Dicas e trapaças do Zillion

Continues extras, detonados, invencibilidade, mapas, salas secretas, poder no máximo e mais!

Publicado em 31 de maio de 2022.

Neste artigo, temos reunidas várias dicas e trapaças do Zillion, um jogo de plataforma estilo metroidvania, baseado no anime de mesmo nome, que foi desenvolvido Sega para competir com o clássico Metroid.

Consegui achar manhas como continues extras, invencibilidade, salas secretas, mensagens extras e códigos de Action Replay. Além disso, tem também uns detonados e mapas que com certeza vão te ajudar a zerar este action-adventure de 1987 do Master System.

Lembrando que foram considerados aqui os comandos do controle original do Master. Se estiver jogando num emulador, lembre-se de configurar direito as teclas aí antes de reclamar que não está funcionando.

Mas vamos ao que interessa?


Esse truque funcionará em qualquer sala que tenha um guarda que ande na frente de um console de computador.

Entre no console do computador enquanto se sobrepõe ao guarda. Você pode levar um tiro algumas vezes tentando isso. Quando o guarda estiver entre você e o console, entre no menu e insira o código de suicídio (0000). Pronto. Se tiver feito certo, ficará invencível.

Nota: uma vez que a invencibilidade estiver ativada, o botão Pause não funcionará, o que significa que você não será capaz de trocar de personagens.

Invencibilidade 2

Este outro macete de invencibilidade é bem difícil e exige várias tentativas. Ele consiste em ir à sala (C3) e inserir o código para abrir o código desta sala. Note que vai precisar de level 2 na pistola, e tem um Zillion Power na A6.

Na sala C3, salte para além do campo de força até o meio do elevador para que J.J. fique no feixe de laser, levando dano, mas ainda em pé no elevador.

Continue tomando dano até que você esteja com 150 ou 160 de saúde, então pegue o elevador para baixo para a próxima sala. Quando o poder de J.J. chegar a 0, o piso cairá e J.J. ficará invencível.

Atenção: assim como o truque de invencibilidade anterior, não dá para trocar de personagens.

Continues extras

Toda vez que for morto, pressione os Botões 1 e 2 + Cima.

Salas secretas

Quando você chegar a um beco sem saída, atire na parede à sua frente até 15 vezes para revelar uma área secreta.

Mensagens extras

Se você inserir o código de suicídio (0000) nas salas D2 e G4, vai receber uma mensagem especial.

Atenção: se inserir na sala C4, como instrui o manual, você vai morrer. Pensando bem, pode ser que nestas outras salas também seja pegadinha. Faça um save state antes de tentar!

Códigos do Action Replay

Nota: para habilitar os códigos PAR em um sistema americano NTSC, inicie o jogo e depois pause-o. Tentar acessar o PAR na tela de título geralmente trava o jogo.

Segue a lista de códigos Action Replay do Zillion:

Código		Efeito
00C14399	Energia infinita (fica mostrando 990) 
00C12910	Cards de ID infinitos (fica mostrando 10) 
00C12A01	Começa com o cartão vermelho
00C12B05	Começa com os cinco disquetes
00C14602	Começa com poder Zillion no máximo
00C14508	Começa com o jogador no nível 9

Códigos dos computadores

Segue abaixo a lista dos computadores do Zillion:

Código		Efeito
1111 		Exibe mapa
2222 		Desativa laser barrier
3333		Desativa sensors
4444 		Desativa moving walkway
5555		Desativa turrets
6666		Teleporta para o primeiro poço do elevador
7777 		Teleporta para uma localização aleatória
8888 		Destrói a base (só funciona no computador principal)
9999 		Cancela o comando de autodestruição
0000 		Suicídio

Mapa do jogo

Descobri um mapa do Zillion no site SMS Power! que é muito útil e fácil de manusear.

Ele foi feito por Calindro, mostra desde o início (ao sair da nave) e toda a base subterrânea e pode ser acessado aqui.

P.S.: fiz um backup do mapa pra nós, caso o site acima fique fora do ar (tomara que nunca), que pode ser baixado aqui (144 KB).

Sério. Se você não liga pra spoiler, vale a pena demais. É coisa fina.


Existem quatro personagens do bem em Zillion: J.J., Champ, Apple, Opa-Opa (do Fantasy Zone) e Amy. Os três primeiros são jogáveis, e tem stats diferentes, enquanto o Opa-Opa fornece aprimoramentos para eles. Já a Amy é um NPC que não interfere no jogo.


  • J.J. tem um forte senso de justiça e está sempre à frente da sua equipe, White Nuts, nas piores situações. Suas habilidades especiais são orientadas para o combate, e ele é equilibrado em relação a Champ e Apple.
  • Altura: 1,68m;
  • Peso: 53kg;
  • Tipo sanguíneo: O;
  • Aniversário: 18 de março de 2371.


  • Um verdadeiro sniper. Nunca perde a calma e é sempre corajoso em combate. Também é o mais forte, porém mais lento.
  • Altura: 1,78m;
  • Peso: 68kg;
  • Tipo sanguíneo: B;
  • Aniversário: 8 de agosto de 2369.


  • Apple tem excelente defesa em situações de combate corpo a corpo. Sua especialidade é lutar com movimentos ágeis e resistência. Ela é a mais fraca, mas, em compensação, é a que consegue saltar mais alto.
  • Altura: 1,65m;
  • Peso: 50kg;
  • Tipo sanguíneo: A;
  • Aniversário: 13 de abril de 2370.


  • Opa-Opa é um dos mascotes da Sega anterior ao Sonic e até mesmo ao Alex Kidd. Em Zillion, tanto no game como no anime, esta criatura, que parece um ovo com umas asinhas, ficou amiga dos White Nuts.
  • Altura: 38cm;
  • Peso: 16kg;
  • Cada asa: 19cm;
  • Comprimento: 53cm;
  • Largura: 40 cm.


  • A favorita dos White Nuts, Amy opera o centro de energia da nave-mãe.
  • Altura: 1,55m;
  • Peso: 46kg;
  • Tipo sanguíneo: AB;
  • Aniversário: consta que ela tem 16 anos e Zillion se passa em 2387. Então, se estes dados estiverem certos, ela deve ter nascido em 2371.

Dicas de Zillion por Clint Dyer

Clint Dyer, um sujeito que trabalhou no marketing na Sega durante os aos 90, liberou uns textos oficiais (em inglês) com dicas para vários jogos, como o Alex Kidd In Miracle World e Alex Kidd: High-Tech World. Abaixo, segue o que ele fez para o Zillion, que conta com um mapinha, macetes e localizações importantes:


A  |    |    |    |    |    | 1* |    |    |   EH = Enter Here
   |---------------------------------------|   SR = Secret Room
B  | SR |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   A  = Apple
   |---------------------------------------|   FD = Floppy Disk
C  |    |    |    |  2 |    |    |    |    |   MC = Main Computer
   |---------------------------------------|   RC = Red Card
D  |    | FD3|    |    |    |    |    |    |   C  = Champ
   |---------------------------------------|   *  = Zillion Power
E  |    |    |    |    | A  |    |    |    |
F  |    |    |    |    | FD |    |    |    |
G  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
H  | |E||    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
I  | |L|| FD*|    |    |    |    |    |    |
J  | |E||    |    |FD  |    |MC  |    |    |
K  | |V||    |    |    |    |C*  |    |    |
L  | |A||    | *  |    |    |    |    |    |
M  | |T||    |    |    |    |    | RC |    |
N  | |O|| *  |    |    |    | FD | *  |    |
O  | |R||    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
P  | | ||    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
      1    2    3    4    5   6    7    8

Do not enter in the suicide code in room C-4 as instructed in the
book.  If you do, you will die!

In room C-3, you can become invincible.  Before you go into room C-3,
collect the Zillion Power from room A-6.  This will allow you to open
the containers that are present.  After you have the Zillion Power, enter
the room and you will see an elevator next to an energy barrier.

Get in the elevator, reach out and touch the energy barrier, while
pressing down on the Directional Pad.  Repeat this, until your energy
drops to zero. If this is done correctly, the bottom of the elevator
will fall out, and you will be invincible.

NOTE:  Once invincible, the pause button will do no good, which means
you will not be able to change characters.

The Zillion Powers are located in rooms: A-6, I-2, K-6, L-3, N-2,
and N-7

The Floppy Discs are located in rooms: D2, F5, I2, J4, N6, and the
Red Card is located at M7

After you exit the Computer Room, you will face a Dragon.  To defeat
him, shoot him in the mouth approximately twenty times.  You will know
that you are hitting him, because he will flash yellow.

NOTE:  After the dragon is destroyed, re-enter the computer room, and
re-input the suicide command.  This will allow you extra seconds to
escape.  In addition, it may be usefull to make a map of the exact way
out, so you won't waste time getting lost!

If you enter the suicide code in rooms D2 and G4 you will get a special

>On another note, I started playing Zillion, and much to my dismay
>I lost the instructions! If anyone has a listing of all the codes,
>could they post it please?

Ok, I'll do my best with this!

-4 M's with lines on the bottom = Map display
-4 hearts with feet = Laser Barrier Stop (temp. stops yellow lazers)
-4 8's = Sensor Stop (elimanates infared rays)
-4 U's with lines through them = Moving Walkway Stop
-4 Circles at the bottom, with T's out the top = Auto-Gun Stop
-4 eye creatures (eyes on teh bottom, eyebrows on the top) - Warp A
(returns you to the elevator at the base of the underground entrance)
-4 outlined Y's = Warp B (returns you to the nearest elevator)
-4 infinity signs (sideways 8's) = Base Explosion (to end the game)
-4 sideways 8's on top, arms (?) at the bottom = Explosion cancel (when
you were just kidding about the sideways 8's thing...)
-4 0's = Suicide (oh, the manual thinks it can help you decide when
it's "useful" -- What does this manual think it is, God???)

-- Clint Dyer

Press buttons 1, 2 and Up on the joypad after you've died. You can now
continue on from where you left off.

Code List by Clint Dyer
ASCII map by Jeff Bogumil
Original map by ???
Cheat sheets provided by Brett Carver
Continue Cheat from Sega Power
Remainder written by Clint Dyer, for Sega of America

Guia e detonado

Arrumei também um detonado em texto (Zillion FAQ) escrito por Nebu que destrincha bastante o Zillion. Está bem completaço, com mais trapaças, comandos e informações diversas. Também está em inglês:

By Nebu
Copyright 2000

1. Story
2. Quick Review
3. Basic Gameplay
4. Commands
5. Walkthrought
6. Cheats
7. Character Stats
8. Game Credits
You play the role of JJ. Apparently, some top secret documents have been
hidden in the main computer on planet X. They've already sent in two agents
before you, Apple and Champ, but your organization has lost contact with them
and assumed them to be MIA (Missing In Action). They're sending you in now,
to rescue them, get the plans, and blow up the enemy base.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-QUICK REVIEW-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
This was one of my favorite Sega Master System games of all time. Sure, the
story seemed kind of cliche, but the gameplay, simple as it was, kept me
coming back for more. I still haven't beaten the game without cheating yet,
but that doesn't stop me from trying. Zillion is an instant classic, though
I have to admit it has low replay value. I would give it a 7 out of 10.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BASIC GAMEPLAY TIPS-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The game is pretty straightforward. You need not have the manual of the game
to figure it out, everything is explained in the intro screen when you start
the game. You must infiltrate the enemy base, and locate all the diskettes.
You use these diskettes to download the enemy's secret documents onto them.
You must then blow up the entire base and get out alive. While you're at it,
try to locate and rescue two other fellow agents. To proceed from room to
room, you must crack open capsules and memorize the codes inside. Then, find
a computer terminal, and enter in that code to unlock the next door. Beware,
though! There are tripwires, enemy guards, laser turrets and forcefields
blocking your way! This won't be an easy mission. For such a old game, the
"AI" will surprise you as it learns new tricks. As you progress through the
game, simply ducking under enemy shots won't always work.

Every time you want to use a computer terminal, you'll need an ID card. If you
merely enter in the "open door" command, which changes from room to room,
you'll get your ID card back. However, if you use one of the special global
commands (listed below) the terminal will eat your ID card. Make sure you
always save one card on you, else you won't be able to open any more doors!
The main computer requires a special red ID card, so you'll need to locate
that too.

Cracking open capsules usually yields the open door codes for the room you're
in, but sometimes it has useful items in them, such as bread (restores
health), more ID cards, stronger guns, infrared goggles, and so on.

If you're really in a jam, you can retreat to your mothership (or warp there
directly, by entering 6666) to get restored to full health.

Also note that when entering in the open door code, you can enter in the
symbols in any order.

First of all, let me explain what those symbols are. I've seen a lot of FAQs
and walkthroughs merely call the symbols "Ms" or "cherries" or "Fountains" and
so on. That's not what those symbols are. Those symbols are numeric characters
mirrored. The M is actually the number 1 printed normally and mirror. The
second character is "2" printed in the same manner, and so on. The exception
to this rule is 8 and 0. 8 because it looks the same mirrored as it does
normally. 8 is represented by the infinity symbol (or 8 sideways,) and 0
because it would look like the infinity sign if it were mirrored, so instead
they just put a plain 0. Adapt this system of interpreting the symbols. It's
a lot easier to memorize "1, 4, 5, 7" then "M, U with two dashes, cherry with
a T stem, picnic table."

Here are the global commands of the game:
1111  Display map
2222  Disable laser barrier
3333  Disable sensors
4444  Disable moving walkway
5555  Disable turrets
6666  Warp A (teleports you to the first elevator shaft)
7777  Warp B (teleports you to a random location)
8888  Destroy base (only works on the main computer)
9999  Cancel destroy base command
0000  Suicide

You start off at your mothership. Immediately enter it, as they will give you
a free ID card. Exit and then press down to crouch onto the ground. Crawl
along the ground to the right, shooting guards on the right as you see them.
Crawling is slower than walking, but it guarantees none of the first level
guards will be not able to hit you with their weapons. Don't bother shooting
the guards that appear on the left. They won't be able to catch up with you.
If you need to get up quickly, tap the jump button. It's faster than pressing
up to back up onto your feet. Keep crawling until you fall into the elevator,
then press down to go down the shaft.

Go down until you see an intersection. Remember this spot. This is the
"Warp A" spot. Head right into what I like to call "the first room." This
should be obvious, but I'll mention it for completeness: DO NOT crawl through
the electric forcefield! It will hurt you bad! Crawl through the lower route!
Crack open all the capsules by shooting at them, and take their contents by
pressing "up" while standing next to one. There's an ID card at the bottom
right capsule and some bread in the middle right one. Note that the top right
capsule has an alarm sensor near it that will trigger guards to appear.
Triggering that alarm is unavoidable, because you need to get to that capsule
to find out the "open door" code. I can't just tell you the open door codes,
because they are randomly generated every time you play. After you've gotten
all the codes, just jump down to the bottom of the screen, crouch down, and
keep firing to the left until the sirens stop. If your weapon's range isn't
long enough, you can crawl to the left as you fire. You should be able to kill
all the guards before they get a chance to hurt you. Get up and walk up to the
computer terminal, and press "up" to activate it. Enter in the code. If you
forgot it, press "exit" and press up at each of the capsules again to read
the code again. If need be, resort to a pencil and a piece of paper. Entering
the code should cause an elevator to appear in the top left corner of the room
(marked by a purple underline.) Get onto that elevator, and press up to move
the elevator up one room.

In this room, there is a sensor on the middle far-left. If you step there,
enemies will "parachute" through the ceiling and start shooting at you. There
is no reason to step there, so just avoid that sensor completely. Instead,
climb the stair-like structure on the right and jump down. Shoot the two
capsules on the left. They contain some bread and the infrared goggles. Take
the bread if you're hurt, and be sure to take the goggles! This allows you to
see all the sensors in the base, and avoid them from now on. The capsule on
the left has level 2 armor, so you'll need at least a level two gun to destroy
it. Leave it for now, and go back down the elevator. and left, to the inter-
section again. (Note the guard in "The first room" will probably have
respawned, so take him out again.)

Run past the elevator and crawl to the left, again, shooting guards that get
in your way. There will be a proximity mine on the floor along the way.
you'll have to stop crawling (clear out any guards in the area first), get up
and jump over it. Once you clear that one, move a little further to the left,
and jump over the next two mines, and then move into the next hallway section.
You'll see an elevator shaft going up, and not much else. Stand up, and keep
shooting the left wall. Don't worry about guards. There shouldn't be any at
this screen. Eventually, you'll destroy the left wall. Go through it, and kill
the one guard there. Then shoot open all the capsules. Take the ID card and the
level up at the top right corner of the screen. Going up an level will restore
you to full health. Save the bread for later. Go right into the hallway, and
go up the elevator.

If you head left, you'll find a dead end with a guard. Kill the guard. If you
head all the way to the left, and crouch, then fire a bunch of shots, you'll
crack open an invisible capsule with bread in it. Head to the right, and
continue right until you reach the next room.

There are no badguys in this room, but there is an electric forcefield here.
If you feel it's worth it, enter in the disable forcefield code (2222) when
you're ready to rush past the field, and ONLY when you're ready, because
the disabling code doesn't last forever! The topmost capsule contains an ID
card and the next room has 3 more ID cards, if you want to factor that into
whether or not it's worth disabling the field (I thought it was worth it.)
Find and enter in the code, and proceed to the right into the next room.

You'll be at the top of a ledge, with two guards below, and another stair
like structure on the right, leading down. Jump down, and take out the two
guards, then break the bottom capsule to your left to get some bread. Next,
crawl ALL the way past the sensor, and take out the guards arriving from the
right. They'll keep coming if you keep touching the sensor, so make sure to
crawl way past it. When the siren stops, you can break the remaining capsules,
and get their contents (3 ID cards.) Careful not to fall back on the left side
of the sensor, else you'll have to trigger it again and fight more guards.
When you've cleared off this room, move to the right.

You'll be in a hallway with two mines and a guard. Careful! This guard
out-ranges you, AND can hit you while you're crouching. You'll probably have to
stand right next to the first mine in order to get him in range. You can jump
over his shots if you time your jumps right. Take him out, and then hop over
the two mines, and move on to the right.

In this room, you'll see a couple of level 2 capsules, some regular capsules,
and a forcefield. Jump up onto the ledge just below and to the right of the
forcefield and shoot open those capsules. They contain a level up, a gun
power up and an ID card. Shoot the level 1 capsule on the right too, for
some bread. Leave everything for now. Get back down to the computer terminal
and, you guessed it, enter in the disable forcefield code (2222). Now, rush
up, and collect all the power up, and then jump back out. You should now be
level 3 with a level 2 gun. If you jumped out too late and got hit by the
forcefield, now is the time to take the bread (leveling up auto heals you
to full health, which is why you would save the bread for later.) With
your new gun, you can destroy these level 2 capsules. The one behind the
doors is a level up, which I never figured out how to get, and the one
at the bottom is an extra ID card. From here, you can fight your way back
to the Warp A spot, or you can simply use the terminal and enter in the
"Warp A" command (6666) I did the latter. Note that if you choose to
fight your way back, and get hurt by the soldier who can shoot you while
crouching, don't bother going back to this room for bread, because when
you exit back into the hallway again, that soldier will respawn.

Once at the warp A spot, you can walk to the right back into "the first room"
and head up the elevator, and get that level 2 capsule you couldn't crack
earlier. It contains an ID card. Go back to the warp A spot, and take the
elevator down, and then head left.

The next guard can't hit you while you crouch, so he should be an easy kill.
Jump up on the ledge just left of the forcefield, and shoot the two
capsules open, then jump down and enter the disable forcefield command (2222)
and jump back up and grab the two capsules contents (2 ID cards.) You
effectively lost 1 ID card but gained 2, so I think it was worth it (if you're
feeling macho, just jump right in and grab the two ID cards. You'll get
two IDs for the cost of some health.) Head to the left.

This room has a pretty easy to avoid sensor, so by all means, avoid it. The top
right capsule has some bread in it, if you need a quick fix. Head to the left.

This room has a forcefield, a moving walkway, and a level 3 capsule. Your
weapon won't even scratch the level 3 capsule, so you can just forget about it
for now. Proceed left.

This next room, C3 (or as I lovingly call it, "the cheat room,") is the first
one to REQUIRE a level 2 gun. The level 1 capsule has an ID card in it.
Entering the open door code unlocks the door on the left AND creates an
elevator behind the forcefield. At this point, you have the key opportunity
to activate the infinite health cheat (I always do). See the cheat section
below for more details, then scroll back here if when you're done. To make
this point in the FAQ stand out and easy to locate, I'm going to include this
dark line. Stop scrolling back up when you see the dark line.
Head left into the hallway, and take out the 3 guards there (they can't hit
you while you're crawling) and then take the elevator down. Take out the
one guard down there, and head right into the next room.

The capsule behind the forcefield has one of the floppies you MUST get to beat
the game, so disable the forcefield if you can, or just rush on through, but
make sure you get that floppy diskette! The capsule on the far right contains
a level up, but I don't think it's possible to get it using JJ. You need a
character with a higher jump rating. I don't think you can get the code to
this room without activating the alarm (short of using the "Disable sensor code,
which I think is a waste of ID card.) Doing so summons guards that are
capable of shooting you whether you're crouched or not, so beware! Proceed
right once you've cleared this room.

This room connects to the "cheat room" mentioned above. That's just some
extra info for you to keep in mind when navigating the giant base you're in.
The top rightmost capsule contains a level up. Proceed to the right. Note that
from this point on, all guards can shoot you while you're crawling.

Go past the hallway into the next room. The capsule behind the sensor and
the capsule on the moving walkway both contain an ID card. Therefore, I think
it's worth using the "Disable forcefield" code (2222.) Proceed to the right.

The capsule at the top right contains bread and the capsule at the middle left
contains an ID card. Take out the three guards and proceed right.

In this hallway, going past the elevator to the right leads to another
elevator. That second elevator leads... nowhere! I couldn't locate any secret
rooms or anything there. Go back to the first elevator, and take it down and
head left.

This room, with a red background, has two empty capsules, and one capsule
with an ID card in it. The two capsules on the left contain bread and a level
up, but JJ can't jump high enough to get to them. Move right, past the
elevator, and into the next room.

There's a sensor at the center top, which might be hard to see because of the
red background. The capsule on the top right has an ID card, as does the one
behind the electric barrier. Get the code, enter it in, and THEN use the
2222 code, as the elevator that appears, appears behind the forcefield. Grab
the ID card on the way down.

This next room has tons of mines. No way to get past them at this point,
except to jump! Note that the guards at the bottom floor can now even shoot
straight up at you. Don't stand still, keep hopping! The capsule on the
middle left contains an ID card. I usually don't have time to get it because
of my frantic hopping. Note that when you drop down to the bottom floor, your
bullets do NOT penetrate uncracked capsules. You'll have to destroy all the
capsules before you're able to hit the guards, or move forward, getting the
capsules out of the way. The enemy bullets, however, have no problem
penetrating capsules. This is a particularly deadly room... Proceed to the left.

This next room has a turret in the ceiling, that seems to just fire randomly,
so it's not too threatening. The top right capsule has an ID card, and no,
you cannot destroy the turret, only disable it. And I personally don't think
they're worth disabling. Just dodge their fire. The code for this room
enables both an elevator and opens a door. Go left through the door.

Pass the hallway is another room which has a level 3 capsule. Plus, it has a
guard and 2 turrets. Take out the guard as soon as possible. Next, jump up on
the ledge to the right and below of the first mine, and hop up, and fire your
weapon just before you land. If you time it right, you should be able to blow
up the mine. You can do this for the second mine too. I must admit, in this
room, it's mighty tempting to disable those turrets (5555). Sometimes I punch
in that code, sometimes not. Proceed to the left.

The next room has a cleverly hidden horizontal sensor on the other side of the
forcefield. The guards that you'll summon will appear in that tiny space
between the two capsules, so they're pretty though to kill. I'm willing to
give in here, and enter BOTH the disable forcefield (2222) and disable sensor
(3333) codes. Going left leads to a dead end, so take the elevator up.

As soon as you enter the above room, you'll be in firing range of two guards,
so immediately let out a burst of two bullets to take them out. Proceed right.

There are 3 turrets here, and a forcefield. Go ahead and enter in 2222 and
5555. The bottom most capsule contains bread. I'd ignore it for now, unless
you're really low on health. Instead, quickly hop up, get the codes and
kill the guards, rush back down and enter the code in, and rush back up
and touch the silhouette to free Apple. Note that the guards, when they see
you, will start moving at random speeds to confuse you, and perhaps ram into
you. When you free Apple, you can switch between and JJ by pausing the game.
Apple has none of the extra powerups you picked up for JJ (she is level 1,
has a level 1 gun, and no infra red goggles) but she can jump higher than
JJ. If you like, you can go back to all those rooms where JJ couldn't jump
high enough to reach all the power ups, and have Apple get them, but I didn't
think it was worth the effort. For now, I suggest you stick with JJ. If you
get him a few levels higher, he can jump just as high as apple.

Go back down and head right until you see that elevator we didn't go through
yet. Go down it now.

The next room is nothing special, really. Head left. The next room has 4
turrets, but they all only fire vertically, so they're pretty easy to dodge.
I wouldn't waste an ID card disabling them. Head left again. This next room
has 8 turrets, again all vertical. If you're good, get the two capsules at
the top. They both have an ID card in them. Either way, head left.

In the next room, the three clusters of capsules hides a sensor. What I
suggest is to get the code from the bottom right capsule, then crawl
to the left, climb up onto the left moving walkway and run to the right.
You should land to the right of the sensor. Shoot all the capsules open
without touching the sensor, then read the two capsules on your side. You
should have 3 of the 4 digit code. Slowly step just right of the sensor, and
jump out of that chamber, and go to the terminal. Now, just try every single
combination you can, keeping in mind what 3 digits you've already found.
Remember that the same digit cannot appear twice. For example, if of the three
capsules you opened, you found 890, then the only possible "open door" codes
are: "1890", "2890", "3890", "4890", "5890", "6890" and "7890" After 3 wrong
codes, the system will kick you out, but don't worry, you can just use the
terminal again, and continue trying codes. Entering the correct code will
create an elevator. Take it down.

This next room is tough. There are two stationary turrets, and two sensors, one
of which must be triggered. Don't bother trying to figure out the code. The 
passage to the left leads to a dead end. Proceed to the right to get another
set of goggles. Switch to Apple before taking those goggles, else JJ will just
waste the second set. Head back to the left. Once you trigger the sensor, I
suggest crawling to the left, and hoping up and firing, like you did when you
first tried to take out those mines. Except now, you're taking out guards, which
are much bigger and easier to hit targets. Go back up the elevator, and
proceed all the way to the right until you reach a room you haven't cleared yet.

This room is simple, with only 1 guard and 1 sensor. JJ should be a high enough
level by now to clear this next room which requires a jump rating of at least 3.
If not, switch to apple to clear it. Get the code, and punch it in to activate
an elevator. Take the elevator down.

This room is pretty though. Hop down and take out the guard, then hop back up
and get to the computer terminal. Note that the moving walkway is moving to
the right at first, and then suddenly shoots left, possibly launching you right
into the forcefield. There's not much you can do about that but be careful.
Once you get to the computer terminal, it's worth punching in the "disable
walkway" code (4444). Find this room's code and enter it in. Proceed left.

This next room is not straightforward, but I've found not tricks for it. Just
find the code and get out as painlessly as possible. Proceed left.

In the next room, there are sensors in between every gap except the leftmost
one. Forget trying to jump across. It's much easier to just fall through the
first gap, trigger the sensor, rush to the left, and turn around to face
right, and keep on shooting. You'll destroy the guards before they touch the
ground. Proceed left.

This next room is straightforward too, and it's also another location to perform
the infamous infinite life cheat (see cheat section below.) Enter in the code
and proceed down.

This is a simple room, as is the next one. Proceed left both times and you'll
arrive in a hallway. Take the elevator up four screens, and go left.

You'll arrive in a room with 3 turrets and 2 forcefields. Disable both (2222,
5555) and quickly grab the extra ID card and code. If you think you can
take on a guard undamaged, proceed left, kill him, and take the elevator
all the way down, and fire to the right. You'll get free bread. Otherwise,
go back to the room with 3 turrets and 2 forcefields, and take the elevator

You'll immediately be confronted by two guards on either side of you. Shoot,
turn around and shoot again, and hope they don't duck. Jump down and kill
the last guard. Disable the forcefields (2222) but don't bother disabling
the walkways. Take the elevator down.

In this next room, it's tough to avoid the sensor. If you do activate it,
just keep firing at where the guards land to get rid of them quickly.
When you enter in the code, both a door will open and a elevator will
activate Take the elevator down. Crawl under the turrets. With luck, they'll
keep on missing you. Go down the elevator, and kill the guard by the computer
by just jumping on him. Next, take out the mines, and then deactivate the
forcefield (2222.) Hope down, and take out the second guard, and then open
all the contains. You'll get Gun level 3, a level up, and a floppy. Go back
up the turret room, and back up again. This time, take the door on the left.

Take the elevator down the hallway down 4 screens, and head right. You'll find,
aside from 2 guards, a level up and a bread. Go back to the elevator and go
down 2 more screens, See that passage to the right? DO NOT GO THERE. Yes,
there is a capsule down there, and yes you're probably curious as to what's in
it. Well, it's empty. That's right, there's nothing in it. If you were foolish
to jump down anyway, you can get out by hoping on the ledge to the right, and
then jumping to the left through that narrow gap, IF you're lucky. chances are
you'll get electrocuted by the barrier and drop back down. Take the elevator
all the way down (3 screens) and head right. Take the next elevator up, and
head right again.

This next room has 3 turrets and a soldier who can shoot up. I have no nifty
tricks for this room, so just fight your way through. Enter in the code, and
you'll spawn two elevators. Take the only elevator you can reach at this point up.
Get off elevator to the left, and then crawl to the right to get under that
first ledge. From then on, crack all the capsules, while being careful not
to trigger any sensors. Go left. Grab all the goodies at the top first, if
possible. When you jump down, you should find another gun powerup. There is
no gun level higher than 3! Since JJ is already at gun level 3, switch to
Apple. and take the gun powerup, then switch back to JJ. By the way, with
gun level 3, you can take out mines by just crouching down and firing at them.
Proceed left, and crouch down and fire at the left wall with your level 3 gun
until the wall collapses. Get on the elevator and go down, then right and up
and right and up again back into the room full of sensors. Now, proceed to the
right. In this next room, don't bother disabling the walkways. You can jump
straight up to the second highest platform, and reach the highest from there.
Entering in the code activates 2 elevators and opens a door. Take the elevator
up. Again, here you should be able to dodge the turrets, and just grab the
code. Enter it in, and go back down the elevator. and then proceed right.

Another straightforward room. Enter in the code, and you'll get 2 elevators.
Take the one going up.

In this room, I'd disable the turrets (5555) and then enter in the code, and
proceed left and left again.

This next room is very straightforward. The code opens a door left and an
elevator. Go left.

This room has no dangers whatsoever, and even comes with free bread. Enter
code and take the elevator up. Use the disable forcefield code (2222) and go
up and blast those capsules. You'll get 2 ID cards and 2 level ups. The
very last capsule is empty. Go back down the elevator, and go right and
up the elevator. Jump through the forcefield, and watch out for the mine.
The top left most capsule has a gun powerup, allowing you to get Apple gun
level 3. After punching in the code, I suggest using both the disable
forcefield and disable walkway codes (2222, 4444). Proceed right.

The next room is straightforward, though it unlocks a door and an elevator.
Go up the elevator.

This room has 2 stationary turrets not worth disabling. Proceed left.

This room has a sensor you must trigger, no way around it. Don't bother
fighting the guards that come in, though. Just punch the code, disable
the forcefield (2222), and flee left.

This room has 2 level up, but JJ should already be at max level, so let
Apple have it. Again, you cannot avoid triggering the sensor. Disable
the walkway (4444) and head right and right again. Punch in the code
and go up the elevator. Punch in the code here, and then go down, left,
left and up.

Another level up here, and an unavoidable sensor. Give the level up to
Apple, again because JJ is maxed out, then head left. Another free
level up here for Apple, who is quickly catching up with JJ. Head right
and right again, then jump up the ledges and go left. Break the level 3
capsule to get another floppy. Now go right, jump down the ledge and
proceed left, left, down, right, right and right one more time.

There's Champ, but you can't rescue him just yet. Punch in the code and
leave left, left and down. Phew! I bet you're sick of that section by now.

Crawl down to the bottom ledge, and go left, down, right, right, and
right once more. Punch in the code in this room and 2 elevators and a
door should activate. Take the elevator up. Clear this room, and head

Clear this room (You can save the goggles for Champ if apple and JJ have
one already), and head left, down, left, left, left, up, right, right,
right, right, up.

I'd disable the turrets here (5555). Proceed left.

Take out the two guard, shoot the level 3 capsule and give the gun to
whoever needs it. Champ starts off with a level 3 gun. Free Champ. I'd
stick with JJ, because Champ can't jump high at all. Go to the bottom
right exit, and grab the scope for whoever needs it, as well as the level
up. Go back left, and hop on the left ledge, to access the exit to the
right. It's difficult, but possible. Go back down, left, left, left, down,
right, right and right.

There's a level up in this room. Entering the code gives you and elevator
down. Take it.

Clear this lower level, and head back up, left, down.

Clear this room. The lvl3 canister has a floppy in it, so get it, even if
you have to trigger the sensor. Take the elevator down.

Clear this room and go left.

Clear this room (disable turrets 5555, level up) here and go back left,
up, up, left, down, down.

Clear this room. (disable walkway 4444) and go left. Clear this room and
go back right, up, left, down, left (level up), down.

Clear this room and go right. You'll end up in the first hallway you've seen
in a very long time. Keep going right until you hit the elevator, and then
head up, and left. Take the next elevator up, and head right. Take the elevator
up, and go left at your first opportunity. Do not fall off the ledge! Shoot the
level 3 container and get the red keycard. Now jump off the ledge and use the
computer to Warp A (6666).

Now, we have to go all the way back to a point we already visited: Take the 
elevator down. Go left, left, left, (leave up) left, down, right, right, right.
Take the elevator down. Go left, (level up) right, down, left, left and left
one last time. Shoot the level 3 capsule, and get the final floppy.

Now, back to the main computer. Go right, right, down, right, down, left,
left, left, down, left, left. Take the elevator all the way up and go left.
Go down (disable forcefield 2222) and down again, then left. Take the
elevator all the way down (9 screens) and head right, up, right, up, right,
down, left, down. right.

You're back in the hallway. Go all the way right and take the elevator up,
and go left, up, right. Take the elevator all the way up (4 screens) and
head left into the room that's completely black. Go left, then go into the
door, and use the main computer.

Enter in the self destruct sequence (8888) then go out the door, and to the
right and right again. You should face a weird monster. Shoot it in the mouth
about 20 times (it'll blink if you actually hit it) Head back to the computer
room and enter in the suicide code (0000) This will give you more time.
Now go right, right past the black room. Down the elevator, and go left where
the red card was and jump down that ledge.

Go left, left, down, left, left, left, left. Take the elevator all the way
up. Go right, up, up, right, down one screen, right, right, right, right,
up, left, up, left, left, left, up, right, right, right, right, take the
elevator all the way up, then run left and jump onto your mothership.

Infinite health: Go to room C3, and enter in the open door code for this room
(you'll need the level 2 gun). Then, jump down past the forcefield into the
elevator. Note that this cheat requires that the forcefield be active, so do
not enter in the disable forcefield command! Once in the elevator, step
slightly to the right, until you are taking damage from the forcefield, and
yet are still on the elevator. Keep taking damage until you are down to 160
health, then press down on the control pad to take the elevator down. You
should scroll down into the next room, and have 0 health. From this point on,
you are invulnerable, but you cannot pause the game, and thus cannot switch

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-CHARACTER STATS-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Height 178 CM
Weight 68 KG
Blood Type B
Birthday 8 August 2369

Height 165 CM
Blood Type A
Birthday 13 April 2370

Height  168 CM
Weight 53 KG
Blood Type 0
Birthday 18 March 2371

Opa Opa
Height 38 CM
Width 40 CM
Each Wing 19 CM
Length 52 CM
Weight 16.8 KG

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-GAME CREDITS-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                 Ossale Kohta                                 

                                Dunk PPak Toshi                               

                               Sound Coordinate                               

                               Character Design                               
                                 Sukeban Tamun                                
                                 Alien Sadamo                                 

                               Special Thanks to                              
                                   Mai Asuka                                  

Detonado em vídeo

Pra finalizar e deixar este post mais animado, trouxe também um vídeo com o Zillion sendo completamente zerado. Este longplay/playthrough/walkthrough foi publicado pelo canal Marius e serve tanto para ensinar a vencer o game como para assistir de bobeira, pela nostalgia:

Bom, por enquanto é isso aí.

Agora, com este combo de informações que reuni aqui, não é possível que você não vai conseguir zerar este game. Todavia, se eu encontrar mais alguma dica útil sobre o Zillion, atualizo o post pra deixar mais no jeito ainda.

E você pode ajudar, enviando suas complementações, dúvidas e correções aí nos comentários.

Mais informações e Zillion

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