Dicas, trapaças e detonados para Battletoads de NES

Continues e vidas extras, códigos Game Genie, como saltar fases neste jogo safado e mais.

Publicado em 19 de setembro de 2023.

Trouxe aqui neste artigo algumas dicas, trapaças e detonados para o Battletoads de Nintendinho, o imperdoável jogo onde sapos antropomórficos no estilo Tartarugas Ninja vão morrer muito na sua mão antes de você conseguir finalizá-lo.

Pra quem não conhece, Battletoads é um game onde controla um sapo através de 13 fases que variam de luta beat ‘ em up a plataforma para resgatar um companheiro e uma garota sequestrada por uma bruxa gostosa. Foi desenvolvido pela Rare Limited e lançado inicialmente em 1991.

Pelo fato de Battletoads ser tido como um dos jogos mais difíceis de todos os tempos em sua versão bugada de NES, creio que essas manhas — continues e vidas extras, códigos de trapaça de Game Genie, saltar fases e mais — vão te ajudar bastante a finalmente zerá-lo. Tem também guias em texto e em vídeo pra auxiliar mais ainda.

Mas, agora, vamos ao que interessa.

Cinco vidas extras

Quando estiver na tela de título, mantenha pressionado A + B e pressione Start. Isso pega apenas nas versões dos EUA e da Europa e não funcionará na versão do Japão.

10 continues (apenas versão japonesa)

Na tela de título, segure Baixo + Esquerda e pressione Start. Se feito corretamente, você deverá ouvir um som estridente. Pena que este truque não funciona na versão ocidental do jogo, que é onde realmente o filho chora e a mãe não vê…

Continuar mais tarde no jogo

Numa partida para 2 jogadores, quando um deles perder todas as suas vidas, NÃO use o continue. Quando você chegar ao ponto em que seu parceiro deseja continuar, peça-lhe que pressione START na tela do mapa para ele voltar à partida.

Continue extras no single player

Inicie uma partida para dois jogadores e bata em Zitz até que todas suas vidas acabem. Prossiga jogando de boa. Quando estiver pra morrer NÃO use o continue, mas pressione START no controle 2 para jogar como Zitz. Novamente, quando for derrotado como Zitz, pressione START no controle 1 e você retomará como Rash.

Se fizer tudo direito, terá mais de três continues jogando sozinho.

Vidas e pontos extras

Se você quiser acumular pontos para vidas extras, um lugar bom e seguro para isso é no início do nível 8 (Intruder Excluder), onde você deve agarrar-se ao poste e saltar para onde as bolas amarelas estão saindo da parede direita. Com a vara (pole) em seu arsenal, agora você pode bater e acertar as bolas para ganhar pontos (sem ela você não pode acertá-las e, em vez disso, sofrerá danos).

Um bom lugar para ficar de pé é à esquerda, logo ao lado de onde as bolas batem no chão e quebram. Continue esmagando-os com a vara para ganhar 750 pontos ou batendo neles para ganhar 2.000 pontos.

Saltar à fase 3

Ao iniciar uma partida, dê uma cabeçada rápida no Psyko Pig à esquerda, depois no da direita. Prossiga até onde o Walker aparece, você deverá ver uma plataforma e uma warp pulsante. Salte lá rapidamente e pronto.

Saltar à fase 5

No nível 3 (o túnel turbo), na última seção da pista de obstáculos da bicicleta de velocidade (onde as paredes passam muito rápido), bata de cabeça na 10ª parede, o que deve ser uma warp. A parede correta está na parte inferior da ilha.

Saltar à fase 6

No nível 4 (Ice Caves), quando você encontrar a plataforma que cai quando ao pisar nela, desça perto do fundo e salte repetidamente para que ela volte a subir. Deve haver uma warp formada na parte superior.

Saltar à fase 8

Na fase 6 (Karnaths Lair), no 2º Snake Pit, suba na primeira cobra e salte todo o caminho à direita quando a cobra atingir o topo de seu caminho (não bata nos espinhos), que deve haver uma warp no outro lado. Você deve saltar porque a warp desaparecerá antes que a cobra chegue lá.

Saltar à fase 11

No nível 10 (Rat Race), quando se chuta a bomba em qualquer uma das três “corridas”, o Spazz que você está competindo geralmente cai do topo da tela e bate a cabeça na viga, te enviando ao próximo segmento. Você ainda pode acertar o Spazz neste curto espaço de tempo com ataques de carga regulares ou de toque duplo. Se conseguir acertar o rato com um movimento Final Smash antes de cair para o próximo segmento, a música de finalização do nível tocará e você será levado para o nível 11.

Códigos Game Genie

Como se não bastasse, tem também as senhas do Game Genie, aquele periférico das antigas, mas que também está presente em muitos emuladores (procure no menu). Elas garantem muitas mamatas, como escolher fases e obter vidas infinitas:

  • PENVZILA – 1 vida;
  • TENVZILA – 6 vidas;
  • PENVZILE – 9 vidas;
  • GXEILUSO – Inimigos mais fáceis de matar;
  • EYSAUVEI – Mega salto;
  • AEUZITPA – Soco muito rápido;
  • ZAXAALAA – Inicia na fase 2 (Wookie Hole);
  • LAXAALAA – Inicia na fase 3 (Turbo Tunnel);
  • GAXAALAA – Inicia na fase 4 (Arctic Cavern);
  • IAXAALAA – Inicia na fase 5 (Surf City);
  • TAXAALAA – Inicia na fase 6 (Karnath’s Lair);
  • YAXAALAA – Inicia na fase 7 (Volkmire’s Inferno);
  • AAXAALAE – Inicia na fase 8 (Intruder Excluder);
  • PAXAALAE – Inicia na fase 9 (Terra Tubes);
  • ZAXAALAE – Inicia na fase 10 (Rat Race);
  • LAXAALAE – Inicia na fase 11 (Clinger Winger);
  • GAXAALAE – Inicia na fase 12 (The Revolution);
  • IAXAALAE – Inicia na fase 13 (Armageddon);
  • PYXAALAE – Inicia na Dark Queen’s Tower;
  • GXXZZLVI – Vidas infinitas;
  • AOUKXNAA – Energia duplicada com as moscas;
  • YXUKXNAE – Energia máxima com as moscas;
  • PEASOK – Tudo morre com apenas um golpe, inclusive você, além de outros efeitos esquisitos;
  • LEESOK – Similar a PEASOK, mas nem sempre tudo morre com 1 hit; os inimigos podem ser acertados para sempre com o super golpe;
  • OZZXYY – Seu sapo congela caso você tente correr.


Abaixo, temos um guia/walkthrough do Battletoads de NES feito por Mark J. Popp, quem permite a reprodução do seu texto desde que em eu formato original (o que implica estar em inglês):

Battletoads FAQ v1.0 (4/28/97)
By Mark J. Popp 

Battletoads (NES) Tradewest


Level 1  - Ragnarok's Canyon
Level 2  - Wookie Hole
Level 3  - Turbo Tunnel
Level 4  - Arctic Cavern
Level 5  - Surf City
Level 6  - Karnath's Lair
Level 7  - Volkmire's Inferno
Level 8  - Intruder Excluder
Level 9  - Terra Tubes
Level 10 - Rat Race
Level 11 - Clinger-Wingers
Level 12 - The Revolution
Contact Info



I know this game is old, but I thought some of you could use a FAQ for this
mega-challenging cart. If you are thinking about picking up this game, I hope
you like a challenge. While the game is very entertaining, you won't stand a
chance with this cart unless you have excellent reflexes and a desire to
repeat things over and over (and over and over) before you pass them. This
game doesn't let up for a minute. Despite the fact that you can play with a
buddy simultaneously, if you both aren't really good players, expect a lot of
frustration. It's probably easier to play alone because of the amount of
synchronization needed alone.

*A NOTE REGARDING THE CHALLENGE RATINGS*: They are a subjective score between
1-10 (1 being low, 10 high) of how difficult the levels and bosses are. It is
assumed you have mastered the previous levels before you go to the next. The
scores are weighted on a curve, meaning that once you have mastered a
difficult level, those skills will make it easier to pass a similar level later
on. Using the warps and skipping levels will only detract from the game and
make it harder for you later on; you'll need ALL your skills to complete the
game. Although levels like the Rat Race and Clinger-Wingers are extremely
difficult, they won't be as hard after you have completed (and mastered) levels
like the Turbo Tunnels and Volkmire's Inferno. Expect each level to seem 
impossible when you first try it, but through practice and perseverance, you can 
make it through.

*Extra Lives Code*

On the Title Screen, press and hold the A Button, the B Button and Down on the 
Control Pad. Then press the Start Button and you'll begin with five Toads 
instead of the usual three. Use the code whenever you continue. This is your 
only chance of survival! :)

*2-Player Trick*

If you insist on playing with someone else, use this trick to make it easier.
When the game is over for a player that intends to sit out for a while, let the 
continue clock tick down to zero. The other Toad will start at the beginning of 
the stage and go solo. When you want to bring in some additional help again, 
press the Start Button when the pre-stage map appears. You'll be a team once 
again. Use this trick to pass certain levels that one player (but not the other) 
doesn't have the skill to do.


Level 1 - Ragnarok's Canyon
Challenge: 1
Level Strategy

After you land on the surface of the planet, you'll encounter Psyko Pigs. You 
can easily defeat them with regular punches and kicks, but it's quicker to use 
your 'Battletoad Butt.' There is also a warp here, see the 'Warps' section for 
details. The Silver Psyko Pigs are only slightly more difficult, requiring you 
to duke it out for two rounds. Next you'll be attacked by Walkers. After you 
defeat them they leave behind parts which you can use as a weapon. You may not 
want to 'Butt' them though, because this may bump them off the screen, leaving 
nothing behind. The Walker's leg is equal in strength to a special attack, but 
you won't get as many points for using it. If you find yourself getting low on 
energy in a level, take the time to get flies that periodically appear to 
replenish your strength. It's best to stand in one place and flick your tongue 
at them, rather than moving around. When you are battling the Dragons, pay 
attention to where their shadow lies to ensure a hit. If you want to ride a 
Dragon, hit it once to knock it out of the sky then quickly hop onto its back. 
You'll be able to ride him until the end of the level. You can make him spit 
fire by pressing 'B' or make a jump with 'A.' After you jump the waterfall, it's 
a good idea to employ your 'Take Out the Trash' move (assuming you aren't riding 
the Dragon) by stepping up to an enemy from above or below when they are on the 
ground and pressing the attack button. Then you can throw them off the cliff for 
quick disposal. You can also pick up your partner (2nd player) but be careful 
where you drop him. Before you jump off the cliff, observe where the 1-Up's 
shadow lies, because this will increase your chances of actually getting it. 
Observing shadows is an important skills to learn if you want to pick up lives 
in later levels. If you miss, there's no way to try again.

Boss Strategy - Tall Walker
Challenge: 2

When you battle the Tall Walker (after you've recovered from the shock, of 
course), the view will switch to that of the boss. If you stay to the left or 
the right of the screen, the Walker can't hit you. After a laser blast, pick up 
the boulder and retreat to the side of the screen. After the Walker fires again, 
get into position and hurl the boulder at him. The Walker's view screen will 
crack. Hit it two more times to win.


Level 2 - Wookie Hole
Challenge: 3
Level Strategy

You'll descend the entire level, defeating enemies as you go. When you encounter 
Birds of Prey and Saturn Toad Traps, get as close as possible and attack. If you 
stay near either side of the tunnel, you can employ your Wrecking Ball Attack, 
but be careful not to hit your buddy in 2-Player Mode. As always, snack on some 
flies to replenish your strength as needed. Watch out for Ravens, as they will 
cut your line if they get close. After you defeat them, you can use their beaks 
as a weapon. If you keep hitting the same bird as you descend, you'll eventually 
get 1-Ups, but it's tough to do. When the Retro Blasters appear, be ready with a 
Wrecking Ball Attack to take them out in one hit. It takes a lot of punches to 
defeat them if you don't. Avoid the electro-zappers in the course by weaving 
around them.


Level 3 - Turbo Tunnel
Challenge: 8
Level Strategy

At the beginning, defeat the Rats with your Battletoad Butt or with punches and 
kicks, but be careful not to go over the edge of an island. Next the 'Vaders 
will try to steal your life one block at a time. Knock them out and catch the 
blocks as they fall. Consume flies as needed before they get away, and jump 
carefully from island to island. It is easiest if you jump near the bottom of 
the screen and get a running start. Once you hop on the speed bikes, you'll find 
out what this level is all about! Don't be tempted to press the A Button when 
you hit a launch ramp, just let the momentum carry you from island to island. 
There isn't much strategy that will be useful once you get on the speed bikes, 
except you will find it much easier after you have memorized the obstacles in 
the course. Time your jumps carefully, don't panic, and don't be surprised if 
you find this level next to impossible. It will probably take you many, many 
tries before you can pass it. Dodge the stone walls that the Rat Rockets drop on 
you, and stay at the top of the screen to jump the Rat Pods that weave in your 
path. Consider yourself a decent gamer from this point, and the levels only get 
worse! If you do manage to make it to the last section of this level, there is a 
Warp available that will take you to Surf City, bypassing Arctic Caverns.


Level 4 - Arctic Caverns
Challenge: 5
Level Strategy

After avoiding the falling icicles, punch or jump on the Ice Block to stop it, 
then pick it up and carry it to the ice wall ahead. Toss the block to break down 
the wall. When you jump down to the Snowman's level, duck immediately under the 
first two snowballs, then jump over the third and toss a snowball of your own to 
knock him out. Jump over the Ice Block as it slides down, then follow it and use 
it against the wall at the bottom. When snowballs come tumbling down towards you 
on the inclined platforms, time your jumps carefully. Once you've made it to the 
top, get behind the snowman to smash him safely and hurl snowballs at the ice 
barrier until it collapses. When you come to a platform traveling over some 
rocks, duck to avoid being hit by a stray snowball. After making a small leap, 
you will have to duck behind walls to avoid snowballs, and advance towards the 
snowman when it's safe. Repeat the procedure with the next snowman until you see 
another moving platform. Jump on it (don't forget to duck right away), then leap 
to another platform and snag the 1-Up before continuing. After making your way 
past some Hedgehogs, destroy another ice barrier before sliding down an incline 
and making the jump at the very last second. When you come to a sinking platform 
(see the Warps section to find out how you can skip 2 levels), jump at the last 
minute to get the most points. You'll have to jump over hedgehogs and run under 
walls in the next section; it takes a certain amount of timing before you'll get 


Level 5 - Surf City
Challenge: 4
Level Strategy

Surf City is similar to the Turbo Tunnel in some ways, but much easier. As 
usual, stay near the left hand side of the screen to see what is coming up. 
You'll be able to grab a 1-Up if you go off the waterfall at top speed and stay 
near the center of the screen. Avoid the whirlpools by staying near the river 
bank. After defeating the Walkers, grab a leg to use as a weapon against Big 
Blag. He's not too difficult if you trap him against one side of the screen and 
beat the shit out of him with the Walker's leg. Keep hitting him in the air 
until he's defeated. If he gets away from you and starts jumping around, avoid 
standing in his shadow or you'll get squashed. Try to capture the 1-Up in the 
middle of the river after things start to speed up again.


Level 6 - Karnath's Lair
Challenge: 6
Level Strategy

After a little practice in this level, it shouldn't be too difficult. Try riding 
and climbing the snakes in the first section before things get too tough. There 
is also a Warp available in section 2 of the level. The trick to riding the 
snakes is to watch out for obstacles and jump over them, and to time your leap 
onto the next snake as it appears from its hole. Sometimes you'll need to wait 
until the last possible second before hopping off a snake's tail and landing on 
the next snake that appears. Some of these serpents move quickly, so practice 
makes perfect. Memorize the snake patterns and you'll get it eventually!


Level 7 - Volkmire's Inferno
Challenge: 9
Level Strategy

Welcome to another speed level! The stage starts out normal, except your Special 
Attacks are now standard fare. Jump carefully to the islands and logs. It's 
easiest if you are at the top of the screen to make the jumps. When you get on 
the plane, stay to the left of the screen as usual to view upcoming obstacles. 
When the fireballs fill the screen, stay at the left and weave up and down to 
avoid them. When you encounter the rockets, stay to the lower left or middle of 
the screen, avoiding the rockets. As you approach the end of the level, only 
quick reflexes and memory will get you through. Keep trying!


Level 8 - Intruder Excluder
Challenge: 7
Level Strategy

Grab the pipe from the wall as soon as you begin and use it as a weapon. Watch 
the Electro-Gaps throughout the level and jump when they stop. When you 
encounter the rolling balls, jump quickly to get past them. If you still have 
your pipe when you come to the Snot Balls, you can destroy them easily. If not, 
you'll have to jump carefully past them. If they catch you, hit the 'B' Button 
rapidly to shake loose. Always look before you leap. This will likely save you 
from the Suckas (fans) and Gassers (poison gas). Both will kill you in one hit. 
There's no time limit, so don't feel pressured to make a move (unless you're 
standing in a danger zone).

Boss Strategy - Robo-Manus
Challenge: 4
Hit him as much as possible with your power moves and butts in the beginning, 
then duck under this spray of bullets and repeat. When he jumps, don't get under 
him, or you'll lose a life! He'll start to speed up soon. Just keep hitting him 
when possible, duck to avoid bullets, and take few chances and he'll go down 


Level 9 - Terra Tubes
Challenge: 8
Level Strategy

Get close to the robots in this level before you attack, or else you'll get 
zapped. Duck under their electric currents. When the gears start coming after 
you, stop looking for a place to hide and concentrate on outrunning it until the 
end of the section. As usual, timing is everything. After you've memorized the 
best place to land, it won't be a problem anymore. When swimming, you can take 
out the eels by punching twice, or you can avoid them. To leap the spiked 
barriers, get as close as possible to them, jump straight up, out of the water 
and jump over. It's best to swim as quickly as possible to avoid the Hammerfish 
instead of fighting, and taking out the electric eels when necessary. Don't be 
fooled by the innocent-looking Steel-Beak (they look like Rubber Ducks), they 
can kill you in two hits (incidentally, they happen concurrently). Jump over 
them when possible and attack them from behind.

*1-Up Trick*

You'll find a 1-Up and a shark as soon as you pass the last checkpoint in the 
wild Gargantua Ducts in the 9th stage. Swim over a spiky barrier, collect the 1-
Up and hit the shark with several big Toad punches. You'll earn 2,000 points for 
every whack. Once the shark goes down for the count, let your Toad fall onto the 
spikes below and be intentionally defeated. When you start again at the 
checkpoint, repeat the maneuver. You'll earn upwards of 16,000 points every time 
that you complete this short loop and you won't lose any Toads since you collect 
a 1-Up before your Toad hits the spikes. As you continue to collect points, 
you'll net a 1-Up whenever your score reaches a 100,000 point mark. Extra Toad 
lives are particularly valuable in the advanced stages of the game. Don't pass 
up this opportunity.


Level 10 - Rat Race
Challenge: 9
Level Strategy

This level features 3 races to a self-destruct bomb. You have to beat Giblet 
everytime to boot the bomb at the bottom of the shaft and carry on. After 
defeating some robots and avoiding obstacles in the 3 courses, the race will 
start and your Toad will be in permanent 'speed mode.' There's no need to hit 
the controller twice to run; it isn't possible to walk after the race has 
started. The first two races are relatively easy, but the third is extremely 
difficult. You must make it down the corridors with near-perfect timing if you 
have any chance of making it to the bomb before Giblet. You won't be able to 
outrace him in the flat corridor areas; your advantage is the free-fall through 
the beams. If you haven't got a decent lead through every corridor then you 
won't have a chance. Quick reflexes are a necessity.

Boss Strategy - General Slaughter
Challenge: 6

After you've kicked the third bomb, you'll fight General Slaughter. Avoid him by 
jumping and hit him when his back is turned. The sooner you get those hits in, 
the better.


Level 11 - Clinger-Wingers
Challenge: 9
Level Strategy

Hopefully you learned something in the last level, because the fun is just 
beginning. In this level you must race ahead of an Energy Orb that is capable of 
destroying you in one hit. You'll need quick reflexes, knowledge of the layout 
of the course (it will come in time, believe me), and perfect timing to keep 
ahead of that Energy Orb. At first the level will seem impossible (I'm sure the 
feeling is familar by now), but once you get your moves down pat, you'll be able 
to progress farther and farther. The Orb travels faster than you on straight-
aways, so you'll need to make up the lost time of the corners. Keep practicing!

Boss Strategy - Hypno Orb
Challenge: 8

If you beat the Hypno Orb, you have the pleasure of pounding it in combat at the 
end of the level. It's actually kinda tricky. Don't get under it, or you'll get 
zapped. Keep punching it, but don't try to pick it up. It's best if you trap it 
against a wall and let loose some punches.


Level 12 - The Revolution
Challenge: 9
Level Strategy

The control in this stage will take a little getting used to. You actually only 
move in a limited space as you climb the Dark Queen's Tower. Circle the tower 
and grab the flag pole to use it as a weapon. If you don't see the steps, keep 
circling the tower. Some platforms will sink if you stand on them (like in the 
Arctic Cavern), so keep jumping to let it rise. Many times you will be able to 
stand on a platform or spring and make your jump without any pressure. Take the 
opportunity to jump carefully. Allow the Hornheads to make the first move and 
then butt them to defeat them safely. Don't be intimidated by the red rats that 
can swallow you whole; keep your fists in front of you to kill them first. DON'T 
try to butt them. Pretty soon you'll have to hang onto the flag poles to avoid 
being swept off the tower by Swellcheeks. Don't move until the storm has past. 
When you drop down, you can use the flagpole as a weapon. Jump quickly when the 
four steps appear above each other; they will disappear just as quickly. At the 
very end of the tower, you'll have to jump carefully to platforms and 
springboards while gusts of wind try to blow you off. It's fairly challenging, 
but you're almost at the Dark Queen!

Boss Strategy - The Dark Queen
Challenge: 9

Punch and butt the Dark Queen before she starts her spin, but move away until 
she stops. Keep hitting her when you have an opening and take no chances. If 
you're careful she'll go down like all the rest. Now you can see if the ending 
is worth all the time you put into this challenging game.



The Warps in Levels One, Four and Six disappear very quickly. You'll probably 
have to practice before you can hit them in time. Avoid using the warps until 
you can pass the levels you're skipping. The extra practice will pay off.

*Level One -> Level Three*

Start the game and hit the left Pig with a running Battletoad Butt, then do the 
same with the Pig on the right. Keep running right and jump on the ledge into 
the flash of light. If you don't make it, reset and try again.

*Level Three -> Level Five*

There are five Speeder Bike courses in the Turbo Tunnel. Once you are in the 
fifth course, count the walls as you pass them and aim your Speeder Bike in a 
collision course for the tenth wall. There will be a warp in front of the wall 
which will take you to Level Five. 

*Level Four -> Level Six*

In the last section of the Ice World, there are several falling platforms that 
will take you up if you jump on them repeatedly. Try this method after falling 
halfway on the first platform and a flash of light will appear above you.

*Level Six -> Level Eight*

Climb the first Snake to the top in the second Snake section. Then run to the 
right and fall down to a platform. If you're there on time, you'll warp.


*Contact Info*

Battletoads FAQ by Mark J. Popp. My E-mail address is . If 
you have anything to add to this FAQ, or find any errors, please let me know, 
and I will update the FAQ. You may freely distribute this FAQ as is, but if you 
change anything, get my permission before distributing it.

This FAQ and others are available at www.gamefaqs.com


Abaixo, temos o playthrough/walkthrough feito por Jeremy, do canal SaikyoMog, quem infelizmente faleceu em 2015, deixando belas jogatinas como essa do Battletoads do NES, onde ele passou por todas as fases do game, sem usar as warps nem nada. Ou seja, é um bom detonado em vídeo:

Jeremy também disse que já faziz algum tempo que jogava essa série e, depois de inúmeras tentativas de tentar zerar este Battletoads sem problemas, finalmente conseguiu fazer uma boa partida completa.

Além disto, ele também afirmou que “existem alguns pequenos pontos problemáticos, mas felizmente (e felizmente), consegui passar sem morrer. Eu diria que as duas etapas que mais me deram problemas foram a etapa Clinger Winger e a Rat Race“.

Pra finalizar, Jerermy disse que ele sempre se lembraria da música de pause deste jogo.

Descanse em paz.

Putz, agora sim terminei isso.

Espero que tenha valido a pena o trampo pra te ajudar a finalmente terminar o Battletoads na manha, embora eu ache que esse jogo é tão safado que vai acabar precisando de mais de um macete desses aí pra completar a façanha.

Enfim, se eu descobrir mais algum esquema pra esse game, volto aqui e atualizo o post pra deixá-lo cada vez mais preciso. E você pode ajudar, deixando suas complementações, correções e dúvidas aí nos comentários.


Mais dicas de Nintendinho

Informações adicionais

Observação: se você gostou deste post ou ele lhe foi útil de alguma forma, por favor considere apoiar financeiramente a Gaming Room. Fico feliz só de ajudar, mas a contribuição do visitante é muito importante para que este site continua existindo e para que eu possa continuar provendo este tipo de conteúdo e melhorar cada vez mais. Acesse aqui e saiba como. Obrigado!

Vex 8

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