Passwords do Saint Sword [Mega Drive]

Passwords do game Saint Sword, do Mega Drive (ou Genesis), com as senhas que escolhem as fases e ativam efeitos especiais nas partidas. De bônus, tem também detonados em texto e em vídeo do jogo.

Publicado em 12 de julho de 2013.

Neste post, compartilhamos as passwords do game Saint Sword (セイントソード), um jogo de ação com tema de mitologia grega desenvolvido pela Cyclone Systems e lançado em 1991 pela Taito ao Mega Drive (ou Genesis).

As senhas podem ser usadas para ativar efeitos especiais, incluindo trapaças, escolher a fase onde quer começar ou retomar uma partida na última fase que você parou anteriormente.

De bônus, meti também dois detonados do jogo, um em texto e um vídeo, pra deixar o post mais completo e trazer mais nostalgia.

Você também pode ajudar o post ficar ainda mais completo, enviando suas próprias manhas do Saint Sword, além de complementações, correções ou dúvidas, aí nos comentários.

Enfim, vamos ao que interessa:

Passwords de estágio

  • Chapter 1 – GOQJHJ
  • Chapter 2 – HYZD4W
  • Chapter 3 – GSOGIA
  • Chapter 4 – NZNFWL
  • Chapter 5 – MQOFA1
  • Chapter 6 – UZKGMH
  • Chapter 7 – VWJFSK
  • 3-1 – IQW1EL
  • 3-1, Segunda Quest – I0FUSM
  • 4-1, Segunda Quest – K2J0CK
  • 4-2 – KWWKQQ
  • 4-2, Segunda Quest – O2VNW5
  • 5-1, Segunda Quest – Q2XWG2
  • 5-2, Segunda Quest – QW10C2
  • 6-1 – S2YY2Y
  • 6-1, Segunda Quest – RWEFAQ
  • 6-2 – S0GZAL
  • 6-2, Segunda Quest – VYWMU7
  • 7-1, Segunda Quest – Y3XKWJ
  • 7-2, Segunda Quest – XXKSIS

Passwords de efeitos especiais

  • 680001 – Abre a seleção de estágios e visualizador de finais, tempo infinito, magia total e desabilita colisões.
  • 680002 – Abre seleção de estágios e visualizador de finais, mas com gameplay normal.
  • 680003 – Começa no Chapter 1 sem colisões.
  • SOUND0 – Desliga a música e efeitos sonoros.
  • SOUND1 – Liga a música e efeitos sonoros.

Guia e detonado em texto

Abaixo, segue o Guia e Detonado (Guide and Walkthrough) em texto do Saint Sword feito por DHouston.

Como ele disse que não vai esquentar a cabeça com copyright, trouxe o guia completo pra nós, sem alterações e em inglês:

Saint Sword 
                                v 1.0
                      author:  Dimetric Houston
  Screen Description
  Magic Items
  Tips, Tricks and Secrets


Hello all.  This FAQ covers the game Saint Sword for the Sega Genesis 
system.  It's a cool action game.

I am not going to bother with the copyright stuff.  If you are low enough
to try to bank a profit off of this, or you decide to plagiarize it, that's 
your wretched morality.

The latest version of this FAQ can be found at:

GameFAQs (

  v 1.0  10-17-01    
     -FAQ completed
     -all sections and information present

The evil being Gorgan has set his minions out to wreak havoc upon humanity.
Humanity has joined with the Titans to help bring down Gorgan.  A particular
Titan named Macress has gained the powers of metamorphosis.  With his great
courage and abilities, Macress has set out to destroy Gorgan and bring peace
to the Earth.


D-pad:  Moves character.  Down is crouch.  Up lets you attack upward.

A button:  Magic
B button:  Attack
C button:  Jump
Start:  Pause and open magic item menu

Note:  Saint Sword has two difficulty modes:  Normal and Hard.  This FAQ is 
       written using Normal mode.


Lots of information is on the screen.  The description of all of this now

At the upper left:

Time Limit:  Shows the amount of time you have left to complete the stage.
             If it reaches 0, you lose a life.

Magic Item:  The box at the far left.  This shows what magic item you have

Key:  The key for the stage appears here once you have it.

At the bottom (from left to right):

Life Meter--the meter beside the word PLAYER.  Shows how much life you have

Boss Meter--the meter beside the word BOSS.  Shows how much life the boss
            has.  Only comes into play when boss appears.

Transformation time--the number next to the the word TIME.  This shows how
            much time you have left for a transformation.  Transformations
            have a 60 second time limit.  When this number reaches 0, you
            turn back to normal.

Lives--the number next to the word LEFT.  Indicates the remaining number of
       lives you have.

Transformation item number--the set of icons show how many of each type of
            transformation you have available.  You can have a max of five
            of any transformation.

Score--the upper number at the far right.  As you kill enemies, your score
       increases.  When your score reaches a certain point, you gain a

MP--the lower number at the far right.  This is your magic power.  Using
    magic items requires a certain amount of MP.  The max MP amount is 990
    (the manual says 999, but this is wrong).


As you kill enemies, your score increases.  When your score reaches a
certain point, you gain a level.  Increased levels gives you more attack
power, more attack speed, and more endurance.  You can gain a max of 3 

When you gain a level, Macress' armor changes color.  You start at Level 1.
Here are the colors and levels associated with them:

Level 1--blue
Level 2--red
Level 3--yellow

You gain a level at roughly every 3000+ points.  This is an extremely rough
estimate.  When you start the game, it will take 3300 points to reach level
2.  At 6000 points, you will reach level 3.

If you die, you will begin at level 1 again.  Your score will remain at what
it was before you died. At this point, you must gain approximately 3000 more
points to reach level 2, and another 3000+ points to reach level 3.  I'm not 
sure of the exact number (if there is one), but it is in the 3000 range.

As an example, if you are level 3, have 71000 points, and die, you will
need to reach about 74000 points to reach level 2, then about 77000 to reach
level 3.


Macress has the unique ability to alter his body.  These alterations allow
him to adapt to different environments and operate better in those

As you kill enemies, sometimes they drop a transformation icon.  There are
three different icons which represent the three different forms that Macress
can become.

Below are the transformations, descriptions of each, and the icon that
represents them.  The transformations are listed in this order on the status

CENTAUR: (horse)
This form changes Macress' lower body to that of a horse.  His upper body
remains the same.  This form gives Macress increased walking speed and 
jumping ability.  He also gains an extra technique in this form:

Back Kick:  Down + B

This form only operates on land.  If Macress touches water while in this
form, he will change back to his normal state.

Macress is a much larger target in this form, so be careful.

BIRDMAN:  (feather)
This form gives Macress a pair of wings, thus he can fly.  His body remains
the same.  You gain no extra abilities as the Birdman and you can not 
crouch.  You will not be able to go underwater in this form.

You will find that you can fly "through"  land in this form.  This only
works in places where you normally can "jump down"  through the ground (down
+ C).

FISHMAN:  (fish)
This form changes Macress' lower body to that of a fish.  You have increased
mobility underwater in this form.  This form can operate only underwater.
If you try to go onto land, Macress will revert to his normal form.

NORMAL:  (none)
The form you start with.  I'm only mentioning this to tell you that this
from has well-rounded abilities and the highest attack power.  Of course,
this form is not shown by any icon on the status bar.

Note:  Macress can operate underwater in his normal form, but his movement
       is extrememly slowed.  You will not be able to jump very high while
       underwater.  You can swim, but you must hit the jump button extremely
       fast to do so.


Part of Macress' quest is to regain the magic treasures stolen by Gorgan.
These treasures give Macress extra abilities when used.

To see what magic items you have, press Start.  The status bar at the bottom
of the screen will change to reveal the magic items.  The magic items you
have with you are shown by their respective icons.  Empty spaces are shown
for items you don't have.  Place the cursor over an icon and press a button
to select it.  The icon will appear in the box at the upper left corner of
the screen.  press the A button to use the item.

Each magic item requires a certain amount of MP to use.  If you don't have
the necessary MP, you won't be able to use the item, although you can still
select it.

Below I am listing the magic items in the order you get them (except for
Lightening Sword, which you start with), the required MP needed to use the 
item (the number in parenthesis), and what the item does.  All this 
information (except for MP usage) comes from the manual.

You gain a magic item after each stage.

Magic Mirror(200)--adds one of each type of transformation item.

Magic Bell(200)--stops the movement of all enemies on the screen for a small
                 amount of time.  Does not work on bosses.

Dragon Fang(200)--destroys all enemies on the screen.  Does not work on

Magic Shield(200)--makes you invincible against all attacks (including boss
                   attacks) for a small amount of time.  The amount of time
                   this last is 10-15 seconds.

Dragon's Meat(200)--completely restores your life meter.

Time Necklace(200)--extends time of transformations.  You can only use this
                    if you are transformed.

Lightening Sword(20/attack)--allows you to throw lightening bolts from your
                             sword.  You lose 20 MP with every attack.  This
                             goes away after a while or when MP runs out.

Note:  To use Lightening Sword, select its icon, then press A.  Once you
       engage the magic (the icon disappears from the upper left box), press
       the B button to actually use it.


There are a few powerups to help Macress in his journey.  These are gained
by destroying enemies, which may drop them randomly.

Magic Ball--increases MP.  Comes in three sizes (S, M, L) which give 30,50,
            and 100 MP respectively.

Life Ball--restores some vitality.  This actually is not a ball, but it is
           a purple object that is dropped, so you will know it when it

Key--obvious.  This is also purple, but you will be able to differentiate
     between this and the Life Ball.  The key is needed to go through the
     exit door in each stage.  An enemy randomly will drop this, so just
     keep killing enemies until one of them drops it.

Transformation Items (see Transformation section)


This section will provide some advice in getting through each stage.  Stages
are not linear, so you will have to go all over the stage to get the key
and find the exit.

In order to exit the stage, you must get the key.  The key is randomly
dropped by an enemy in the stage, so you will just have to keep killing
enemies until one them drops it.

You will have to play through all stages twice.  The first time you play,
whenever you get the key, an arrow will appear to help guide you to the
exit.  The second time you play, the arrow will not be there to help you.

Due to the fact that you must sometimes go out of the way to get the key, in
some cases I am giving two ways to get to the exit.  First I will give the 
most direct way to get to the exit.  This will be labeled "Direct."  Then I
will give a more general way to the exit.  This will be labeled "General."
This method covers most of the stage, which gives you a better chance of 
getting the key.  I will direct you to where you may most likely get the 
key, then lead you to the exit from there.

I am also giving advice on the bosses and am telling what magic item you get
for beating the boss.

Stage 1:  Dreamland of Thorns
Go right and jump over the first gap.  When you come to a choice of
taking the upper or lower path, take the upper path and continue right.  
Fall down the first hole you see and go left to the exit.

>From the start, go right all the way to the end of the screen, jumping over 
all gaps.  Remember the second gap you jump over.  At the end, fall down the
hole.  You will land on a ledge.  Go to the right here and fall down.  When 
you land, go to the left.  When you come to walls, destroy the face in front
of it and the wall will go away.  Usually you will find the key down in this
area, as there are many enemies.  Keep going left until you can't go any 
further.  Now go up and to the right.  Keep going up when you can as you go 
right.  When you reach the top and can't go any higher, keep right until you
come to the second hole you jumped over.  Now fall down this hole.  Go left
to the exit.  

Note:  DO NOT destroy the face which is in the same area as the exit!!  This
       will open the floor right under you and drop you down to the bottom
       level.  If this happens, you will either have to become the Birdman
       and fly back up through hole, or go left and trek you way back to the

Boss:  Skelt
Prize:  Magic Mirror

To make this easy, become the birdman.  Attack Skelt in the middle area or
right above the lower head.  Skelt attacks with a tentacle which comes from
the upper head (it makes a screech before doing this), and a fireball from
the lower head.  Do an attack or two, then get back to avoid the tentacle.
Fly to where your feet are just above the lower head.  This way the fireball
won't hit you and you will be able to hit Skelt in its weak spot.

Skelt follows a type of pattern where once you hit the lower head, it will
drop a protective flap over itself for a few seconds.  Once it raises the
flap, it will shoot the fireball.  So attack the head, then back up when the
flap comes down.  Be ready to jump over the fireball, then attack the head
again.  Occasionally, it will do the tentacle strike as well.

If you don't have a Birdman transformation item, you will have to jump over
the fireballs of the lower head, then jump at Skelt's middle section and
attack it.  This is really hard to do without getting hit, as the tentacle
attack will surely hit you.

Stage 2:  Cave of Evil

Head to the right and go up at the first opportunity.  Now go left until you
reach a wall.  You will be around some ledges.  Go up these ledges until you
reach the top.  Go right and again go up at the first opportunity.  At the 
top here, go left.  You will see a switch before a wall.  Destroy the switch
(opens the wall) and continue going left to reach the exit.

The key is usually located in the water section found in this stage, so I
will direct you to this area and back to the exit.

Use the Direct method, except when you reach the top area, instead of going
to the left, go to the right.  Continue right until you reach a ledge you 
can drop down through.  Drop down through the ledges and go to the right 
when you reach solid ground.  Keep going to the right and dropping down 
until you land in the water.  Go to the left.  You will need to be the 
Fishman to get through a small space.  Once you make it through here, go 
left as far as you can, then go up to get back onto land.  Go left.  There 
will be a space above you that you will need to be Birdman to get through.
Once through here, go to the left to eventually reach the start of the 
stage.  From here, use the Direct method to get to the exit.

Boss:  Centaur
Prize:  Magic Bell

This boss can be difficult.  It has the same abilities as Macress' Centaur
form and so is really fast.  The boss has a long sword and occasionally
throws a slow-moving ball at you.  You can destroy the ball.

One way to fight this boss is to try to beat it to an attack when it jumps.
This is pretty hard to do.  Trying to approach the boss head on will get you
attacked by the sword, which has long reach.

Becoming the Centaur form allows you to keep up with the boss speed-wise,
but you still have to contend with the reach.

The Birdman form is really good if you can get the boss in the corner.  The
boss usually jumps from one end of the screen to the other.  At one of those
ends, position yourself in front of the boss (in the air of course) and
continuously attack.  The boss will jump into your attacks and be knocked
back down.  It will keep trying to jump, and keep getting hit by your sword,
so you will kill this boss easily.

Stage 3:  Fairy Forest

Here you have a choice of going right or left.  Going left will drop you
down some platforms and to a dead end.  Going right will send you
through three water areas and eventually a dead end.  There is nothing
worthwhile in the water (just enemies), so keep to the high ground and keep
going to the right.  After the first water area there will be a hole.  Fall
down this hole.

You can go left or right again.  Going left eventually leads to the start of
this stage.  Going right eventually leads to the exit (just follow the 
path).  Destroying the face on the horizontal stretch opens a hole in the
floor.  Dropping down this hole will lead to another horizontal stretch.
Going right here leads to a dead end.  Going left leads to another passage
into a large area that you would have reached by going left early on.

Boss:  Scorpion
Prize:  Dragon Fang

Transform into Birdman to make this easy.  The boss attacks with its pincer
and a slow-moving stream which it shoots from its tail.  The weak point is
the ball on the boss' head.  Staying in the air will keep the pincer from
attacking you.  

So all you have to worry about is the stream.  This is still easy.  The boss
makes a noise right before it shoots the stream (plus the boss' tail starts
lighting up), so just fly high until the stream completely comes from the 
boss' tail.  Then get back to hacking the ball on the boss' head.  Every 
time you hit the ball, it will flash yellow.

You can actually destroy the stream, but you have to destroy each ball, and
while the stream is slow-moving, it comes too fast to destroy each ball, so
it is better to just avoid it.  If you are lv.3, you have a better chance of
destroying it since you attack twice per button press.

>From this point on, each stage has two sections (labeled as scene 1 and 2).
So when you get the key in scene 1 and exit, you will go to scene 2.  After
scene 2, you face the boss of that stage.

Stage 4, scene 1:  Poison Rock Mountain

The first of the super-easy exits to find.  Go right.  If you stay on the 
lower ground, you will eventually come to the exit.  It will appear after
you pass the first rocky area.

There is a skeleton located on the topmost section of the first rocky area.
This skeleton usually has the key.

Stage 4, scene 2:

Destroy the first switch you come to and drop down the hole.  Head to the
right, destroy the switch and drop down the hole.  You will fall into water.
Head to the right (stay high), get back on land, destroy the switch and go
up the ledges.

Head to the right, destroy the switch (opens the wall).  Go right and
destroy the switch.  Fall down the hole and go left to the exit.

Boss:  Doppleganger
Prize:  Magic Shield

The boss uses your Lightening Sword Magic.  Transform into the Birdman, stay
above and in front of the boss.  The boss will jump at you.  Attack now.
Keep attacking and this becomes like the Centaur boss.  However, the boss
likes to do Lightening Sword after you hit it, so after striking it, you may
need to move up or down to avoid the Lightening Sword before attacking

Stage 5, scene 1:  Dark Fields
The second super-easy-exit stage.  Keep going right and you will eventually
reach the exit.

Drop down the first hole.  If you fall straight down the middle, you will
pass a passage to the left and right.  If you continue falling, you will
land on some spikes, so be sure to push to the side as you fall.
Below is a small map of this place:

---------------   -----------   ----------------------- exit
                |             |
                |             |  leads to 2nd gap<-------
  -----     <--- | | ---> large area (dead end)              |
  -----         |
spikes          |               steps                  ledges
--------------------------------       ------------------

If you go the ledges at the bottom, just follow the path up to eventually
get to the exit.

Stage 5, scene 2:
Go right and walk down the steps.  At the bottom, go left (don't go back up
the steps, stay on the flat ground) and you will eventually reach water.  Go
into the water and go left to the exit.  A monster in the water usually has
the key.

Boss:  Waterpede
Prize:  Dragon's Meat

You are in water, so that means its time for the mega-hard equation:
Water=Fishman.  Ok, pause the game and take a breather, as that was way too 
difficult to figure out ^_^.

The boss really doesn't have an attack.  Occasionally it releases bubbles
which float up.  The bubbles can hurt you.  The bubbles look like what you
would expect a breathing creature to release when underwater, so you may
take them for granted.  You will see them, so remember that these can hurt

Get the boss to loop around you (it makes large circles) and attack the
head.  Just avoid the body and the bubbles and you are set.

Stage 6, scene 1:  Graveyard of the Warriors

Go to the right. Don't jump on the higher platform.  Instead, continue to
the right and fall off the ledge.  Go to the left and fall off again.  Go to
the left and fall for the final time.  Go to the right to reach the exit.

Go the right, jump up on the ledge, and head right.  Watch for brown crosses
in the background.  If two crosses are close together and one is slightly
higher than the other, one of them will rise into the air when you get close
to it.

When you fall of the ledge, head left and fall off the small ledge (or drop
down the ledges).  At the bottom, head to the right.  Fall down again and
head right.  You can fall down again and head right, or go left instead of
falling down.  Either choice leads to the same area.  If you fall down, you
will have to go left anyway.

On the bottom level, continue to the left to reach the exit.

Stage 6, scene 2:
Head to the right, jump over a hole, go right and destroy a switch (opens a
wall).  Go right and fall down a hole.  Now go left and up when you can.  Go
left to the exit.

If you continue left instead of going up, you will work you way back to the 
start of the stage.

Boss:  Floating Heads
Prize:  Time Necklace

One head is near each side of the screen.  The heads fire a green blast from
their mouths, as well as dropping green acid to the floor.  Attack one head
viciously as they will be able to continually hit you by colliding with you
as they move.  Even crouching does not avoid them.  Attacking a head usually
makes it move away from you, so keep pounding one of them until it dies.
Small jumps may be in order here to avoid getting hit by the mouth blasts.

One head will die when the boss' life meter reaches half.

Now with one head dead, you can get to the corner, and jump and attack the 
head in relative safety.  You will just have to avoid the mouth blasts and 
colliding with a head.  Use your Lightening Sword magic here so you don't 
have to get close to the head.  You won't need to change into any forms for
this boss.

Stage 7, scene 1:  Evil Castle
Shortest scene in the game.  You can go right or left here.  When you reach
the end of the screen, go up the stairs and continue to the other side until
you reach the exit.  A monster will drop the key really soon, as you can't 
go anywhere else.

Stage 7, scene 2:
Just follow the path.  Start by going left.  You will go up four levels of
the castle here.

On the first level, transform into Birdman.  This will let you avoid the
spikes that line the floor and ceiling while you fight.

One the 2nd level, don't destroy the face, as it opens a hole in the floor.

One the 3rd level, you will come across walls that have two faces in front
of them.  Destroy the first face you see (opens the wall) but not the second
face (opens a hole in the floor).

On the 4th level, go to the right to reach the exit.

Note:  On your second playthrough, the skeletons here have Lightening Sword
       magic, so be on guard.  You can destroy their bolts with your sword.

Boss:  Gorgan (1)
Ok, boss time.  This is Gorgan.  Gorgan simply flies around the screen, 
occasionally landing on the middle column to do another type of attack.  
Gorgan has two attacks in this form:

1.  Lasers:  Pauses in mid-air and releases four lasers which spread out.
             The spread range of the lasers is not large, so this attack is
             rather easy to dodge.

2.  Fire Spread:  Gorgan lands on the column to do this attack.  He flashes
                  for a few seconds, the yellow flames spread out from the
                  column to both sides of the screen.  You can jump over the
                  flames, but is rather difficult to avoid getting hit by

One good way to handle Gorgan in this form is to try to remain under him
while he flies around the screen.  Gorgan changes his altitude as he flies,
so continually attack up while under him to hit him when he is at his lowest
altitude.  Doing this also lets you easily avoid the laser attack.

If your timing is good, you can jump in front of Gorgan and attack him.
This will let you attack at your leisure.  Gorgan's fast movement will
likely result in you getting hit if you do this, however.

Beat him and. . .you have to play through the game a second time!!  You lose
all the magic items you gained, but keep your level, score, and
transformation items.

The second playthrough happens at "night."  Stages are darker.  Opponents
remain the same, except some jumping opponents shoot at you now, as well as
jump.  When you get the key, no arrow will appear to help you get to the

When you come to Gorgan again, you must beat him twice.  First you will
battle the above form--Gorgon(1).  After draining his life, you will face
his true form, and the final boss of the game:

On your second playthrough, after you defeat the first form of Gorgan, he 
will morph into this form.  He has two attacks in this form:

1.  Exploding Blasts:  Gorgan releases extrememly small shots which travel a
                       distance, then explode.

2.  Fire Stream:  His most deadly attack.  His mouth flashes and Gorgan
                  releases a stream of flame from his mouth.  The stream
                  stays out while Gorgan moves his head and covers a good
                  amount of range.

You can destroy the Exploding Blasts before they explode, but it is rather
difficult to get them all.  Destroy what is the highest threat to you and
get back to avoid the rest.

Gorgan's weak point is his heart, which is located behind his pincer.  It is
closer to Gorgan's far side (the side further from you).  You can hit it
from a standing position, but you must get precariously close to hit it.  Be

The Fire Stream is your main worry here.  When Gorgan does this, he moves
his head such that the stream goes in three directions:  Forward, diagonally
down, and diagonally down close to his body.  He moves the stream in the
above order, then reverses the order.

Stay away when he does the stream, as the movement is too fast to try to get
in to hit Gorgan.  This normally is not a problem, except when Gorgan starts
moving to the left.  He gets so close to the left side of the screen that
there is no way to avoid the stream when it happens.  In this case, either
just take the hits or rush in and try to hit the heart without touching the
body.  This can be hard if you panic under the pressure and don't have a
calm hand in movement.

Beat him and you win!


The Birdman is the most useful form against bosses.  Make sure you have a
few Birdman transformation icons in store before you face a boss.

Don't take this as a rule, but it seems that the key will not appear until
at least half of the time limit has expired.  This is not true for Stage 5,
scene 2 and Stage 7, scene 1.  Again, this is not set in stone, but may be
something to consider.

On the stages where the exit is in the same horizontal line as you are
(Stages 4 and 5, scene 1), you still have to go around the stage fighting 
monsters before the key appears.

God--for the strength, life, and intellect to do this FAQ

I hope you have enjoyed this FAQ.  If there are any corrections, additions,
etc. that you see that need to be put here, please e-mail me and let me 
know.  Thanks for reading.
Dimetric Houston

The End

Detonado em vídeo

Abaixo, temos um vídeo do canal World of Longplays que que mostra o Saint Sword sendo zerado do início ao fim:

Play Vex 7


Agora, se mesmo assim você não conseguir zerar esse jogo, desiste.

Mais Mega Drive

Informações adicionais

Observação: se você gostou deste post ou ele lhe foi útil de alguma forma, por favor considere apoiar financeiramente a Gaming Room. Fico feliz só de ajudar, mas a contribuição do visitante é muito importante para que este site continua existindo e para que eu possa continuar provendo este tipo de conteúdo e melhorar cada vez mais. Acesse aqui e saiba como. Obrigado!

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