Solução do Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams

Solução do Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams, o RPG steampunk de 1991 da série Ultima que se passa em Marte, com dicas gerais, detonados (incluindo em vídeo, localizações importantes etc.

23 de outubro de 2021

Trazemos aqui a solução (walkthrough ou detonado) do Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams, um RPG com temática steampunk lançado em 1991, da série Ultima, que se passa no Planeta Vermelho.

O guia foi escrito por Radiant, da Crystal Shard Games, traz dicas gerais e é relativamente curto. Por isso, resolvi traduzir pra publicar aqui. Entretanto, vou deixar a versão original também pro caso de qualquer problema. Vai saber.

Ah! De bônus, tem uma série de vídeos que mostra o jogo sendo zerado. Pode ser útil.

Solução para o Martian Dreams

Note que tomei algumas liberdades ao traduzir o texto original, como separar em parágrafos, seções e colocar os nomes originais de itens, localizações e outros elementos importantes pra evitar confusões (o Martian Dreams só é disponível em inglês).

Dicas gerais

  • Em todos os locais, pesquise tudo, recolha tudo o que parece útil (armas, por exemplo) e fale com todos sobre todos os assuntos.
  • Quando ficar extremamente frio, acampe e descanse durante a noite.
  • Quando alguém tentar respirar, certifique-se de que este alguém obtenha um pouco de oxium. Os oxium geodes podem ser encontrados espalhados e Marte (use um martelo, ou hammer, para obtê-los).
  • Há uma quantidade infinita de oxium na estação de energia.
  • Cuidado com as sanguessugas, pois elas roubam seu oxium.
  • Chsheket não fica resfriado nem precisa de oxium.
  • Se encontrar inimigos contra os quais não deseja lutar, tente usar a spyglass (luneta).
  • O Avatar pode caminhar até a entrada de uma mina sozinho, no solo mode. Se você então virar para um segundo membro do grupo e matá-lo, o jogo retorna ao party mode na localização do Avatar! Desta forma, dá para entrar na mina com o grupo completo (exceto pelo membro morto).
  • Se encontrar uma mandíbula azul com muitos tentáculos, transforme todos os membros do grupo em command mode e faça-os atacar a mandíbula.


Use o prybar na porta. Proteção contra cópia.

Midgame 1

Vá à primeira cápsula. Junte-se ao Dibbs. Vá para o posto comercial e, em seguida, para a caverna de Cooter. Use uma green berry para entrar. Resgate Cooter de Cuprates. Vá para a estação de energia. Pegue o torn belt (cinto rasgado). Vá para o Olympus, depois para Syrtis. Use as duas drill parts uma na outra com uma wrench (chave inglesa), entre na mina e perfure todos os desmoronamentos (cave-ins). Junte-se a Sherman. Perfure um pouco de iron ore, carregue este minério em um carrinho de mão (wheelbarrow) com uma pá (shovel) e, em seguida, carregue-o em um vagão com uma pá. Assim que o vagão estiver cheio (7 cargas), mova-o da mina para o canal.

Peça a Duprey, Sherman e Yellin para assinarem (sign) e depois volte ao Olympus. Esses caras se parecem muito com Dupre, Shamino e Iolo, né?. Pegue a lead box (caixa de chumbo) e a tongs (pinça) de Curie. Peça ao Trippet para consertar o belt. Entre no complexo subterrâneo no oeste do Olympus. Pegue o panel (painel) usando a chave inglesa, então saia para o oeste.

Vá para o topo do Olympus Mons. Pegue a câmera e devolva-a para Hearst. Colina. Entre na mina e fale com Carnegie. Vá mais fundo na mina e procure o símbolo maçônico no corpo de Jean e um bloco e chip de rádio (block e chip of radium). Mova ambos para a caixa de chumbo (lead box) usando as pinças (tongs). Deixe a mina e volte para o Olympus pela passagem subterrânea. Devolva o símbolo maçônico (masonic symbol) para LeGrande e tire o capacete (headgear) da máquina. Fale com Edison e faça com que ele conserte o painel da máquina dos sonhos (Dream Machine). Vá para a estação de energia, use a correia nos rolos (rollers) e coloque um pouco de carvão (charcoal) no forno, usando o carrinho de mão e a pá.

Midgame 2

Saia da caverna para o leste através do corredor iluminado (assim que o encontrar). Use luvas de borracha (rubber gloves) e repare os cabos de alimentação (power cables) com o alicate (pliers).

Midgame 3

Vá para a Hellas. Use a ponte para o lado oeste para acessar a máquina dos sonhos. Use o bloco de rádio na fonte de alimentação (power supply), o painel com a chave inglesa no painel de controle e o headgear na máquina. Sente-se na máquina e peça a outro membro do grupo que use os controles.

Midgame 4

Bem-vindo ao mundo dos sonhos. Dreamstuff vai se transformar em todos os tipos de úteis ou coisas inúteis quando usado. Você pode sair deste mundo falando sozinho.

Resolva os sonhos:

  • Vista a capa vermelha (red cape) e faça o minotauro segui-lo até a pequena sala, em seguida, solte a capa lá.
  • Cultive a planta e certifique-se de que não seja comida por vermes, como diz o Carver.
  • Derrote a criatura invisível. Existe uma fortaleza no nordeste. Lá tem menos criaturas do que pegadas, felizmente.
  • Caminhe para o sul e desça a parede mais rápido até atingir o solo.
  • Aldeia marciana. Fale com todos, mas nada precisa ser resolvido aqui.

Agora é hora de cultivar uma planta marciana. Um local adequado é, por exemplo, a estufa (greenhouse) na Hellas. Você pode encontrar uma semente em Hellas e produtos químicos em muitos lugares, além de Hellas.

Pegue um balde (bucket) e uma picareta (pick), vá para o pólo norte ou sul, use a picareta no gelo e coloque o gelo no balde. Volte para Hellas e tire o microscópio da estufa. Cave um buraco usando a pá. Coloque uma semente viva de Marte no buraco e, em seguida, preencha de novo. Use água (water), nitrogênio (nitrogen), fósforo (phosporus) e potássio (potash) na muda (seedling).

Descanse por perto por muito tempo até que a muda cresca. Corte-o com a ritual pod knife e leve para a máquina dos sonhos. Primeiro entre no mundo dos sonhos você mesmo. Vá para a vila marciana e peça ao capiau (agrarian) para fazer a transferência. Deixe o sonho, coloque o corpo marciano no máquina e reative-a.

Midgame 5

Traga o marciano morto para Elysium. Fale com Tekapesh, diga que encontrou um melhor corpo para os marcianos, então vá para a máquina dos sonhos e use-a.

Mais alguns quebra-cabeças de sonho pra resolver:

  • Mate os marcianos, reviste os corpos e pegue dinheiro. Saia e compre o cavalo preto, Marshall. Então fale com o cavalo e o liberte.
  • Navegue na barcaça (barge) pelo vazio e colete 25 páginas, em seguida, use o livro (book) em a caixa de correio (postbox). Se você comer uma baga marrom (brown berry), poderá ver todas as barricadas.
  • Caminhe até encontrar Lowell, então encante o monstro com o arco de Cupido (Cupid’s bow), caminhe para sudoeste e use o espelho (mirror) quando chegar à calota polar.
  • Caminhe sobre o maior número possível de ladrilhos de cores diferentes, use a dreamstuff e volte para a porta. Use o óleo (oil) na porta e abra-a.

Depois de resolver esses quatro sonhos e os de Hellas, volte para Tekapesh. Ele irá transferir todos os terráqueos de volta para seus corpos e os marcianos ao mundo dos sonhos.

Midgame 6

Vá para a lente polar (polar lens) 2 e 3 e leve a lente quebrada e o motor (engine) com você. Vá para o Olympus e peça a Edison que conserte o motor. Vá para Elysium, faça Tiffany reparar a lente e peça a Melies que revele a fotografia.

Pegue herbicida (weed killer) e uma pistola de pulverização (spray gun). Use o herbicida na pistola de pulverização. Vá para a lente 3 e reinstale o motor usando a chave inglesa. Vá para a lente 2 e reinstale a lente. Vá para a lente 1, mate as vinhas (vines) usando o herbicida e vá dentro do edifício.

Olhe para o seu relógio de bolso, use os controles e digite a hora assim: 17:13 = 1713; 8h26 = 8h26; etc.

Midgame 7

Volte para o Olympus e dê a fotografia para Hearst. Vá ao laboratório, peça a Cutter que faça uma heartstone e use-a no robô marciano feminino. Junte a Chsheket.

Midgame 8

Vá para a estação de água (water station) e faça Chsheket usar os controles além do vazamentos de vapor no lado oeste.

Midgame 9

Volte para Hellas e navegue na barcaça ferroviária (rail barge) para Syrtis. Carregue o vagão de ferro minério (rail car of iron ore) na barcaça e, em seguida, vá até o Olympus. Mova o minério para a mina e fale com Carnegie.

Vá ao Olympus. Fale com Peary sobre Argyre, Roosevelt sobre evidências e Bernhardt sobre rouge. Vá para a primeira cápsula. Pegue o suporte de ferro solto (iron holder) e retorne ao Olympus. Fale com Roosevelt novamente, então vá para a mina Olympus Mons, fale com Carnegie e peça para ele fazer algumas balas de canhão.

Vá até a cannon barge, use as balas de canhão do canhão e vá até o portão oriental de Argyre. Dispare o canhão para explodir o portão. Pegue algumas frutas vermelhas, volte ao Olympus e as dê a Bernhardt. Vá para a estação de água, encontre o pulverizador, use a borracha (rubber) do baú que está por perto e use o corante (dye) no pulverizador, mova Chsheket para dentro do pulverizador e ative seus controles.

Midgame 10

Vá para o Olimpo e fale com Segal. Volte para Argyre. Fale com Rasputin, então use a máquina dos sonhos.

Midgame 11

Desafios finais do mundo dos sonhos:

  • Faulinei: o Spector esquerdo é o mentiroso. Isso pode ser detectado movendo o espelho para ele e olhando para seu reflexo. Saia pela porta.
  • Astaroth: use toda dreamstuff até encontrar a poção mágica de cura (magic healing potion). Use-a no marciano moribundo.
  • Nosfentor: caminhe para o norte até encontrar os tentáculos. Use dreamstuff, pegue a arma e ataque.
  • Raxakch: nas batalhas, certifique-se de obter as berries roxas e marrons da dreamstuff. Depois de derrotar as três criaturas, volte para o seu reduto e coma todos os tipos de frutas. Use a pilha (heap) de dreamstuff obter pilhas de dreamstuff heap, e use até que um deles se transforme em um rifle moderno. Ataque Raxakch com este rifle.

Midgame 12

Leve todo o phlogistone e não precisará mais de nada. Use o teletransporte a oeste de Argyre para retornar ao Olympus. Vá ao monte e entre na caverna. Fale com Carnegie. Grande final.

Há mais um meio de jogar: uma vista do Kansas vinda de usar o ruby slippers (rubi deslizante) para levar as pessoas de volta pra casa. Isso também permite que você veja o Grand Finale. Daí, os slippers não podem ser encontrados em nenhum lugar (até onde sei). Eles provavelmente podem ser adquiridos por meio de alguma trapaça ou modo de depuração, como o Spam & Humbug do Ultima VI.

Frutas marcianas

Cada fruta marciana (berries) tem sua peculiaridade:

  • Marrom – Luz e raio-X.
  • Azul – Venenosa.
  • Verde – Telepatia.
  • Vermelha – Não comestível.
  • Roxa – Telecinesia.
  • Carmin – Não comestível.

Localizações importantes

As letras significam S = Sul, W = Oeste, N = Norte e E = Leste.

  • Argyre: 32 S, 65 W
  • Olympus Mons: 10 N, 140 W
  • Arsia Mons: 13 S, 129 W
  • Polar Lens 1: 57 N, 25 W
  • Cannon Barge: 5 S, 7 W
  • Polar Lens 2: 55 N, 125 W
  • Cooter’s Cave: 12 S, 81 W
  • Polar Lens 3: 55 N, 100 E
  • Cuprates: 17 S, 79 W
  • Power Station: 13 N, 25 W
  • Eastern Gate: 35 S, 27 W
  • Power Towers: 8 N, 15 W
  • Elysium: 20 N, 114 E
  • Rail Barge: 25 S, 65 E
  • First Capsule: 28 S, 153 W
  • Space Capsule: 28 S, 146 E
  • Hellas: 27 S, 77 E
  • Strange Rock: 20 S, 5 W
  • Laboratory: 55 N, 112 E
  • Syrtis: 10 N, 71 E
  • Noctis: 20 S, 113 W
  • Esta: 18 N, 168 W
  • Olympus: 10 N, 110 W

Detonado por Radiant.

Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams – Walkthrough

Abaixo, segue a versão não editada e original em inglês deste detonado. Use-a se achar que a versão traduzida ficou sambada ou para tirar dúvidas:

Solution to Martian Dreams

In all locations, search everything, take everything that seems useful (for
example weapons) and talk to everyone on all subjects.
When it gets extremely cold, encamp and rest for the night.
When someone gasps for air, make sure he gets some oxium. Oxium geodes can be
found all around Mars (use a hammer to open them) and there's an infinite
amount of it in the power station. Watch out for oxy leeches, for they steal
your oxium. Chsheket neither gets cold nor needs oxium.
If you encounter enemies you don't want to fight, try using the spyglass.
The avatar can walk to a mine entrance alone, in solo mode. If you then turn
to a second party member and have him killed, the game returns to party mode,
at the avatar's location! If he now enters the mine, the party is once again
complete, except for the dead member.
If you meet a blue maw with a lot of tentacles, turn all party members into
command mode and have them attack the maw.

Use the prybar on the door. Copy protection. Midgame 1.
Go to the first capsule. Join with Dibbs. Go to the trade post, then to
Cooter's cave. Use a green berry to enter. Rescue Cooter from Cuprates.
Go to the power station. Take the torn belt.
Go to Olympus, then to Syrtis. Use both drill parts on each other with a
wrench, enter the mine and drill away all cave-ins. Join with Sherman.
Drill into some iron ore, load the ore onto a wheelbarrow with a shovel, then
load it into a rail car with a shovel. Once the rail car is full (7 loads),
move it out of the mine to the canal.
Ask Duprey, Sherman and Yellin to sign, then return to Olympus.
(These guys look a lot like Dupre, Shamino and Iolo, don't they?)
Take Curie's lead box and tongs. Have Trippet repair the belt.
Enter the underground complex in the west of Olympus. Take the panel using
the wrench, then exit to the west.
Go to the top of Olympus Mons. Get the camera and return it to Hearst down-
hill. Enter the mine and talk to Carnegie.
Go deeper into the mine and search for the masonic symbol on Jean's body and
a block and chip of radium. Move both into the lead box using the tongs.
Leave the mine and return to Olympus via the underground passage.
Return the masonic symbol to LeGrande and take the headgear from the machine.
Talk to Edison and make him repair the panel for the dream machine.
Go to the power station, use the belt on the rollers and move some charcoal
into the oven, using the wheelbarrow and shovel. Midgame 2.
Exit the cave to the east through the lighted corridor (once you found it).
Wear rubber gloves, then repair the power cables using the pliers. Midgame 3.
Go to Hellas. Use the bridge to the west side to access the dream machine.
Use the radium block on the power supply, the panel with the wrench on the
control panel and the headgear on the machine.
Sit in the machine and have another party member use the controls. Midgame 4.
Welcome to the dreamworld. Dreamstuff will turn into all sorts of useful or
useless things when you use it. You can leave by talking to yourself.
Solve the dreams:
 -Wear the red cape and make the minotaur follow you into the small room,
  then drop the cape there.
 -Grow the plant and make sure it isn't eaten by worms, just as Carver says.
 -Defeat the invisible creature. There is a fortress in the northeast. There
  are less creatures than footprints, luckily.
 -Walk south and go down the wall faster until you hit ground.
 -Martian village. Talk to everyone. Nothing has to be solved here.
Now it's time to grow a Martian plant. A suitable location is, for example,
the greenhouse in Hellas. You can find a seed in Hellas and chemical stuff in
a lot of places, among which Hellas. Take a bucket and a pick with you, go to
the north or south pole, use the pick on the ice and the ice on the bucket.
Return to Hellas and take the microscope from the greenhouse.
Dig a hole using the shovel. Put a live Martian seed in the hole, then fill
it up again. Use water, nitrogen, phosporus and potash on the seedling. Rest
nearby for an awful lot of time until it is fully grown. Cut it open with the
ritual pod knife and take this body to the dream machine.
First enter the dream world yourself. Go to the Martian village and ask the
agrarian to do the transfer. Leave the dream, put the Martian body in the
machine and reactivate it. Midgame 5.
Bring the dead Martian to Elysium. Talk to Tekapesh, say you have found a
better body for the Martians, then go to the dream machine and use it.
Some more dream puzzles:
 -Kill the martians, search the bodies and take the money. Go out and buy the
  black horse, Marshall. Then talk to the horse and free him.
 -Sail the barge through the void and collect 25 pages, then use the book in
  the postbox. If you eat a brown berry, you can see all barricades.
 -Walk around until you find Lowell, then charm the monster with Cupid's bow,
  walk southwest and use the mirror once you've reached the icecap.
 -Walk over as much different colored tiles as possible, use the dreamstuff
  and return to the door. Use the oil on the door and open it.
Once you've solved these four dreams and the ones in Hellas, return to Teka-
pesh. He will transfer all Earthlings back into their bodies and the Martians
into the dreamworld. Midgame 6.
Go to polar lens 2 and 3 and take the broken lens and motor with you.
Go to Olympus and have Edison fix the motor. Go to Elysium and have Tiffany
repair the lens and have Melies develop the photograph. Take some weed killer
and a spray gun with you. Use the weed killer on the spray gun.
Go to lens 3 and reinstall the motor using the wrench. Go to lens 2 and re-
install the lens. Go to lens 1, kill the vines using the weed killer and go
inside the building.
Look at your pocket watch, use the controls and enter the time, like this:
5:13 pm = 1713; 8:26 am = 0826; etc. Midgame 7.
Return to Olympus mons and give the photograph to Hearst.
Go to the laboratory, have Cutter make you a heartstone and use it on the
female Martian robot. Join with Chsheket. Midgame 8.
Go to the water station and have Chsheket use the controls beyond the steam
leaks in the west side. Midgame 9.
Return to Hellas and sail the rail barge to Syrtis. Load the rail car of iron
ore onto the barge, then sail it to Olympus mons. Move the ore into the mine
and talk to Carnegie.
Go to Olympus. Talk to Peary about Argyre, Roosevelt about evidence and Bern-
hardt about rouge.
Go to the first capsule. Take the loose iron holder and return to Olympus.
Talk to Roosevelt again, then go to the Olympus mons mine, talk to Carnegie
and have him make some cannonballs.
Go to the cannon barge, use the cannonballs on the cannon and sail it to the
eastern gate of Argyre. Fire the cannon to blow up the gate.
Take some rouge berries, return to Olympus and give them to Bernhardt.
Go to the water station, find the sprayer, use the rubber from the chest near
it and the dye on the sprayer, move Chsheket into the sprayer and activate
its controls. Midgame 10.
Go to Olympus and talk to Segal.
Return to Argyre. Talk to Rasputin, then use the dream machine. Midgame 11.
The final dream puzzles:
 -Faulinei: The left Spector is the liar. This can be detected by moving the
  mirror over to him and looking at his reflection. Exit through the door.
 -Astaroth: Use all dreamstuff until you find the magic healing potion. Use 
  it on the dying martian.
 -Nosfentor: Walk north until you meet the tentacles. Use the dreamstuff,
  take the weapon and attack.
 -Raxakch: In the battles, make sure you get the purple and brown berries
  from the dreamstuff. Once you've defeated all three creatures, walk back to
  his keep and eat all sorts of berries. Use the dreamstuff heap to get piles
  of dreamstuff, and use those until one of them turns into a modern rifle.
  Attack Raxakch with this rifle. Midgame 12.
Take all phlogistone with you. You won't be needing anything else any more.
Use the teleport west of Argyre to return to Olympus. Go to Olympus mons and
enter the cave. Talk to Carnegie. Grand Finale.

There is one more midgame, namely a view of Kansas if you use the ruby slip-
pers to return home. This also allows you to see the Grand Finale. Alas, the
slippers cannot be found anywhere (as fas as I know). They probably can be
acquired through some cheat or debug mode, such as Ultima VI's Spam & Humbug.

Martian Berries:
  Brown - Light and X-Ray           Blue - Poisonous
  Green - Telepathy                 Red - Inedible
  Purple - Telekinesis              Rouge - Inedible

Interesting locations:
  Argyre:        32 S,  65 W        Olympus Mons:  10 N, 140 W
  Arsia Mons:    13 S, 129 W        Polar Lens 1:  57 N,  25 W
  Cannon Barge:   5 S,   7 W        Polar Lens 2:  55 N, 125 W
  Cooter's Cave: 12 S,  81 W        Polar Lens 3:  55 N, 100 E
  Cuprates:      17 S,  79 W        Power Station: 13 N,  25 W
  Eastern Gate:  35 S,  27 W        Power Towers:   8 N,  15 W
  Elysium:       20 N, 114 E        Rail Barge:    25 S,  65 E
  First Capsule: 28 S, 153 W        Space Capsule: 28 S, 146 E
  Hellas:        27 S,  77 E        Strange Rock:  20 S,   5 W
  Laboratory:    55 N, 112 E        Syrtis:        10 N,  71 E
  Noctis:        20 S, 113 W        Water Station: 18 N, 168 W
  Olympus:       10 N, 110 W

Walkthrough by Radiant.

Martian Dreams Walkthrough by LLing

Antes de fechar o post, achei mais um detonado gringo em inglês. É de autoria de Lim Soo Ling e, como o cara não colocou nada sobre copyright, resolvi meter aqui também pra deixar mais completo, mas esse não vou traduzir não:

             by Lim Soo Ling

  Get Telescope, Sextant.
  Dress up in warm clothes.
  Use Prybar to open door.

1893 SITE(28S 153W)
  Ask Dibbs to Join.

Location of 4 Centres of Civilizations:
  Olympus (10N 110W)
  Elysium (20N 114E)
  Hellas  (27S 77E)
  Argyre  (30S 107W)

  Request to save Cooter McGee.
  Get some free oxygen rocks and berries.

NOCTIS Cooter's cave(12S 81W)
  Use purple berries to move plank across crevice.
  Read Cooter's note.

NOCTIS Another cave
  Save Cooter McGee.
  Dig for Map.

  Peter Nathaniel requires three signatures.
  Ask for Paper.

  Yellin request to save Duprey and Sherman from cave-in.
  Use Wench on Drill.
  Use Drill on Cave-in.
  Get Duprey's, Sherman's and Yellin's Signature.
  Ask Sherman to join.

  Show Peter Nathaniel the Signatures to gain entrance.
  Get Tongs, Lead Box from Madame Curie.
  Antoine Legrande request to save brother Jean.
  Get loose control panel in underground room.
  Ask Edison to repair.
  Hearst request to retrieve camera and photograph.
  Hearst request to develop photograph.
  Carnegie request to collect iron ore.
  Collect radium in cave.
  Find Jean.
  Get Mason's symbol from Jean Legrande.
  Show Mason's symbol to Antoine Legrande.
  Gain entrance to Dream Machine.
  Get Head Gear from Dream Machine .

  Get Broken Conveyor Belt.
  Ask Tippet in Olympus to repair.
  Fix Conveyor Belt.
  Shovel coal into the generator.
  Connect Wires using Rubber Glove.
  Electricity is restored!
  Collect oxygen rocks in Oxygen Room.

Location of 4 Transport Tubes:
  0 109W   (in Olympus)
  31N 112E (in Elysium)
  34S 72E  (in Hellas)
  34S 54W  (in Argyre)

(Use Transport Tube)
  Extend bridge over to the other side of Hellas.
  Get Microscope from lab.
  Gain access to Dream Machine.
  Drop Radium in power source.
  Use Control Panel on Circuit Board.
  Use Head Gear on Dream Machine.
  Get Avatar to sit on Dream Machine.
  Get a party member to use the Control Panel.
  Entering Dream Machine...

    Save Carver, Lenin, Wells and Tiffany from their nightmares:
    Help Carver plant seeds. Make sure the seeds do not get destroyed.
    Help Lenin distribute money equally. Gather all money and burn them!
    Help HG Wells get rid of invisible attackers.
    Help Tiffany guide the minataur out of the glass house.

    Meet the Martians of Hellas:
    Pukchep, Prektesh, Plashef, Xaktsesh, Chsheket.

  Talk to yourself to wake up...

  Get Martian Seeds in preservation unit beside the greenhouse.
  Get Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium in antechamber of greenhouse.

  Meet the 'people' of Elysium:
  Tekapesh, Bikchiz, Fazek, Cheshef, Chaktsaf, Pashesh, Sisik and Xichak.
  Very interesting. Keep calling you a 'Worm'.

  Get a Bucket and a Pick.
  Go Northwards out of Elysium to the ice cap.
  Use Pick on Ice Cap to get Ice Cube.
  Drop Ice Cube into Bucket. It will become water later.
  Go to greenhouse in Elysium.
  Use Spade to dig a hole in the soil.
  Drop Martian Seed into Hole. Cover Hole.
  Use Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium and the Bucket of Water on the Spot.
  Look: you see a martian seed. It is growing.
  You can plant more if you want, but one is enough.

  Now's the boring part.
  Wait 9 full days, visiting the seed every 2 or 3 days.
  There are 3 stages of growth.
  You may go wandering, but sometimes it may arrest the growth.

  When the seed matures, Use Pod Knife on Mature Martian Pod.
  You'll get a limp form of a Martian Body.
  Get the Martian Body and go to Hellas.

  Entering Dream Machine...
  Talk to Prektesh. Ask him to get ready.
  Wake up...

  Put Martian Body on the seat of the Dream Machine.
  Activate the Dream Machine.
  Enjoy the animated sequence of talking to Prektesh until...
  Prektesh withers and dies!
  Get the dead body of Prektesh.
  Only hope is Kaxishek's plan to have alternate bodies.

KAXISHEK'S LAB(54N 112E) covered by ice.
  To melt the ice, must get the energy broadcast towers working.

The three towers are located at
  55N 125W (Broken Lens)-Ask Tiffany to repair.
  59N 23W  (Weeds)-Use Sprayer with weedkiller charges.
  55N 100E (Broken Moter)-Ask Edison to repair.

  Talk to Tekapesh. Tell him of 'Plan'.
  Tekapesh will give you permission to use the Dream Machine in Elysium.

  Entering Dream Machine...
  Save Earp, Clemens, Lowell and Melies from their nightmares:
  Save Earp by buying the Grey Horse and set it free.
  Help Clemens gather the pages(20?), bind them into a
    manuscript and post them.
    To use the barge, push the lever to the direction you want to go.
    Press  to 'Pass'.
    Look out for sandbars by using brown berries.
  Help Lowell locate the 9th planet, Pluto.
    Planet is around SW. Use Mirror to signal to Lowell.
  Help Melies escape from the shrinking room.
    Use Dreamstuff to get oil. Use oil to open door.
  Wake up...

  Talk to Tekapesh. Say 'Plan'.
  He will return the bodies of the people:
  Lowell, Tiffany, Carver, Melies, Wells, Lenin, Clemens and Earp.
  Ask Melies to develop Photograph.
    Give Photograph to Hearst in Olympus and he'll give you Azurite.
  Ask Tiffany to repair Broken Lens.
    Fix the Lens back on the Broadcast Tower.
    Go to Tower with control panel room and activate it.
    Alignment Coordinate:(the time of the day in 2400 hrs.
                          eg. 1:30pm == 1330)
    Energy Broadcasting Towers are now working!

  Use Radium on Cutter.
  Ask Cutter to 'Fashion' gem using Azurite.
  He'll give you a Heartstone.
  Use Heartstone on Metal Woman.
  Get Metal Woman.

  Entering Dream Machine...
  Tell Chsheket you have found the lab.
  Wake up...
  Place the Metal Woman in the Dream Machine.
  Activate the Dream Machine.
  Chsheket becomes the Metal Woman!
  Sherman will leave you and Chsheket will join you.
  If Chsheket is injured and you bring her to Dr Blood, he
    will refer Chsheket to Tesla.

  Use Rubber on Sprayer System and activate it.
  Chsheket complains that it is without color.
    Sarah Bernhardt of Olympus says she needs Rouge Berries from Argyre
    to prepare the dye.
  Talk to Diver.
  Get Chsheket to pass through steam to turn the control valve.
  Water now fills the Canals!

Location of Barges:
  25S 120W (smallest)
  8N 162W  (small with martian lamp)
  4S 9W    (small with 1 cannon)
  27S 62E  (largest with 4 cannons and tracks)

Get Barge(27S 62E) from Hellas(27S 77E).
Drive barge to Syrtis Major(10N 71E).
Use Drill to excavate iron ore.
Collect 7 loads of iron ore to full fill one rail car.
Transport the iron ore to Carnegie.
Request to get Phlogistonite from 1893 site.

1893 SITE(28S 153W)
  Phlogistonite missing!
  Get Broken Strap.

  Get Roosevelt to examine Broken Strap.
  But first, get Microscope from lab in Hellas if you don't have it.
  He'll tell you it is Rasputin's doing.
  Talk to Carnegie about 'Clue'
    and he'll make some Steel Cannonballs for you.

Get Barge(4S 9W) near Argyre.
Use Steel Cannonballs on Cannon.
Drive Barge to waterway in front of Argyre's steel gates.
Attack Argyre's gates.
Fire! Kaboom! You blew the door down!

ARGYRE(30S 107W) finally
  Talk to Rasputin(Raxachk). Very destructive plantal.
  Talk to Emma Gold. Very 'noble'.
  Get Rouge Berries.

  Ask Sarah to prepare Pigment using Rough Berries.
  She'll give you a Jar of Pigment.

  Use Pigment Jar on Sprayer System.
  Get Chsheket to stand under Sprayer.
  Use the Control Panel.
  Wow! Chsheket becomes a 'woman'! 
  Notice how Dr Spector looks at her...
  Hey, you have seen her Introduction Sequel.

  Talk to Segal and he'll ask you get the phlogistonite.
  Heck! Why must it always be 
    'Avatar, get this...Avatar, get that'.
  Nevermind, this is the LAST TIME!

ARGYRE(30S 107W)
  Talk to Emma and the confused Rasputin.
  'Avatar, you must stop Raxachk'

  Enter the Dream Machine in Argyre. meet your old foe...

  Faulinei, Shadow Lord of Falsehood,
  Astaroth, Shadow Lord of Hatred, and
  Nosfentor, Shadow Lord of Cowardice.

  Pass the tests set by the Shadow Lords.

  Finally, you get to see Raxachk in his real form. A Real Maniac!
  He'll play with you like a cat with a mouse.
  Accept all his challenges.
  And finally...You won!
  {I'll keep this part from being spoiled}

When you wake up, the ground is shaking.
The Planet's going to be blown up!
Get all 3 Phlogistonite Canisters to Carnegie.
And say 'Good Bye' to the beautiful red planet, Mars.

           *** T H E   E N D ***

Detonado em vídeo

Abaixo, segue uma playlist do canal aulddragon que conta com 26 vídeos mostrando o jogo sendo zerado. O playthrough/let’s play está em inglês, mas parece que está bem completinho e deve ajudar de boa:

É isso aí. Acho que este artigo vai te ajudar a zerar o Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams. Se eu ficar sabendo de mais alguma coisa, atualizo aqui.

Mais Ultima

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