Robo Army walkthrough [Detonado]

Walkthrough que ensina a vencer todas as fases do Robo Army (1991). Deve servir pra todas as versões: fliperama, Neo Geo, PS4, Switch, Xbox One etc. De bônus, um detonado em vídeo deste beat 'em up da SNK.

Publicado em 12 de maio de 2021.

Trazemos aqui um walkthrough do beat ’em up Robo Army, da SNK, que, além do guia que ensina como detonar todas as suas fases, traz estratégias e dicas gerais sobre o game.

O texto foi feito pelo Frankie_Spankie (Frank Grochowski) e está em seu formato original e inalterado (o que significa que está em inglês), mas, no post (não no walkthrough), coloquei uns extras também, como a lista de golpes e um playthrough do game que fiz outro dia.

Pra quem não conhece, o Robo Army é um jogo de luta lançado em 1991 aos fliperamas, originalmente, onde até duas pessoas controlam soldados ciborgues que enfrentam um exército maléfico de robôs que ameaça dominar o mundo. As dicas deste artigo devem servir sem maiores problemas para o game em suas outras plataformas, como o console caseiro Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD, Switch, PS4 e Xbox One, pois devem ser ports muito fieis ao original de arcade.

Lista de golpes/controles

Note que os controles abaixo são referentes aos botões originais do arcade, não as teclas do seu teclado (caso esteja jogando em um emulador) ou das outras plataformas para as quais o jogo saiu:

  • Direcional: Movimentar
  • Botão A: Ataca e recolhe objetos
  • Botão B: Salta
  • Botão C: Ataque especial* (chuta, quando fica sem especial)
  • Salto + Ataque: Chute reverso
  • Saltar e depois atacar: Voadora

*O ataque especial do Robo Army funciona sob um sistema que quanto mais se usa, mais fraco o especial fica. Lembra um pouco o esquema de magias do Golden Axe, embora gaste apenas uma unidade de especial por vez, sendo que no jogo da Sega, a barra vai toda pro saco se você usar a magia (sim, sei que depende do port/nível de dificuldade, mas isso é outro assunto).

Guide and Walkthrough by Frankie_Spankie

Abaixo, segue o guia e detonado em texto do Robo Army feito pelo Frankie_Spankie.

Como dito acima, está em inglês:

-=                                                                           =-
-=                                 Robo                                      =-
-=                                     Army                                  =-
-=                                                                           =-
Table of Contents                                                              
1. - Walkthrough                                                               
2. - Strategies                                                                
3. - Disclaimer                                                                
1. - Walkthrough                                                               
This whole walkthrough is done in Normal Difficulty so the numbers of enemies 
may vary.                                                                      
*WARNING* - Don't stand in one spot for too long or you will be hit by some    
            bombs, these bombs can not be avoided unless you keep moving.      
 ___    __   __    __                                                          
|___)  /  \ |__)  /  \                                                         
|   \--\__/-|__)--\__/---------------------------------------------------------
                                Area 1: Jungle                     __          
--------------------------------------------------------------/\--|__)-|\/|-\ /
                                                             /''\ |  \ |  |  | 
Start off by watching this quick cut scene. Once it is over, there will be two 
robots in front of you. Kill them just by punching them. When you kill them,   
continue through the level. When you reach the jeep, you will reach two more   
robots. Kill them and one will drop a power up for you. Pick that up and just  
continue a little further.                                                     
After just a few steps, four more robots will appear. Two will come from the   
left, along with two coming in from the right. Kill them and one on the right  
will drop its arm. You can pick that up by pressing the punch button and use it 
as a weapon. Now continue further to the right and there will be three         
motorcycles that will drive by you.                                            
This is where you have a choice on what's going to happen. If you avoid the    
motorcycles, stay in the middle. They will turn around and come back. They will 
hit you if you aren't in the middle. They will also crash into the barrels     
which means you won't be able to use them. You could also try to kill the last 
two, the first won't come back, so you could save the barrels. Some more robots 
will come after those motorcycles.                                             
Keep going to the right. After a while, two robots will come up behind you.    
Kill them and two more will come up from the left. Go further to the rigt and  
you will encounter three dogs. One will drop one of its legs and you could use 
this as a weapon. If you kill one, the rest will usually run away but they will 
sometimes stay and try to fight you. Now continue further to the right for the 
first sub-boss of the level.                                                   
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                    Robo Dog                    |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
This boss is simple. You can't hurt it until it stops o-----------------------o
flashing. Just watch the animation of the dogs        |        ATTACKS        |
running and all forming into one big dog. Look at the | *Charge - It may      |
attacks to the right if you want to know what it      |    charge towards you,|
might do to you. Start off by hitting it with the     |    this is powerful.  |
robotic leg you picked up from the other dogs. Use it | *Slash - It will slash|
until you throw it away. After that, use your laser   |    you when you're    |
attack just once. After you use it that one time, just|    close.             |
keep punching it and it will go away. Just  o---------o *Jump - It will jump  |
make sure that you won't be in its line of  |             across the screen.  |
fire or else it may shoot at you. It's not  | *Shoot - It will shoot at you if|
too hard to avoid, just try to keep your    |    you are in its line of fire. |
distance from it when you don't need to be  o---------------------------------o
near it. It will also drop a power up for you when you kill it so don't forget 
to grab it.                                                                    
Now continue to the right. You will come across two robot eagles that will fly 
around and attack you with their claws. Just kill them and continue a little   
further for two more eagles. Kill them and keep going to the right. Now two    
robots will appear from the right and one dog will appear from the left. One of 
the robots will drop a power up for you. Now keep going and pick up a barrel.  
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                      Jeep                      |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
This one is easy if you know what you're doing. Walk  o-----------------------o
into its path and it will drive towards you. Quickly  |        ATTACKS        |
go back to the left or it will hit you and it will    | *Missile - This one   |
hurt a lot. Throw this barrel at it then throw the    |   just go forwards,   |
other barrel at it. Don't use the lasers because it's |   usually happens     |
not worth it. Go to the bottom and keep punching it.  |   you jump.           |
Whenever a missile is coming towards you, just jump   | *Homing Missile - This|
over it. Keep doing that until it dies. It will drop  |   one will home in on |
a power up when it dies so don't forget to pick it    |   you.                |
up.                                                   o-----------------------o
Now continue for three robots coming at you from the right. All of them will   
walk across the screen and then they'll come back to fight you. Kill them all  
and three more will appear, they will still come in from the right in the same 
formation. One will drop a power up that will turn you into a vehicle. Now just 
go to the right and run over the robots. Try to jump onto large groups of them 
too. Now kill four more robots and continue to the prisoners for the boss.     
 __   __ _____________________________________________________________ ___  ___
|__) /  \                          Gorilla                            (__  (__ 
|__) \__/____________________________________________________________ ___) ___)
This one is really easy, a little too easy. You could o-----------------------o
easily take it out just using two lasers. The first   |        ATTACKS        |
one will knock the gorillas head off which shows that | *Stun - This is when  |
at least half of its health. The second should take it|   shoots a wall which |
out. It won't always take it out but it usually does. |   will stun you.      |
Just keep punching it if it survives. This boss is a  | *Smash - It will punch|
lot more fun if you just punch it all the time though,|   you when you're     |
it's a lot more of a challenge. o---------------------o   close.              |
                                | *Rocket Fist - It will shoot its fist at you|
                                |   when you are far away from it.            |
 ___    __   __    __                                                          
|___)  /  \ |__)  /  \                                                         
|   \--\__/-|__)--\__/---------------------------------------------------------
                                Area 2: Highway                    __          
--------------------------------------------------------------/\--|__)-|\/|-\ /
                                                             /''\ |  \ |  |  | 
Stay to the left side of the screen and wait for the jet to come by that will  
drop some bombs to the right. Now go to the right and you will reach a pyro    
bot. The pyro bots will only travel in the middle of the screen and they will  
go off the screen after they go across the screen three times. Either kill it  
or wait for it to go away and continue for two more pyro bots, two regular     
bots, and one robot bat.                                                       
Continue a little further for one more bat. Quickly kill that one and continue 
through the level. Either kill or avoid the two pyro bots and kill the two     
regular bots. Go a little further until you see a crack in the wall. A jet will 
come in from the crack and drop some bombs so be careful. There will also be   
two regular robots coming in from each side. After you kill those, two more    
will come in from each side except this time there will also be two eagles.    
Now you could continue to the right. You will reach a car and four robot eagles 
will come out of it. There will also be two more regular robots coming in from 
the right. Continue for three more robots, two from the right and one from the 
left. There will also be a jet that will drop some bombs and two more pyro bots 
coming in towards you. Continue for two more pyro bots and after them will be  
another two.                                                                   
Now there will be four robots that will come out of the truck. Make sure to    
avoid the mines, they won't explode if the enemy goes over them. Just try to   
attack them one at a time and stay in the corner. They will move around a      
little but when they stop, they will be in the corners. Try to attack them when 
they stop. After you get rid of them, there will be two pyro bots. Continue to 
the right and avoid the four mines, there will also be two robots that will    
appear when you reach the mines.                                               
Now continue to the right for three robots coming towards you from the right.  
Once all of those are killed, three more will come from the left. One of the   
three that comes from the left will drop an arm. Take that and continue to the 
right. Now there will be four robots surrounding you and one throwing parts at 
you. The robot that throws parts at you will only throw one so avoid that and  
then attack the other four robots.                                             
Now continue to the right until you reach two barrels. Don't touch them, just  
keep walking towards them. Two motorcycles will hit them and then one more will 
come down the middle. Just avoid it because it won't come back to hit you. Now 
walk to the next two barrels and there will be two robots coming up from behind 
you. There will also be another robot throwing parts at you.                   
Now go to the next two barrels. There will also be four mines in the middle.   
Stand in the middle of all of those and four robots will surround you. Use the 
laser that shoots in both directions if you still have it. One will also drop a 
power up if you need it. Now walk along the very bottom to avoid some barrels  
that will be thrown at you. Kill the two robots that threw them and continue   
through the level.                                                             
Now two robots will come at you from the left along with three eagles. One of  
the two robots will drop a power up and the other will drop an arm to use as a 
weapon. After you kill those five enemies, two more robots will come towards   
you from the left. Now pick up the car and throw it at the two robots ahead of 
you. After those two will be another two robots and there will also be a robot 
throwing parts at you.                                                         

 __   __ _____________________________________________________________ ___  ___
|__) /  \                            Car                              (__  (__ 
|__) \__/____________________________________________________________ ___) ___)
This one is actually hard. It's attacks are very      o-----------------------o
powerful and it will keep moving towards you. Use all |        ATTACKS        |
the lasers you got to take this one out. Just try not | *Missile - It will    |
to let this robot ever get too close to you or you    |   a missile foward.   |
will probably get hurt by it. Keep attacking it until | *Punch - It will punch|
it just dies.                                         |   when it gets close. |
                                                      | *Bite - Same as punch |
                                                      |   except more         |
                                                      |   powerful.           |
 ___    __   __    __                                                          
|___)  /  \ |__)  /  \                                                         
|   \--\__/-|__)--\__/---------------------------------------------------------
                              Area 3: Main Street                  __          
--------------------------------------------------------------/\--|__)-|\/|-\ /
                                                             /''\ |  \ |  |  | 
This whole half of the level is easy to avoid enemies, mainly because you don't 
have to destroy them to continue. You will start off with two eagles that will 
come out. Stay on the top of the left rope to avoid the enemy from the right.  
If you are anywhere else, it will kick you. Now quickly go to the bottom of the 
right rope to avoid the next kicking robot. Look towards the middle and kill   
the robot that comes down on the rope.                                         
Now a robot will come down from each side and four eagles will also appear. Try 
to focus on the robots on strings first. If one of the eagles stop moving that 
means they're going to attack so avoid it. Now try to stay in the middle       
because there will be boxing robots on each side. Their fist will extend to try 
to hit you so just try to avoid them. Now get to the left rope and get on the  
bottom of it to avoid a kicking enemy.                                         
After a little further down the ropes, two more robots will come from each side 
along with four eagles. Kill them and get to the left rope. That will avoid the 
boxer robot to the right. Now get back to the right rope and one robot will    
come down on the left side. When that one goes away, more will come up except  
there will be one on each side. Kill one of them and then five eagles will come 
out, kill all of them.                                                         
Now one robot will come down on a rope from the middle. Try to kill this one   
quickly and avoid the two boxer robots, one on each side. Now four more eagles 
will appear and you have to kill all of them. Once you have killed all of them, 
you will fall to the ground and you will face the sub-boss of this level.      
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                      Eagle                     |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
This one is kind of hard. Keep fighting it as fast as o-----------------------o
you could and try not to let it bring out any other   |        ATTACKS        |
eagles. It sometimes will come down close to the      | *Swoop - It will swoop|
ground and try to hit you so jump when you see it     |   down at you.        |
pause for a second. Try to kick it when you jump. If  | *Homing Claws - They  |
it ever shoots its claws at you, quickly run to the   |   will shoot out and  |
direction they are travelling in. When they go off the|   come back to hit    |
screen, they won't come back down and hit you. Just   |   you.                |
keep avoiding its attacks and fighting whenever you   | *Child - It will spawn|
can. Try to never let it bring any of its children out|   smaller eagles.     |
at all.                                               | *Fireballs - These    |
                                                      |   go straight         |
Once you beat the eagle, you will start going to the right. When you start     
walking, some scuba bots will appear. They will pop up out of the water and try 
to fight you. Some will pop up and kick you but they will run away after their 
attack. You will start with two scuba bots, kill them and two more will appear. 
Keep fighting them because there will be a total of five more after those.     
Now go along the bottom to avoid one of those kicking robots. There will also  
be three more scuba bots that will appear that you will have to fight. Now keep 
going to the right and there will be four floating mines. Jump over them and   
fight three scuba bots that will appear. Once you kill those three, four more  
will appear. Now go to the right when you kill them and stay on the bottom. If 
you stay on th bottom, you will avoid the kicking robot.                       
Four mines will float by and two more robots will try to kick you from the     
left. Stay on the top of the screen to avoid them. Now go down to the bottom of 
the screen and then continue to the right. If you stay on the bottom, you will 
avoid the kicking robot. Jump over the floating mines you will reach and fight 
the two robots that will come up. Now stay on teh top and go to the right, kill 
the two robots that will appear.                                               
 __   __ _____________________________________________________________ ___  ___
|__) /  \                            Frog                             (__  (__ 
|__) \__/____________________________________________________________ ___) ___)
This one is a lot easier than the eagle, and its      o-----------------------o
tactics are basically the same. Just attack it when   |        ATTACKS        |
you can, try to land two or three punches and move    | *Tongue - It will whip|
because then it will attack back. If it ever moves to |    its tongue at you. |
the middle of the screen and it looks like it's       | *Laser - They go      |
drinking the water, then start punching it. If you    |    straight.          |
don't it will get spawn some scuba bots and you will  | *Scuba-Bot - It will  |
have to fight them along with the frog. Just keep     |   try to spawn some   |
fighting and stay away when you think it is going to  |   scuba bots.         |
attack back until it eventually dies.                 o-----------------------o
 ___    __   __    __                                                          
|___)  /  \ |__)  /  \                                                         
|   \--\__/-|__)--\__/---------------------------------------------------------
                            Area 4: Police Station                 __          
--------------------------------------------------------------/\--|__)-|\/|-\ /
                                                             /''\ |  \ |  |  | 
Right away, there will be two barrels rolling towards you. Jump over them and  
you will see two robots. Kill them and one of them will drop an arm. Now go    
along the bottom to avoid the motorcycles and either go to the top or jump over 
them when they come back to the right. Now stay along the bottom and keep      
moving to the right. Don't stop at all, even when the motorcycles come by.     
Fight the robot that will come out of the door and kill it.                    
After you kill that robot, a robot will come out from the next door. This time 
that robot will also have the help of two other robots that come in from the   
left. Now stay along the bottom and go to the right. When the motorcycles come 
by you, go to the top. Let them go back to the right and kill the two robots   
that will attack you from the right.                                           
Now keep going and there will be a barrel that will start rolling towards you. 
Avoid it and kill the three robots to the right. After you kill those two, two 
will come from the right and one will come from the left. One of them will drop 
an arm. Now eight spiders will come out of the fence. You could only hurt them 
when they jump so it's hard. Just try not to let any of them get behind you.   
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                     Spiders                    |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
Well to begin with, there are two spiders. They are   o-----------------------o
much easier than the last eight though. They are a    |        ATTACKS        |
lot bigger so you don't have to wait for them to jump | *Jump - It will jump  |
before you could attack them. Just keep attacking     |   at you.             |
them and never lose focus of either one so you don't  | *Bite - It will bite  |
get hurt. Use the barrels if they are still there and |   you.                |
keep fighting.                                        | *Web - It will shoot  |
                                                      |   a web at you.       |
Go further and you will reach three dogs. One of those dogs will drop a leg,   
pick it up for the next three dogs that you meet. Kill them and right away more 
enemies will appear. There will be two more dogs along with two robots. Kill   
them and go to the bottom of the screen. Walk along the bottom to avoid the    
motorcycles and kill the two robots. Now go back to the bottom to avoid more   
motorcycles and kill two more robots from the left.                            
Now this part is much easier if you have good reflexes. Go along the top and   
avoid the barrel. Once you see the robots appear, stop. If you stopped quick   
enough, you will only have to fight two robots. Kill those and continue for the 
other two you would have had to fight if you didn't stop in time. Go further   
and avoid the barrel. Kill the three robots that appear and then the four more 
that will appear after those three. One will drop a power up so grab it.       
Now go further for three bats and two shooter bots from the left. The bots     
could also send out shockwaves so try to not be directly in front of them.     
Continue for three more bats and two bots. Punch the support beam on the bottom 
and some rocks will fall. They might fall on the robots which will kill them.  
After those are dead, go to the right and kill the shooting enemies. Also kill 
the two robots that appear from the left.                                      
Now go to the right and four robots will appear. Kill them and go further for  
another four. Once you kill those four, four more will appear. That's not the  
last of them though, go further for two more robots from the right. Go a little 
further for three dogs and one of them will drop a leg. Pick up the leg and    
continue to the right until you reach the boss.                                
 __   __ _____________________________________________________________ ___  ___
|__) /  \                           Officer                           (__  (__ 
|__) \__/____________________________________________________________ ___) ___)
This boss is fast. Keep hitting it with the leg until o-----------------------o
you have to throw it away. Now just keep punching it  |        ATTACKS        |
until it dies. Try not to let it get too close or it  | *Shoot - It will shoot|
will hit you with its club. If you get too close to it|   its gun.            |
while fighting, it will punch you. Be careful when it | *Club - It will hit   |
goes to the sides too, it will shoot its gun.         |   you with its club.  |
Sometimes the gun will shoot a single shot but        | *Punch - It will punch|
sometimes it will also be automatic and shoot about   |   just like it hits   |
fifteen shots. If you want to avoid the gun, you could|   you with the club.  |
always avoid it by staying on the bottom of the       o-----------------------o
 ___    __   __    __                                                          
|___)  /  \ |__)  /  \                                                         
|   \--\__/-|__)--\__/---------------------------------------------------------
                                Area 5: Factory                    __          
--------------------------------------------------------------/\--|__)-|\/|-\ /
                                                             /''\ |  \ |  |  | 
Advance through the level and you will reah three bats and two robots. Try to  
kill them as quick as possible. Now continue for one shooter robot to the right 
and two regular robots to the left. Kill them all and there will be three      
robots that will try to kill you. One of them will drop an arm. Pick up the arm 
and free the prisoners. Now stay near the bottom or top and there will be one  
robot on each side along with four robots that will all kick into the center.  
Take them all out and continue.                                                
There will now be two shooting eyes to the right that will both have a mine in 
front of them. Tgere will also be four robots to the left. Kill all of the     
enemies and free the prisoners. Now keep going for two bats. Kill them and you 
will reach four bots coming towards you from the right. Keep going and you will 
reach four robots from the left. Once you kill those, four more will come from 
the right. Keep going and kill the next three bats.                            
Keep going and you will reach two robots from the right and one shooter bot    
from the left. Punch the beam a few times to get rid of them quickly and then  
more will appear. One shooter bot from the right and two robots from the left  
will appear once you kill the last robots. After you kill those, three more    
will appear from the left. Two of them will drop power ups for you. Grab those 
and move to the right. You will fight a total of eight bats until you reach the 
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                    Commando                    |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
This boss is easy except it just takes a long time to o-----------------------o
beat. It will be a clone of you. Keep fighting until  |        ATTACKS        |
you eventually kill it. The best attack to do is the  | *Punch                |
jump attacks. All of the attacks to the right will be | *Kick                 |
the same as your attacks so I won't write             | *Jump Kick            |
descriptions.                                         o-----------------------o
Now just keep moving to the right and you will jump into the water. Pay        
attention for floating mines. Two scuba bots will appear with two shooting eyes 
after the mines. Kill the scuba bots first and then go after the shooting eyes. 
Now you will reach three scuba bots and there will be two floating mines from  
both sides. After you kill those, three more scuba bots will appear. Now keep  
going for another two mines on each side and three scuba bots.                 
Now stay along the bottom and keep moving until you get past three robots that 
will jump up and try to kick you. Four floating mines will come up right under 
the shooting eyes. Wait for those to go by and then kill the two shooting eyes. 
Stay on the top to avoid some more floating mines. Now just kill the three     
scuba bots. Keep going to the right until you reach the boss.                  
 __   __ _____________________________________________________________ ___  ___
|__) /  \                         Bubble-Bot                          (__  (__ 
|__) \__/____________________________________________________________ ___) ___)
This boss is just annoying. It will keep going under  o-----------------------o
the water whenever you attack and hide from you. If it|        ATTACKS        |
ever touches you, you'll get hurt. Don't use jump     | *Homing Missiles - It |
attacks because it will just keep charging into you   |   will shoot homing   |
and you'll keep dieing. Keep attacking it while on the|   missiles.           |
ground until you kill it.                             | *Water Gun - It will  |
                                                      |   shoot a straight    |
                                                      |   stream of water.    |
 ___    __   __    __                                                          
|___)  /  \ |__)  /  \                                                         
|   \--\__/-|__)--\__/---------------------------------------------------------
                              Area 6: Jeed Tower                   __          
--------------------------------------------------------------/\--|__)-|\/|-\ /
                                                             /''\ |  \ |  |  | 
Start off going straight down. There will be a lizard to the right. Either     
destroy it or avoid it. Now keep going down for one eagle, two robots on each  
side, and two lizards on the left. After the robots go up on the sides, one    
will come down the middle. Now there will be one lizard to the right. Stay     
alert because there will be about eight eagles flying around you. You will     
eventually break through the window and enter the tower.                       
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                     Gorilla                    |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
This one is really easy, a little too easy. You could o-----------------------o
easily take it out just using two lasers. The first   |        ATTACKS        |
one will knock the gorillas head off which shows that | *Stun - This is when  |
at least half of its health. The second should take it|   shoots a wall which |
out. It won't always take it out but it usually does. |   will stun you.      |
Just keep punching it if it survives. This boss is a  | *Smash - It will punch|
lot more fun if you just punch it all the time though,|   you when you're     |
it's a lot more of a challenge. o---------------------o   close.              |
Now go to the right and into the| *Rocket Fist - It will shoot its fist at you|
next room.                      |   when you are far away from it.            |
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                       Car                      |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
This one is actually hard. It's attacks are very      o-----------------------o
powerful and it will keep moving towards you. Use all |        ATTACKS        |
the lasers you got to take this one out. Just try not | *Missile - It will    |
to let this robot ever get too close to you or you    |   a missile foward.   |
will probably get hurt by it. Keep attacking it until | *Punch - It will punch|
it just dies. It will be just like the last time you  |   when it gets close. |
fought this boss except now it will also be able to   | *Bite - Same as punch |
shoot tires at you. Go to the room to the right when  |   except more         |
you kill this one.                                    |   powerful.           |
                                                      | *Tires - It will throw|
                                                      |   tires at you.       |
 ___      __ ________________________________________________ __   __   ___ ___
(__  | | |__)                  Officer and Dog               |__) /  \ (__ (__ 
___) \_/ |__)________________________________________________|__) \__/ ___)___)
|          OFFICER ATTACKS            |               DOG ATTACKS             |
| *Shoot - It will shoot its gun at   | *Charge - It will charge towards you. |
|   you.                              | *Slash - It will slash you when you're|
| *Club - It will hit you with its    |   close.                              |
|   club.                             | *Jump - It will jump across the       |
| *Punch - It will punch you just like|   screen.                             |
|   when it hits you with its club.   | *Shoot - It will shoot straight ahead.|
This is probably just as hard as the last boss just because there are two      
bosses to fight. They are obviously much stronger. The officer will be just    
like the last time you had to fight it and the same for the dog, except now the 
dog could teleport. Try to focus on just one and take out the other later to   
make things easier. Just keep fighting like you fought them before and go into 
the next room when you're done.                                                
 __   __ _____________________________________________________________ ___  ___
|__) /  \                         Master-Bot                          (__  (__ 
|__) \__/____________________________________________________________ ___) ___)
|                                  ATTACKS                                    |
|      1st Stage        |         2nd Stage         |         3rd Stage       |
| *Chop - All it will do| *Fireballs - It will shoot| *Missiles - It has      |
|   is chop you when it |   fireballs at you.       |   homing missiles.      |
|   has its hands.      | *Charge - It will chage   | *Laser - A straight     |
|                       |   into you.               |   laser.                |
|                       |                           | *Spin - It will spin and|
|                       |                           |   charge into you.      |
This boss has a total of three stages. The first stage is the easiest. Don't   
use any lasers on it if you have any. Just keep punching it until the arms fall 
off, you should have no problem. Now just use any lasers you have left and keep 
attacking it while it doesn't move. The body will fall off and the head will   
start attacking you. Just avoid it while it moves and attack it while it stops 
2. - Strategies                                                                
_|_f you are ever low on health, just be careful. By that, I mean don't just go 
out and try to kill some robots. Stay behind and attack only when you get a    
chance. You could also learn how the enemies move because they will usually    
make the same patterns. Same with sub-bosses and bosses.                       
/    \nother strategy would be just to fight them without any mercy. You will  
probably lose some health if there are enemies behind you. This is a good      
strategy when there is only one enemy left.                                    
___)ave the lasers and weapons as much as possible. They are easy to kill      
robots with and they will become a lot more useful against the stronger enemies 
such as the sub-bosses and bosses.                                             
3. - Disclaimer                                                                
This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted (c) 2005 to Frank Grochowski. International
Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this              
FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this            
FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed
to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your
web site as long as you give me full credit, don't change it in any way, and it
is free. The latest version will always be found at:                           


Abaixo, temos um playthrough do Robo Army que fizemos para ser o 36º episódio da Velharia, nossa série de jogos antigos. Ele não exibe muita habilidade (foi a primeira vez que zerei o game), mas pode ser útil para ver os desafios que as fases guardam para você, pela nostalgia ou só pra assistir de bobeira mesmo:

Cyber Soldier

Mas é isso aí. Espero que ajude.

Lembrando que você também pode enviar suas próprias dicas e macetes do Robo Army nos comentários, além de complementações, correções ou dúvidas. Também, se eu ficar sabendo de mais alguma manha nova, atualizo aqui.

Mais beat ’em up

Informações adicionais

Observação: se você gostou deste post ou ele lhe foi útil de alguma forma, por favor considere apoiar financeiramente a Gaming Room. Fico feliz só de ajudar, mas a contribuição do visitante é muito importante para que este site continua existindo e para que eu possa continuar provendo este tipo de conteúdo e melhorar cada vez mais. Acesse aqui e saiba como. Obrigado!

Vegas Crime City

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