Might and Magic II: Game Lists

Tem pontos de interesse, localizações de magias e quests, lista de monstros e muito mais.

Publicado em 26 de fevereiro de 2011.

Might and Magic II Game Lists
Abaixo segue um FAQ em seu formato original (inglês) que contém várias informações e localizações do game Might And Magic 2.

O autor (ssjlee9) diz que o texto foi feito baseado na versão deste game para PC, mas usamos várias destas dicas na versão do Mega Drive e é bem capaz que funcione na versão do SNES também.

Might and Magic II: Game Lists by ssjlee9
Version 1.23, Last Updated 2005-08-03

Miscellaneous Facts and Spoilers v1.23

by Stephen S. Lee (ssjlee@shell.rawbw.com)
You may distribute this freely, so long as you give proper credit to me.
This was derived from the PC version; I make no guarantees about
applicability to other platforms.
Please feel free to e-mail me with corrections or suggestions.

Some of the information below is already covered in other walkthroughs
or guides, but much of it is new.


Some of this is detailed in the manual; this covers details that aren't.

Don't transfer characters unless you have version 1.01 of the game; the
transfer routine in version 1.0 has the nasty side effect of eliminating
all hirelings (which will make solving the game impossible, so don't try

Your main statistics have a cap of 20, but statistics gained from equipment
do count for this purpose.

Resistances also tranfer, but these have a cap of 30, and this applies even
for natural resistances coming from race.  This means that transferred
characters may have LOWER resistances than freshly-rolled characters.  It
can be still worthwhile to transfer, if you equip a whole bunch of items
that give things like fire and magic resistance; you will be mostly be
missing out on sleep resistance and poison resistance, which aren't as
useful.  You probably want to visit the scales in Vulcania to compare your
transfers to freshly-rolled characters, and go from there.


Town of Middlegate      C2 (7,3)
Town of Sandsobar       E4 (4,10)
Town of Tundara         A1 (12,3)
Town of Vulcania        E1 (3,4)
Town of Atlantium       A4 (13,10)
Castle Hillstone        D4 (13,1)
Castle Pinehurst        A2 (1,1)
Castle Woodhaven        C1 (3,14)
Luxus Palace Royale     D2 (14,14)
Castle Xabran           C2 (14,8), 9th century
Dark Keep               B3 (4,4)
Tower of Mercy          B4 (4,10)
Corak's Cavern          C2 (5,11)
Dawn's Mist Cavern      D4 (3,7)
Dragon's Dominion       D1 (12,14)
Druid's Point Cavern    C3 (1,6)
Forbidden Forest Cavern C3 (15,0)
Gemmaker Volcano        E1 (4,7)
Ice Cavern              B1 (4,12)
Murray's Cavern         B4 (2,2)
Nomadic Rift Cavern     E3 (5,5)
Sarakin's Mine          A2 (12,3)
Square Lake Cavern      C2 (10,7)


This indicates where you party ends up after fleeing combat, or casting the
Fly or Town Portal spells.

A1 - (13,3)   B1 - (14,3)  C1 - (3,3)   D1 - (5,3)   E1 - (1,3)
A2 - (8,7)    B2 - (13,7)  C2 - (8,4)   D2 - (4,4)   E2 - (3,7)
A3 - (8,4)    B3 - (15,3)  C3 - (14,3)  D3 - (13,3)  E3 - (0,0)
A4 - (14,10)  B4 - (13,15) C4 - (3,14)  D4 - (13,10) E4 - (3,10)
Town of Middlegate          - (7,5)
Town of Sandsobar           - (1,8)
Town of Tundara             - (8,11)
Town of Vulcania            - (7,2)
Town of Atlantium           - (15,15)
Castle Hillstone Dungeon L1 - (8,15)
Castle Hillstone Dungeon L2 - (8,8)
Castle Pinehurst            - (15,7)
Castle Woodhaven            - (7,0)
Castle Woodhaven Dungeon L1 - (0,14)
Castle Woodhaven Dungeon L2 - (7,15)
Luxus Palace Royale         - (7,0)
Luxus Palace Royale Dun. L1 - (9,8)
Luxus Palace Royale Dun. L2 - (0,0)
Cavern Under Middlegate     - (15,8)
Cavern Under Sandsobar      - (12,7)
Cavern Under Tundara        - (14,1)
Cavern Under Vulcania       - (7,1)
Cavern Under Atlantium      - (8,8)
Corak's Cavern              - (8,14)
Dawn's Mist Cavern          - (8,0)
Dragon's Dominion           - (0,8)
Druid's Point Cavern        - (8,8)
Forbidden Forest Cavern     - (6,7)
Ice Cavern                  - (0,7)
Murray's Cavern             - (14,14)
Nomadic Rift Cavern         - (7,7)
Sarakin's Mine              - (8,0)
Square Lake Cavern          - (0,0)


The following was determined by experiment and is not complete, but I think
all the missing days probably fit into clear patterns.  It's useful to know
that it's possible to time travel to the 9th century without Lord Peabody's

Tested even-numbered days before day 151 - C2 (8,11)
1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 - C2 (5,11) / Corak's Cavern Entrance
21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39 - C3 (1,6) / Druid's Point Cavern Entrance
41,43,45,55,57,59 - E1 (4,7) / Gemmaker Volcano Entrance
61,63,65,67,69,71,73,75,77,79 - A2 (12,2) / Sarakin's Mine Entrance
81,83,85,87,89,91,95.97,99 - E3 (5,5) / Nomadic Rift Cavern Entrance
93 - D1 (5,6) / Dead Zone Ground Zero
101,103,105,107,109,111,113,115,117,119 - B1 (4,13) / Ice Cavern Entrance
121,123,125,127,129 - C3 (15,0) / Forbidden Forest Cavern Entrance
131,133,135,137,139 - D4 (3,7) / Dawn's Mist Cavern Entrance
141,143,145,147 - D1 (12,14) / Dragon's Dominion Cavern Entrance
151-180 - C2 (7,3), 9th century / Future Location of Middlegate


Sir Hyron  L1 Knight     Cavern Under Middlegate (0,15)
Drog       L1 Barbarian

H K Phooey L1 Ninja      Sandsobar (4,10), eat Meal A in Sandsobar

Thund R.   L3 Barbarian  Vulcania (4,2), eat Meal B in Vulcania, then combat
Aeriel     L3 Sorcerer

Big Bootay L5 Cleric     Atlantium (0,14)
Cleogotcha L5 Archer

Harry Kari L6 Ninja      Cavern Under Vulcania (1,14)
No Name    L6 Paladin

Gertrude   L7 Barbarian  Tundara (15,10)
Rat Fink   L7 Robber

Friar Fly  L9 Cleric     Castle Hillstone (8,4)
Dark Mage  L9 Sorcerer

Red Duke   L11 Paladin   D1 (14,1)
Dead Eye   L11 Archer

Nakazawa   L13 Ninja     B4 (10,1), after combat
Sherman    L13 Paladin

Flailer    L14 Knight    A3 (8,1)
Fumbler    L16 Robber

Sir Kill   L15 Knight    Sarakin's Mine (7,2)
Jed I      L15 Archer

Holy Moley L19 Cleric    Dawn't Mist Cavern (4,11)
Slick Pick L25 Robber

Mr. Wizard L21 Sorcerer  D3 (1,14), after combat


After using a particular booster or exchanger as much as desired, be sure
to rest the party to make sure the stat changes are permament.  They don't
show up on the character screen until then or the next combat, and visiting
another booster or exchanger, a fountain that changes stats, etc. may result
in a loss of the gained stats.  It's kinda buggy that way and I'm not sure
exactly what causes it, but resting does prevent the bug.

Also, equipped items count towards the maxima, so once you approach the
limit for a given method of stat boosting, be sure to remove all equipment
that boosts that statistic, and replace it only after resting.

Regular Boosters
These function only if the statistic in question is below 50.
Might       - Druid's Point Cavern (1,15)
Intellect   - Cavern Under Atlantium (11,15)
Personality - Ice Cavern: (15,7) for females, (15,8) for males
Endurance   - Cavern Under Vulcania (15,14)
Speed       - Nomadic Rift Cavern (0,15)
Accuracy    - Castle Pinehurst Dungeon L1 (14,13)
Luck        - Dawn's Mist Cavern (12,7)

Circus Boosters
Each Old Man -> Inner Limits -> Circus cycle gives +10 to a statistic of
your choice, up to a maximum of 100 in a stat.
Circus       - B2 (14,4), day 140-170
Old Man      - D3 (7,13), requires Cupie Doll
Inner Limits - E3 (10,12), requires giving Cupie Doll to Old Man

Statistic Exchangers
The highest a statistic can go is 255.
+3 Might, -5 Personality   - Castle Woodhaven Dungeon L1 (15,0)
+3 Might, -5 Intellect     - Castle Hillstone Dungeon L1 (0,0)
+3 Intellect, -5 Endurance - Castle Hillstone Dungeon L2 (3,9)
+3 Personality, -5 Luck    - Castle Woodhaven Dungeon L2 (8,6)
+3 Endurance, -5 Speed     - Luxus Palace Royale Dungeon L1 (5,0)
+3 Speed, -5 Might         - Luxus Palace Royale Dungeon L2 (15,0)
+3 Accuracy, -5 Speed      - Castle Pinehurst Dungeon L1 (2,7)
+3 Luck, -5 Personality    - Castle Pinehurst Dungeon L2 (4,15)

Alignment Changers
Good    - Castle Pinehurst Dungeon L2 (5,1)
Neutral - Castle Woodhaven Dungeon L2 (7,8)
Evil    - Luxus Palace Royale Dungeon L2 (5,11)

Sex Changers
Female - Luxus Palace Royale Dungeon L2 (4,8)
Male   - Castle Hillstone Dungeon L2 (0,8)


Green Messages:
1 - B2 (14,9)
2 - B3 (12,2)
3 - B2 (14,5)
4 - B3 (12,9)
Interleave - Cavern Under Middlegate (8,14)

Yellow Messages:
1 - E3 (7,2)
2 - E4 (2,11)
3 - D3 (13,4)
4 - D4 (12,10)
5 - E4 (7,15)
6 - D4 (14,15)
7 - D3 (5,10)
8 - E3 (0,3)
9 - D3 (8,2)
Interleave - Castle Xabran (13,12)

Red Messages:
1 - Elemental Plane of Fire (6,15)
2 - Elemental Plane of Water (0,8)
3 - Elemental Plane of Earth (7,0)
4 - Elemental Plane of Fire (15,7)
5 - Elemental Plane of Air (0,7)
6 - Elemental Plane of Earth (9,6)
7 - Elemental Plane of Water (8,0)
8 - Elemental Plane of Earth (15,8)
9 - Elemental Plane of Air (7,15)
Interleave - Castle Xabran (13,4)


Everyone in the party can learn all spells in the game at once, on Castle
Pinehurst Dungeon Level 2 (2,1) for a fee of 2,000,000 gold.

Otherwise ...

Clerical Spells

1 Apparition          - buy at Middlegate Temple
Awaken              - buy at Middlegate Temple
Power Cure          - buy at Middlegate Temple

2 Heroism             - buy at Sandsobar Temple
Nature's Gate       - C3 (1,9)
Prot. from Elements - buy at Sandsobar Temple
Weaken              - buy at Sandsobar Temple

3 Cold Ray            - buy at Tundara Temple
Lasting Light       - buy at Tundara Temple
Walk on Water       - C2 (11,1)

4 Air Transmutation   - A1 (8,8)
Restore Alignment   - buy at Tundara Temple
Holy Bonus          - buy at Vulcania Temple

5 Air Encasement      - A1 (1,14)
Frenzy              - B4 (8,1)
Remove Condition    - buy at Vulcania Temple

6 Earth Transmutation - E4 (8,8)
Water Encasement    - A4 (1,1)
Water Transmutation - A4 (8,8)

7 Earth Encasement    - E4 (14,1)
Fiery Flail         - buy at Vulcania Temple

8 Fire Encasement     - E1 (14,14)
Fire Transmutation  - E1 (8,8)
Mass Distortion     - buy at Atlantium Temple

9 Divine Intervention - Druid's Point Cavern (15,14)
Holy Word           - C1 (5,5)
Resurrection        - buy at Atlantium Temple
Uncurse Item        - buy at Atlantium Temple

Sorcerer Spells

1 Awaken              - buy at Middlegate Guild
Energy Blast        - buy at Middlegate Guild
Sleep               - buy at Middlegate Guild

2 Eagle Eye           - Middlegate (10,2)
Identify Monster    - buy at Middlegate Guild
Lloyd's Beacon      - Corak's Cavern (7,11)
Prot. from Magic    - buy at Sandsobar Guild

3 Acid Stream         - buy at Sandsobar Guild
Lightning Bolt      - buy at Sandsobar Guild
Wizard Eye          - Sandsobar (7,4)

4 Cold Beam           - buy at Sandsobar Guild
Feeblemind          - buy at Tundara Guild
Fireball            - buy at TUndara Guild

5 Disrupt             - buy at Tundara Guild
Fingers of Death    - C1 (1,8)
Sand Storm          - buy at Tundara Guild

6 Disintegration      - buy at Vulcania Guild
Fantastic Freeze    - buy at Vulcania Guild
Super Shock         - buy at Vulcania Guild

7 Dancing Sword       - A2 (15,11)
Duplication         - buy at Vulcania Guild

8 Mega Volts          - buy at Atlantium Guild
Meteor Shower       - buy at Atlantium Guild

9 Implosion           - buy at Atlantium Guild
Inferno             - buy at Atlantium Guild
Starburst           - D1 (5,6)
Enchant Item        - Gemmaker Volcano (3,3)


Mt. Farview       - D2 (7,0)
Dread Knight      - B3 (5,14)
Frost Dragon Gen. - Forbidden Forest Cavern (8,8)
Baron Wilfrey     - B2 (11,2)
Corak's Soul      - C1 (10,15)
Corak's Body      - Corak's Cavern (8,0)
Ybmug             - Dark Keep (3,10)
Yekop             - Tower of Mercy (12,5)
Dawn              - Dawn's Mist Cavern (8,9)
Brutal Bruno      - C4 (0,15)

Honor Sword       - D4 (14,11)
Noble Sword       - D1 (0,8)
Valor Sword       - A2 (11,2)

Dragon Lord       - D1 (10,12)
Queen Beetle      - E2 (11,6)
Serpent King      - E3 (5,6)

Castle Haart      - B1 (5,5)
Spaz Twit         - A1 (11,3), 7th century
The Long One      - E2 (5,4), 8th century

A-1 Todilor       - Luxur Palace Royale (0,6)
J-26 Fluxer       - Castle Pinehurst (7,6)
M-27 Radicon      - Castle Woodhaven (2,11)
N-19 Capitor      - Castle Hillstone (3,13)
Element Orb       - Dawn's Mist Cavern (10,15)

Air Disc          - Castle Xabran (15,15)
Earth Disc        - Castle Xabran (6,2)
Fire Disc         - Castle Xabran (6,14)
Water Disc        - Castle Xabran (15,0)

Shalwend          - Elemental Plane of Air (5,5)
Pyrannaste        - Elemental Plane of Fire (9,9)
Gralkor           - Elemental Plane of Earth (4,5)
Acwalandar        - Elemental Plane of Water (8,8)
Air Talon         - Elemental Plane of Air (11,7)
Earth Talon       - Elemental Plane of Earth (8,8)
Fire Talon        - Elemental Plane of Fire (4,4)
Water Talon       - Elemental Plane of Water (10,10)


(The following chart was derived from Apple ][ binary data kindly supplied
by Andrew Schultz, and generated via a Perl script that is available upon

Monsters are divided into groups of sixteen for the purposes of determining
random monster difficulty.

Here is an explanation of the table.  Each monster has a two-line entry; the
header describes the information in the first line only.  Here are the
abbreviations used:

ID#    -- monster number
HP     -- monster hit points
A "U" following this indicates that the monster is undead.
AC     -- monster armor class
Spd    -- monster speed
At     -- number of monster melee attacks
Dam    -- maximum damage per melee attack
A "M" following this indicates that the monster can attack out of
melee range via a missile attack.
BT     -- bonus on touch; the possible status ailment the monster can inflict
with a melee attack.  If this is followed by a "-", the probability
of the effect occurring is greatly reduced.  Abbreviations are:
Age - rapid aging
Asn - assassination
Col - collapse
Cur - curse
Dea - death
Dis - disease
DrL - drain level
DrS - drain spell points
DrX - drain experience
Era - eradication
Par - paralysis
Poi - poison
Rnd - random effect chosen from this list
S$  - steal some gold
S$$ - steal all gold
S*  - steal some gems
S** - steal all gems
S*$ - steal both gold and gems
S%  - steal some food
S%% - steal all food
SI  - steal an item
SII - steal backpack
Scr - scramble items
Sil - silence
Slp - sleep
Sta - drain statistic
Sto - petrification
MR     -- monster magic resistance, on a scale from 1 to 7 (blank if the
monster cannot resist magic)
Resist -- monster elemental resistances.  These are all or nothing, and are as
F - fire resistance
C - cold resistance
E - electricity resistance
A - acid resistance
S - sleep resistance
P - hold/paralysis resistance
W      -- monster melee immunities:
A - monster immune to all melee attacks
F - monster immune to melee attack from females
M - monster immune to melee attack from males
A#     -- the maximum number of this monster that can be generated randomly
in the A-J monster slots.  If there is any excess, all on-screen
slots are filled and the chosen off-screen monster is of the same
Br     -- monster bravery rating, from 0 to 3.  This is modified by monster
AF     -- a "+" under the A column means that the monster may advance at the
end of a melee round.
a "+" under the F column means that the monster may add friends
(this doubles the number of offscreen monsters).
Bri    -- this indicates what the monster can be bribed with:
* - monster can be bribed with gems
$ - monster can be bribed with gold
% - monster can be bribed with food
ExpPts -- number of experience one of this monster is worth

The second line tells what treasure the monster can drop.  The treasure
ratings for items and gold are on a 0-3 scale (0 means none), and is modified
by monster level.  Gems are an either-or proposition.  If the monster has
a special attack, it is listed last on the second line; each monster that has
a special attack also has a rating which determins how frequently the monster
employs the attack in preference to a melee/missile attack.

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
0 Creepy Crawler     5   4  20  2   6 Poi-       SP    6  3             150
Items: none    Gold: none
1 Giant Beetle      10   7  15  1  10         C ASP    6  3             200
Items: none    Gold: none
2 Sewer Rat          8   2  12  1  12 Dis-             8  0  +   %      150
Items: none    Gold: none
3 Kobold             8   6  15  2   6                 10  0 ++  $       200
Items: 1       Gold: 1
4 Old Miser          1   4  12  1   4                  4  0     $        60
Items: none    Gold: 1    Gems     6/7: Cast Curse
5 Goblin             6   6  15  1  12                 12  1  +  $       200
Items: 1       Gold: 1
6 Cripple            1   1   5  2   4 Dis-            10  0    *$%       60
Items: none    Gold: none
7 Hungry Plant      10   4  12  1  15 Poi- 1     SP    6  3      %      300
Items: none    Gold: none
8 Merchant           6   5  13  1   8                  4  0  + *$%      120
Items: 1       Gold: 1
9 Mugger            10   6  16  2   6 S$               8  0  +  $       300
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems
10 Skeleton           6U  5  14  1   8        FCE SP   12  3 +           200
Items: none    Gold: 1
11 Flesh Eater        6U  4  22  2   6 Dis-       S     8  1 +    %      200
Items: none    Gold: none
12 Poltergeist        8U  6  25  3   4      2 FC ASP   10  1 +           250
Items: none    Gold: none
13 Fool               6   4  16  1   6                  6  1    *$%      150
Items: 1       Gold: 1             4/7: Cast Sleep
14 Witch's Cat        4   3  18  1   6                  6  1 +    %      150
Items: none    Gold: none
15 Mini Rex          10   6  12  1  12             P    4  2 +    %      250
Items: none    Gold: none

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
16 Greedy Snitch     12   4  16  1   8 S%               8  1     $       150
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems
17 Orc               20   6  16  1  15M                 8  1  + *$%      250
Items: 1       Gold: 1
18 Beggar            10   4  10  2   6 S*              12  0    *$%      250
Items: none    Gold: 1
19 Sludge Beast      20   4  18  2   6 Poi- 1  C  SP    6  3             400
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Spray Acid
20 Blood Sucker       1  10  22  1   4 Sta-            10  0      %      300
Items: none    Gold: none
21 Venomous Snake    12   3  19  1  10 Poi-             4  2      %      300
Items: none    Gold: none
22 Screaming Pods    15   4  12  2   8 Par-             4  3      %      400
Items: none    Gold: none
23 Man-at-arms       20   9  14  1  16M           SP    5  1     $       400
Items: 1       Gold: 1
24 Conjurer          12   3  16  1   5            S     5  0    *        250
Items: none    Gold: 1    Gems     6/7: Cast Energy Blast
25 Neophyte Thief    14   6  16  1   6 S$               6  0     $       250
Items: none    Gold: 1    Gems
26 Zombie            20U  7   2  2   8 Dis- 1     SP    8  3             400
Items: none    Gold: none
27 Brain Eater       10U  5  18  1  10 Slp- 2     SP    4  3             300
Items: none    Gold: none Gems     6/7: Cast Sleep
28 Inept Wizard       2   2  10  1   6                  4  0    *        200
Items: none    Gold: 1             2/7: Cast Lightning Bolts
29 Phantasm          12U  7  20  1  20            SP    6  3             400
Items: none    Gold: none
30 Sprite            12   8  19  1   6            SP    6  2    *        300
Items: 1       Gold: none Gems     4/7: Cast Curse
31 Thug Trainee      18   7  16  2   9M                 8  2 ++ *$       300
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
32 Hypnobeetle       20   8  21  2  10 Poi-       S     6  1      %      600
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Cast Sleep
33 Rabid Rodent      20   3  16  2  10 Dis-             6  1      %      400
Items: none    Gold: none
34 Gnome Elder       20   4  19  1   8      2     S     3  1    *        700
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     6/7: Cast Pain
35 Winged Steed      30   6  18  3   8      3 F   S     8  1     $       800
Items: none    Gold: 1    Gems     4/7: Breathe Fire
36 Giant Lizard      40   8  18  1  25                 12  2      %      800
Items: none    Gold: none
37 Foot Soldier      35  10  15  2  12            S    10  1     $       500
Items: 1       Gold: 1
38 Ranger            28   7  17  4   6M     1     S     8  1     $       600
Items: 2       Gold: 1
39 Soldier           25   8  15  2  10M           SP   12  1     $       400
Items: 2       Gold: 1
40 Friar             20   3  13  2   8            SP    6  1      %      400
Items: none    Gold: none          4/7: Cast Energy Blast
41 Burglar           22   5  22  2   7 S$$              4  0    *$       600
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems
42 Killer Cadaver    30U  6  13  2   6 Dis-       SP    6  3 +           700
Items: none    Gold: none Gems     2/7: Explode
43 Ghoul             25U  7  15  2   8 Par-       SP   12  1 +           700
Items: none    Gold: none
44 Juggler           20   4  26  3   6M     4           6  1     $      1500
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Juggle Party
45 Carnage Spirit    25U  8  17  3   8 Sta- 1     SP M  5  3 +          1000
Items: none    Gold: none
46 Kobold Captain    28   8  19  2  10M            P    6  3 ++  $       600
Items: 1       Gold: 1
47 Brainless One     20   6  15  2   8            SP    8  1      %      500
Items: none    Gold: none

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
48 Arachnoid         45   8  22  2  15 Poi-    C  SP    6  3 +           700
Items: none    Gold: none
49 Insect Plague     35   5  17 16   2            SP    4  3      %      700
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Swarm At Party
50 Crazed Dwarf      45   7  16  2  20            S     8  2 +   $      1200
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     3/7: Frenzy
51 Hermit            30   9  14  1  15 SI -       SP    3  1    *$%      500
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
52 Mutant Swine      50   8  18  2  15                 10  1 +    %      800
Items: none    Gold: none
53 Swamp Dog         40   7  18  1  20 Dis-       SP   10  1 +    %      600
Items: none    Gold: none
54 Deadly Rattler    40   5  20  1  30 Poi-             4  3      %      600
Items: none    Gold: none
55 Woodsman          50  10  18  2  20M     2     S    18  2  + *$%     1000
Items: 1       Gold: 1
56 Ninja             35  15  27  3  12MAsn- 3     S     4  2 +          1200
Items: 2       Gold: 1    Gems
57 Squire            40  10  22  2  15            S     4  2 +           900
Items: 1       Gold: 1
58 Dancing Bones     35U  4  18  2  10      1     SP M 10  3             500
Items: none    Gold: 1
59 Dancing Dead      45U  6  12  1  16 Dis- 2     SP    6  3 +           700
Items: none    Gold: none
60 Cursed Corpse     60U  8  16  2  10 Cur- 1     SP F  8  3 +          1200
Items: none    Gold: none
61 Nasty Witch       38   7  22  2  12      3     SP    2  1    *$       800
Items: 2       Gold: 1    Gems     6/7: Cast Pain
62 Super Sprite      40  10  22  2  15 Cur- 2     SP    6  2  + *$      1000
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     4/7: Cast Curse
63 Cat Corpse        40U 10  20  2  18      1     SP    6  3             600
Items: none    Gold: none

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
64 Giant Scorpion    60  11  22  3  20 Poi-       S    10  2 +          1300
Items: none    Gold: none
65 Killer Bees       40   9  20 16   4 Poi-       SP    4  3 +          1300
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Swarm At Party
66 Minor Demon       50  13  18  2  20      2 F   SP    8  2 ++         1200
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     3/7: Cast Energy Blast
67 Hunchback         35   3  10  2  12               F 18  1    *$%      900
Items: none    Gold: 1
68 Giant Ogre        70   8  17  2  50      1     SP    6  1 +   $      1500
Items: 2       Gold: 2
69 Werebat           35  13  24  3  10 Dis- 2     SP   15  1 +           800
Items: none    Gold: none
70 Wind Mare         50  15  28  3  12 Slp  3  C  S     4  2 +          1000
Items: none    Gold: 2    Gems
71 Werebull          62  10  18  1  50 Dis- 2     S     4  2 +  *       1100
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems
72 Snapping Spore    40   6  16  2  25            S     4  3 +    %      900
Items: none    Gold: 1             2/7: Explode
73 Cavalier          70  17  21  3  20M     1     SP    3  3 +   $      1400
Items: 2       Gold: 2
74 Druid             40   9  22  2  12      3     SP    4  1    *        800
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     5/7: Cast Silence
75 Crazed Native     30   8  20  4  15      4          19  2 +    %     1000
Items: none    Gold: 1             3/7: Frenzy
76 Coffin Creep      50U  6   6  2  10      3 FCEASP   10  3 +          1100
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     3/7: Drain Magic
77 Gargoyle          50  10  20  3  13 Par- 2 FC  SP   12  2 +          1200
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems
78 Vampiric Rat      45   9  22  2  14                 10  3 ++   %     1100
Items: none    Gold: none
79 Cursed Slayer     50  13  24  3  18MCur- 2     SP    6  3 +          1200
Items: 1       Gold: 1

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
80 Viking            80  14  20  3  30            S     6  2 +   $      2100
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems
81 Gnome             40  10  18  2  12 S$   3     SP   18  0  + *$%     1300
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems
82 Minor Devil       60  16  19  2  40      2 FC  SP    8  2 +          2400
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     3/7: Cast Fireball
83 Warrior Boar      60  11  21  2  30                  6  2 +    %     1900
Items: none    Gold: none
84 Cockatrice        50  10  18  3  20 Sto-   FC  SP    4  2 +  *$      2200
Items: 2       Gold: 1    Gems
85 Killer Canine     50  13  20  2  50            S    10  1 +    %     2000
Items: none    Gold: none
86 Killer Cobra      50  10  19  1  80 Poi-             3  2 +    %     1600
Items: none    Gold: none
87 Champion          80  20  22  3  30M     2 FCE S     4  2     $      2700
Items: 2       Gold: 2
88 Gate Keeper       60  15  13  1  40      2 FCEASP    4  3 +  *$%     2100
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems
89 Shaman            45   8  17  1  12      3     SP    4  1            1800
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     4/7: Cast Paralyze
90 Illusionist       45  11  21  1  10 S*   1 FCEAS     8  1            2100
Items: 2       Gold: 1    Gems     3/7: Drain Spell Level
91 Mounted Patrol    70  22  19  4  25M           S    12  2 ++  $      2800
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
92 Night Stalker     60U 14  15  2  30 Sta-       SP    6  3 +          1900
Items: none    Gold: 2    Gems
93 Wraith            50U 10  23  5  18 Sta- 2     SP   10  3 +          3000
Items: none    Gold: none
94 Mad Peasant       60  13  19  2  30            S    12  2  +  $%     2500
Items: none    Gold: 1             2/7: Frenzy
95 Canine Creep      64  15  24  3  20            SP    6  3 ++  $      2400
Items: 1       Gold: 2

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
96 Dinobug          100  10  18  1  80            S     2  2 +    %     2000
Items: none    Gold: 1
97 Swarming Wasps    50  15  21 16   5 Poi-             5  3 +          3000
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Swarm At Party
98 Leprechaun        40  28  22  1  20 S$$  6     SP    2  1 +  *$      4000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Vaporize Valuables
99 Flaming Fear      70  18  18  2  20      1 F EASP    8  3 +          3200
Items: 1       Gold: none Gems     5/7: Breathe Fire
100 Leper             40   5   8  1  10 Dis-            26  1  + *$%     1500
Items: none    Gold: 1
101 Troll             70  13  18  4  30            SP   10  2 +  *$      4000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
102 Acidic Blob       60  15   7  2  30        FCEAS     6  3 +          2100
Items: none    Gold: none Gems     3/7: Spray Acid
103 Werewolf          70  17  21  3  25 Dis- 1     S     4  2 +          3200
Items: 1       Gold: 2
104 Pyro Hydra        80  15  20  3  50      1 F   SP    2  2 +          5000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Fire
105 Castle Guard      70  17  19  2  32M                15  1  + *$      2600
Items: 1       Gold: 2
106 Thief             50  16  26  3  16MS**-       S     6  1 ++ *$      2800
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
107 Warrior Maiden    50  19  21  3  20      4        M 15  1 +  *$%     5000
Items: none    Gold: 1
108 Swamp Thing       70  11  17  2  40 Dis-    CEA P    4  3 +  *$%     4000
Items: none    Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Spray Poison
109 Iron Wizard       80  21  20  2  30            SP A  3  3 +          5000
Items: none    Gold: none Gems     3/7: Cast Fireball
110 Mutant            70  16  16  2  30      3 F EASP    8  3 +   $      3200
Items: 2       Gold: 2             2/7: Cast Energy Blast
111 Strangler         80  18  25  3  25 Col-       SP    4  2 +          4000
Items: 2       Gold: 2             3/7: Cast Paralyze

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
112 Dwarven Knight   100  23  24  4  30M     3 FC  SP    4  2 +  *       5000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems
113 Horned Fiend      80  18  19  3  20 Sta- 1 FC  SP    8  3 +          6000
Items: none    Gold: 2    Gems     2/7: Petrification Gaze
114 Swamp Beast      100  11  17  4  19           ASP    4  3 +  *$%     5000
Items: none    Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Spray Acid
115 Hill Giant       120  17  21  2  70M       FC  SP    6  2 +   $      5000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
116 Wyvern           100  15  21  3  40 Poi-       SP   12  2 +   $      5000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems
117 Earth Wyrm       130  19  23  3  60      2 FC  S     4  2 +          7000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     3/7: Breathe Fire
118 White Knight     100  18  27  4  32M     5 FC  SP F  3  2 +   $      8000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
119 Necromancer       60  13  31  1  15      3     SP    3  1    *$      5000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Cast Fingers of Death
120 Mountain Man      90  11  21  3  23M        C  S    18  1 +  *$%     4000
Items: 1       Gold: 1
121 Gravewalker       70U 15  23  2  20 DrL- 2 FC  SP    6  3 +          5000
Items: none    Gold: none Gems
122 Phantom           64U 19  21  2  30 DrS- 2 FCEASP    4  3 +          6000
Items: none    Gold: none Gems     1/7: Drain Magic
123 Lost Soul         80U 18  25  2  25 Age- 2 FCEASP    2  3 +          6000
Items: none    Gold: 1    Gems     5/7: Drain Spell Level
124 Slasher           60U 11  20  4  20 Asn        SP    8  3 +          6000
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems
125 Guardian         150  13  15  1  50      4 FCEASP    4  3 +          8000
Items: none    Gold: none Gems     1/7: Breathe Gas
126 Seductress        60   9  26  1  10 Par- 3     SP M  2  1    *$      8000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Cast Paralyze
127 Pixie             90  20  24  2  30 S**- 3  C  SP    6  2    *       6000
Items: 2       Gold: 1    Gems     2/7: Cast Curse

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
128 Lightning Bugs    80  19  25 10  10         CE SP    4  3 +          9000
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Breathe Lightning
129 Trickster         90  19  21  3  20 S**        S     3  1 +  *$      7000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
130 Griffin          150  20  22  5  25 Sto- 3 FC  SP    4  2 +  *$     13000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
131 Pegasus          120  26  29  3  40      5 FCEASP    8  2 +  *$%    11000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems
132 Gorgon           150  14  23  3  30      2 FC  S    10  2 +   $     13000
Items: 2       Gold: 2             3/7: Petrification Gaze
133 Cloud Dragon     160  19  26  5  30      2  CE SP    3  2 +  *$     13000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Cold
134 Troubadour       120  16  18  2  30        FCEASP    3  2 +  *$      7000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
135 Paladin          120  24  26  5  30      2 FCE SP    4  2 +  *$     11000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
136 Elf Warrior      120  22  32  4  20M           S    12  2    *$      6000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
137 Priest           100  20  21  2  12            S     4  1    *$      6000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Cast Paralyze
138 Assassin         100  22  28  2  80 Asn-       S     3  2 +         10000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
139 Amazon            90  12  24  2  30M                10  1 +  *$%     5000
Items: none    Gold: 1
140 Grim Reaper       70U 16  14  2  25 Dea- 4 FCE SP    4  3 +         10000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Cast Fingers of Death
141 Mummy            150U 11  10  2  50 Dis- 3  CE SP    6  3 +          8000
Items: none    Gold: none Gems
142 Bonehead          90U 20  16  3  30 Cur- 3     SP    6  3 +          7000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     2/7: Explode
143 Melting Man      130  22  20  3  30 Par-   F EASP    6  2 +          9000
Items: 2       Gold: 2

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
144 Demon Soldier    200  22  19  5  50M     2 FC  SP   19  2 +         18000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems
145 Fire Devil       150  22  19  3  60M     3 FC  SP    6  2 +         18000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     4/7: Cast Fireball
146 Apparition       100U 20  21  3  30 Age- 5     SP    4  3 +         11000
Items: none    Gold: 2    Gems
147 Vampire          250U 24  16  3  60 Sta- 4 FCEASP    6  2 +         25000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     3/7: Cast Lightning Bolts
148 Frost Dragon     250  22  16  5  40      2  C ASP    3  2 +   $     22000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Cold
149 Dinosaur         250  16  21  2 100            S     6  1 +         16000
Items: none    Gold: 2
150 Avenger          160  23  23  4  25M     2     S     2  2 +         15000
Items: 1       Gold: 2
151 Court Bowman     150  25  23  6  40M           S    12  2  + *$     20000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
152 Holy Man         100  20  22  2  15      2     SP    2  1    *$     20000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Invoke Power
153 Court Mage       100  19  40  1  20      2 FC  SP    4  2    *$     22000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     6/7: Cast Super Shock
154 Warlock           90  20  32  2  19      5 F E SP    6  2    *$     21000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Cast Disintegration
155 Barbarian        200  16  23  5  30M     2 FC  S    19  2 +  *$%    16000
Items: 1       Gold: 2
156 Royal Horseman   250  32  23  6  40            SP    6  2 +         24000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
157 Court Jester      80  17  24  3  20MScr- 6     SP    2  1 ++ *      25000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Juggle Party
158 Fire Faery       230  22  28  3  40 S**- 3 F E SP    6  2  + *      20000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems     4/7: Breathe Fire
159 Thug Leader      220  22  23  4  30MCol-        P    8  2 ++  $     20000
Items: 2       Gold: 2

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
160 Dino Spider      250  20  20  2 100 Poi-       S     4  3 +         20000
Items: none    Gold: 2             3/7: Spray Poison
161 Plant Golem      250  30  14  2  60      4     SP A  4  3 +         30000
Items: 1       Gold: none Gems
162 Stone Golem      250  30  18  2  70      5     SP A  2  3 +         40000
Items: 1       Gold: none Gems
163 War Eagle        300  21  28  3  70        FC  S     3  2 +         25000
Items: 1       Gold: 2
164 Guardian Hound   200  15  32  2  80      2     S     6  3 ++        20000
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Breathe Acid
165 Minotaur         150  30  40  2  80 Sta  3 FCE SP    2  2 +         30000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     3/7: Cast Fireball
166 Fire Dragon      300  25  40  5  50      3 F E SP    3  2 +         40000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     5/7: Breathe Fire
167 Shadow Rogue     150  23  32  6  30MS$$-   FC  SP    4  2 +  *$     25000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
168 Crusader         200  29  40  5  40      4     SP    5  2 +  *$     20000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
169 Chancellor        90  20  28  1  20      5     S     2  1    *$%    30000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Cast Super Shock
170 Ghost            200U 17  40  2  30 Age- 1 FC ASP A  4  3 +         40000
Items: none    Gold: 1    Gems
171 Dead Head        250  15  23  2  50 DrX        SP    4  3 +         25000
Items: 1       Gold: none Gems
172 Enchantress      100  13  50  1  25 DrS  5 FC  SP    2  2    *$     25000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Cast Dancing Sword
173 Warbot           300  25  50  3  60      3 FCEASP    8  3 +         40000
Items: none    Gold: none Gems     6/7: Cast Disintegration
174 Stalker          140  24  40  3  40            SP    8  2  +   %    30000
Items: none    Gold: none
175 Hatchet Man      200  25  40  5  32MAsn        SP    4  2 +         23000
Items: 2       Gold: 3

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
176 Dwarven Elder    300  24  32  4  80      3 FC  S     2  2 +  *$     70000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems
177 Ooze Warrior     350  22  24  3  70 Sta-   FCEAS     6  3 +         60000
Items: none    Gold: none          3/7: Spray Acid
178 Roc              400  21  60  3 100            SP    2  2 +  *$%    70000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
179 Dagger Jaw       300  22  40  2 150 Poi    FC  SP    2  3 +         60000
Items: 1       Gold: 2
180 Armored Dragon   400  31  40  5  80      4 FC  SP    2  2 +  *      80000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     6/7: Breathe Gas
181 Tyrannosaurus    500  24  24  3  90            S     4  3 +         70000
Items: none    Gold: 2    Gems
182 Valiant Knight   300  32  60  6  50M     4 FC  SP    4  3 +  *$     80000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems
183 Endless Knight   300  50  50  8  50        FC  S    10  3 +         80000
Items: 3       Gold: none Gems
184 Archer           250  31  50  6  50M     2     SP    6  2    *$     80000
Items: 2       Gold: 2             2/7: Cast Lightning Bolts
185 Wizard           150  22  60  1  25      4     S     3  2    *$     70000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     6/7: Cast Incinerate
186 Crypt Fiend      150U 32  24  3  40 Sta  3 FCE SP   12  3 +         80000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     6/7: Cast Fingers of Death
187 Phase Spirit     200U 60  40  4  40 DrS  3 FCEASP A 18  3 +         60000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Drain Magic
188 Sorceress        150  18  50  1  25      3 FC  SP    3  2    *$     70000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     5/7: Cast Incinerate
189 Mystic Clown     100  16  32  3  30 Rnd- 6 FC  SP    4  2 ++ *$%   120000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems     5/7: Juggle Party
190 Spido Bug        300  22  40  3  70 Poi-     EA      6  3           70000
Items: none    Gold: none
191 Living Dead      180U 50  32  4  70 Dea- 4 F EASP    8  3 +         60000
Items: 1       Gold: 1    Gems     4/7: Cast Fingers of Death

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
192 Devil's Mouse    500  31  32  3 120 Col- 4 FC  SP    1  3 +        180000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
193 Fire Elemental   250  26  30  6  50      4 F EASP    2  3 +        180000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Breathe Fire
194 Air Elemental    250  26  30  6  50      4  C  SP    2  3 +        180000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     4/7: Breathe Cold
195 Mist Rider       350  50  70  8  30      3  CEASP    4  2 +  *$    230000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Breathe Cold
196 Magic Serpent    800  40  70  2 120      4 FC  SP    2  3 +        250000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     5/7: Breathe Gas
197 Cron Man Trap    400  21  30  4  40            SP M  4  3      %   230000
Items: none    Gold: 3             2/7: Explode
198 Dark Knight      700  60  80 10  40MDrL- 3 FCEASP    6  3 +        250000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
199 Sorcerer         300  24  70  2  30      3 FC  SP    4  2    *$    150000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     6/7: Cast Inferno
200 Kensai           500  40  60  8  32M           SP    6  3 +  *$%   190000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
201 Jouster          500  50  40  4  80      1     SP    2  3 +  *$    210000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems
202 Devil's Envoy    500  40  32  5  50 Sta  4 FC  SP    4  3 +        220000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Cast Fireball
203 Ethereal Being   250  70 100 10  30 DrL- 1 FCEASP    3  3 +        240000
Items: 1       Gold: 2    Gems
204 Death's Agent    600  40  32  9  50 Age  2 FCEASP    4  3 +        230000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     4/7: Cast Lightning Bolts
205 Alien Probe      500  31  40  4  50      4 FCE SP    4  3 +        230000
Items: none    Gold: none          6/7: Cast Incinerate
206 Element Hydra    600  40  50  8  40      3 FCEASP    4  3 +        230000
Items: 2       Gold: 1    Gems     3/7: Breathe Energy
207 Monster Masher   500  40  50  6  60 Dea-       SP    4  3 +  *$    250000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Cast Disintegration

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
208 Devil King      5000  60 110  6 250 Era- 7 FCEASP    1  3 +      30000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     1/7: Cast Implosion
209 Titan           2000  40  60  4 120 Col- 6 FC  SP    1  3 +       1500000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Cast Dancing Sword
210 Ancient Dragon  5000  50  70  8 200      5 FC  SP    1  3 +      20000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     5/7: Breathe Energy
211 Reptoid         2500  32  40 10  50      1 FC  SP    3  3 +    %  1000000
Items: 1       Gold: 2
212 Cuisinart       1000  60 160 16 250      2     SP    4  3 +   $  20000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     1/7: Frenzy
213 Holy Warrior    1000  80  80 12  60      3 FCEASP    2  3 +  *$   3000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems
214 Elven Archer    1000  40  90 14  40M     3 FC  SP    3  3 +  *$   1500000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems
215 High Priest     1000  32  40  4  30      4 FC  SP    2  3    *$   3000000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     3/7: Invoke Power
216 Master Robber   1000  40  70  8  40MS$*  3     SP    4  3 +  *$   2000000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     5/7: Vaporize Valuables
217 Master Ninja    1000  60 110 12  40MAsn- 4     SP    3  3 +       2000000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
218 Lich Lord       2000U 40  50  4  50 Era- 6 FCE SP    1  3 +       6000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     3/7: Cast Implosion
219 Time Lord       3000 110 210 12 150 Rnd  7 FCEASP    2  3        15000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     3/7: Invoke Power
220 Orc God        50000  40  70  4 200        FCEASP    1  3 +      15000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems
221 Death in a Box  2000  40  60  8 100 Era- 3 FC ASP    1  3 +       9000000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     5/7: Cast Disintegration
222 Mega Troll      2500  50  60  8 170      2 FCEASP    2  3 +       4000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3
223 Cat from Hell   2000  40  70  6 100 DrX- 5 F EASP    3  3 +    % 10000000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     3/7: Invoke Power

ID# Monster Name      HP  AC Spd At Dam BT  MR Resist W A# Br AF Bri   ExpPts
224 Earth Elementl   250  26  30  6  50      4   EASP    2  0 +        180000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Breathe Acid
225 Water Elementl   250  26  30  6  50      4  CEASP    2  3 +        180000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Breathe Cold
226 Gnasher           25   8  22  2  10        F   S    12  2  +   %      700
Items: none    Gold: none
227 Chomper           50  15  26  4   8        F   SP   12  3 ++   %     1200
Items: 1       Gold: none          2/7: Frenzy
228 Mutant Fish        6   6  20  1  12 Poi-   F        14  2  +   %      200
Items: none    Gold: none
229 Sea Monster       70  16  18  3  30        F   SP    3  2      %     4000
Items: 2       Gold: 1             2/7: Petrification Gaze
230 Aquasaurus       160  25  20  2  70        F   SP   20  2 +          9000
Items: none    Gold: 2
231 Cosmic Sludge    130  25  20  3  30 Dis-   FC ASP A  6  3 +   $     11000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
232 Sarakin          250  25  40  2  40 Age- 3 FCEASP A  1  3    *$    150000
Items: 2       Gold: 3    Gems     2/7: Petrification Gaze
233 The Long One     300  30  50  3  70MSta- 1 FCEASP F  1  3 +  *     400000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Invoke Power
234 Spaz Twit         50 200  40  4  40M     3 FCEASP    1  3     $    120000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     4/7: Cast Disintegration
235 The Snowbeast     60  16  21  4  25         C  SP    1  3            3000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
236 Bozorc the Orc   200  25  28  4  40MS$     FC  SP    1  2 +  *$     20000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems
237 Brutal Bruno     300  30  40  6  50M     2     SP    1  3 +   $%    60000
Items: 2       Gold: 2
238 Death Spider      90  19  23  4  23 Poi-    CE SP    1  3 +         10000
Items: 2       Gold: 1             3/7: Spray Poison
239 Dread Knight     300  28  50  4  70M       FCEASP    1  3 +         80000
Items: 3       Gold: 2
240 Baron Wilfrey    300  50  50  5  60M       FCEASP    1  3           90000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems
241 Mist Warrior     350  30  50  6  60      3 FCEASP    1  3 +        160000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems     4/7: Cast Dancing Sword
242 Queen Beetle     350  50  30  4  80 Par    F EASP    1  0 +        230000
Items: 3       Gold: none Gems     3/7: Breathe Gas
243 Serpent King     400  60  31  2 200 Poi  4 F EASP    1  3 +        240000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems     4/7: Breathe Acid
244 Dragon Lord      340  40  25  6  50 Sto  4 FCEASP    1  3          260000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Lightning
245 Mandagual        100  20  21  4  25MPoi    FCEASP    1  3 +         10000
Items: 2       Gold: 2    Gems
246 Lucky Dog         70  20  22  2  32 Rnd- 3 FCEASP    7  2  +   %     5000
Items: 2       Gold: 1    Gems     3/7: Juggle Party
247 The Horvath      400  50  28  4  90 Sto- 2 FCEA      1  3 +  *$    230000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Petrification Gaze
248 Orb Guardian     300  32  50  6 100 DrS- 4 FCEASP    1  3 +         80000
Items: none    Gold: none
249 Dawn             300  25  40  4  70MAsn- 2 FCEA      1  3          200000
Items: 3       Gold: 2    Gems     3/7: Breathe Gas
250 Mega Dragon    64000 250 250 16 250MEra  7 FCEASP A  1  3 +      32000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Energy
251 Shalwend        1000  70  60 16  80 Era  5  CEASP    1  3 +       5000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Invoke Power
252 Pyrannaste      1500  60  50 16  80 Era  4 F EASP    1  3         6000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Fire
253 Acwalandar      2000  80  70 16 100 Era  6 FCEASP    1  3 +       8000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Cold
254 Gralkor         1700  70  60 10  80 Era- 4 F E SP    1  3 +       7000000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems     4/7: Breathe Acid
255 Sheltem          500  60  40  8  60MCol- 1 FCEASP    1  3 +        500000
Items: 3       Gold: 3    Gems


I -- iron     Int -- Intellect    Spd -- Speed
B -- bronze   Mgt -- Might        Acy -- Accuracy
S -- silver   Per -- Personality  Luc -- Luck
G -- gold     End -- Endurance

Fi -- Fire Resistance             K -- Knight
Co -- Cold Resistance             P -- Paladin
Ac -- Acid Resistance             A -- Archer
El -- Electrical Resistance       C -- Cleric
Sl -- Sleep Resistance            S -- Sorcerer
Po -- Poison Resistance           R -- Robber
En -- Energy Resistance           N -- Ninja
Ma -- Magic Resistance            B -- Barbarian

AC  -- armor class
MHp -- maximum hit points (actual amount is much greater
than shown)
Th  -- thievery
SpL -- spell level

Usage bonuses to resistance, vital statistics, skill level,
spell level, and maximum hit points are temporary; that is, they
last until the party rests or enters an Inn.

For each enchantment or plus of an object, the equip bonus of
the item goes up by one, computed accuracy increases by one,
and one point of damage is awarded to the base damage (per hit).
The first plus doubles an item's value; subsequent pluses only
have an additive effect on value that I don't recall.

Randomly found treasure with pluses of +5 or higher always has
an alignment; treasure with pluses of +4 or lower never does.


Damage  Equip             Base
# Name          Classes   Range  Bonus    Usage   Value
1 Small Club    KPACSRNB    1-2  none     none        1
2 Small Knife   KPA SRNB    1-3  none     none        5
3 Large Club    KPACSRNB    1-4  none     none        5
4 Dagger        KPA SRNB    1-4  none     none        8
5 Large Knife   KPA SRNB    1-5  none     none       10
6 Hand Axe      KPA  RNB    1-5  none     none       10
7 Cudgel        KPAC R B    1-5  none     none       12
8 Spiked Club   KPA SRNB    1-6  none     none       15
9 Bull Whip     K  CSRNB    1-6  none     none       25
10 Long Dagger   KPA SRNB    1-6  none     none       20
11 Maul          KPAC R B    1-6  none     none       30
12 Short Sword   KPA  RN     1-6  none     none       15
13 Nunchakas     K     N     1-6  none     none       30
14 Mace          KPAC R B    1-7  none     none       50
15 Spear         KPA  RNB    1-7  none     none       15
16 Cutlass       KPA  R      1-7  none     none       40
17 Flail         KPAC R      1-8  none     none      100
18 Sabre         KPA  R      1-8  none     none       60
19 Long Sword    KPA  R      1-8  none     none       50
20 Wakizashi     K     N     1-8  none     none       60
21 Scimitar      KPA  R      1-9  none     none       80
22 Battle Axe    KPA  R B   1-10  none     none       60
23 Broad Sword   KPA  R     1-10  none     none      100
24 Katana        K     N    1-10  none     none      150
25 Slumber Club  KPACSRNB    1-4  Sl +15%  S 1-7     100
26 Power Club    KPACSRNB    1-6  Mgt +3   none      200
27 Lucky Knife   KPA SRNB    1-5  Luc +10  none      250
28 Looter Knife  KPA SRNB    1-6  Th +15%  none      400
29 Power Cudgel  KPAC R B    1-5  Mgt +3   none      300
30 Energy Whip   K  CSRNB    1-6  En +15%  S 1-3     500
31 Sonic Whip    K  CSRNB    1-6  Po +15%  C 2-4     500
32 Mighty Whip   K  CSRNB    1-6  Mgt +3   none      400
33 Scorch Maul   KPAC R B    1-6  Fi +15%  none      400
34 Mauler Mace   KPAC R B    1-7  Mgt +6   none      600
35 Exacto Spear  KPA  RNB    1-7  Acy +6   none      800
36 Fiery Spear   KPA  RNB    1-7  Fi +15%  S 4-3    1200
37 Fast Cutlass  KPA  R      1-7  Spd +4   none     1000
38 Quick Flail   KPAC R      1-8  Spd +5   none     1200
39 Shock Flail   KPAC R      1-8  El +15%  S 2-2    1200
40 Sharp Sabre   KPA  R      1-8  Acy +5   none     1500
41 Ego Scimitar  KPA  R      1-9  Per +12  none     2000
42 True Axe      KPA  R B   1-10  Acy +5   none     1800
43 Blazing Axe   KPA  R B   1-10  Fi +15%  none     1500
44 Electric Axe  KPA  R B   1-10  El +15%  S 3-4    2500
45 Rapid Katana  K     N    1-10  Spd +6   none     3000
46 Accurate Swd  KPA  R     1-10  Acy +10  none     4000
47 Chance Sword  KPA  R     1-10  Luc +15  none     4000
48 Speedy Sword  KPA  R     1-10  Spd +10  none     4000
49 Flash Sword   KPA  R     1-10  En +15%  S 3-4    4000
50 Flaming Swd   KPA  R     1-10  Fi +15%  S 4-3    4000
51 Electric Swd  KPA  R     1-10  El +15%  S 6-5    4000
52 Acidic Sword  KPA  R     1-10  Ac +15%  S 3-1    4000
53 Cold Blade    KPA  R     1-10  Co +15%  S 4-1    4000
54 Sage Dagger     A S       1-8  Int +15  Lev +15 20000
55 Holy Cudgel    P C       1-10  Per +15  C 9-2   20000
56 Divine Mace   KPAC R B   1-14  AC +10   C 9-1   30000
57 Ice Scimitar  KPA  R     1-18  Co +15%  S 6-3   20000
58 Grand Axe     KPA  R B   1-20  Mgt +15  Mgt +15 20000
59 Swift Axe     KPA  R B   1-20  Spd +15  Spd +15 20000
60 Dyno Katana   K     N    1-20  El +15%  Lev +15 20000
61 Force Sword   KPA  R     1-20  Mgt +15  Mgt +15 30000
62 Magic Sword   KPA  R     1-20  Ma +15%  Lev +15 30000
63 Thunder Swd   KPA  R     1-20  Mgt +15  S 3-4   30000
64 Energy Blade  KPA  R     1-20  En +15%  S 6-1   30000
65 Photon Blade  K          1-25  Mgt +15  S 9-1   50000


Damage  Equip             Base
# Name          Classes   Range  Bonus    Usage   Value
66 Staff         KPACS NB    1-8  none     none       40
67 Sickle        KPA    B    1-8  none     none       30
68 Scythe        KPA    B    1-9  none     none       50
69 Glaive        KPA    B   1-10  none     none       80
70 War Hammer    KPAC   B   1-10  none     none      120
71 Trident       KPA    B   1-11  none     none      100
72 Pike          KPA    B   1-12  none     none      150
73 Naginata      K     N    1-12  none     none      300
74 Bardiche      KPA    B   1-13  none     none      200
75 Great Hammer  KPAC   B   1-14  none     none      300
76 Halberd       KPA    B   1-14  none     none      250
77 Great Axe     KPA    B   1-15  none     none      300
78 Flamberge     KPA        1-16  none     none      400
79 Wind Staff    KPACS NB    1-8  Spd +5   C 5-1    1500
80 Tri-Sickle    KPA    B   1-24  none     none     2000
81 Ice Sickle    KPA    B   1-16  Co +15%  S 4-1    3000
82 Fire Glaive   KPA    B   1-10  Fi +15%  S 4-3    3000
83 Harsh Hammer  KPAC   B   1-15  Mgt +3   none     1500
84 Stone Hammer  KPAC   B   1-18  Ma +15%  none     3000
85 Genius Staff  KPACS N    1-16  Int +10  Lev +15 30000
86 Wizard Staff      S      1-16  Int +15  S 7-4   30000
87 Soul Scythe   KPA    B   1-18  Ma +15%  S 5-2   40000
88 Dark Trident  KPA    B   1-30  AC +5    none    50000
89 Titan's Pike  KPA    B   1-40  Mgt +15  Mgt +15 50000
90 Moon Halberd  KPA    B   1-30  Luc +15  C 7-3   50000
91 Sun Naginata  K     N    1-25  AC +10   Lev +15 40000


Damage  Equip             Base
# Name          Classes   Range  Bonus    Usage   Value
92 Blowpipe      KPA SRNB    1-4  none     none       10
93 Sling         KPA  RNB    1-5  none     none       15
94 Short Bow     KPA   N     1-6  none     none       25
95 Crossbow      KPA  RN     1-8  none     none       50
96 Long Bow      KPA   N    1-10  none     none      100
97 Great Bow     KPA        1-12  none     none      200
98 Shaman Pipe   KPA SRNB    1-4  Ma +10%  SpL +1   1500
99 Cinder Pipe   KPA SRNB    1-4  Fi +10%  S 4-3    2500
100 Quiet Sling   KPA  RNB    1-5  Sl +15%  C 2-6    1500
101 Pirates xBow  KPA  RN     1-8  Th +10%  Acy +15  3000
102 Burning xBow  KPA  RN     1-8  Fi +10%  C 3-5    2500
103 Fireball Bow  KPA   N    1-10  Fi +15%  S 4-3    5000
104 Voltage Bow   KPA   N    1-10  El +10%  S 3-4    5000
105 Giant Sling   KPA  RNB   1-15  Po +15%  Mgt +15 20000
106 Energy Sling  KPA  RNB   1-10  En +10%  S 1-3   15000
107 Death Bow     KPA        1-24  Luc +15  Lev +15 40000
108 Star Bow      KPA        1-24  En +15%  S 9-3   35000
109 Meteor Bow    KPA        1-24  AC +5    S 8-3   35000
110 Ancient Bow   KPA        1-35  Acy +15  Acy +15 80000

# Name                                            Value
111 Green Key                                         100
112 Yellow Key                                        200
113 Red Key                                           500
114 Black Key                                        1000


Armor  Equip             Base
# Name          Classes   Bonus  Bonus            Value
115 Small Shield  KP C R B     +1  none                15
116 Large Shield  KP C R B     +2  none                60
117 Great Shield  KP C R B     +3  none               150
118 Fire Shield   KP C R B     +3  Fire +15%         2000
119 Electric Shd  KP C R B     +3  Electricity +15%  2000
120 Acid Shield   KP C R B     +3  Acid +15%         2000
121 Cold Shield   KP C R B     +3  Cold +15%         2000
122 Silver Shld   KP C R B     +3  Energy +15%       2000
123 Bronze Shld   KP C R B     +3  Poison +15%       2000
124 Iron Shield   KP C R B     +3  Sleep +15%        2000
125 Magic Shield  KP C R B     +5  Magic +15%        5000
126 Gold Shield   KP C R B     +7  Luck +15         10000


Armor  Equip             Base
# Name          Classes   Bonus  Bonus    Usage   Value
127 Padded Armor  KPACSRNB     +2  none     none       20
128 Leather Suit  KPAC RNB     +3  none     none       40
129 Scale Armor   KPAC RNB     +4  none     none      100
130 Ring Mail     KPAC RN      +5  none     none      200
131 Chain Mail    KPAC R       +6  none     none      400
132 Splint Mail   KP C         +7  none     none      600
133 Plate Mail    KP           +8  none     none     1000
134 Plate Armor   KP          +10  none     none     2000
135 I Scale Mail  KPAC RNB     +4  Sl +15%  none     3000
136 B Scale Mail  KPAC RNB     +4  Po +15%  none     5000
137 S Scale Mail  KPAC RNB     +4  En +15%  none     5000
138 I Ring Mail   KPAC RN      +5  Sl +15%  none     5000
139 B Ring Mail   KPAC RN      +5  Po +15%  none     5000
140 S Ring Mail   KPAC RN      +5  En +15%  none     5000
141 I Chain Mail  KPAC R       +6  Sl +15%  none     5000
142 B Chain Mail  KPAC R       +6  Po +15%  none     5000
143 S Chain Mail  KPAC R       +6  En +15%  none    10000
144 I Splintmail  KP C         +7  Sl +15%  none    10000
145 B Splintmail  KP C         +7  Po +15%  none    10000
146 S Splintmail  KP C         +7  En +15%  none    10000
147 I Plate Mail  KP           +8  Sl +15%  none    15000
148 B Plate Mail  KP           +8  Po +15%  none    15000
149 S Plate Mail  KP           +8  En +15%  none    15000
150 G Scale Mail  KPAC RNB     +6  Luc +15  Lev +10 10000
151 G Ring Mail   KPAC RN      +7  Luc +15  Lev +10 20000
152 G Chain Mail  KPAC R       +8  Luc +15  Lev +10 40000
153 G Splint Mail KP C         +9  Luc +15  Lev +12 60000
154 G Plate Mail  KP          +12  Luc +15  Lev +15 80000


Armor  Equip             Base
# Name          Classes   Bonus  Bonus            Value
155 Helm          KP C   B     +2  none                30
156 Iron Helm     KP C   B     +2  Sleep +15%        1000
157 Bronze Helm   KP C   B     +2  Poison +15%       2000
158 Silver Helm   KP C   B     +3  Energy +15%       4000
159 Gold Helm     KP C   B     +4  Luck +15         20000


Equip                     Base
# Name          Classes  Bonus       Usage        Value
160 Magic Herbs   No Equip             C 1-4           50
161 Torch         No Equip             S 1-5            2
162 Lantern       No Equip             S 1-5           20
163 Thief's Pick       RN  Thief +15%  none           200
164 Rope'n'Hooks  No Equip             S 2-4           10
165 Wakeup Horn   No Equip none        S 1-1           50
166 Compass       No Equip             S 1-6          200
167 Sextant       No Equip             S 1-6          500
168 Force Potion  No Equip             Might +10      100
169 Skill Potion  No Equip             Level +5       500
170 MaxHP Potion  No Equip             Max HP +2     5000
171 Holy Charm    No Equip none        C 1-7          200
172 Herbal Patch  No Equip             C 2-1          400
173 Hero Medal    KPACSRNB Prsnlty +4  C 2-2          800
174 Silent Horn   KPACSRNB Poison +10% C 2-6          800
175 Magic Meal    No Equip             C 3-2         1000
176 Antidote Ale  No Equip             C 3-3         1000
177 Super Flare   No Equip             C 3-5         1000
178 Dove's Blood  No Equip             C 4-3         2000
179 Ray Gun       KPACSRNB Accuracy +4 S 1-3          400
180 Magic Charm   KPACSRNB Magic +10%  S 2-7          800
181 Witch Broom   No Equip none        S 3-2         1000
182 Invisocloak   KPACSRNB Arm Cl +6   S 3-3         2000
183 Storm Wand    KPACSRNB Electr +10% S 3-4         2000
184 Lava Grenade  No Equip             S 4-3         2000
185 Hourglass     No Equip             S 4-6         2000
186 Instant Keep  No Equip             S 5-4         5000
187 Teleport Orb  No Equip             S 5-5         5000
188 Skeleton Key       RN  Thief +10%  none           800
189 Defense Ring  KPACSRNB Arm Cl +2   S 4-5         5000
190 Mgt Gauntlet  KPAC R B Might +6    Might +10     5000
191 Acy Gauntlet  KPAC RNB Accuracy +6 Accuracy +10  5000
192 Stealth Cape       RN  Thief +10%  Speed +15     5000
193 Admit 8 Pass  Needed in Corak's Cavern            200
194 Speed Boots   KPACSRNB Speed +15   C 5-3        15000
195 Cureall Wand  KPACSRNB Poison +15% C 5-5        15000
196 Moon Rock     No Equip             C 7-3        15000
197 Ruby Ankh     KPACSRNB Luck +10    C 7-4        30000
198 Disruptor     KPACSRNB Energy +15% S 5-1        20000
199 Lich Hand     K   SR   none        S 5-2        10000
200 Phaser        KPACSRNB Accuracy +5 S 6-1        20000
201 Freeze Wand   KPACSRNB Cold +15%   S 6-3        25000
202 Energizer     No Equip             S 6-4        10000
203 Magic Mirror  No Equip             S 7-2        30000
204 Elven Cloak     A  R   Arm Cl +5   S 3-3        10000
205 Elven Boots     A  R   Speed +5    none         10000
206 Sage Robe         S    I.Q. +6     Level +10    25000
207 Enchanted Id  KPACSRNB Prsnlty +15 Level +15    25000


Equip                     Base
# Name          Classes  Bonus       Usage        Value
208 Green Ticket  Easy Arena Monsters                  10
209 Yellow Tickt  Hard Arena Monsters                  50
210 Red Ticket    Harder Arena Monsters               250
211 Black Ticket  Hardest Arena Monsters             1000
212 Fe Farthing   Throw into Feldecarb Fountain        10
213 Castle Key         RN  Thief +5%                  200
214 Mark's Keys   Give to Mark the Hermit               1
215 Dog Whistle   KPACSRNB Luck +1     S 4-4           50
216 Web Caster    KPACSRNB none        S 3-5          100
217 Monster Tome  No Equip             S 2-3         2000
218 Cupie Doll    The Mad Man wants one                 1
219 Water Talon   No Equip             C 6-4        50000
220 Air Talon     No Equip             C 5-1        50000
221 Fire Talon    No Equip             C 8-1        50000
222 Earth Talon   No Equip             C 7-1        50000
223 Element Orb   No Equip             S 9-3        30000
224 Gold Goblet   Nordon wants them back              250
225 +7 Loincloth  KPACSRNB Prsnlty +10 none          5000
226 Valor Sword   Lord Hoardall wants this          10000
227 Honor Sword   ... and this                       5000
228 Noble Sword   ... and this too                   5000
229 Corak's Soul  Reunite with Corak's Body             1
230 Emerald Ring  KPACSRNB Arm Cl +15  none          1000
231 Water Disc    No Equip             C 6-5        10000
232 Air Disc      No Equip             C 4-2        10000
233 Fire Disc     No Equip             C 8-2        10000
234 Earth Disc    No Equip             C 6-1        10000
235 Sapphire Pin       R   Luck +15    none         10000
236 Amethyst Box       R   Luck +15    none         10000
237 Coral Branch         B Might +15   none         10000
238 Lapis Scarab         B Might +15   none         10000
239 Amber Skull       S    I.Q. +15    none         10000
240 Quartz Skull      S    I.Q. +15    none         10000
241 Agate Skull    P       Prsnlty +15 none         10000
242 Opal Pendant   P       Might +15   none         10000
243 Crystal Vial        N  Speed +15   none         10000
244 Ruby Amulet         N  Luck +15    none         10000
245 Ivory Cameo   K        Might +15   none         10000
246 Ruby Tiara    K        Accracy +15 none         10000
247 Onyx Effigy      C     Prsnlty +15 none         10000
248 Pearl Choker     C     Prsnlty +15 none         10000
249 Topaz Shard     A      Accracy +15 none         10000
250 Sun Crown       A      I.Q. +15    none         10000
251 J-26 Fluxer   Needed to get the Element Orb         1
252 M-27 Radicon  Needed to get the Element Orb         1
253 A-1 Todilor   Needed to get the Element Orb         1
254 N-19 Capitor  Needed to get the Element Orb         1
255 Useless Item  No Equip             none             1


The "today's specials" at each town's blacksmith vary in plus by day.  This
operates in 30-day cycles; this chart shows which days correspond to the

Plus    On days
+0    2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30
+1    1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21
+2    4, 9, 23
+3    14, 25
+4    19, 27
+5    29


8 -- Tane seCre d  Con.lidch ay.encCe avenb ingtswthe tomus
5 -- ociolu owoneBol Neiuamayl Re whcal ts s fr or lap tt h
2 --  entioTn , woosxt,tll fu eqithon hro avom td.ke ahaurr
6 -- rt n irmuithwse th y lfidue thsbeughae desh Tgeost ied
1 -- iwrs vist Arlume pisoll este Qe s tinthtruehemetswhly
3 -- goneryp fena  tartn tthes aueeneeme de cti n ricaicfix
9 -- hgs lolir, Mao y mdhair tn n s n.wit deon pvis tgh . J
7 -- t, ng.estonsnbeustit periauo tO  h TOadandasio feyoVC
4 --  th Th  bterd w spveasonndihe nTralor K gest ind u


To right ancient wrongs, the solution is very long.  The Triple Crown
must first be done, with Arena, Monster Bowl, and Colosseum to be won.
Next, the party must split individually so that each may fulfill their
personal destiny.  Request an audience with the Queen so the Chosen
One can be seen.  Travel through time with Talons and Orb, save the
dead King from destruction, and get the password.  Then visit the lake
geometrics to find passage to that which you must hurriedly fix.  JVC

Might and Magic II: Game Lists by ssjlee9
Version 1.23, Last Updated 2005-08-03

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Skibidi Toilet Shooting

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