weapons, and very easy part of level. There will be two knife throwers so be careful. You will then reach a ladder bringing you to the top of the building. On the building there will be a gunner and an enemy in a green suit with a gun. Now move on for three enemies in green suits, two with knives. You will then reach two enemies in green suits with knives, get them lined up and shoot them. Move on to get to two red suited enemies with knives and one tan suited enemy with a knife. There will be two more enemies in green suits. Keep going for yet another two enemies in green suits. Now there will be four green suited enemies instead of two. Keep going until you reach the end of the building (no more enemies) and you will jump off. Keep going until you reach three enemies in green suits, two with knives, one with a gun. Keep going to reach three grenade throwers that come out on the top of the screen. Keep going for another in the middle. Now there will be two red suited enemies and a tan suited enemy and they will all carry knives. There will be five enemies in light blue suits with knives now. Now keep going until you reach five more of the same enemies. After you kill them you will see some more of those enemies, don't bother with them, just go in between the two buildings to fight the shot gunner again. Kill him and get the power-up. Next will be a new enemy in a light tan suit with a knife and somebody shooting a gun at you from above. Keep going until you reach the next person with a gun, another light tan suited enemy with a knife will appear. Dodge the next three people with guns the enemy in the light tan suit with a knife to run in between the buildings for yet another shot gunner and power-up. Kill him, grab the power-up, and go. Now you'll reach two enemies in green suits with knives. Move on and there will be a knife thrower and an enemy in a tan suit. Now move on and stay at the top of the screen to dodge the first motorcycle. Keep moving where you will stay at the bottom right of the screen because there will be two knife throwers and one grenade thrower. The bottom right is just about the only safe spot on the screen. When they leave, move on to reach a grenade thrower and two enemies in tan suits with knives. There will then be a grenade thrower and a knife thrower. Keep going for yet another knife thrower and grenade thrower. Move on to reach two gunners and one enemy in a green suit with a knife. Keep going to reach two grenade throwers and one knife thrower. Now move on to reach two knife throwers and one grenade thrower. There will now be two enemies in green suits with knives. After them, there will be two enemies in light blue suits with knives. Now move on to reach four more enemies in light blue suit with knives. Keep going to reach a gunner and an enemy in a green suit with a gun. Keep going to reach three enemies in tan suits with knives. Go on to reach two more knife throwers. Move on to reach two more gunners. There will then be two enemies in green suits with knives. Keep going to reach two enemies in red suits and one in a tan suit, all carrying knives. Now there will be two enemies in light blue suits with knives. Keep moving to reach another pair of the same enemies. Keep going to reach two knife throwers. Then you will reach two grenade throwers. Keep going for another pair of enemies in light blue suits with knives. You will come across a bunch of enemies in green suits, they will just walk around and don't go in between the two buildings because it's not worth it, you might die since there are too many people in there. Keep going to reach three enemies in light blue suits and knives. Move on to reach the two gunners. You will now reach three enemies in green suits with knives. Another three will appear after a few steps, in tan suits and carrying knives. Then will come three enemies in light blue suits with knives. Three enemies will come in green suits after that. Move on to reach the boss. Just attack him as much as possible. --------------------------------------- Level 5 : Tank --------------------------------------- Just like the helicopter, attack the people with no weapons so you can get the grenades and throw the grenades at the tank. --------------------------------------- Level 6 : Jungle Two --------------------------------------- Take a few steps to reach three enemies in green suits with knives. You will then come across three enemies in tan suits with knives. After them, the shot gunner will appear yet again. This time he's very hard, his grenades go at you instead of him dropping them, just hope you don't get hurt by his grenade because he will keep throwing grenades so before you get up you'll die again. So BE CAREFUL. Now move on to fight an army commando. This guy is a lot easier, all he does is jump and punch so you'll need to kick him before he can punch you, kick him as many times as you can before he start to fun away. He will pretend to die so be ready, he will just lie down on the ground and you will have to keep fighting him. The screen will go completely black when you beat him; all you will see is the boss, you and the HUD. When you beat him you beat the game! Congratulations you have successfully escaped from prison! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Bosses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are a list of the bosses in the game with how to beat the boss and how hard the boss is. None of these names are the real names of the bosses, they might be but I'm not sure if those are the real names. --------------------------------------- Level one boss: --------------------------------------- Helicopter Level of difficulty: * Weapon to use: Grenades What to do: Now this is an easy boss, just kill everybody as quickly as possible. When you find an enemy that doesn't carry a knife, just attack him once so he will drop a grenade, pick it up and throw it at the helicopter, keep doing this until the helicopter blows up. --------------------------------------- Level two boss: --------------------------------------- Shot Gunner Level of difficulty: *** Weapon to use: Punches and kicks What to do: Avoid his shotgun and avoid his grenades as much as possible, be careful with his grenades since it kills you in one hit. Just keep getting close to him and punch him if you have the brass knuckles. If you don't have the brass knuckles just keep kicking him. --------------------------------------- Level three boss: --------------------------------------- Fat Man Level of Difficulty: ** Weapon to use: Punches and kicks (preferably jump kicks) What to do: This boss is an easy one, just avoid his attacks and keep attacking him. --------------------------------------- Level four boss: --------------------------------------- Pistol Carrier Level of difficulty: ** Weapons to use: Punches and kicks What to do: Just keep punching and kicking him until he dies and avoid him when he tries to pistol-whip you. --------------------------------------- Level five boss: --------------------------------------- Tank Level of difficulty: *** Weapons to use: Grenades What to do: Just like the helicopter, attack the people with no weapons so you can get the grenades and throw the grenades at the tank. --------------------------------------- Level six boss: --------------------------------------- Commando Level of difficulty: **** Weapons to use: Punches and kicks What to do: Move away a few step when he jumps and just keep kicking in his direction, when he lands you should start hitting him. Just avoid his attacks and keep kicking and you will beat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of all of the enemies and something about them. *These are all the amount of damage you need to make with no power-ups that you may have. Green Suit : Usually takes about two punches or one kick. -Easiest to kill. Tan Suit : Usually takes about four punches or three kicks. -Not as easy to kill. Light Tan Suit : Just like the Tan Suits -Not as easy to kill. Red Suits : Just like the Tan Suits and Light Tan Suits -Not as easy to kill. Light Blue Suit : Usually takes about thirteen punches or six kicks. -Hardest to kill. Scuba Divers : One punch. -Wait in one spot until you see waves behind you. Turn around and start punching. Gunner : Comes out for one shot. Knife Thrower : Comes out to throw a knife. Grenade Thrower : Comes out to throw a grenade. *NOTE - The grenade thrower is not the person above you that will throw a lot of grenades at you, that is a different enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Power-Ups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are a list of the power-ups and what they do. A - Armor helps you take damage without getting hurt as much and bullets bounce off of you. L - Life gives you more health. Brass Knuckles - Makes your punches more powerful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of the weapons and what they do. Knife - You can use to stab or throw. Gun - You can hit the enemy with the butt of the gun or you can shoot it. Grenade - Can only be thrown. Brass Knuckles - Only used for punches. I put the Brass Knuckles in this section if you consider it more of a weapon than a power-up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Tactics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There aren't really too many tactics you can use in a Nintendo game but I'll give you all of the tactics I could think of. First off and probably the best, would be, always be careful since you only have two extra lives to begin with. Get as many power-ups you can such as weapons like the gun and knife. You should try to not get damaged at all. If there is more than one enemy, just keep focusing on one that you will attack. Always attack him when you get the chance. If you knock him down and there are no other enemies around you, keep attacking him before he can get up. If the other enemy is coming near you start to run away. Keep doing this and remember to stay away from the other enemies. Another tactic would be the full-on assault. Just keep attacking everybody until they all die. You will get hurt if there are other enemies around. This is the best form of attack when there is only one other enemy. The safest tactic would be wait until you find an enemy with a weapon. When you find the enemy. Just keep attacking him until he drops the weapon. You could then pick it up and use it. That should help you kill at least one enemy. When you reach the enemies that jump, just do a jump kick (found in controls section) to kill them before they land on the ground and they won't do damage to you, also comes in handy against the level 3 boss. Saving ammo is good, such as when you shoot somebody and there are more than one on the screen, try to get them lined-up so you'll only have to use one shot for two people. When you get to the scuba divers, just wait in one spot and behind you, you will see a few ripples in the water. When you see those, turn around and start punching a lot. Keep punching until they die. After that one dies, another one should pop out behind you so you will have to kill them too. Just keep doing that until all of the scuba divers are dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Cheats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of cheats but they do take away the fun factor and the challenge factor, I don't know about you but I just don't like using cheats. It makes the game less challenging and that's what I want in a game. Well here are the cheats: At the Title Screen press A, B, B, Up, Up, Down, Left, Start. You will now start with 20 lives. Game Genie Codes : AEUEIZZA - 1 life IEUEIZZA - 6 lives AEUEIZZE - 9 lives AENSLPPA - Infinite lives STOLOUON - Take less damage when hit from behind AAVGOTPA - Infinite bullets APKGPLAZ - Play with less energy APESYZAZ GZUUNUSE - Keep weapons GZSLOSSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is where I give credit to everybody for this FAQ/Walkthrough. SNK - For making this great game. Nintendo - For having a game like this on their system. Me - For making this FAQ/Walkthrough. You - For reading and using this FAQ/Walkthrough. CJayC - For hosting this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted (c) 2004 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your web site as long as you give me full credit, don't change it in any way, and it is free. The latest version will always be found at:
Detonado em vídeo
Abaixo, segue um longplay do Prisoners of War do NES feito e publicado pelo canal NintendoComplete:
Mais Nintendinho
Informações adicionais
- Categoria: Dicas e soluções
- Tags: 8-Bit NES, Detonado, Em revisão, Playthrough, SNK, Trapaças, Walkthrough
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 131
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