Dicas, trapaças e detonados do Shadow Dancer de Master System
Temos vida e especiais infinitos, seleção de fases e detonados em texto e vídeo.
Estou reunindo aqui dicas, trapaças e detonados do Shadow Dancer, uma das continuações do Shinobi, em sua versão de Master System.
Desenvolvido pela Team Shinobi e lançado originalmente em 89 aos fliperamas, Shadow Dancer – The Secret of Shinobi é um jogo de ação e plataforma onde um ninja, com a ajuda de seu cão e suas habilidades mágicas, deve derrotar inimigos enquanto se aventura por locais como aeroportos, ferrovias, cachoeiras e esgotos, repletos também de bombas, que precisam ser esarmadas.
O desafiador port de Shadow Dancer para Master saiu em 1991 apenas para a Europa e Brasil, e encontrei para macetes como vida e ataques especiais infinitos, seleção de fases, dicas e gerais e detonados em texto e vídeo. Lembrando que esta matéria considera os controles originais do console. Se estiver jogando em um emulador, configure direito os inputs aí.
Agora, vamos ao que importa.
Códigos Action Replay
As senhas a seguir garantem vidas infinitas e ataques especiais ilimitados, mas precisam do Action Replay, um dispositivo tipo Game Genie, ou seja, um aparelho que permite ativar trapaças e/ou modificar umas paradas nos jogos. Dá pra ativar esses códigos em emuladores como Emulicious (Tools > Cheats) e Fusion (File > Game Genie / PAR), caso você não tenha o troço físico:
00C0 5909
– Vidas infinitas (fica mostrando sempre 9)00C0 5A05
– Ataques especiais infinitos (fica mostrando sempre 5)
Seleção de fases
Quando você ligar o jogo, segure um dos seguintes comandos no joystick do jogador 2 para começar no seu respectivo nível, conforme a lista a seguir:
↑ + Botão 1
– Chefão do Estágio 1;→ + Botão 2
– Estágio 2;→ + Botão 1
– Chefão do Estágio 2;↓ + Botão 2
– Estágio 3;↓ + Botão 1
– Chefão do Estágio 3;← + Botão 2
– Estágio 4;← + Botão 1
– Chefão do Estágio 4.
Dicas e informações gerais
- Existem quatro missões que você deve completar, cada uma com objetivos diferentes, como obstruir a missão mortal do inimigo, interromper a rota de abastecimento do inimigo, invadir as unidades industriais do inimigo, atacar as forças subterrâneas do inimigo e libertar e proteger a base do ônibus espacial.
- Cada missão consiste em três estágios e há um chefe em cada um dos estágios finais da missão.
- O que há de bom no cachorro, você diz? Bem, se você mandar, o cão atacará os inimigos (desde que o cachorro lata quando estiverem de frente para o vagabundo) e os distrairá por tempo suficiente para que você possa atirar neles. Lembre-se de que você tem um tempo limitado para fazer isso, pois o inimigo acabará chutando o cachorro para longe dele. Isso faz o cachorro ganir e encolher, tornando-o impotente contra eles.
- Mapas do Shadow Dancer @ SMS Power! – Pode ser útil.
Abaixo, segue o mini-guia/detonado do Shadow Dancer de Master System de autoria de rjay63. O texto está inalterado e em seu formato original (inglês), conforme as especificações do autor, que parece gente boa:
SHADOW DANCER: THE SECRET OF SHINOBI [Sega Master System Version] **MINI GUIDE (Ver 1)** Written by R-Jay (rjay63@hotmail.com) ===================================== COPYRIGHT: This document can be freely displayed on any website as long as it remains COMPLETELY intact and is not used for profit making. MS-WORD VIEWING: Set left & right margins to 1" and change text to Courier New, size 9 CONTENTS -------- 1. History 2. Game Review 3. Introduction 4. Storyline 5. Special Moves 6. Power-Up & Boss Guide 6.1 Stage 1: Airport 6.2 Level 2: Freight Train 6.3 Level 3: Sewers 6.4 Level 4: Shuttle Station 7. Bonus Stages 8. Credits 1. History ----------- Ver 1.0 - Written on 30 April 2003 I rented this horrid game back in 1992 (I was 13) and couldn't get past the first boss!! >_< Always vowed that one day I would beat the game and so, 8 years later in 2000, I bought a copy. Got to the last boss, but had no idea how to beat his second form. :-( After a few days, I put the game away and didn't play it again.... until last Sunday, when I was sorting through my unwanted games. Once I saw the box I thought to myself: UNFINISHED BUSINESS!! So I packed away my newly bought Gamecube + Metroid Prime pack, unplugged my Dreamcast and booted up my old MS II. Finally, after two evenings of solid play with the aid of a VHS (to record my efforts), I beat the game that gave me all that trouble 11 years ago! :-) So, to celebrate this wonderful story and my glorious triumph (LOL), I've decided to write a mini guide.... 2. Game Review -------------- Nostalgia and challenge aside, you cannot hide the fact that Shadow Dancer on the Master System is an APPALLING game!! The whole thing is short and shallow and once mastered, it can be finished in under 12 minutes. No surprise then, that the game has a one hit=death condition and no continue option! Apart from the challenge, there is no other incentive to play....bad graphics, dismal sound, poor level design and ultra-linear gameplay make this one of the WORST titles available for the Master System! I would say it's as bad as the hideous Cyber Shinobi but thankfully this game is over very quickly!! So why am I writing a guide? Well, there is nothing else about MS Shadow Dancer on the web and every game deserves a guide...even a bad one, and it did keep me occupied for 11 years.....even though my total play time over that period was about a week!! :-D 3. Introduction --------------- This document contains a guide for fighting each boss and how to obtain the power-up on each level. There is also a section on special moves like the dog attack and magic. 4. Storyline ------------ Err, well....some terrorists want to hijack a shuttle and threaten the world. So instead of sending the police or military, they send a white ninja with a husky! Go figure.......... 5. Special Moves ---------------- JUMP TO HIGH PLATFORM - Up, then Button 2 JUMP BACK TO GROUND LEVEL - Down, then Button 2 DOG ATTACK (ENEMY ON-SCREEN) - Down (2 secs), then Button 1 Only works on Machine Gunners and Knifemen. Don't bother with it - waste of time!! MAGIC ATTACK - Up, then Button 1 Kills everything on-screen. Again, you don't need it unless you want to kill the jumping ninjas. May cause you to lose power-up (see section 6). Magic Types - Tatsumaki (Senpu Kyaku...LOL :-D): Tornado Fire Dog: Fire?...Dog?....whatever! Butsuzo: Buddha (WTF?!) 6. Power-Up & Boss Guide ------------------------ If you collect all 5 time bombs in each stage, the fifth bomb will grant you a weapon power-up for the boss fight. This doubles the damage you inflict. It's not necessary to get a power-up as the bosses can be defeated easily without them, but I've listed how to get them anyway......... NOTE: The game cannot have two time bombs on-screen at once. If you use magic to kill on-screen enemies which both possess bombs, then only one bomb will appear. A similar thing happens if a bomb is left on-screen while killing another bomb holder: the second bomb won't appear. 6.1 Stage 1: Airport -------------------- POWER UP: Easy, just kill everyone and you'll get it at the end. BOSS: Stand so the first ball will travel over you after bouncing, then jump straight up to avoid the ground ball while firing shuriken. Repeat until dead. With the other bouncing balls, move back & forth slightly to avoid being hit. 6.2 Level 2: Freight Train -------------------------- POWER UP: The first 4 bombs are easy to come by. To get the fifth one, walk forward and make the red ninja jump. It appears where he was. You can then kill the ninja with magic or just avoid him. BOSS: When the engine is far away, just jump up between shots and throw shuriken. If it's right next to you, duck and when the HIGHEST SHOT from the gun has JUST passed over you, quickly jump and fire. Repeat until destroyed. 6.3 Level 3: Sewer ------------------ POWER UP: The first three bombs are held by the knife men near the start of the level. Kill the first one, then high-jump onto the above pipe. Then quickly jump down onto the ledge to grab the bomb, then immediately high jump back up. Walk along and kill the next guy along. Now jump down behind the third man and slash him. The forth bomb is held by the second machine gunner - easy to get. To get the fifth bomb, stand near the next alligator so its tail swings. Immediately jump straight up and fire shurikens. The alligator should turn upside down and the power-up will appear on the other side (no..I don't understand it either!!). BOSS: Get close to him and when the shield stops moving, hesitate a split second then fire a shuriken. Hopefully it should hit him when he turns the shield off quickly. Jump straight up if you miss to avoid the disc and then move back to dodge the falling missile. Don't get too mad if you die: work on the timing of your shuriken throw and he'll become a pussycat (especially with those boots....meowwww!!). 6.4 Level 4: Shuttle Station ---------------------------- POWER UP: When you see the high platform, jump up. Now walk along until you see a blue ninja. Let him near you (not too close), then kill him and grab the bomb. Now jump down and walk along. Kill the ninja on the ground for the second bomb. For the third and forth bombs, when you see the exhaust pipes of the shuttle, jump up to the high area. Kill the knifeman and grab the bomb, then position yourself so you are in front of the guy on the ground. Jump down and immediately slash to kill him. There may be a small chance he could kill you as you land, so if you are too scared, use magic instead (CHICKEN!!). The last bomb is with the ninja at the end - easy to get. BOSS: Move left to the back of the screen. Avoid the first two low projectiles, then jump and shoot at the higher ones. If you think you can't hit a projectile, just jump/avoid it. For his second form, move towards him and when he begins to move his stick, duck and fire. Repeat until dead. Do not duck prematurely: he will hit the ground with his stick, killing you at any distance!! If you beat him, sit back and watch an incredibly sh**e ending!! Now go and track down the Genesis/Megadrive version of Shadow Dancer..it's a completely different game and much better for it! 7. Bonus Stages --------------- Just a quick note to say if you can complete the bonus stage after level 1 & 3, you're a better player than me: the last ninja always seems immune to my shuriken! Stage 2 is easy: just fire quickly and when the ninjas get close, go to the middle and fire two shots, hesitate, fire two shots, hesitate....repeat until the end. Get the timing right and you can't fail!! 8. Credits ---------- SEGA - Although the game is dire, you deserve a credit for the challenge aspect..or was that down to my lack of skill..;-) HOOKIE NA-NA, MR NICE & MAC - Me mushdies & maties!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shadow Dancer: The Secret Of Shinobi (C) 1991 Sega This guide (C) 2003 R-Jay (rjay63@hotmail.com) [End Of File - I'm off to bury Shadow Dancer in the desert with those ET games! :-D]
A seguir, temos um vídeo que mostra o Shadow Dancer de Master System até o final numa playthrough sem comentários publicada pelo canal World of Longplays. Embora a jogatina não tenha sido feita especificamente para ser um guia/walkthrough, por mostrar o jogo inteiro, não há dúvidas que pode ajudar:
A partida foi conduzida por T-0815, quem pode ou não ter usado save states para concluí-la e disse que o jogo é incrivelmente difícil.
Bom, por enquanto é só isso o que temos para hoje.
Se eu ficar sabendo de mais alguma manha para o Shadow Dancer de Master System, volto aqui e atualizo com o que surgir de novo, e você pode ajudar, deixando suas complementações, correções e dúvidas aí nos comentários.
Mas, de qualquer maneira digo com uma boa segurança que com certeza este artigo vai te ajudar a zerar este game, além de trazer nostalgia.
Mais Shinobi
Informações adicionais
- Categoria: Dicas e soluções
- Tags: Detonado, Master System, Sega, Shinobi (Série), Trapaças, Walkthrough
- Adicionado por: Facínora
- Acessos: 343
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