Might and Magic IV detonado [Walkthrough]
Publicado em 22 de agosto de 2011.Este post traz um detonado do Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen cheio de fatos e spoilers sobe este RPG da clássica franquia de fantasia medieval (com um pouco de ficção científica nos bastidores) Might and Magic.
O texto é de autoria de Stephen S. Lee, quem deixou publicar o walkthrough de boa, e está aqui em seu formato original, e isso também implica estar em inglês.
MIGHT & MAGIC IV -- CLOUDS OF XEEN Miscellaneous Facts and Spoilers Version v1.11 - May 4, 2012 by Stephen S. Lee (ssjlee@rawbw.com) You may distribute this freely, so long as you give proper credit to me. This was derived from the PC version; I make no guarantees about applicability to other platforms. Please feel free to e-mail me with corrections or suggestions. The notation XdY means the same thing as it does in traditional tabletop gaming; a random number is generated by rolling a Y-sided die X times and then adding together the rolls. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. Party Creation A. Classes B. Races C. The Seven Statistics D. Skills E. Recommended party F. Party development 2. Spell list 3. Guide to Cloudside A. Locations of major areas B. Locations of skills C. Locations of spells D. Locations of temporary stat boosters E. Locations of permanent stat boosters F. Locations of hidden monsters G. Locations of other treasure H. Locations of awards I. Mirror portal keywords 4. Monsters A. Table of monster statistics B. Monsters by location 5. Items A. Equipment generation and properties B. Shops of Cloudside 6. Other hints A. Tavern rumors and tips B. Miscellaneous tips and tricks SECTION 1A - CLASSES -------------------- Here is a table showing the different classes in the game, with the column headers indicating: HP - base hit points gained per level. This number is modified by Endurance, race, and the Body Building skill. Att - number of levels it takes to get another melee attack per round, so lower numbers are better. Skill - skill that class starts with Spell - spells that class starts with Requirements - stat requirements needed to start as this class Class HP Att Skill Spells Requirements Knight 10 5 Arms Master - Mgt 15 Paladin 8 6 Crusader Light Mgt/Per/End 13 Archer 7 6 - Light Int/Acy 13 Cleric 5 7 - Awaken, First Aid, Light Per 13 Sorcerer 4 8 Cartography Awaken, Light, Magic Arrow Int 13 Robber 8 6 Thievery - Lck 13 Ninja 7 5 Thievery - Spd/Acy 13 Barbarian 12 4 - - End 15 Druid 6 7 Direction Sense Awaken, First Aid, Light, Magic Arrow Int/Per 15 Ranger 9 6 Pathfinding Awaken, Light Int/Per/End/Spd 12 Knights are pure warriors; they can equip any weapon, body armor, or shield in the game, but may not cast spells. Barbarians are also pure warriors; they have more hit points and are superior in raw melee combat ability compared to Knights, and likewise may not cast spells. However, they are more limited in the melee weapons they can equip (though they can equip more than in Might and Magic III), and may not use body armor heavier than scale armor. Knights and Barbarians receive bonuses to-hit in combat that other classes do not receive; combined with their greater number of attacks at higher level, this makes them much more effective melee combat machines than the hybrid classes. Robbers are trained in the arts of Thievery, but are not able to cast spells. They may equip most weapons, and can use a shield, but may not use body armor heavier than chain mail. Ninjas are also trained in the arts of Thievery; they are poorer at it compared to actual Robbers, but make up for it with superior combat ability. They also cannot cast spells, may not use a shield, and may not use body armor heavier than ring mail. Clerics are primarily magic users who use the clerical spellbook. They are poor in melee combat, are not allowed to use edged weaponry, and cannot use ranged weapons. However, they are allowed to equip shields and body armor as heavy as splint mail. Sorcerers are primarily magic users who use the arcane spellbook. They are even worse in melee combat than Clerics; they can equip very few weapons, and the only body armor they can equip is robes. Druids are primarily magic users who use the druidic spellbook. The druid spellbook includes all the lower-level Cleric and Sorcerer spells, but does not include any unique spells as in Might & Magic III. Like Clerics, they make for poor fighters, though they can equip more melee weapons than Clerics can. They may equip shields, but the only body armor they may use is robes. Paladins are hybrid fighter-clerics. While they are allowed to use any piece of armor, and also any weapon (note that this is a change from Might and Magic III), they do not fight quite as effectively as Knights or Barbarians. They may cast spells from the clerical spellbook, but only have half as many spell points as full Clerics, and their spells cost twice as much in mage guilds. Apart from these limitations, they cast spells just as well as a Cleric of the same level. Archers are hybrid fighter-sorcerers. They are as effective in melee and ranged combat as Paladins, and can equip any weapon that a Paladin can. Their defensive capacities are more limited, as they may not use a shield, nor can they use body armor heavier than chain mail. They may cast spells from the arcane spellbook, but only have half as many spell points as full Sorcerers, and their spells cost twice as much in mage guilds. Apart from these limitations, they cast spells just as well as a Sorcerer of the same level. Rangers are hybrid fighter-druids. They are as effective in melee and ranged combat as Paladins, and can equip any weapon that a Paladin can. Their defensive ability is worse than a Paladin but better than an Archer, as they may equip a shield and any body armor other than plate. They may cast spells from the druidic spellbook, but only have half as many spell points as full Druids, and their spells cost twice as much in mage guilds. Apart from these limitations, they cast spells just as well as a Druid of the same level. All characters may equip any helmet, cloak, boots, gauntlets, belt, ring, amulet, or other piece of equipment. Any character may also use any charged item that can cast spells, such as a wand. The base number of spell points per level for a spellcaster is 3. This is first modified by race, Intellect and Personality scores, and the class-relevant skill; this is then divided by 2 for Paladins, Archers, and Rangers. Fractions are retained, and only discarded after multiplying by the character's level. SECTION 1B - RACES ------------------ The following table shows all the effects of the different races. "Thief Mod" represents the modifier to Thievery. HP per MP per ---- Starting Resistances ---- Thief Starting Name Level Level Fire Elec Cold Pois Ener Magic Mod Skill Human +0 +0 7 7 7 7 7 7 +0 Swimming Elf -2 +2* 0 0 0 0 5 5 +10 - Dwarf +1 -1 2 2 2 2 2 20 +5 Spot Secret Doors Gnome -1 +1 5 5 5 20 5 0 +10 Danger Sense Half-orc +2 -2 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10 - * Elves who are not archers or sorcerers do NOT receive this bonus. SECTION 1C - THE SEVEN STATISTICS --------------------------------- Each character has seven major statistics that define his or her abilities. These are Might, Intellect, Personality, Endurance, Speed, Accuracy, and Luck; random values for these stats at character generation can range from 3 to 21. For all of these stats, the numerical rating corresponds to an adjective given by the game when you click on the statistic on the character screen. Each of these adjectives corresponds to the standard numerical bonus for that stat value. These ranges and bonuses are: Stat Range Adjective Bonus 0-2 Nonexistant [sic] -5 3-4 Very Poor -4 5-6 Poor -3 7-8 Very Low -2 9-10 Low -1 11-12 Average +0 13-14 Good +1 15-16 Very Good +2 17-18 High +3 19-20 Very High +4 21-24 Great +5 25-29 Super +6 30-34 Amazing +7 35-39 Incredible +8 40-49 Gigantic +9 50-74 Fantastic +10 75-99 Astounding +11 100-124 Astonishing +12 125-149 Monumental +13 150-174 Tremendous +14 175-199 Collosal [sic] +15 200-224 Awesome +16 225-249 Awe Inspiring +17 250+ Ultimate +20 Increasing a statistic above 250 consequently has no effect. At the other end of the scale, if a statistic is 0 it is possible to die when resting, although this form of "natural death" can still be undone with the Raise Dead spell. The functions of these statistics are as follows: MIGHT: The bonus applies to the physical damage done with each successful melee attack; penalties cannot drop damage per attack below 1. Might is also used when bashing open doors and performing other such feats of strength. INTELLECT: The bonus applies to the number of spell points per level for Archers and Sorcerers. For Rangers and Druids, the average of the Intellect and Personality bonuses is used. Some quest locations also directly check Intellect. PERSONALITY: The bonus applies to the number of spell points per level for Paladins and Clerics. For Rangers and Druids, the average of the Intellect and Personality bonuses is used. No effect for other classes. ENDURANCE: The bonus applies to the number of hit points per level. SPEED: The bonus applies to Armor Class. Speed also determines when your character acts during combat. Unlike later Might and Magic games, it does not determine how often your character acts. ACCURACY: The bonus applies to the chance to hit with a weapon, either melee or ranged. LUCK: The bonus applies to resistance rolls, both damage resistance and status condition resistance. If the damage resistance roll works like it does in later Might and Magic games, you must have at least 1 resistance point for the Luck bonus to apply at all. Some status conditions can affect your statistics, as follows: Cursed -1 per severity to Lck Diseased -1 per severity to Int/Per/End Drunk +1 per severity to Per/Lck; -1 per severity to Mgt/Int/End/Spd/Acy Heartbroken -1 per severity to all stats In Love +1 per severity to all stats Insane +1 per severity to Mgt/Spd; -1 per severity to Int/Per/Acy Poisoned -1 per severity to Mgt/Spd/Acy Weak -1 per severity to all stats Age, whether artificial or natural, affects statistics other than Luck starting at 36; at this age a character gets -2 to Might, Endurance, Speed, and Accuracy, and +2 to Intellect and Personality. At age 51, the penalties and bonuses become -5/+5; age 76, the penalties and bonuses become -10/+10; at age 101, -20/+20; at age 201, -50/+50. SECTION 1D - SKILLS ------------------- A freshly generated character will have zero, one, or two free skills that derive from race and class. All such skills except for Thievery may be found after character generation; the locations for these are listed in section 3B. Unlike in Might and Magic III, there is no way to get Thievery for any character other than a Robber or Ninja. The actual game function of the skills follow. Name Function Arms Master +1 to hit. Astrologer Druids get an extra 2 spell points per level. Rangers get 1 extra spell point per level. No effect for other classes. Body Builder +1 hit point per level. Cartographer The auto-mapping feature only works if at least one character possesses this skill. Crusader At least one character must possess this skill to enter Castle Burlock; taking offerings on clouds also checks this skill. Danger Sense If at least one character has this skill, you will know if there are foes nearby. Direction Sense The compass feature only works if at least one character possesses this skill. Linguist Allows the character to read foreign languages. Merchant Allows the character to receive full value instead of half value when selling an item in a store. Mountaineer At least two characters with this skill are needed to move through mountains on foot. Navigator With this skill, moving through desert takes the normal 10 minutes per move instead of 4 hours. Pathfinder At least two characters with this skill are needed to move through dense forests on foot. Prayer Master Clerics get an extra 2 spell points per level. Paladins get 1 extra spell point per level. No effect for other classes. Prestidigitator Sorcerers get an extra 2 spell points per level. Archers get 1 extra spell point per level. No effect for other classes. Spot Secret Doors If at least one character has this skill, this permits the automatic detection of walls that can be bashed down. Swimming The whole party must possess this skill to move around in shallow water without magic. Thievery Required to pick locks on chests and doors. A character's base Thievery rating is 30 for Robbers and 15 for Ninjas. This is modified by race, with a bonus of 2 points per level. Tracker Does nothing. SECTION 1E - RECOMMENDED PARTY ------------------------------ Here are some key points to keep in mind when choosing your party of six: * A Knight or Barbarian is significantly better in melee combat than the Paladin, Archer, Ranger, or Ninja. Their additional hit points and greater number of attacks per round give them significant combat advantages over hybrid classes, especially when considering that they can cast spells with all the effectiveness of a spellcaster if they use an item that casts spells. For this reason, your party should include one of these. More than one is not as useful as it was in Might & Magic III, owing to the lack of items that can cast high-level spells. Barbarians are better than they were in Might & Magic III since they can equip a wider variety of weapons now. * The druidic spellbook just isn't all that useful; while Druids get all the lower-level Cleric and Sorcerer spells, they do not get any high-level spells. This is even less useful than it sounds, because anyone can use rechargeable spellcasting items that cast lower-level spells. * Unlike in Might & Magic III, there is no way to get Thievery other than starting out as a Robber or Ninja, so your party should include one of those. * There are enough doors and traps in the game so that a Robber can be better than a Ninja early on, but if you plan to take your part to the Darkside, Ninjas become superior. My recommended party therefore is: Half-Orc Barbarian Dwarf Ninja or Robber Human Paladin Human Archer Gnome Cleric Elf Sorcerer If you have played the game before, the pure spellcasters aren't quite as good because you can use spell point fountains; in that case you may wish to replace the cleric and sorcerer with a second Paladin and a second Archer. When assigning statistics, you may want to start Endurance, as well as Personality (for Clerics, Paladins, Druids, and Rangers), at an exact multiple of 5, as there are reusable stat-increasing pools that permanently increase those statistics by 5 each if they are no higher than 20, and you can reach these fairly early in the game. You can alternatively start these stats at a number like 13 and use a +2 permanent booster to get to exactly 15. SECTION 1F - PARTY DEVELOPMENT ----------------------------- * Training for the next level costs gold equal to your current level squared times 10; it follows that training a character from level 1 to level x costs (x-1)*x*(2x-1)*5/3 gold. Cloudside training facilities are available at: Vertigo (10,11) - maximum level 10 Rivercity (12,12) - maximum level 15 Newcastle Level 1 (11,7) - maximum level 20 There is enough experience available Cloudside for a full party to reach level 20 without recourse to any of the boosters that give you a permanent free level. Training is cheap early on, but if you take a party to Darkside it becomes very expensive at higher levels. For this reason, you may want to save free levelup bonuses for later. * If you want the most powerful party possible by the end of Darkside of Xeen, you should not increase any base statistics above 30 for reasons that will be listed in my FAQ for Might & Magic V. This is NOT recommended for anyone other than dedicated minmaxers, because you will have to spend all of Cloudside and much of Darkside with low statistics! Should you elect to do this, there are two reusable pools in the Ancient Temple of Yak that give +5 to Personality or Endurance if those stats are below 20. Completing Mirabeth's quest in the Ancient Temple of Yak will then increase Personality for your party by another 5, which will be exactly to 30 at most. Other low-end boosters across Xeen can be used to get stats up to no more than 30. The exceptions are Intellect for Sorcerers, which should not exceed 24, and Intellect for Archers, Druids, and Rangers, which should not exceed 49. * Those who plan to take a party to Darkside of Xeen may wish to refrain from increasing base Fire, Cold, Electricity, and Poison Resistance, because Darkside has reuasble elemental boosters that only work for those with low resistances. * Weapons and armor: materials that are metals starting with iron, along with gemstones, make the best weapons and armor. This is detailed in section 5A, but the basic progression is Iron -> Silver -> Steel -> Gold -> Platinum -> Ruby -> Emerald -> Sapphire -> Diamond -> Obsidian, for both weapons and armor, with each successive material strictly superior to previous materials. Equipment made of such materials should be chosen above all but the best elemental weapons and armor, although you should retain extra elemental weapons to deal with foes resistant or immune to Physical damage. Of particular note is the best possible material at the higher item levels, listed in the treasure and monster tables: Level 3 - Steel Level 4 - Gold Level 5 - Emerald Level 6 - Obsidian Level 7 - Obsidian (only material possible at this level) Use accessories instead of weapons and armor to get resistances and better stats. * Miscellaneous items: items that cast spells are useful for casting Lloyd's Beacon, or spells that cost a lot of gems or spell points. They also allow nonspellcasters to cast lesser spells with all the effectiveness of an actual spellcaster. Everyone in your party can have an active Lloyd's Beacon, even those who cannot cast spells. Items that cast Lloyd's Beacon are the only way clerical casters and noncasters can cast it; you will need the Recharge Item spell to maintain an item of Lloyd's Beacon. Other spells that are useful to get on spellcasting items: Protection from Elements, Day of Protection, Day of Sorcery, Town Portal, Dancing Sword, Moon Ray, Power Cure, Fire Ball, Lightning Bolt, Golem Stopper. SECTION 2 - SPELL LIST ---------------------- "MP Cost" in the following indicates how many magic points are needed for the spell. "/L" under cost indicates the number of magic points required per level of the caster. "*" under cost indicates how many gems are required. There are no level requirements in a mage guild for learning a spell, unlike in Might & Magic III. "Gold" indicates the base cost of purchasing the spell from a mage guild; this is doubled for Paladins, Archers, and Rangers. A "group" of monsters means all the monsters in the first square in front of the party that has monsters; spells that affect a group can hit up to 3 monsters. "All" monsters indicates all monsters in front of the party. "Elem." means you can select one of Fire, Electricity, Cold, or Poison, and the spell will protect against that specific element. CLERICAL SPELL TABLE Name MP Cost Gold Effect Acid Spray 8 800 15 Poison damage to all monsters Awaken 1 100 Remove SLEEP from all characters Beast Master 5+2* 500 Attempt to paralyze a group of animals Bless 2/L+1* 1000 +Level to Armor Class for party Cold Ray 2/L+4* 1000 (2-4)*Level Cold damage to all monsters Create Food 20+5* 2000 Create enough food for party if you lack it Cure Disease 10 1000 Remove DISEASED from one character Cure Paralysis 12 1200 Remove PARALYZED from one character Cure Poison 8 800 Remove POISONED from one character Cure Wounds 3 300 +15 hit points to one character Day of Protection 75+10* 7500 Bless+Heroism+Holy Bonus+Prot. from Elements Deadly Swarm 12 1200 40 Physical damage to one group Divine Intervention 200+20* 20000 Heal party damage except ERADICATION; +5 Age Fiery Flail 25+5* 2500 100 Fire damage to one monster First Aid 1 100 +6 hit points to one character Flying Fist 2 200 6 Physical damage to one monster Frost Bite 7 700 35 Cold damage to one monster Heroism 2/L+1* 1000 +Level to hit for party Holy Bonus 2/L+1* 1000 +Level to Physical weapon damage for party Holy Word 100+20* 10000 Destroy one group of undead Hypnotize 15+4* 1500 Attempt to paralyze a group Light 1 100 Provide light in dungeons and caves Mass Distortion 75+10* 7500 One group loses half its hit points Moon Ray 60+10* 6000 30 Energy damage to all; heals party as well Nature's Cure 6 600 +25 hit points to one character Pain 4 400 8 Physical damage to one group Power Cure 2/L+3* 1000 +(2-12)*Level hit points to one character Prot. from Elements 1/L+1* 500 +2*Level+5 Elem. damage reduction for party Raise Dead 50+10* 5000 Remove DEAD from one character Resurrection 125+20* 12500 Remove ERADICATED from one character; +5 Age Revitalize 2 200 Remove WEAK from one character Sparks 1/L+1* 500 2*Level Electrical damage to one group Stone to Flesh 35+5* 3500 Remove STONE from one character Sun Ray 150+10* 15000 200 Energy damage to all monsters Suppress Disease 5 500 Reduce DISEASED on one character to 1 Suppress Poison 4 400 Reduce POISONED on one character to 1 Town Portal 30+5* 3000 Teleport to a town; noncombat only Turn Undead 5+2* 500 25 damage to a group of undead Walk on Water 7 700 Allow the party to travel on deep water ARCANE SPELL TABLE Name MP Cost Gold Effect Awaken 1 100 Remove SLEEP from all characters Clairvoyance 5+2* 500 Gives advice on noncombat decisions Dancing Sword 3/L+10* 1500 (6-14)*Level Physical damage to a group Day of Sorcery 40+10* 4000 Clairvoy.+Levitate+Power Shield+Wizard Eye Detect Monster 6 600 Show number and location of nearby monsters Dragon Sleep 10+4* 1000 Attempt to paralyze one dragon Elemental Storm 100+10* 10000 150 damage of random type to all monsters Enchant Item 30+20* 3000 Enchants an item which isn't already magical Energy Blast 1/L+1* 500 (2-6)*Level Energy damage to one monster Etherealize 30+10* 3000 Move straight through doors, other barriers Fantastic Freeze 15+5* 1500 40 Cold damage to a group Finger of Death 10+4* 1000 Attempt to destroy a group Fire Ball 2/L+2* 1000 (3-7)*Level Fire damage to a group Golem Stopper 20+10* 2000 100 damage to one golem Identify Monster 5 500 Show monster group hit points, other stats Implosion 100+20* 10000 1000 Energy damage to one monster Incinerate 35+10* 3500 250 Fire damage to one monster Inferno 75+10* 7500 250 Fire damage to a group Insect Spray 5+1* 500 25 damage to group of insects Item to Gold 20+10* 2000 Converts item into half gold value Jump 4 400 Move the party 2 squares; noncombat only Levitate 5 500 Party floats over pits and clouds Light 1 100 Provide light in dungeons and caves Lightning Bolt 2/L+2* 1000 (4-6)*Level Electrical damage to a group Lloyd's Beacon 6+2* 600 Set and recall location; noncombat only Magic Arrow 2 200 8 Magic damage to one monster Mega Volts 40+10* 4000 150 Electrical damage to a group Poison Volley 25+10* 2500 Fires arrows that do 10 Poison damage each Power Shield 2/L+2* 1000 +Level damage reduction for party Prismatic Light 60+10* 6000 80 damage of random type to all monsters Recharge Item 15+10* 1500 +1-6 charges to a charged item Shrapmetal 1/L 500 2*Level Physical damage to a group Sleep 3+1* 300 Attempt to put a group to sleep Star Burst 200+20* 20000 500 Physical damage to all monsters Super Shelter 15+5* 1500 Allow safe rest; noncombat and on land only Teleport 10 1000 Teleport up to 9 squares; noncombat only Time Distortion 8 800 Cause the entire party to flee combat Toxic Cloud 4+1* 400 10 Poison damage to a group Wizard Eye 5+2* 500 Show an overhead view of the vicinity DRUIDIC SPELL TABLE Name MP Cost Gold Effect Acid Spray 8 800 15 Poison damage to all monsters Awaken 1 100 Remove SLEEP from all characters Beast Master 5+2* 500 Attempt to paralyze a group of animals Bless 2/L+1* 1000 +Level to Armor Class for party Clairvoyance 5+2* 500 Gives advice on noncombat decisions Cold Ray 2/L+4* 1000 (2-4)*Level Cold damage to all monsters Cure Disease 10 1000 Remove DISEASED from one character Cure Poison 8 800 Remove POISONED from one character Cure Wounds 3 300 +15 hit points to one character Energy Blast 1/L+1* 500 (2-6)*Level Energy damage to one monster Fire Ball 2/L+2* 1000 (3-7)*Level Fire damage to a group First Aid 1 100 +6 hit points to one character Flying Fist 2 200 6 Physical damage to one monster Frost Bite 7 700 35 Cold damage to one monster Heroism 2/L+1* 1000 +Level to hit for party Holy Bonus 2/L+1* 1000 +Level to weapon damage for party Identify Monster 5 500 Show monster group hit points, other stats Insect Spray 5+1* 500 25 damage to group of insects Jump 4 400 Move the party 2 squares; noncombat only Levitate 5 500 Party floats over pits and clouds Light 1 100 Provide light in dungeons and caves Lightning Bolt 2/L+2* 1000 (4-6)*Level Electrical damage to a group Lloyd's Beacon 6+2* 600 Set and recall location; noncombat only Magic Arrow 2 200 8 Magic damage to one monster Nature's Cure 6 600 +25 hit points to one character Pain 4 400 8 Physical damage to one group Power Cure 2/L+3* 1000 +(2-12)*Level hit points to one character Power Shield 2/L+2* 1000 +Level damage reduction for party Prot. from Elements 1/L+1* 500 +2*Level+5 Elem. damage reduction for party Revitalize 2 200 Remove WEAK from one character Shrapmetal 1/L 500 2*Level Physical damage to a group Sleep 3+1* 300 Attempt to put a group to sleep Sparks 1/L+1* 500 2*Level Electrical damage to one group Suppress Disease 5 500 Reduce DISEASED on one character to 1 Suppress Poison 4 400 Reduce POISONED on one character to 1 Toxic Cloud 4+1* 400 10 Poison damage to a group Turn Undead 5+2* 500 25 damage to a group of undead Walk on Water 7 700 Allow the party to travel on deep water Wizard Eye 5+2* 500 Show an overhead view of the vicinity Bless, Day of Protection, Day of Sorcery, Heroism, Holy Bonus, and Power Shield max out at a power level of 255. If they are cast at a power level higher than this, it wraps around 255 back to 0. Some notes on specific spells: Day of Protection - this only casts Protection of Elements at a power level equal to the caster's level. Divine Intervention - this will reduce hit points to the normal maximum, but will remove all status conditions except ERADICATED, including those which you cannot otherwise heal yourself. Jump - this spell is handy not only jumping over traps and holes in the ground, but also putting distance between you and a monster lacking a ranged attack. Power Shield - the damage reduction from this spell applies to all sources of damage; it applies after resistance. If damage is reduced to zero, then additional status conditions from that attack do not apply. Protection from Elements - this is cast at a power level equal to 5 plus twice the caster's level, with a maximum of 200. This is considerably better than that from Day of Protection, except at very high levels. This provides damage reduction against the specific elemental form; it does NOT provide resistance, which is separate, and applies before resistance. If damage is reduced to zero, then additional status conditions from that attack do not apply. Raise Dead - this will permanently reduce the Endurance of the recipient by 1. This may be circumvented by raising via either a temple or the Divine Intervention spell. Recharge Item - this will never destroy an item, contrary to what the documentation or game may claim. The maximum number of charges an item may hold is 63. Potions and scrolls may not be recharged. Items that cast Recharge Item themselves also may not be recharged, unlike in Might and Magic III. Resurrection - this will permanently reduce the Endurance of the recipient by 1. This may be circumvented by resurrecting via a temple. SECTION 3A - LOCATION OF MAJOR AREAS ------------------------------------ Town of Vertigo - F3 (10,13) Town of Nightshadow - D4 (13,5) Town of Rivercity - C3 (11,7) Town of Asp - C2 (9,15) Town of Winterkill - A3 (4,6) Shangri-La - Volcano Level 3 (9,10) Dwarf Mine 1 - F3 (5,13) Dwarf Mine 2 - F3 (7,15) Dwarf Mine 3 - E2 (9,1) Dwarf Mine 4 - E2 (1,1) Dwarf Mine 5 - D2 (9,9) Deep Mine Alpha - (accessible from mine cars or mirror portals) Deep Mine Theta - (accessible from mine cars or mirror portals) Deep Mine Kappa - (accessible from mine cars or mirror portals) Deep Mine Omega - (accessible from mine cars or mirror portals) Witch Tower - F4 (10,9), key at F4 (9,3) Witch Clouds - Witch Tower Level 4 (10,10) Tower of High Magic - C4 (6,15), key at Cave of Illusion Level 4 (7,14) High Magic Clouds - Tower of High Magic Level 4 (10,10) Darzog's Tower - D3 (4,13), key at Tower of High Magic Level 4 (7,12) Clouds of Xeen - Darzog's Tower Level 4 (5,5) Castle Burlock - D2 (12,2), must have at least 1 Crusader to enter Castle Basenji - A1 (8,8), Level 3 requires password "There Wolf" Xeen's Castle - Clouds of Xeen (16,29), requires Cupie Doll from Clouds of Xeen (12,29); disappears after defeating Lord Xeen Newcastle - C4 (11,12), purchase land for 50000 gold, then buy upgrades for 5 King's Mega Credits from Emerson at Castle Burlock Level 1 (2,7): Upgrade 1: open Newcastle Foundation Upgrade 2: Foundation replaced with Levels 1 and 2 Upgrade 3: requires Excavation Permit; opens Newcastle Dungeon, password "Laboratory" Ancient Temple of Yak - E4 (4,4), stone at D4 (12,3) Tomb of a Thousand Terrors - C4 (6,6), stone at Newcastle Foundation (7,15) Golem Dungeon - B4 (11,9), stone at Newcastle Level 1 (7,15) Northern Sphinx Body - B1 (12,8), amulet awarded at A1 (11,5); Northern Sphinx Head requires password "Golux" Warzone - B2 (12,4) Cave of Illusion - B4 (2,15) Dragon Cave - E1 (14,12) Volcano Cave - E1 (15,2) Darkstone Tower - B3 (11,0) [key is on Darkside] Dragon Tower - D1 (10,5) [key is on Darkside] Dungeon of Death - E3 (3,4) [stone is on Darkside] Southern Sphinx - A2 (11,9) [amulet is on Darkside] SECTION 3B - LOCATION OF SKILLS ------------------------------- ALL SKILLS Shangri-La (0,3), 100000 gold Arms Master Rivercity (30,3), 300 gold Astrologer Castle Burlock Level 1 (10,5), free Body Builder Rivercity (30,1), 1000 gold Cartographer Vertigo (8,16), 100 gold Crusader F4 (9,3), free after returning Alacorn of Falista Danger Sense Dwarf Mine 3 (5,11), free Direction Sense Dwarf Mine 5 (8,5), free Linguist Castle Burlock Level 1 (6,5), free Merchant D2 (14,3), 6000 gold Mountaineer Rivercity (30,30), 5000 gold Navigator Rivercity (23,30), 2000 gold Pathfinder Vertigo (25,26), 2500 gold Prayer Master A2 (6,13), 10000 gold Prestidigitator Tower of High Magic Level 4 (6,6), free Spot Secret Doors E3 (11,12), 500 gold Swimmer Rivercity (19,23), 100 gold SECTION 3C - LOCATION OF SPELLS ------------------------------- Spells are typically purchased in guilds, listed as follows: Vertigo (20,13) - Awaken, Cure Wounds, Energy Blast, First Aid, Flying Fist, Insect Spray, Jump, Light, Magic Arrow, Pain, Prot. from Elements, Revitalize, Shrapmetal, Sleep, Sparks, Suppress Poison, Toxic Cloud, Wizard Eye Nightshadow (12,4) - Bless, Clairvoyance, Cold Ray, Deadly Swarm, Detect Monster, Fire Ball, Heroism, Holy Bonus, Identify Monster, Levitate, Nature's Cure, Poison Volley, Power Shield, Suppress Disease, Turn Undead, Wizard Eye Rivercity (6,30) - Clairvoyance, Cure Paralysis, Cure Poison, Day of Protection, Day of Sorcery, Fantastic Freeze, Fiery Flail, Finger of Death, Frost Bite, Identify Monster, Levitate, Power Cure, Time Distortion, Turn Undead, Walk on Water Asp (2,1) - Create Food, Cure Disease, Cure Poison, Dancing Sword, Day of Protection, Day of Sorcery, Dragon Sleep, Etherealize, Fantastic Freeze, Finger of Death, Golem Stopper, Incinerate, Raise Dead, Resurrect, Stone to Flesh, Town Portal Winterkill (7,1) - Create Food, Cure Disease, Cure Poison, Dancing Sword, Day of Protection, Day of Sorcery, Elemental Storm, Etherealize, Golem Stopper, Holy Word, Incinerate, Inferno, Mass Distortion, Poison Volley, Raise Dead, Resurrect, Teleport Shangri-La (0,7) - all spells Some spells may be found outside of guilds: Acid Spray - Ancient Temple of Yak (4,5), book teaches spell for free Beast Master - Witch Tower Level 3 (4,6), costs 6 gems Clairvoyance - Witch Tower Level 3 (5,5), costs 11 gems Cure Disease - F3 (12,2), taught by the statue for free after you finish the quest of Orothin at F3 (9,6) Cure Poison - F3 (12,8), taught by the statue for free after you finish the quest of Orothin at F3 (9,6) Divine Intervention - Northern Sphinx Head (2,8), book teaches spell for free Enchant Item - Rivercity (25,20), taught by Barok for free once after returning Barok's Magic Pendant; afterwards Barok teaches the spell for 1000 gold Hypnotize - Ancient Temple of Yak (30,3), book teaches spell for free Item to Gold - Northern Sphinx Dungeon (14,1), book teaches spell for free Light - Ancient Temple of Yak (6,11), book teaches spell for free Lightning Bolt - Witch Tower Level 3 (10,6), costs 11 gems Mega Volts - C2 (8,11), taught by Falagar for free once after returning Crystals of Piezoelectricity; afterwards Falagar teaches the spell for 2000 gold Moon Ray - C2 (10,6), taught by Carlawna for free once after returning Scarab of Imaging; afterwards Carlawna teaches the spell for 2000 gold Pain - Witch Tower Level 3 (4,10), costs 6 gems Prismatic Light - Tower of High Magic Level 4 (6,6), book teaches spell for free Recharge Item - D3 (12,8), taught by Ligono for free after returning Ligono's Missing Skull; one time only Sleep - Witch Tower Level 3 (5,11), costs 6 gems Sparks - Ancient Temple of Yak (0,5), book teaches spell for free Star Burst - Northern Sphinx Head (12,8), book teaches spell for free Super Shelter - B3 (6,3), taught by Thickbark for free after destroying Troll lair; one time only Teleport - Northern Sphinx Dungeon (0,15), book teaches spell for free Toxic Cloud - Witch Tower Level 3 (9,5), costs 11 gems SECTION 3D - LOCATIONS OF TEMPORARY STAT BOOSTERS ------------------------------------------------- Vertigo (14,17) well - 5 Poison damage before opening evidence crate at Vertigo (9,22); afterwards, restores hit points to normal maximum Nightshadow (7,7) well - 50 Physical damage before defeating Count Draco; afterwards, +10 Levels Rivercity (14,18) well - inflicts DRUNK before returning Barok's Magic Pendant to Barok; afterwards, +100 Spell Points Asp (8,3) well - 25 Poison damage before destroying transformer at (8,14); afterwards, +100 Hit Points Winterkill (6,11) well - 25 Physical damage before slaying all ghosts then ringing the gongs at (6,9) and (6,13) twice each; afterwards, +50 Might Newcastle Level 1 (9,14) well - +20 Armor Class A1 (4,14) fountain - +250 Hit Points A1 (7,6) shrine - +50 Energy Resistance A3 (3,14) fountain - +30 Armor Class A4 (3,3) fountain - +250 Spell Points A4 (12,14) shrine - +50 Cold Resistance B3 (0,3) well - +50 Accuracy B3 (15,4) well - +50 Intellect C1 (2,4) well - +50 Endurance C3 (0,0) well - +50 Personality C3 (15,0) shrine - +50 Magic Resistance C3 (15,10) fountain - +10 Might, Endurance, Speed, and Accuracy D2 (3,8) well - +50 Might D3 (8,9) fountain - +10 Intellect and Personality D3 (15,4) shrine - +50 Electricity Resistance E2 (3,4) well - +50 Speed E2 (13,3) shrine - +50 Fire Resistance E3 (3,14) stone circle - every time you complete the circle of exchanges and give the *Last Snowflake of Winter -> unnatural aging cured E3 (8,6) fountain - +25 Spell Points E3 (9,14) shrine - +20 Fire, Cold, Electricity, and Poison Resistance F3 (0,1) fountain - +5 Levels F3 (1,7) well - pay 1 gold -> +60 Luck F3 (7,7) fountain - +25 Hit Points F3 (12,12) fountain - +5 Armor Class F3 (14,6) shrine - +50 Poison Resistance SECTION 3E - LOCATIONS OF PERMANENT STAT BOOSTERS ------------------------------------------------- This list focuses on locations that permanently increase statistics, resistances, or level. It also includes locations that increase experience and nothing else. Awards that give experience are listed section 3H; other locations that give experience and treasure together are listed in section 3G. Boosters marked with a * may be used as many times as applicable. Asp (8,14) transformer - after setting orbs at (7,4) and (9,2) to blue, destroy transformer -> 50000 XP, party Shangri-La (7,8) well - +1 Level (once per character) + award Dwarf Mine 1 (2,6) barrel - +2 Luck Dwarf Mine 1 (2,7) barrel - +2 Luck Dwarf Mine 1 (3,4) barrel - +2 Might Dwarf Mine 1 (5,7) barrel - +2 Might Dwarf Mine 1 (6,20) barrel - +2 Personality Dwarf Mine 1 (6,21) barrel - +2 Personality Dwarf Mine 1 (7,22) barrel - +2 Intellect Dwarf Mine 1 (8,17) barrel - +2 Endurance Dwarf Mine 1 (8,23) barrel - +2 Intellect Dwarf Mine 1 (9,17) barrel - +2 Endurance Dwarf Mine 1 (9,20) barrel - +2 Speed Dwarf Mine 1 (9,21) barrel - +2 Speed Dwarf Mine 1 (10,17) barrel - +2 Endurance Dwarf Mine 1 (10,23) barrel - +2 Accuracy Dwarf Mine 1 (11,20) barrel - +2 Accuracy Dwarf Mine 2 (4,1) barrel - +2 Accuracy Dwarf Mine 2 (4,2) barrel - +2 Speed Dwarf Mine 2 (4,3) barrel - +2 Speed Dwarf Mine 2 (5,1) barrel - +2 Accuracy Dwarf Mine 2 (6,6) barrel - +2 Luck Dwarf Mine 2 (10,22) barrel - +2 Endurance Dwarf Mine 2 (10,26) barrel - +2 Might Dwarf Mine 2 (11,23) barrel - +2 Intellect Dwarf Mine 2 (11,25) barrel - +2 Personality Dwarf Mine 3 (2,0) barrel - +2 Speed Dwarf Mine 3 (2,1) barrel - +2 Might Dwarf Mine 3 (3,0) barrel - +2 Speed Dwarf Mine 3 (3,1) barrel - +2 Might Dwarf Mine 3 (5,1) barrel - +2 Might Dwarf Mine 3 (6,1) barrel - +2 Might Dwarf Mine 4 (8,4) barrel - +2 Luck Dwarf Mine 4 (8,5) barrel - +2 Luck Dwarf Mine 5 (5,3) barrel - +2 Speed Dwarf Mine 5 (6,2) barrel - +2 Accuracy Dwarf Mine 5 (7,2) barrel - +2 Accuracy Dwarf Mine 5 (8,7) barrel - +2 Speed Witch Tower Level 1 (3,8) cage - free prisoner -> 5000 XP, party Witch Tower Level 2 (11,8) cage - free prisoner -> 5000 XP, party Witch Tower Level 3 (6,8) vat - 35 Physical Damage + +1 All Statistics Witch Tower Level 3 (7,7) vat - 35 Physical Damage + +1 All Statistics Witch Tower Level 3 (7,8) cage - free prisoner -> 5000 XP, party Witch Tower Level 4 (4,7) vat - 35 Physical Damage + +1 All Statistics Witch Tower Level 4 (4,9) vat - 35 Physical Damage + +1 All Statistics Witch Clouds (1,1) statue - examine statue -> +1 Level, party + award Witch Clouds (4,19) nest - destroy nest -> 5000 XP, party Witch Clouds (4,27) nest - destroy nest -> 5000 XP, party Witch Clouds (8,7) nest - destroy nest -> 5000 XP, party Witch Clouds (22,28) nest - destroy nest -> 5000 XP, party Witch Clouds (27,20) nest - destroy nest -> 5000 XP, party Tower of High Magic Level 1 (5,5) brew - 25 Fire damage + +10 Fire Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 1 (5,11) brew - 25 Electricity damage + +10 Electricity Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 1 (9,11) brew - 25 Cold damage + +10 Cold Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 2 (4,6) brew - 25 Electricity damage + +10 Electricity Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 2 (4,10) brew - 25 Cold damage + +10 Cold Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 2 (5,5) brew - 25 Fire damage + +10 Fire Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 2 (5,11) brew - 25 Poison damage + +10 Poison Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 3 (4,6) brew - 25 Energy damage + +10 Energy Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 3 (4,10) brew - 25 Poison damage + +10 Poison Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 3 (10,6) brew - 25 Magic damage + +10 Magic Resistance Tower of High Magic Level 3 (10,10) brew - 25 Poison damage + +10 Poison Resistance Darzog's Tower Level 2 (4,6) book - +20 Endurance Darzog's Tower Level 2 (4,10) book - +20 Speed Darzog's Tower Level 2 (5,5) book - +20 Personality Darzog's Tower Level 2 (5,11) book - +20 Accuracy Darzog's Tower Level 2 (9,5) book - +20 Intellect Darzog's Tower Level 2 (10,6) book - +20 Might Darzog's Tower Level 3 (7,6) bed - rescue Crodo -> 1000000 XP + satisfies Artemus Clouds of Xeen (5,5) nest - destroy Roc nest -> 50000 XP, party Clouds of Xeen (25,5) nest - destroy Roc nest -> 50000 XP, party Clouds of Xeen (27,29) nest - destroy Roc nest -> 50000 XP, party Clouds of Xeen (28,27) nest - destroy Roc nest -> 50000 XP, party Clouds of Xeen (28,30) nest - destroy Roc nest -> 50000 XP, party Clouds of Xeen (29,28) nest - destroy Roc nest -> 50000 XP, party Clouds of Xeen (30,30) nest - destroy Roc nest -> 50000 XP, party Burlock Dungeon (11,3) bucket - +10 Might Castle Basenji Level 1 (3,9) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Electricity Resistance Castle Basenji Level 1 (3,11) scroll - be Linguist -> WEAK 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 1 (3,13) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Fire Resistance Castle Basenji Level 1 (4,11) scroll - be Linguist -> INSANE 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 1 (5,11) scroll - be Linguist -> CONFUSED 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 1 (6,9) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Electricity Resistance Castle Basenji Level 1 (6,11) scroll - be Linguist -> DEPRESSED 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 1 (6,13) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Fire Resistance Castle Basenji Level 2 (5,8) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +5 Intellect Castle Basenji Level 2 (5,14) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +5 Personality Castle Basenji Level 2 (7,8) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +5 Intellect Castle Basenji Level 2 (7,10) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +5 Speed Castle Basenji Level 2 (7,12) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +5 Speed Castle Basenji Level 2 (7,14) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +5 Personality Castle Basenji Level 2 (11,4) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Magic Resistance Castle Basenji Level 2 (12,1) scroll - be Linguist -> +25 Age + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 2 (13,4) scroll - be Linguist -> +25 Age + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (2,8) scroll - be Linguist -> DEPRESSED 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (2,9) scroll - be Linguist -> CONFUSED 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (2,10) scroll - be Linguist -> DEAD + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (3,8) scroll - be Linguist -> INSANE 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (3,10) scroll - be Linguist -> INSANE 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (4,8) scroll - be Linguist -> DEAD + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (4,9) scroll - be Linguist -> CONFUSED 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (4,10) scroll - be Linguist -> DEPRESSED 1 + 5000 XP Castle Basenji Level 3 (11,2) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Energy Resistance Castle Basenji Level 3 (12,1) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Energy Resistance Castle Basenji Level 3 (14,4) scroll - be Linguist -> 5000 XP + +10 Magic Resistance Basenji Dungeon (1,5) box - 100 Energy damage + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (1,8) straw bed -> free peasant -> 10000 XP, party Basenji Dungeon (1,12) straw bed -> free peasant -> 10000 XP, party Basenji Dungeon (3,3) box - 100 Fire damage + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (5,3) box - 100 Electricity damage + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (7,6) scroll - be Linguist -> DEAD + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (7,8) scroll - be Linguist -> INSANE 1 + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (7,10) scroll - be Linguist -> DEAD + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (7,12) scroll - be Linguist -> INSANE 1 + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (9,3) box - 100 Electricity damage + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (13,1) straw bed -> free peasant -> 10000 XP, party Basenji Dungeon (13,3) box - 100 Energy damage + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (13,5) box - 100 Energy damage + 5000 XP Basenji Dungeon (14,1) straw bed -> free peasant -> 10000 XP, party Basenji Dungeon (14,8) straw bed -> free peasant -> 10000 XP, party Basenji Dungeon (14,12) straw bed -> free peasant -> 10000 XP, party Xeen's Castle Level 1 (1,14) - destroy Cold generator -> 200000 XP, party + destroys Cold traps in castle Xeen's Castle Level 1 (14,14) - destroy Poison generator -> 200000 XP, party + destroys Poison traps in castle Xeen's Castle Level 4 (3,1) - destroy Fire generator -> 200000 XP, party + destroys Fire traps in castle Xeen's Castle Level 4 (3,1) - destroy Electricity generator -> 200000 XP, party + destroys Electricity traps in castle Xeen's Castle Level 4 (11,11) - destroy Guard Making Machine -> 200000 XP, party + prevents Xeen's Guards from regenerating in castle Ancient Temple of Yak (2,6) altar - destroy altar -> 5000 XP, party Ancient Temple of Yak (2,17) altar - destroy altar -> 5000 XP, party *Ancient Temple of Yak (14,8) pool - DISEASED 1 + if Personality is 20 or less, +5 Personality *Ancient Temple of Yak (19,8) pool - DRUNK 1 + if Endurance is 20 or less, +5 Endurance Ancient Temple of Yak (25,7) altar - destroy altar -> 5000 XP, party Ancient Temple of Yak (25,26) pool - DEAD + 25000 XP Ancient Temple of Yak (27,25) altar - destroy altar -> 5000 XP, party Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (1,22) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Endurance Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (1,24) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Accuracy Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (1,26) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Might Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (7,22) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Endurance Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (7,24) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Accuracy Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (7,26) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Might Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (8,7) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Accuracy Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (8,11) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Accuracy Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (8,17) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Endurance Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (9,30) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Might Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (11,5) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Personality Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (11,13) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Intellect Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (13,30) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Might Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (15,5) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Personality Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (15,13) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Intellect Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (16,19) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Speed Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (18,19) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Speed Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (22,25) stocks - 50 Electricity damage + 5000 XP Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (24,8) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Luck Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (24,25) manacles - 50 Electricity damage + 5000 XP Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (25,30) manacles - 50 Electricity damage + 5000 XP Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (26,8) tomb juice - INSANE 1 + +5 Luck Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (29,21) stocks - 50 Physical damage + 5000 XP Golem Dungeon (13,1) - examine statue -> +1 Level, party + award Cave of Illusion Level 1 (0,11) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Accuracy Cave of Illusion Level 1 (0,14) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Luck Cave of Illusion Level 1 (1,1) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Personality Cave of Illusion Level 1 (3,6) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Endurance Cave of Illusion Level 1 (4,0) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Intellect Cave of Illusion Level 1 (5,6) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Speed Cave of Illusion Level 1 (8,5) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Endurance Cave of Illusion Level 1 (9,8) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Speed Cave of Illusion Level 1 (10,4) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Accuracy Cave of Illusion Level 1 (11,13) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Might Cave of Illusion Level 1 (12,1) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Might Cave of Illusion Level 1 (13,4) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Luck Cave of Illusion Level 1 (14,13) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Intellect Cave of Illusion Level 1 (15,6) skull - pay 10 gems -> +2 Personality Cave of Illusion Level 2 (1,9) skull - pay 20 gems -> +3 Personality Cave of Illusion Level 2 (3,5) skull - pay 20 gems -> +3 Accuracy Cave of Illusion Level 2 (3,14) skull - pay 20 gems -> +3 Might Cave of Illusion Level 2 (6,0) skull - pay 20 gems -> +3 Speed Cave of Illusion Level 2 (6,13) skull - pay 20 gems -> +3 Intellect Cave of Illusion Level 3 (1,3) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Personality Cave of Illusion Level 3 (1,14) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Might Cave of Illusion Level 3 (2,2) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Endurance Cave of Illusion Level 3 (4,1) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Accuracy Cave of Illusion Level 3 (4,7) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Intellect Cave of Illusion Level 3 (5,0) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Speed Cave of Illusion Level 3 (10,0) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Personality Cave of Illusion Level 3 (10,3) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Intellect Cave of Illusion Level 3 (12,2) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Luck Cave of Illusion Level 3 (14,5) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Luck Cave of Illusion Level 3 (15,3) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Luck Cave of Illusion Level 3 (15,11) skull - pay 50 gems -> +5 Luck Cave of Illusion Level 4 (1,10) skull - pay 200 gems -> +10 Accuracy Cave of Illusion Level 4 (1,14) skull - pay 200 gems -> +10 Might Cave of Illusion Level 4 (11,3) skull - pay 200 gems -> +10 Endurance Cave of Illusion Level 4 (13,3) skull - pay 200 gems -> +10 Accuracy Cave of Illusion Level 4 (14,10) skull - pay 200 gems -> +10 Endurance Volcano Cave Level 1 (0,15) skull - destroy Demon skull -> 250000 XP, party Volcano Cave Level 1 (9,9) skull - destroy Devil skull -> 250000 XP, party D4 (12,3) tent - retrieve Elixir of Restoration for Mirabeth -> 250000 XP + +5 Personality, party + award D4 (15,15) hut - rescue Celia -> 5000 XP, party + award + satisfies Derek E4 (9,14) shrine - desecrate undead shrine -> 5000 XP, party SECTION 3F - LOCATIONS OF HIDDEN MONSTERS ----------------------------------------- This is included not only for completeness, as monsters are at least worth experience and sometimes treasure. Vertigo (6,25) crate - COMBAT: 1 Doom Bug Vertigo (6,26) crate - COMBAT: 1 Doom Bug Vertigo (8,22) crate - COMBAT: 1 Doom Bug Vertigo (8,23) crate - COMBAT: 1 Doom Bug Vertigo (8,25) crate - COMBAT: 1 Doom Bug Vertigo (8,26) crate - COMBAT: 1 Doom Bug Vertigo (9,23) crate - COMBAT: 1 Doom Bug Dwarf Mine 1 (9,25) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spiders Dwarf Mine 2 (2,7) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 2 (7,2) crate - COMBAT: 3 Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 2 (7,7) crate - COMBAT: 3 Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 2 (8,26) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 2 (13,20) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 3 (1,4) crate - COMBAT: 3 Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 3 (14,1) crate - COMBAT: 3 Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 3 (23,1) crate - COMBAT: 3 Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 3 (27,4) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 4 (2,9) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 4 (9,12) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 4 (12,6) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 4 (12,9) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 4 (14,9) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 5 (5,8) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 5 (13,1) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Dwarf Mine 5 (14,14) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Alpha (0,17) crate - COMBAT: 3 Tiger Mole Deep Mine Alpha (17,26) crate - COMBAT: 3 Tiger Mole Deep Mine Alpha (29,8) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Theta (2,30) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Theta (13,5) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Theta (13,19) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Theta (24,14) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Kappa (3,6) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Kappa (6,21) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Kappa (11,28) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Deep Mine Kappa (24,20) rubble - COMBAT: 2 Giant Spider Newcastle Foundation (7,5) woodpile - COMBAT: 3 Wood Golem Newcastle Foundation (7,6) woodpile - COMBAT: 3 Wood Golem Newcastle Foundation (9,12) woodpile - COMBAT: 3 Wood Golem Newcastle Foundation (12,8) woodpile - COMBAT: 3 Wood Golem Ancient Temple of Yak (4,22) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (8,15) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (8,17) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (12,15) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (12,17) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (13,15) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (13,17) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (17,17) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (19,15) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton Ancient Temple of Yak (19,17) crate - COMBAT: 3 Skeleton SECTION 3G - LOCATIONS OF TREASURE ---------------------------------- This excludes gold, gems, and items given as part of quest awards; see section 3H for those. An "item" is any one of weapon, armor, accessory, or misc. Item levels are defined in section 5A. Numbers in brackets are experience given for picking the lock guarding the treasure. Veins in the Dwarf Mines and Deep Mines may be mined for gold. Most veins have a 10% chance of caving in, which inflicts Physical damage on the party. A vein may be mined multiple times, with the level of the vein dropping by 1. Level 1 vein - 1-100 gold Level 2 vein - 101-200 gold Level 3 vein - 251-350 gold Level 4 vein - 1002-1100 gold Level 5 vein - 5045-5996 gold (level 2 on these can have lower gold) Vertigo (3,5) bed - 1 L1 item Vertigo (3,25) crate - 1 L1 item Vertigo (3,12) garbage - 1 L2 item Vertigo (3,17) bed - 1 L1 item Vertigo (8,12) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (8,28) crate - 1 L1 item Vertigo (9,3) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (9,5) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (9,25) crate - 1 L1 item Vertigo (9,26) crate - 1 L1 item Vertigo (9,28) crate - 1 L1 item Vertigo (10,3) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (10,5) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (11,3) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (11,5) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (12,12) display case - if character does not have Thievery, party receives "Convicted Thief" award, and placed in jail for one year at (27,11); otherwise 1 L1 item Vertigo (13,2) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (13,6) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (13,15) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (13,19) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (14,8) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (14,9) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (14,11) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (14,12) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (14,13) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (16,8) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (16,12) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (16,13) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (17,3) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (17,5) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (17,15) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (17,19) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (20,28) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (22,21) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (22,25) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (23,27) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (25,22) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (26,25) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (26,28) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (27,23) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (28,3) bed - 1 L1 item Vertigo (28,7) bed - 1 L1 item Vertigo (28,29) tree - 1-10 gold Vertigo (29,21) tree - 1-10 gold Nightshadow (1,1) coffin - COMBAT: 1 Gnome Vampire, 999 gold + 1 L3 item Nightshadow (1,2) coffin - COMBAT: 1 Gnome Vampire, 999 gold + 1 L3 item Nightshadow (1,4) coffin - COMBAT: 1 Gnome Vampire, 999 gold + 1 L3 item Nightshadow (1,5) coffin - COMBAT: 1 Gnome Vampire, 999 gold + 1 L3 item Nightshadow (1,7) tree - 10 gems Nightshadow (1,11) tree - 10 gems Nightshadow (1,14) coffin - only opens if the three sundials at (6,10), (8,11), and (10,10) are set to 9 and it is night, then COMBAT: Count Draco, 50000 XP + 99999 gold + 3 L5 items Nightshadow (2,10) tree - 10 gems Nightshadow (3,2) coffin - 999 gold + 1 L3 item Nightshadow (6,14) coffin - 999 gold + 1 L3 item Nightshadow (8,14) coffin - COMBAT: 1 Gnome Vampire, 999 gold + 1 L3 item Nightshadow (9,2) tree - 10 gems Nightshadow (10,8) tree - 10 gems Nightshadow (11,2) tree - 10 gems Rivercity (1,3) chest [3300] - 1000 gold + *Princess Roxanne's Tiara Rivercity (1,8) bed - 1 L3 item Rivercity (1,10) bed - 1 L3 item Rivercity (1,12) bed - 1 L3 item Rivercity (1,20) chest [3300] - 800 gold + *Barok's Magic Pendant Rivercity (1,26) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (2,8) chest [3300] - 5000 gold + 100 gems Rivercity (2,20) chest [3300] - 5000 gold + 200 gems Rivercity (3,5) bed - 1 L3 item Rivercity (3,26) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (7,3) chest [3300] - 5000 gold + 100 gems Rivercity (7,5) chest [3300] - 50000 gold + 4 L4 items Rivercity (7,6) bed - 1 L3 item Rivercity (8,16) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (9,2) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (9,5) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (9,8) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (9,14) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (9,15) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (10,15) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (10,16) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (10,17) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (11,16) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (11,17) chest [3300] - 1 gold + 1 gem Rivercity (12,5) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (12,6) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (13,3) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (14,3) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (21,5) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (27,20) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (28,14) bed - 1 L3 item Rivercity (28,18) bed - 1 L3 item Rivercity (30,7) desk - 100 gold + 10 days pass; may be repeated as many times as desired Rivercity (30,23) tree - 1 L1 item Rivercity (30,28) tree - 1 L1 item Asp (1,2) straw bed - 113-784 gold Asp (1,3) straw bed - 113-784 gold Asp (5,12) straw bed - 50 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 1 L3 item Asp (8,11) pedestal - only can approach after destroying transformer at (8,14) -> *Crystals of Piezoelectricity Asp (10,12) straw bed - 50 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 1 L3 item Asp (10,14) straw bed - 113-784 gold Asp (14,1) straw bed - 113-784 gold Asp (14,14) straw bed - 50 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 1 L3 item Winterkill (1,1) bed - 1 L4 item Winterkill (1,2) bed - 1000 gold Winterkill (1,12) bed - 1 L4 item Winterkill (2,2) bed - 2000 gold Winterkill (2,3) bed - 1 L4 item Winterkill (5,5) bottle - 20 Poison damage + 3 Potion of Holy Word Winterkill (6,3) bottle - 20 Poison damage + 3 Potion of Holy Word Winterkill (9,8) bottle - 20 Poison damage + 3 Potion of Holy Word Winterkill (12,9) bed - 1 L4 item Winterkill (12,12) bed - 3000 gold Winterkill (14,5) bottle - 20 Poison damage + 3 Potion of Holy Word Winterkill (14,7) bed - 1000 gold Dwarf Mine 1 (1,2) chest [1200] - 2001-2298 gold Dwarf Mine 1 (2,30) - level 1 vein Dwarf Mine 1 (5,25) - level 1 vein Dwarf Mine 1 (5,29) - level 2 vein Dwarf Mine 1 (9,30) - level 1 vein Dwarf Mine 1 (10,8) crate - 5 L1 items Dwarf Mine 1 (11,1) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 1 (11,2) bed - 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 1 (11,3) bed - 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 1 (11,10) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 1 (11,11) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 1 (13,2) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 1 (13,4) bed - 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 1 (14,30) - level 2 vein Dwarf Mine 2 (1,3) - level 2 vein Dwarf Mine 2 (1,12) - level 1 vein (always caves in) Dwarf Mine 2 (2,25) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 2 (2,27) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 2 (2,29) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 2 (3,1) chest [1800] - 1000 gold + 1 L2 item Dwarf Mine 2 (3,2) chest [1800] - 2001-2298 gold Dwarf Mine 2 (3,25) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 2 (7,24) crate - 5 L1 items Dwarf Mine 2 (11,9) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Dwarf Mine 2 (12,17) - level 2 vein Dwarf Mine 2 (13,1) - level 2 vein Dwarf Mine 2 (14,14) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 2 (14,25) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Dwarf Mine 3 (1,7) crate - 5 L1 items Dwarf Mine 3 (1,9) crate - 5 L1 items Dwarf Mine 3 (7,7) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 3 (8,3) bed - 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 3 (8,9) bed - 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 3 (11,14) - level 1 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (12,2) - level 2 vein (does not degrade to level 1 vein) Dwarf Mine 3 (12,6) - level 1 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (14,14) - level 2 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (17,14) - level 1 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (18,7) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (20,10) - level 1 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (25,2) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Dwarf Mine 3 (29,2) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (29,7) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (30,9) - level 4 vein Dwarf Mine 3 (30,14) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 4 (4,14) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 4 (5,10) - level 4 vein Dwarf Mine 4 (8,14) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Dwarf Mine 4 (13,4) chest [1800] - 2001-2298 gold Dwarf Mine 4 (14,8) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Dwarf Mine 4 (14,10) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Dwarf Mine 5 (1,14) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 5 (2,9) crate - 5 L1 items Dwarf Mine 5 (6,11) bed - 4-99 gold + 1 L1 item Dwarf Mine 5 (10,2) - level 3 vein Dwarf Mine 5 (10,10) - level 4 vein Dwarf Mine 5 (14,6) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Deep Mine Alpha (1,8) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Alpha (1,25) - level 4 vein Deep Mine Alpha (1,30) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Alpha (2,2) - level 2 vein Deep Mine Alpha (4,11) - level 4 vein Deep Mine Alpha (5,23) - level 4 vein Deep Mine Alpha (12,2) - level 2 vein Deep Mine Alpha (15,21) - level 2 vein Deep Mine Alpha (15,30) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Alpha (19,31) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Alpha (22,17) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Alpha (29,6) - level 2 vein Deep Mine Alpha (29,15) - level 2 vein Deep Mine Alpha (30,3) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Alpha (30,20) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Alpha (31,29) - level 2 vein Deep Mine Theta (2,10) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Deep Mine Theta (24,23) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Deep Mine Theta (28,20) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Deep Mine Theta (31,7) - level 5 vein Deep Mine Kappa (2,30) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Deep Mine Kappa (2,31) - level 5 vein Deep Mine Kappa (4,14) - level 4 vein Deep Mine Kappa (8,13) - level 2 vein (has an extra level 1) Deep Mine Kappa (15,26) - level 4 vein Deep Mine Kappa (15,31) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Kappa (16,23) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Kappa (27,12) - level 3 vein Deep Mine Kappa (27,25) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Deep Mine Kappa (28,3) rubble - 25 Poison damage + POISONED 1 + 26-31 gems Deep Mine Kappa (28,19) - level 4 vein Deep Mine Kappa (30,26) - level 4 vein Deep Mine Omega (5,6) - level 5 vein Deep Mine Omega (5,15) - level 5 vein Deep Mine Omega (21,14) - level 5 vein Deep Mine Omega (30,24) - level 5 vein Deep Mine Omega (30,25) chest [4950] - 1500 gold + 100 gems + 5 L3 items Witch Tower Level 1 (4,6) rags - 1-15 gold + 1 L1 item Witch Tower Level 1 (10,6) rags - 1-15 gold + 1 L1 item Witch Tower Level 2 (4,10) chest [3300] - 501-600 gold + 22-50 gems Witch Tower Level 2 (5,5) chest [3300] - 501-600 gold + 22-50 gems Witch Tower Level 2 (7,4) rags - 1-15 gold + 1 L1 item Witch Tower Level 2 (7,5) rags - 1-15 gold + 1 L1 item Witch Tower Level 3 (6,7) vat - 35 Physical damage + 2 L2 items Witch Tower Level 3 (6,9) vat - 35 Physical damage + 2 L2 items Witch Tower Level 3 (8,7) vat - 35 Physical damage + 2 L2 items Witch Tower Level 3 (8,9) vat - 35 Physical damage + 2 L2 items Witch Tower Level 4 (3,8) chest [3300] - 7500 gold + 4 L2 items Witch Tower Level 4 (7,4) - give password "Rosebud" at (10,6), opens passage -> *Alacorn of Falista Witch Clouds (2,16) offering - 1 L4 broad sword Witch Clouds (6,30) crystal - 11-25 gems Witch Clouds (7,11) crystal - 11-25 gems Witch Clouds (11,19) crystal - 11-25 gems Witch Clouds (14,5) offering - 1 L4 short sword Witch Clouds (14,26) offering - 1 L4 long sword Witch Clouds (18,4) crystal - 11-25 gems Witch Clouds (18,16) crystal - 11-25 gems Witch Clouds (18,28) crystal - 11-25 gems Witch Clouds (22,7) crystal - 11-25 gems Witch Clouds (24,16) offering - 1 L4 short sword Witch Clouds (30,2) crystal - 11-25 gems Tower of High Magic Level 1 (11,8) box [0] - COMBAT: 3 Flying Feet, 2031-2495 gold + 1-20 gems Tower of High Magic Level 2 (3,8) box [0] - COMBAT: 2 Flying Feet + 1 Sorcerer, 500 gold + 50 gems + 3 L4 items Tower of High Magic Level 2 (7,4) box [0] - COMBAT: 3 Flying Feet, 2031-2495 gold + 1-20 gems Tower of High Magic Level 2 (7,12) box [0] - COMBAT: 3 Flying Feet, 2031-2495 gold + 1-20 gems Tower of High Magic Level 3 (3,8) box [0] - COMBAT: 2 Flying Feet + 1 Sorcerer, 500 gold + 50 gems + 3 L4 items Tower of High Magic Level 3 (7,4) box [0] - COMBAT: 1 Fire Dragon, 200 gold + 40 gems + 3 L5 items Tower of High Magic Level 3 (7,12) box [0] - 100 gold + Scroll of Implosions Tower of High Magic Level 3 (11,8) box [0] - COMBAT: 2 Flying Feet + 1 Sorcerer, 500 gold + 50 gems + 3 L4 items Tower of High Magic Level 4 (3,8) box [0] - 100 gold + Scroll of Star Bursts Tower of High Magic Level 4 (7,4) box [0] - 100 gold + Scroll of Implosions Tower of High Magic Level 4 (7,12) box [0] - 100 gold + *Skeleton Key to Darzog's Tower Tower of High Magic Level 4 (11,8) box [0] - 100 gold + Scroll of Star Bursts High Magic Clouds (3,14) crystal - 11-25 gems High Magic Clouds (5,3) crystal - 11-25 gems High Magic Clouds (5,30) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 broad sword High Magic Clouds (8,21) crystal - 11-25 gems High Magic Clouds (11,1) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 broad sword High Magic Clouds (11,19) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 long bow High Magic Clouds (12,30) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 long bow High Magic Clouds (13,28) crystal - 11-25 gems High Magic Clouds (17,15) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 shield High Magic Clouds (18,30) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 shield High Magic Clouds (20,5) crystal - 11-25 gems High Magic Clouds (22,23) crystal - 11-25 gems High Magic Clouds (24,4) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 shield High Magic Clouds (27,12) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L5 long bow High Magic Clouds (27,14) crystal - 11-25 gems Darzog's Tower Level 1 (7,12) grate - 1000 gold + 4 L4 items Darzog's Tower Level 1 (10,6) grate - 1000 gold + 4 L4 items Darzog's Tower Level 2 (7,12) chest [6600] - 5000 gold + 500 gems Darzog's Tower Level 2 (11,8) chest [6600] - 50000 gold Darzog's Tower Level 4 (11,8) chest [6600] - 5000 gold + 100 gems + 5 L5 items Clouds of Xeen (1,5) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 shield Clouds of Xeen (1,21) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 crossbow Clouds of Xeen (2,27) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 shield Clouds of Xeen (2,30) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 cutlass Clouds of Xeen (3,11) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 crossbow Clouds of Xeen (4,15) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 shield Clouds of Xeen (11,25) tent - pay 10 gems, then pass Endurance test -> *Endurance Doll Clouds of Xeen (12,22) tent - pay 100 gems, then pass Accuracy test -> *Accuracy Doll Clouds of Xeen (12,29) tent - give *Might Doll, *Endurance Doll, *Speed Doll, *Accuracy Doll -> *Cupie Doll Clouds of Xeen (14,26) tent - pay 1000 gold, then pass Speed test -> *Speed Doll Clouds of Xeen (15,24) tent - pay 100 gold, then pass Might test -> *Might Doll Clouds of Xeen (23,12) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 long bow Clouds of Xeen (29,20) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 sabre Clouds of Xeen (30,5) offering - be Crusader -> 1 L6 short bow Castle Burlock Level 3 (6,1) chest [6600] - ALARM: generates 2 King's Guard on Level 3, and if you exit via stairs 8 King's Guard on Level 1 + 20 Castle Guard on Level 1; 200 gems + 4 L4 items Castle Burlock Level 3 (10,1) chest [6600] - ALARM: generates 2 King's Guard on Level 3, and if you exit via stairs 8 King's Guard on Level 1 + 20 Castle Guard on Level 1; 43000 gold + 3 L4 items Burlock Dungeon (13,1) straw bed - 1 L6 item Castle Basenji Level 1 (4,1) straw bed - 1 L3 item Castle Basenji Level 1 (5,6) straw bed - 1 L3 item Castle Basenji Level 1 (13,14) straw bed - 1 L3 item Castle Basenji Level 3 (2,14) chest [5500] - 20000 gold + 1000 gems Castle Basenji Level 3 (3,9) scroll - *Scroll of Insight Castle Basenji Level 3 (11,4) chest [5500] - 20000 gold + 1000 gems Newcastle Foundation (3,3) bones - DISEASED 1 + 1 L2 item Newcastle Foundation (4,1) pit - 3 L3 items Newcastle Foundation (5,4) rubble - 5 L1 items Newcastle Foundation (7,15) - *Stone of a Thousand Terrors Newcastle Foundation (10,4) pit - 3 L3 items Newcastle Foundation (12,1) pit - 3 L3 items Newcastle Foundation (12,7) rubble - 1-80 gems Newcastle Foundation (14,1) rubble - 5 L1 items Newcastle Foundation (14,14) bones - DISEASED 1 + 1 L2 item Newcastle Level 1 (4,4) - increase food up to 360, unlimited uses Newcastle Level 1 (4,5) - increase food up to 360, unlimited uses Newcastle Level 1 (7,15) - first entry -> *Golem Stone of Admittance Newcastle Level 1 (7,15) - after dungeon excavated -> 50000 gold Newcastle Dungeon (2,1) - 1 Potion of the GODS! Newcastle Dungeon (6,3) bones - 2 L5 items Newcastle Dungeon (6,5) bones - 2 L5 items Newcastle Dungeon (6,9) - 1 Potion of the GODS! Newcastle Dungeon (7,4) pedestal - 1 Xeen Slayer Sword Newcastle Dungeon (7,9) bones - 2 L5 items Newcastle Dungeon (8,3) bones - 2 L5 items Newcastle Dungeon (8,9) - 1 Potion of the GODS! Newcastle Dungeon (12,1) - 1 Potion of the GODS! Ancient Temple of Yak (1,27) - Potion of Enchant Item Ancient Temple of Yak (1,29) - Potion of Enchant Item Ancient Temple of Yak (2,2) - Potion of Enchant Item Ancient Temple of Yak (2,4) coffin - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 2 Yak Lich, 5008-5977 gold + 2-100 gems + 2 L3 items Ancient Temple of Yak (2,28) coffin - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Yak Master, 5008-5977 gold + 2-100 gems + 2 L3 items Ancient Temple of Yak (13,9) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (15,6) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (15,9) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (16,19) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (17,13) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (18,6) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (18,9) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (18,13) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (18,19) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (19,13) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (19,19) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (20,9) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (20,19) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (21,13) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (22,13) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (22,19) bed - 1 L1 item Ancient Temple of Yak (23,7) - Potion of Enchant Item Ancient Temple of Yak (23,9) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (25,9) coffin - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 2 Yak Lich, 5008-5977 gold + 2-100 gems + 2 L3 items Ancient Temple of Yak (26,14) coffin - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Yak Lich, 5008-5977 gold + 2-100 gems + 2 L3 items Ancient Temple of Yak (26,18) coffin - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Yak Lich, 5008-5977 gold + 2-100 gems + 2 L3 items Ancient Temple of Yak (27,7) - Potion of Enchant Item Ancient Temple of Yak (27,9) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (27,22) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (27,28) - *King's Mega Credit Ancient Temple of Yak (28,23) coffin - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Yak Lich, 5008-5977 gold + 2-100 gems + 2 L3 items Ancient Temple of Yak (28,27) coffin - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Yak Lich, 5008-5977 gold + 2-100 gems + 2 L3 items Ancient Temple of Yak (30,25) - *Elixir of Restoration Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (1,16) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (2,6) coffin - CURSED 2 + COMBAT: 1 Tomb Terror, 1 L5 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (3,25) coffin - CURSED 1 + COMBAT: 1 Tomb Terror, 1 L5 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (4,6) coffin - CURSED 2 + COMBAT: 1 Tomb Terror, 1 L5 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (5,25) coffin - CURSED 2 + COMBAT: 1 Tomb Terror, 1 L5 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (6,9) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (6,30) coffin - 1 L5 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (11,30) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (13,5) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (13,13) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (17,15) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (17,29) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (19,9) - *King's Mega Credit Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (20,14) cage - 20 gems + 1 L3 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (22,14) iron maiden [5500] - 1 L4 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (22,16) iron maiden [5500] - 1 L4 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (22,18) iron maiden [5500] - 1 L4 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (22,22) cage - 20 gems + 1 L3 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (22,23) iron maiden [5500] - 1 L4 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (29,25) cage - 20 gems + 1 L3 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (30,28) cage - 20 gems + 1 L3 item Tomb of a Thousand Terrors (30,29) cage - 20 gems + 1 L3 item Golem Dungeon (4,1) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (6,1) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (11,9) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (11,22) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (11,28) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (15,6) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (15,12) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (17,17) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (18,4) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (22,1) chest [5500] - 3000 gems Golem Dungeon (22,22) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (22,28) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (27,4) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (30,6) - *King's Mega Credit Golem Dungeon (30,12) - *King's Mega Credit Northern Sphinx Body (1,17) sarcophagus - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Mummy, 100 gems + 3 L5 items Northern Sphinx Body (2,1) sarcophagus - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Mummy, 100 gems + 3 L5 items Northern Sphinx Body (4,1) sarcophagus - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Mummy, 100 gems + 3 L5 items Northern Sphinx Body (10,1) sarcophagus - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Mummy, 100 gems + 3 L5 items Northern Sphinx Body (12,1) sarcophagus - 100 gems + 3 L5 items Northern Sphinx Body (13,17) sarcophagus - CURSED 5 + COMBAT: 1 Mummy, 100 gems + 3 L5 items Northern Sphinx Head (1,4) crystal - 300 gems Northern Sphinx Head (3,10) crystal - 300 gems Northern Sphinx Head (6,2) crystal - 300 gems Northern Sphinx Head (8,2) crystal - 300 gems Northern Sphinx Head (11,10) crystal - 300 gems Northern Sphinx Head (13,4) crystal - 300 gems Northern Sphinx Dungeon (0,3) crystal - 100 gems Northern Sphinx Dungeon (1,9) crystal - 100 gems Northern Sphinx Dungeon (4,9) crystal - 100 gems Northern Sphinx Dungeon (4,11) crystal - 100 gems Northern Sphinx Dungeon (11,11) crystal - 100 gems Northern Sphinx Dungeon (13,15) crystal - 100 gems Northern Sphinx Dungeon (15,13) crystal - 100 gems Cave of Illusion Level 1 (11,8) safe [5500] - illusionary until plug at Cave of Illusion Level 4 (14,13) is pulled -> 50000 gold Cave of Illusion Level 2 (2,1) safe [5500] - illusionary until plug at Cave of Illusion Level 4 (14,13) is pulled -> 10000 gold + 4 L4 items Cave of Illusion Level 3 (8,2) safe [5500] - illusionary until plug at Cave of Illusion Level 4 (14,13) is pulled -> 10000 gold + 4 L4 items Cave of Illusion Level 4 (7,14) skull - pay 300 gems -> *Enchanted Key to Tower of High Magic Cave of Illusion Level 4 (8,0) safe [5500] - illusionary until plug at Cave of Illusion Level 4 (14,13) is pulled -> 5000 gold + 5 L5 items Cave of Illusion Level 4 (15,0) safe [5500] - illusionary until plug at Cave of Illusion Level 4 (14,13) is pulled -> 1000 gold + 5 L6 items Dragon Cave (1,29) hoard - 25000 gold + 500 gems Dragon Cave (1,30) hoard - 10000 gold + 5 L5 items Dragon Cave (3,10) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (4,3) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (5,23) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (11,5) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (12,1) hoard - 25000 gold + 500 gems Dragon Cave (14,6) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (15,2) hoard - 25000 gold + 500 gems Dragon Cave (16,16) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (20,10) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (21,3) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (21,23) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (23,12) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (23,16) hoard - 25000 gold + 500 gems Dragon Cave (24,16) hoard - 10000 gold + 5 L5 items Dragon Cave (25,9) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (25,16) hoard - 50000 gold + 1000 gems Dragon Cave (28,26) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (29,0) hoard - 12000 gold + 3 L6 items Dragon Cave (29,5) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (29,9) blue goo - 50 Poison damage, party + 20 gems Dragon Cave (29,30) hoard - 10000 gold + 5 L5 items Dragon Cave (30,1) hoard - 50000 gold + 1000 gems Dragon Cave (31,0) hoard - 100000 gold + 2 L7 items Dragon Cave (31,29) hoard - 10000 gold + 5 L5 items Dragon Cave (31,30) hoard - 12000 gold + 3 L6 items Volcano Cave Level 1 (13,15) chest [6600] - 90000 gold + 666 gems A3 (6,1) stone circle - give *Last Leaf of Autumn -> *Last Snowflake of Winter A3 (8,14) campfire - destroy Barbarian camp -> 25000 XP, party + 3 L4 items B2 (1,10) stone circle - *Last Flower of Summer (repeatable, must give *Last Raindrop of Spring if quest has already been completed once) B4 (2,7) cave - destroy Troll lair -> 20000 XP, party + 5000 gold + satisfies Thickbark B4 (10,12) campfire - destroy Evil Archer camp -> 20000 XP, party + 3000 gold + 50 gems B4 (14,13) - *Holy Book of Elvenkind C1 (15,11) chest [4400] - *Scarab of Imaging C2 (1,8) campfire - destroy Barbarian camp -> 25000 XP, party + 3 L4 items C2 (5,0) cave - destroy Ogre lair -> 100 gold + 6 L1 items + satisfies Captain Nystor C2 (15,9) stone circle - give *Last Flower of Summer -> *Last Leaf of Autumn C4 (1,11) campfire - destroy Evil Ranger camp -> 10000 XP, party + 1200 gold + 3 L3 items C4 (4,15) barrel - if High Magic Clouds drums beaten -> 20 gems C4 (5,15) barrel - if High Magic Clouds drums beaten -> 20 gems C4 (8,15) barrel - if High Magic Clouds drums beaten -> 20 gems C4 (9,15) barrel - if High Magic Clouds drums beaten -> 20 gems C4 (11,12) - pay 50000 gold for land with ruined castle -> *Deed to New Castle D3 (3,1) - destroy Sprite nest -> 10000 XP, party + 50 gems + 5 L3 items D3 (8,3) bottle - Scroll of Enchant Item D3 (11,1) bottle - Scroll of Enchant Item D3 (13,11) bottle - Scroll of Enchant Item D4 (1,2) bottle - 1 L4 item D4 (2,1) bones - *Ligono's Missing Skull D4 (8,4) - *Wand of Faery Magic D4 (10,3) bottle - 1 L4 item D4 (12,3) tent - *Yak Stone of Opening D4 (12,10) bottle - 1 L4 item E2 (9,2) hut - burn Orc outpost -> 1000 XP, party + 200 gold + 3 L1 items E3 (3,14) stone circle - give *Last Snowflake of Winter -> *Last Raindrop of Spring + unnatural aging cured + (first time only) 150000 XP E3 (4,8) bottle - Scroll of Enchant Item E3 (14,13) hut - burn Orc outpost -> 1000 XP, party + 200 gold + 3 L1 items E4 (5,14) skeleton - *Orothin's Bone Whistle F2 (12,5) cave - destroy Orc lair -> 10000 XP, party + 4000 gold + 3 L3 items F2 (13,3) cave - destroy Orc lair -> 10000 XP, party + 4000 gold + 3 L3 items F3 (8,2) - *Phirna Root F3 (9,11) tent - can exchange *Phirna Root for 5 Potion of Antidotes F3 (12,14) hut - burn Orc outpost -> 1000 XP, party + 200 gold + 3 L1 items F3 (14,4) bottle - Scroll of Enchant Item F4 (6,7) - *Phirna Root F4 (7,2) - *Phirna Root F4 (7,12) - *Phirna Root F4 (8,7) - *Phirna Root F4 (9,3) - *Crystal Key to Witch Tower F4 (12,4) - *Phirna Root F4 (12,7) - *Phirna Root F4 (12,14) - *Phirna Root F4 (13,12) - *Phirna Root SECTION 3H - LOCATION OF AWARDS ------------------------------- All awards are for the whole party unless otherwise indicated. "Appeased Barok" - get quest from Barok at Rivercity (25,20); retrieve Barok's Magic Pendant from chest at Rivercity (1,20) and return; receive award, 80000 XP, learn Enchant Item spell, and activate well at Rivercity (14,18) "Asp Guild Member" - Asp (6,7), costs 500 gold per character "Civilized One" - get quest from Thickbark at B3 (6,3); destroy Troll lair at B4 (2,7) and return; receive award, 75000 XP, and learn Super Shelter spell "Convicted Thief" - attempting to steal from one of the display cases in Vertigo (8,12), (9,3), (9,5), (10,3), (10,5), (11,3), (11,5), (12,12) without Thievery will give you this "award" and a one-year jail sentence "DEFEATED LORD XEEN" - kill Lord Xeen on Xeen's Castle Level 4 for this award; examine the nearby 6th Mirror to start the endgame sequence "Fisherman's Friend" - get quest from Medin at C3 (12,13); kill the three Water Dragons in the sea in D3 and return; receive award, 100000 XP, 1 L6 item "Found Shangri-La" - drink from well at Shangri-La (7,8) to receive award and +1 Level "Freed Ligono" - get quest from Ligono at D3 (12,8); retrieve Ligono's Missing Skull from D4 (2,1) and return; receive award, 40000 XP, and learn Recharge Item spell (Ligono then moves to Darkside) "Ghostslayer Extraordinaire" - get quest from Randon at Winterkill (8,13); destroy all Spirit Bones, ring gong at (13,1) and return; destroy all Polter- Fools, ring gong at (13,1) and return; destroy all Ghost Riders, ring gong at (13,1) and return; receive award, 500000 XP "Helped Arie" - get quest from Arie at A1 (11,5); retrieve Scroll of Insight from Castle Basenji Level 3 (3,9); receive award, 750000 XP, *Jeweled Amulet of the Northern Sphinx "Helped Captain Nystor" - get quest from Captain Nystor at C2 (9,1); destroy Ogre lair at C2 (5,0) and return; receive award, 40000 XP, 20000 gold "Helped Carlawna" - get quest from Carlawna at C2 (10,6); retrieve Scarab of Imaging from chest at C1 (15,11) and return; receive award, 75000 XP, and learn Moon Ray spell "Helped Danulf" - get quest from Danulf at C3 (14,5); retrieve Wand of Faery Magic from D4 (8,14) and return; receive award, 40000 XP (the game claims 45000), 25000 gold "Helped Falagar" - get quest from Falagar at C2 (8,11); retrieve Crystals of Piezoelectricity from Asp (8,11) and return; receive award, 75000 XP, and learn Mega Volts spell "Helped Glom" - get quest from Glom at A3 (10,0); destroy Cyclops outpost at A4 (10,8) and return; receive award, 100000 XP, 6 L2 items "Helped Halon" - get quest from Halon at B3 (9,6); retrieve Ever Hot Lava Rock from E2 (7,11) and return; receive award, 150000 XP, *Widget "Helped Orothin" - get quest from Orothin at F3 (9,6); retrieve Orothin's Bone Whistle from E4 (5,14) and return; receive award, 15000 XP, and activate statues at F3 (12,2) and F3 (12,8) "Legendary Dwarf" - if a Dwarf, sit in throne at Northern Sphinx Head (10,14) for award and 500000 XP; if not, 250 Energy damage "Legendary Elf" - if an Elf, sit in throne at Northern Sphinx Head (2,4) for award and 500000 XP; if not, 250 Energy damage "Legendary Gnome" - if a Gnome, sit in throne at Northern Sphinx Head (12,4) for award and 500000 XP; if not, 250 Energy damage "Legendary Human" - if a Human, sit in throne at Northern Sphinx Head (7,2) for award and 500000 XP; if not, 250 Energy damage "Legendary Orc" - if a Half-Orc, sit in throne at Northern Sphinx Head (4,14) for award and 500000 XP; if not, 250 Energy damage "Liberated Pagoda" - get quest from Kai Wu at A3 (15,12); enter Pagoda at A3 (15,6) and return; receive award, 75000 XP, 40 food "Loremaster of Dragons" - if Intellect is at least 150, reading the book at Dragon Cave (27,0) grants this award, 500000 XP, once per character "Loremaster of Drakes" - if Intellect is at least 100, reading the book at Dragon Cave (22,16) grants this award, 200000 XP, once per character "Loremaster of Lizards" - if Intellect is at least 50, reading the book at Dragon Cave (0,31) grants this award, 100000 XP, once per character "Loremaster of Serpents" - if Intellect is at least 75, reading the book at Dragon Cave (31,31) grants this award, 150000 XP, once per character "Loremaster of Worms" - if Intellect is at least 25, reading the book at Dragon Cave (16,0) grants this award, 50000 XP, once per character "Master of Golems" - examine statue at Golem Dungeon (13,1) for award and +1 Level "Nightshadow Guild Member" - Nightshadow (14,11), costs 250 gold per character "Outstanding Citizen" - get quest from Mayor Gunther at Vertigo (14,5); find evidence crate at Vertigo (9,22) and return; receive award, 5000 XP, 4000 gold, 50 gems "Prince of Thieves" - if a Robber of Ninja, sit in throne at Northern Sphinx Body (7,13) for award and 500000 XP (award is also useful on Darkside); if not, 250 Fire damage "Princess' Favorite" - get quest from Princess Roxanne at Castle Burlock Level 3 (2,11); retrieve Princess Roxanne's Tiara from chest at Rivercity (1,3) and return; receive award, 200000 XP, 12325 gold, 192 gems, 4 L3 items "Red Dwarf Badge of Courage" - get quest from Mayor Gunther at Vertigo (14,5) after getting Outstanding Citizen award; slay Clan King in Deep Mine Omega and return; receive award, 50000 XP "Rescued Celia" - get quest from Derek at F3 (4,4); Celia is in the hut in D4 (15,15), free her for the award and 5000 XP; return to Derek for 20000 XP, 2000 gold (Derek and Celia then move to Darkside) "Rescued Crodo" - get quest from Artemus at Castle Burlock Level 1 (1,4); rescue Crodo from Darzog's Tower Level 3 (7,6) and return; receive award, *Excavation Permit "Restored Falista" - get quest from Valia at F4 (9,3); retrieve Alacorn of Falista from Witch Tower Level 4 (7,4) and return; receive award, 60000 XP, Crusader skill for party (Falista then can be visited on Darkside as well) "Restored Mirabeth" - get quest from Mirabeth at D4 (12,3); retrieve Elixir of Restoration from Ancient Temple of Yak (30,25) and return; receive award, 250000 XP, +5 Personality "Rivercity Guild Member" - Rivercity (25,27), costs 500 gold per character "Saved Elves" - get quest from Tito at C3 (3,8), retrieve Holy Book of Elvenkind from B4 (14,13) and return; receive award, 60000 XP, 25000 gold "Shangri-La Guild Member" - Shangri-La (0,11), free "Super Explorer" - examine statue at Witch Clouds (1,1) for award and +1 Level "Taxman Emeritus" - if Intellect is at least 250, reading the book at Dragon Cave (27,1) grants this award, 500000 XP, once per character "Turned Seasons" - get quest and *Last Flower of Summer at B2 (1,10); exchange *Last Flower of Summer for *Last Leaf of Autumn at C2 (15,9); exchange *Last Leaf of Autumn for *Last Snowflake of Winter at A3 (6,1); exchange *Last Snowflake of Winter at E3 (3,14) for award, 150000 XP, *Last Raindrop of Spring, and unnatural aging cured "Vertigo Guild Member" - Vertigo (16,11), costs 25 gold per character "Winterkill Guild Member" - Winterkill (1,8), costs 1000 gold per character SECTION 3I - MIRROR PORTAL KEYWORDS ----------------------------------- The five mirror portals are found in these locations: Vertigo (14,10) Nightshadow (10,3) Rivercity (19,18) Asp (12,1) Winterkill (10,14) At any mirror portal, the following keywords may be used to transport yourself to the indicated location. Additionally, Dwarf Mine and Deep Mine cars may be used to go to another Dwarf Mine or Deep Mine. Keyword Location Asp Asp (8,1) Barbaric Mountains B2 (7,3) Castle Basenji A1 (5,11) Castle Burlock D2 (8,3) Cave of Illusion B4 (2,15) Count Du Money Dragon Cave (13,1) Darkstone Tower B4 (11,14) Darzog's Tower D3 (3,11) Deep Mine Alpha Deep Mine Alpha (15,0) Deep Mine Theta Deep Mine Theta (7,0) Deep Mine Kappa Deep Mine Kappa (14,0) Deep Mine Omega Deep Mine Omega (7,0) Desert of the Sphinx B1 (1,0) Dragon Lair E1 (13,12) Dragon Tower B1 (10,12), not actually near the Dragon Tower Ever Blossom Orchard F3 (5,12) Fairy Forest D3 (3,5) Forest of the Walking Dead F4 (3,3) Gargoyle Range C1 (13,3) I Lost It special: gives 1 Xeen Slayer Sword Jouster's Savannah C2 (14,7) Land of the Giants A4 (6,15) Lava Lake D1 (0,0) Lifeforce Lagoon D4 (5,6) Lord Xeen Xeen's Castle Level 4 (5,9) Magic Delta F3 (9,6) Mine 1 Dwarf Mine 1 (7,12) Mine 2 Dwarf Mine 2 (10,28) Mine 3 Dwarf Mine 3 (4,14) Mine 4 Dwarf Mine 4 (7,7) Mine 5 Dwarf Mine 5 (8,4) Mount Firestone F1 (3,2) Newcastle C4 (11,13) Nightshadow Nightshadow (14,1) Ogre Hills B3 (15,14) Pitchfork Creek E3 (6,7) Red Dwarf Range E2 (8,1) Red River Basin F2 (5,5) Rivercity Rivercity (17,1) Shangri-la Shangri-la (7,1) Showtime special: shows Clouds of Xeen ending Toad Meadow F3 (7,2) Tower of High Magic C4 (5,15) Troll Forest B4 (9,9) Vertigo Vertigo (18,4) Warzone The Warzone (7,5) Winterkill Winterkill (7,14) Witch Tower F4 (10,10) SECTION 4A - MONSTER TABLE -------------------------- Explanation of the column headings and abbreviations: ID# - monster ID number K - thousand M - million HP - hit points; if this is followed immediately by a letter, the monster is of a specific subtype: B = beast D = dragon G = golem H = humanoid I = insect U = undead AC - armor class Spd - speed Acc - physical attack accuracy (not relevant for other damage types) At - number of attacks; "P" means the monster attacks every character once. Dam - damage done per attack that connects DT - damage type (abbreviations are the same as for resistances, below) R - whether attack is ranged or not BT - possible inflicted condition: Age = magical aging BrW = break weapon Con = confused CuI = curse inventory items Cur = cursed Dea = dead Dis = diseased Era = eradicated Ins = insane Lov = in love Par = paralyzed Poi = poisoned Slp = sleep SP = drain spell points Sto = stone Unc = unconscious Wea = weak Ta - blank for normal targeting; if something is listed, the monster preferentially targets the following types of characters: Ar = Archer Cl = Cleric Dr = Druid Dw = Dwarf Kn = Knight Pa = Paladin (does not actually work because of a bug) Ra = Ranger Ro = Robber So = Sorcerer Resistances - resistances are in the following order: Ph (physical), fire (F), cold (C), electricity (E), poison/acid (P), energy (En), magic (Ma). If "Im" is indicated, the monster has 100% resistance to that attack form. High- level spellcasters do have a chance of punching through even 100% resistance. The second line indicates awards given for defeating the monster. Exp - experience gained Gold - gold gained Gems - gems gained Items - level of item dropped (item levels are defined in section 5A); the probability that this item drops is not indicated. Resistances ID# Name HP AC Spd Acc At Dam DT R BT Ta Ph/ F/ C/ E/ P/En/Ma 61 Acid Dragon 220D 25 22 P 100 P Y 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/Im/ 0/ 0 Exp: 60K 45 Barbarian 200H 15 30 35 2 6d10 Ph So 0/50/50/50/50/ 0/10 Exp: 10K Gold: 25 Gems: 0 Items: Level 4 16 Bat Queen 50 10 22 15 2 2d15 Ph Wea Cl 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 700 73 Breeder Slime 20 2 25 1 1d8 P 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/Im/ 0/ 0 Exp: 200 82 Captain Yang 200H 35 30 35 6 3d16 Ph Pa 0/50/50/50/50/ 0/ 0 Exp: 25K Gold: 2500 Gems: 0 Items: Level 5 49 Carnage Hand 200 10 15 40 1 2d60 Ph 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/80 Exp: 12K Gold: 0 Gems: 10 Items: none 46 Castle Guard 100H 30 28 30 2 10d6 Ph 0/10/10/10/10/10/10 Exp: 10K Gold: 40 Gems: 0 Items: none 75 Clan King 120H 12 22 P 8 Ma Y Slp 0/50/50/50/50/50/ 0 Exp: 2000 Gold: 500 Gems: 10 Items: Level 3 74 Clan Sargent 60H 10 20 8 2 2d6 Ph Dw 0/50/50/50/50/50/ 0 Exp: 600 Gold: 120 Gems: 3 Items: Level 2 17 Cleric of Yak 60H 8 18 P 2d10 E Y 0/20/20/60/20/ 0/ 0 Exp: 1600 Gold: 0 Gems: 8 Items: Level 2 60 Cloud Golem 175G 15 26 2 5d12 E 80/ 0/ 0/Im/Im/60/ 0 Exp: 30K Gold: 0 Gems: 10 Items: none 86 Count Draco 130U 25 40 P 3d15 Ma SP 60/ 0/90/90/90/ 0/20 Exp: 35K 85 Cult Leader 110H 22 32 P 3d30 F Y 0/Im/70/70/70/70/70 Exp: 30K Gold: 450 Gems: 30 Items: Level 5 57 Cyclops 200 16 28 35 2 2d40 Ph Con So 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/20 Exp: 10K Gold: 1300 Gems: 5 Items: none 87 Darzog 150H 25 35 P 4d30 E Y Sto 0/20/20/20/20/20/ 0 Exp: 50K Gold: 0 Gems: 50 Items: Level 6 63 Darzog Clone 30 12 35 P 4d30 E Y 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/10 Exp: 30K 64 Demon 300 30 33 P 3d33 F Y 0/Im/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/20 Exp: 30K 70 Devil 350 30 66 P 3d33 C Y 0/Im/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/30 Exp: 40K 67 Diamond Golem 1000G 40 30 50 2 4d50 Ph BrW 50/80/80/80/50/ 0/ 0 Exp: 30K Gold: 0 Gems: 20 Items: none 2 Doom Bug 5I 3 17 1 6 P 0/ 0/50/50/Im/50/ 0 Exp: 75 72 Dragon King 2000D 45 40 P 400 En Y 0/Im/Im/Im/Im/Im/Im Exp: 250K 52 Earth Golem 150G 12 20 35 2 4d20 Ph 20/80/90/90/80/ 0/ 0 Exp: 14K Gold: 0 Gems: 6 Items: none 43 Evil Archer 75H 22 35 5 4d6 E Y 0/20/20/80/20/20/ 0 Exp: 10K Gold: 300 Gems: 10 Items: Level 4 35 Evil Ranger 100H 20 27 15 2 4d5 Ph Y Poi Dr 0/25/25/25/80/ 0/ 0 Exp: 7000 Gold: 500 Gems: 5 Items: Level 3 68 Fire Dragon 350D 30 28 P 200 F Y 0/Im/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 80K 26 Flying Feet 40 14 30 15 2 4d5 Ph Slp So 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/60 Exp: 3000 69 Frost Dragon 450D 35 30 P 250 C Y 0/ 0/Im/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 100K 47 Gargoyle 70 18 32 30 4 5d5 Ph Par 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/20 Exp: 11K 79 Ghost Rider 60U 20 30 30 1 2d32 Ph Age Cl Im/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 4000 27 Ghoul 100U 15 20 22 2 2d10 Ph Par Pa 50/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 3500 1 Giant Bat 10B 5 20 5 1 2d4 Ph 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 60 19 Giant Scorpion 100I 14 28 20 1 2d40 Ph Poi 0/20/50/50/Im/ 0/ 0 Exp: 1000 3 Giant Snake 15B 6 18 2 1 1d10 Ph Poi 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 100 4 Giant Spider 20I 4 19 6 1 1d8 Ph Poi 0/ 0/50/50/50/50/ 0 Exp: 100 13 Giant Toad 90B 6 17 8 1 3d8 Ph Slp 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 500 48 Gnome Vampire 80U 18 36 20 2 3d16 Ph SP Pa 20/ 0/90/90/90/ 0/10 Exp: 12K 5 Goblin 20 6 15 2 1 1d12 Ph So 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 150 Gold: 5 Gems: 0 Items: Level 1 71 Great Hydra 1000D 27 30 45 12 10d10 Ph Poi 0/50/50/50/Im/50/ 0 Exp: 50K 21 Guardian 40 20 25 2 3d10 En SP 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/Im/70 Exp: 1500 Gold: 0 Gems: 5 Items: none 54 Guardian Asp 90B 22 35 40 1 2d40 Ph Con 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/50 Exp: 15K 20 Harpy 80 7 21 2 2d15 Ma Lov Ar 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/50 Exp: 1200 81 Harpy Queen 120 10 25 2 2d25 Ma Wea 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/60 Exp: 10K 76 Head Witch 80 12 25 P 3d5 Ma Y Cur 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/60 Exp: 5000 Gold: 0 Gems: 10 Items: Level 4 53 Ice Troll 125 15 25 30 2 3d15 Ph Dw 0/ 0/Im/50/50/ 0/ 0 Exp: 14K 12 Insane Begger 10H 3 20 1 2d6 Ma Ins 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/20 Exp: 450 Gold: 1 Gems: 0 Items: none 15 Insect Swarm 30I 10 28 8 P 10 Ph 0/ 0/50/50/50/ 0/ 0 Exp: 1300 58 Iron Golem 300G 24 24 40 2 2d50 Ph 50/90/Im/Im/80/50/ 0 Exp: 25K Gold: 0 Gems: 10 Items: none 29 Jouster 80H 20 25 40 1 2d40 Ph Pa 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 5000 Gold: 2000 Gems: 0 Items: Level 3 22 Killer Sprite 25 12 35 2 2d6 E Cur 20/20/20/20/20/20/20 Exp: 1600 Gold: 0 Gems: 6 Items: none 84 King's Guard 150H 35 30 4 10d6 C Y 0/20/20/20/20/20/20 Exp: 10K Gold: 100 Gems: 0 Items: Level 5 65 Lava Golem 500G 23 30 2 2d50 F BrW 50/Im/ 0/80/Im/50/ 0 Exp: 20K Gold: 0 Gems: 10 Items: none 89 Lord Xeen 500 25 50 1 1000 En Y Era Im/Im/Im/Im/Im/Im/Im Exp: 600K Gold: 0 Gems: 0 Items: *Xeen's Scepter of Temp. Dis. 7 Mad Dwarf 30H 6 17 6 2 2d4 Ph Dw 0/50/50/50/50/50/ 0 Exp: 200 Gold: 75 Gems: 2 Items: Level 1 10 Mad Fool 30H 4 21 8 2 2d5 Ph Ins 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/10 Exp: 350 Gold: 0 Gems: 0 Items: Level 2 40 Mummy 60U 15 20 20 2 2d20 Ph Dis Dr 50/ 0/80/80/80/80/ 0 Exp: 9000 24 Ninja 65H 25 35 20 4 3d5 Ph Y 0/20/20/20/20/20/20 Exp: 2000 Gold: 50 Gems: 0 Items: Level 3 32 Ogre 90 17 15 25 1 4d8 Ph Y 0/40/40/40/40/ 0/ 0 Exp: 6000 6 Orc 25H 5 17 5 1 1d10 Ph Y Pa 0/50/50/50/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 200 Gold: 10 Gems: 0 Items: Level 1 78 Polter-Fool 50U 15 20 20 1 2d16 Ph Age Cl Im/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 3000 18 Robber 50H 8 23 10 2 2d8 Ph Y 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 900 Gold: 200 Gems: 0 Items: Level 2 80 Robber Boss 115H 14 27 15 2 2d12 Ph 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 5000 Gold: 400 Gems: 0 Items: Level 4 66 Roc 300 16 28 30 2 4d15 Ph Par 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 20K 37 Sand Golem 80G 18 10 30 1 40 Ph Slp 20/80/80/80/80/ 0/ 0 Exp: 8000 Gold: 0 Gems: 5 Items: none 56 Sand Worm 250 19 30 30 1 6d25 Ph Dea 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 10K 8 Skeleton 20U 5 10 4 1 2d6 Ph Cl 50/50/50/50/50/ 0/ 0 Exp: 250 0 Slime 2 0 25 2 1d2 P 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/Im/ 0/ 0 Exp: 50 30 Snake Man 50B 15 26 15 1 3d10 Ph 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 5000 Gold: 100 Gems: 0 Items: Level 3 36 Snow Beast 75B 25 32 30 2 2d12 Ph 0/ 0/90/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 7000 50 Sorcerer 90H 20 40 P 8d10 C Y 0/30/Im/30/30/30/70 Exp: 30K Gold: 360 Gems: 40 Items: Level 4 31 Sorceress 75H 15 27 P 3d12 F Y 0/80/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/30 Exp: 10K Gold: 0 Gems: 15 Items: Level 3 77 Spirit Bones 40U 10 10 10 1 2d8 Ph Age Cl Im/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 2000 23 Stingers 50I 15 30 18 P 20 Ph Wea 0/ 0/50/50/50/ 0/ 0 Exp: 3600 55 Stone Golem 200G 18 20 40 2 3d30 Ph 50/Im/Im/90/70/ 0/ 0 Exp: 20K Gold: 0 Gems: 8 Items: none 34 Swamp Thing 130 23 12 25 1 2d30 Ph Dr 0/ 0/30/30/30/ 0/ 0 Exp: 6000 11 Tiger Mole 40B 10 20 10 2 2d12 Ph 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 400 33 Tomb Guard 50U 25 18 1 4d5 Ma Age Pa 60/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 6000 51 Tomb Terror 150U 15 27 1 4d20 Ma Cur 60/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 13K 59 Water Dragon 200D 15 26 P 80 C Y 0/50/Im/ 0/90/ 0/ 0 Exp: 50K 28 Water Golem 150G 16 15 2 2d25 C 50/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 Exp: 4000 Gold: 0 Gems: 5 Items: none 39 Werewolf 100 20 28 25 2 2d25 Ph Dis Pa 0/20/20/20/20/20/20 Exp: 9000 14 Wicked Witch 50 9 23 P 2d2 Ma Y CuI 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/50 Exp: 1200 Gold: 0 Gems: 5 Items: none 42 Wizard 75H 17 30 P 2d30 F Y 0/Im/60/60/60/60/50 Exp: 25K Gold: 250 Gems: 25 Items: Level 3 44 Wood Golem 100G 10 10 25 1 2d50 Ph 0/ 0/90/50/80/ 0/ 0 Exp: 10K Gold: 0 Gems: 5 Items: none 62 Xeen's Guard 100 50 50 1 100 En 50/80/80/80/80/20/ 0 Exp: 20K 88 Xeen's Pet 400D 35 30 P 250 P Y 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/Im/ 0/ 0 Exp: 100K 41 Yak Lich 80U 20 27 P 5d5 Ma Y Unc 40/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/50 Exp: 20K 83 Yak Master 160U 22 30 P 5d10 Ma Y Dea 60/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/60 Exp: 50K 25 Yak Priest 80H 12 25 P 2d15 F Y 0/60/20/20/20/ 0/ 0 Exp: 5000 Gold: 400 Gems: 12 Items: Level 3 38 Yang Knight 120H 30 24 25 4 3d15 Ph Kn 0/30/30/30/30/ 0/ 0 Exp: 8000 Gold: 1200 Gems: 0 Items: Level 3 9 Zombie 30U 2 4 5 2 2d4 Ph Dis Cl 50/ 0/80/80/80/ 0/ 0 Exp: 300 SECTION 4B - MONSTERS BY LOCATION --------------------------------- Vertigo: Slime, Doom Bug, Breeder Slime Nightshadow: Bat Queen, Gnome Vampire, Count Draco Rivercity: Insane Begger, Robber, Sorceress, Yang Knight, Robber Boss, Captain Yang Asp: Snake Man, Guardian Asp Winterkill: Spirit Bones, Polter-Fool, Ghost Rider Dwarf Mine 1: Giant Bat, Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf Dwarf Mine 2: Giant Bat, Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf, Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 3: Giant Bat, Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf, Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 4: Giant Bat, Giant Spider, Tiger Mole Dwarf Mine 5: Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf Deep Mine Alpha: Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf, Tiger Mole, Clan Sargent Deep Mine Theta: Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf, Tiger Mole, Clan Sargent Deep Mine Kappa: Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf, Clan Sargent Deep Mine Omega: Giant Spider, Mad Dwarf, Clan Sargent, Tiger Mole, Clan King Witch Tower Level 1: Goblin Witch Tower Level 2: Goblin Witch Tower Level 3: Wicked Witch Witch Tower Level 4: Goblin, Wicked Witch, Head Witch Witch Clouds: Harpy, Harpy Queen Tower of High Magic Level 1: Flying Feet Tower of High Magic Level 2: Flying Feet, Sorcerer Tower of High Magic Level 3: Sorcerer, Fire Dragon Tower of High Magic Level 4: Flying Feet, Sorcerer High Magic Clouds: Flying Feet, Sorcerer, Cloud Golem Darzog's Tower Level 1: Carnage Hand Darzog's Tower Level 2: Carnage Hand, Darzog Clone Darzog's Tower Level 3: Darzog Clone, Darzog Darzog's Tower Level 4: Carnage Hand Clouds of Xeen: Cloud Golem, Roc Castle Burlock Level 1: Mad Fool, Castle GUard, King's Guard Castle Burlock Level 2: Mad Fool Castle Burlock Level 3: Mad Fool, King's Guard Burlock Dungeon: Mad Fool, Castle Guard, Ice Troll, Fire Dragon Castle Basenji Level 1: Werewolf, Wizard Castle Basenji Level 2: Wizard Castle Basenji Level 3: Wizard, Cult Leader Basenji Dungeon: Werewolf Xeen's Castle Level 1: Xeen's Guard Xeen's Castle Level 2: Xeen's Guard Xeen's Castle Level 3: Xeen's Guard Xeen's Castle Level 4: Xeen's Guard, Xeen's Pet, Lord Xeen Newcastle Foundation: Wood Golem Ancient Temple of Yak: Skeleton, Cleric of Yak, Yak Priest, Yak Lich, Yak Master Tomb of a Thousand Terrors: Ghoul, Tomb Guard, Tomb Terror Golem Dungeon: Wood Golem, Stone Golem, Iron Golem, Diamond Golem Northern Sphinx Body: Mummy, Stone Golem Northern Sphinx Head: Mummy, Earth Golem, Stone Golem Northern Sphinx Dungeon: Earth Golem Cave of Illusion Level 1: Guardian, Water Golem Cave of Illusion Level 2: Guardian, Water Golem Cave of Illusion Level 3: Guardian, Water Golem Cave of Illusion Level 4: Guardian, Water Golem Dragon Cave: Fire Dragon, Frost Dragon, Dragon King Volcano Cave Level 1: Demon, Devil Volcano Cave Level 2: Demon, Devil Volcano Cave Level 3: Demon, Devil A1: Giant Scorpion, Sand Worm A2: Giant Scorpion, Sand Golem, Sand Worm A3: Ninja, Snow Beast, Barbarian A4: Snow Beast, Cyclops B1: Giant Scorpion, Sand Golem, Sand Worm B2: Giant Scorpion, Barbarian B3: Ninja, Ogre, Evil Ranger, Evil Archer B4: Evil Archer, Ice Troll C1: Giant Scorpion, Gargoyle, Sand Worm C2: Jouster, Ogre, Barbarian C3: Killer Sprite, Ogre, Evil Ranger C4: Killer Sprite, Stingers, Swamp Thing, Evil Ranger D1: Acid Dragon, Lava Golem D2: Insect Swarm, Jouster D3: Skeleton, Zombie, Killer Sprite, Water Dragon D4: Killer Sprite, Stingers, Swamp Thing E1: Acid Dragon, Lava Golem, Great Hydra E2: Orc, Lava Golem E3: Orc, Skeleton, Zombie, Insect Swarm E4: Skeleton, Zombie F1: Acid Dragon, Lava Golem, Great Hydra F2: Orc, Lava Golem F3: Giant Snake, Orc, Skeleton, Zombie, Giant Toad F4: Giant Snake, Skeleton, Zombie, Giant Toad SECTION 5A - EQUIPMENT GENERATION AND PROPERTIES ------------------------------------------------ (This section is incomplete in areas where information was gathered by experiment.) Items range in power from level 1 to 7; this is the item level listed in the treasure tables above. An item is one of weapon, armor, accessory, or miscellaneous; one of the base items below is randomly chosen. Level 1 items cannot be armor other than body armor, or accessories. At levels 2 to 5 an item will receive exactly one of: (1) a material enchantment; (2) an elemental enchantment; or (3) an attribute enchantment; or (4) the ability to cast spells, powered by charges. At levels 6 and 7, item generation is similar, but you may not receive a missile weapon or a miscellaneous item unless one is specifically called for. A weapon of level 2 to 7 may also receive a special weapon power. The definition of item quality appears to be similar to that in Might and Magic III, but with a new tier of Level 1 items, bumping up all the old tiers. BASE ITEMS Base items are independent of level. The following tables show base damage, armor class ratings, cost, and which classes may equip them. ONE-HANDED WEAPONS Name Damage Cost Usable by Broad Sword 3d4 100 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Club 1d3 1 All Cudgel 1d6 15 All except Sorcerer Cutlass 2d4 40 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Dagger 2d2 8 All except Cleric Flail 1d10 100 All except Sorcerer Hand Axe 2d3 10 All except Cleric, Sorcerer Katana 4d3 150 Knight, Paladin, Ninja Long Sword 3d3 50 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Mace 2d4 50 All except Sorcerer Maul 1d8 30 All except Sorcerer Nunchakas 2d3 30 Knight, Paladin, Ninja Sabre 4d2 60 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Scimitar 2d5 80 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Short Sword 2d3 15 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Spear 1d9 15 All except Cleric, Sorcerer Wakazashi [sic] 3d3 60 Knight, Paladin, Ninja TWO-HANDED WEAPONS (prevents the use of a shield) Name Damage Cost Usable by Bardiche 4d4 200 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid Battle Axe 3d5 100 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Flamberge 4d5 400 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Ranger Glaive 4d3 80 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid Grand Axe 3d6 200 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Great Axe 3d7 300 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Barbarian, Ranger Halberd 3d6 250 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid Hammer 2d5 120 All except Sorcerer Naginata 5d3 300 Knight, Paladin, Ninja Pike 2d8 180 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid Staff 2d4 40 All Trident 2d6 100 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid MISSILE WEAPONS Name Damage Cost Usable by Crossbow 4d2 50 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid Long Bow 5d2 100 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid Short Bow 3d2 25 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid Sling 2d2 15 All except Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid BODY ARMOR (may equip only one) Name Armor Cost Usable by Robes 2 20 All Scale Armor 4 100 All except Sorcerer, Druid Ring Mail 5 200 All except Sorcerer, Barbarian, Druid Chain Mail 6 400 Knight, Paladin, Archer, Robber, Cleric, Ranger Splint Mail 7 600 Knight, Paladin, Cleric, Ranger Plate Mail 8 1000 Knight, Paladin Plate Armor 10 2000 Knight, Paladin OFF-HAND ITEMS (may equip only one; prevents the use of a two-handed weapon) Name Armor Cost Usable by Shield 4 100 Knight, Paladin, Robber, Cleric, Barbarian, Ranger CLOAKS (may equip only one) Name Armor Cost Usable by Cape 1 200 All Cloak 1 250 All OTHER ARMOR (may equip one of each of these per character) Name Armor Cost Usable by Belt 0 100 All Boots 1 40 All Gauntlets 1 100 All Helm 2 60 All AMULETS (may equip only one) Name Armor Cost Usable by Amulet 0 2000 All Necklace 0 1000 All Pendant 0 500 All MEDALLIONS (may equip two of these per character) Name Armor Cost Usable by Broach 0 250 All Cameo 0 300 All Charm 0 50 All Medal 0 100 All Scarab 0 200 All RINGS (may equip two of these per character) Name Armor Cost Usable by Ring 0 100 All MAGICAL ITEMS (separate inventory space, usable and cannot be equipped) Name Cost Box 10 Coin 10 Gem 500 Horn 20 Jewel 1000 Orb 100 Rod 50 Scroll 100 Wand 50 Whistle 10 ITEM MATERIAL ENCHANTMENTS Unlike in Might and Magic III, material enchantments on accessories do not affect armor class and thus have no effect at all when equipped. Common Material +To Hit +To Dam +AC Value Multiplier Item Levels Wooden -3 -3 -3 0.1 2 Leather -4 -6 0 0.25 2 Brass +3 -4 -2 0.5 2-3 Bronze +2 -2 -1 0.75 2-4 Iron +1 +2 +1 2 3-5 Silver +2 +4 +2 5 3-5 Steel +3 +6 +4 10 3-5 Gold +4 +8 +6 20 4-6 Platinum +6 +10 +8 50 5-6 Rare Material +To Hit +To Dam +AC Value Multiplier Item Levels Glass 0 0 0 2 2 Coral +1 +1 +1 3 2-3 Crystal +1 +1 +1 5 2-3 Lapis +2 +2 +2 10 2-4 Pearl +2 +2 +2 20 3-4 Amber +3 +3 +3 30 3-5 Ebony +4 +4 +4 40 4-5 Quartz +5 +5 +5 50 5 Precious Material +To Hit +To Dam +AC Value Multiplier Item Levels Ruby +6 +12 +10 60 5-6 Emerald +7 +15 +12 70 5-6 Sapphire +8 +20 +14 80 6 Diamond +9 +30 +16 90 6 Obsidian +10 +50 +20 100 6-7 ITEM ELEMENTAL ENCHANTMENTS Elemental enchantments on weapons only grant the capacity to cause elemental damage. On other items, they only increase resistance. NB: "Power" is both an Energy modifier and a Might modifier. Value Item Fire Name Resistance Damage Added Levels Burning +5 +2 200 2 Fiery +7 +3 300 2-3 Pyric +9 +4 400 2-4 Fuming +12 +5 500 3-5 Flaming +15 +10 1000 3-6 Seething +20 +15 1500 4-6 Blazing +25 +20 2000 5-6 Scorching +30 +30 3000 6-7 Value Item Cold Name Resistance Damage Added Levels Icy +5 +2 200 2-3 Frost +10 +4 400 2-4 Freezing +15 +5 500 3-5 Cold +20 +10 1000 4-6 Cryo +25 +20 2000 5-7 Value Item Electrical Name Resistance Damage Added Levels Flickering +5 +2 200 2 Sparking +7 +3 300 2-3 Static +9 +4 400 2-4 Flashing +12 +5 500 3-5 Shocking +15 +10 1000 3-5 Electric +20 +15 1500 4-6 Dyna +25 +20 2000 5-7 Value Item Acid/Pois. Name Resistance Damage Added Levels Acidic +10 +2 200 2-3 Venemous [sic] +15 +4 400 2-4 Poisonous +20 +8 800 3-5 Toxic +25 +16 1600 4-6 Noxious +40 +32 3200 6-7 Value Item Energy Name Resistance Damage Added Levels Glowing +5 +2 200 2 Incandescent +7 +3 300 2-3 Dense +9 +4 400 2-4 Sonic +11 +5 500 3-5 Power +13 +10 1000 3-6 Thermal +15 +15 1500 4-6 Radiating +20 +20 2000 5-6 Kinetic +25 +30 3000 6-7 Value Item Magical Name Resistance Damage Added Levels Mystic +5 +5 500 2-4 Magical +10 +10 1000 4-6 Ectoplasmic +20 +20 2500 6-7 ITEM ATTRIBUTE ENCHANTMENTS Value Item Might Bonus Added Levels Might +2 200 2 Strength +3 300 2-3 Warrior +5 500 2-4 Ogre +8 800 2-5 Giant +12 1200 3-5 Thunder +17 1700 4-6 Force +23 2300 5-6 Power +30 3000 6 Dragon +38 3800 6 Photon +47 4700 6-7 Value Item Intellect Personality Speed Bonus Added Levels Clever Buddy Quick +2 200 2 Mind Friendship Swift +3 300 2-3 Sage Charm Fast +5 500 2-4 Thought Personality Rapid +8 800 3-5 Knowledge Charisma Speed +12 1200 3-6 Intellect Leadership Wind +17 1700 4-6 Wisdom Ego Accelerator +23 2300 5-6 Genius Holy Velocity +30 3000 6-7 Value Item Accuracy Bonus Added Levels Sharp +3 300 2-3 Accurate +5 500 3-4 Marksman +10 1000 3-5 Precision +15 1500 4-6 True +20 2000 5-6 Exacto +30 3000 6-7 Value Item Luck Bonus Added Levels Clover +5 500 2 Chance +10 1000 2-3 Winners +15 1500 3-4 Lucky +20 2000 4-5 Gamblers +25 2500 5-6 Leprechauns +30 3000 6-7 Value Item Hit Points Bonus Added Levels Vigor +4 400 2-3 Health +6 600 3-4 Life +10 1000 3-5 Troll +20 2000 4-6 Vampiric +50 5000 6-7 Value Item Spell Pts. Bonus Added Levels Spell +4 400 2-3 Castors +8 800 3-4 Witch +12 1200 3-5 Mage +16 1600 5-6 Archmage +20 2000 6 Arcane +25 2500 6-7 Value Item Armor Class Bonus Added Levels Protection +2 200 2-3 Armored +4 400 2-4 Defender +6 600 3-5 Stealth +10 1000 4-6 Divine +16 1600 6-7 Value Item Thievery Bonus Added Levels Mugger +4 400 2-3 Burgler [sic] +6 600 3 Looter +8 800 3-4 Brigand +10 1000 3-4 Filch +12 1200 4-5 Thief +14 1400 4-5 Rogue +16 1600 5-6 Plunder +18 1800 5-6 Criminal +20 2000 6 Pirate +25 2500 6-7 SPECIAL WEAPON POWERS Beast Bopper - 3x damage against Beasts Bug Zapper - 3x damage against Insects Dragon Slayer - 3x damage against Dragons Golem Smasher - 3x damage against Golems Monster Masher - 3x damage against Monsters Undead Eater - 3x damage against Undead IMBUED SPELL ENCHANTMENTS Level 1 items - Awaken, Cure Wounds, Energy Blast, First Aid, Flying Fist, Insect Spray, Light, Magic Arrow, Pain, Prot. from Elements, Revitalize, Shrapmetal, Sleep, Sparks, Toxic Cloud Level 2 items - Beast Master, Bless, Clairvoyance, Heroism, Holy Bonus, Identify Monster, Jump, Levitate, Lloyd's Beacon, Nature's Cure, Power Cure, Power Shield, Turn Undead, Wizard Eye Level 3 items - Acid Spray, Cold Ray, Cure Poison, Detect Monster, Dragon Sleep, Fire Ball, Frost Bite, Hypnotize, Lightning, Time Distortion, Walk on Water Level 4 items - Cure Disease, Cure Paralysis, Day of Protection, Day of Sorcery, Deadly Swarm, Finger of Death, Golem Stopper, Poison Volley, Super Shelter, Teleport Level 5 items - Create Food, Dancing Sword, Etherealize, Fantastic Freeze, Fiery Flail, Moon Ray, Raise Dead, Recharge Item (cannot be recharged), Stone to Flesh, Town Portal Items that cast more powerful spells do not appear randomly. SECTION 5B - SHOPS OF CLOUDSIDE ------------------------------- Vertigo (8,4) - carries level 1-2 items Rivercity (24,9) - carries level 1-3 items Newcastle Level 1 (4,7) - carries level 1-3 items Shangri-La (14,8) - carries level 1-3 items SECTION 6A - TAVERN TIPS AND RUMORS ----------------------------------- Rumors and tips are listed as-is; some of them are inaccurate. Vertigo (24,5) Lady Geraldine's Tavern Rumor 1 : The Witches of Toad Meadow have been snatching children and turning them into goblins. Rumor 2 : The well in the middle of town has been poisoned by the slimes. Rumor 3 : They say there is still gold in them thar hills to the north. Rumor 4 : There are five Dwarf mine entrances in Xeen. Rumor 5 : Roland took the key to the pyramids with him on his trip to the Darkside of Xeen. Rumor 6 : The Orcs keep valuables in their outposts and camps in the hills. Rumor 7 : The Count in Nightshadow sleeps in a coffin that can only be opened if the sundials are set Rumor 8 : Phirna plants look like small berry bushes and can be found all over Toad Meadow. Rumor 9 : The Witches invented the Clairvoyance spell. Rumor 10: Some people around here think that Joe is breeding the slimes instead of killing them. Tip 1 : One entrance to the dwarf mines can be found in the hills to the west of Vertigo. Just follow the paved road out of town and turn right at the dirt road. Tip 2 : Only Robbers and Ninjas can steal successfully. Tip 3 : An old woman in Toad Meadow holds the key to the Witches' Tower. Tip 4 : Be sure to cast the levitate spell before you ventured onto a cloud. Tip 5 : Zombies and Skeletons are vulnerable to Turn Undead spells. Tip 6 : Two characters must have the pathfinder skill before you can walk in the forest. Tip 7 : Two characters must have the mountaineer skill before you can walk in the mountains. Tip 8 : Everyone must have the swimming skill before you can venture into shallow water. Tip 9 : He who runs away lives to fight another day. Tip 10: Be sure to put your excess gems in the bank... you may need to ask Mr. Wizard for help. Tip 11: Use the Jump spell to get over traps. Tip 12: The Merchant skill can be bought in the woods you will see after you cross the second bridge on the road heading west out of town. Tip 13: The wells in the middle of towns are helpful once you have solved the town's problems. Tip 14: Celia is in a hut at the western edge of Zombie Forest. Tip 15: You will earn interest on the money and gems you put in the bank. Rivercity (24,16) Bull's Tavern Rumor 1 : The key to the Tower of High Magic can be found in the Cave of Illusion. Rumor 2 : If you find and return Barok's pendant he will change the well back to the way it was. Rumor 3 : Lord Xeen killed everyone in Newcastle a little while ago. The King is selling the land for cheap. Rumor 4 : There is a weird machine in Asp that is turning the townspeople into snakes. Rumor 5 : The King only accepts Megacredits for his engineer's services. Rumor 6 : The amulet to the SOuthern Sphinx is lost with Roland. Rumor 7 : Say the name of your destination to travel through the mirrors. Rumor 8 : There are four deep Dwarf mines that cannot be accessed directly from the surface. Rumor 9 : Some people say there is a town inside the great volcano. Rumor 10: Roland took the keys to two of the Towers and the stone to one of the dungeons when he Tip 1 : It can take a long time to get through the desert without a navigator. Tip 2 : Near the Cave of Illusion is a lone patch of forest where you can find talking trees. Tip 3 : Helping the Druids of the Seasons will restore your age to normal. Tip 4 : The currents of the river travel from the center of the world to the edge. Anything carried by them from around here would end up in the swamp. Tip 5 : Use the Wizard Eye and Teleport spells to speed your explorations. Tip 6 : Use the grates to cut off pursuit. Tip 7 : Lead monsters away from treasure and then teleport back. Tip 8 : All of the broken bottles in Winterkill have noxious gasses, but some also have beneficial potions. Tip 9 : Cast your protection spells at 5:00 in the morning, to get the most from them. Tip 10: Cast your protections spells in front of the well that gives spell points, then use the well to replenish them. Tip 11: Liquids of the same color in the Dwarf mines have the same effect. Tip 12: Feeling powerful? Go to the Warzone and test your strength. Tip 13: Each stage of Newcastle will cost five megacredits. Tip 14: There are three stages of Newcastle to buy. After the last is bought, you will have no further need for Megacredits. Tip 15: You should stop paying for tips once you have reached the 15th tip at a tavern. Shangri-La (14,13) Tavern Xanadu Rumor 1 : The Key to Darzog's Tower is inside the Tower of High Magic. Rumor 2 : Roland is still alive on the Darkside. Rumor 3 : Xeen is but one side of a coin spinning through the void. Rumor 4 : You must rescue Crodo from Darzog's Tower before you will be allowed to build a dungeon. Rumor 5 : Only one weapon can harm Lord Xeen, and it is to be found in the dungeon of Newcastle. Rumor 6 : Arie has the amulet of the Northern Sphinx. Rumor 7 : Crodo was not born on Xeen. Rumor 8 : Xeen's scepter will allow you to stay on Darkside as long as you want when the moons are aligned. Rumor 9 : Evil is not Good. Rumor 10: Lord Xeen's castle lies in the cloud world above Darzog's Tower. Tip 1 : Some monsters hate certain types of characters. Tip 2 : Mirrors can be used to travel to Darkside when the moons are aligned. Tip 3 : Search the tapestries in Darzog's Tower for secret buttons. Tip 4 : Use Teleport carefully inside of towers and castles. Tip 5 : Each party member can have a return location for the Lloyd's beacon spell. Tip 6 : Assign one of your characters' Lloyd's Beacons to the space in front of a mirror for easy access to the rest of the world. Tip 7 : If you leave Castle Burlock after robbing it without going down the stairs, the guards may not look for you on the lower levels. Tip 8 : One of the Dungeons, Two of the Towers, the Southern Sphinx, and all of the pyramids cannot be entered without a visit to the Darkside. Tip 9 : Halon's Lava Rock lies due south of the entrance to the Volcano Cave. Tip 10: The machines at the corners of the world are useless until you visit the Darkside. Tip 11: Search the ground below the clouds for gems after you have made thunder. Tip 12: Ligono's skull lies in Area D4 near the edge of the swamp. Tip 13: The Scarab of Imaging is in the northern hills at the east edge of the desert. Tip 14: Be sure to destroy all the machines in Lord Xeen's Castle to prevent them from making more monsters. Tip 15: Hi Mom and Dad! SECTION 6B - MISCELLANEOUS TIPS AND TRICKS ------------------------------------------ * EXPLOTING MONSTER AI Monsters will not attack you until you are facing them. You can exploit this by moving around backwards, so that ranged-attack monsters don't attack until later. If a monster does see you, you can make its AI forget about you by turning away from the monster, then saving and reloading the game. Do note that damage to monsters is not saved and disappears on reloads. * HOW RESISTANCE WORKS I'm not certain just how resistance works; here's what I know about how you take damage from non-physical attacks (damage taken cannot drop below zero): 1. First, an amount equal to the power level of an active Protection from Elements spell is subtracted from damage taken. Note that except at very high levels, the effect of separate Protection from Elements spells is stronger than that provided by Day of Protection. 2. Then, your character makes saving throws that can successively halve damage taken. I'm not sure just how this works, but my working hypothesis is that if your resistance (the same as what is listed on your character statistics screen) is greater than zero, 1d(Resistance + Luck Bonus) is compared to 1d30. If the first roll is greater, then the damage you take is halved and rounded down, and you get to make another saving throw (this sentence is something I'm reasonably certain about). If you have no resistance at all, you don't get a saving throw no matter what your Luck is. 3. Finally, an amount equal to the power level of your active Power Shield spell is subtracted. If damage is reduced to zero, then you also automatically block any status effect associated with the attack. * HIGHER POWER DISTANCE WEAPONS The only bows or slings in all of World of Xeen that can be Sapphire, Diamond, or Obsidian are the four offerings in the Clouds of Xeen. These aren't particularly useful to have, though, because at higher levels it's generally better to use spells as ranged attacks. * THE XEEN SLAYER SWORD The Xeen Slayer Sword is the only way to harm Lord Xeen. It has the property of being able to bypass physical resistance against any monster, which is also how it does damage against Lord Xeen. * DONATING AT TEMPLES Having a character donate at a temple a number of times equal to the current day of the week will enchant your party with the Light and Clairvoyance spells, as well as the Bless, Heroism, Holy Bonus, and Power Shield spells at a power level equal to the current day of the week. * AVOID WASTING TIME DRINKING FROM WELLS AND FOUNTAINS If you are drinking from a well or fountain that pops up a window describing what has happened (most of them do), do not dismiss the window with the space bar, as that causes time to pass. Use Escape or a mouse click to close the window. * USING MAGICAL ITEMS IN COMBAT If you are short on inventory space for spellcasting items, you are allowed to enter a character's inventory during combat and move items from player to player, so a single Wand of Fireballs loaded with charges can let each member of your party cast a fireball in one round. * HOW TO MAKE GOLD AND GEMS PASSIVELY You can earn interest on gold and gems placed in the bank. This interest is 1% per week on both, rounded down, received at midnight on Onesday. You do not receive interest if you are currently in jail.
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- Categoria: Dicas e soluções
- Tags: Detonado, Em revisão, Might and Magic, Walkthrough
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 78
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