Dicas para o Phantasy Star

Publicado em 29 de agosto de 2009.

Estávamos esquecendo de postar as dicas para o Phantasy Star, o qual é um dos nossos games preferidos!

Bem de qualquer maneira, ai segue um texto, em inglês, com algumas dicas e informações úteis para zerar para este clássico dos role playing games. Ele foi feito por Clint Dyer, para a Sega of America.


HOW TO GET STARTED: The cave in the upper right-hand corner contains a treasure chest with 50 Mesetas. (This cave is also called a warehouse.)

TRANSFERS: You need to have a transfer, when you go to fight Lassic. That way, you don’t have to worry about Myau dying.

LACONIAN POT: You can get the Laconian Pot in the house in the upper-left corner. (It will automatically be given to you.)

ROAD PASS: If you have attained 200 Mesetas (by killing Sworms and Scorpions), head for the town of Scion, which is right of Camineet. Go to the secondhand shop that sells secrets, and try to purchase secrets three times. The third time, you will receive the ROAD PASS.

Return to Camineet, and replenish your hit points (HP) in the rest house. Remember, the rest house is where you can be replenished for free.

PASSPORT: Head left to the spaceport, and purchase a PASSPORT for 100 Mesetas.

MYAU / ALSULIN: Fly to Motavia and find the shop that sells rare secrets. When asked if you want to buy a rare animal, say “No”, you will then be asked if you want to trade. Say “Yes”, and you will receive MYAU in trade for the Laconian Pot. Myau has the ALSULIN around her neck (check her item screen).

ODIN / COMPASS: Return to Palma, and exit Camineet. South of the fortress is a cave where you will find ODIN (he is turned to stone). Use the Alsulin on him, and he will awaken. Also in this cave, you will find a treasure chest with the COMPASS. The Compass will allow you to enter the Eppi Forest (South of the cave). Note: “Use” Flash.

DUNGEON KEY: Talk to the leader in the Eppi Forest and he will tell you where to find the dungeon key which enables you to enter locked dungeons. To find the dungeon key, go back to the “Warehouse” (the same cave you found the original 50 Mesetas). There will be another chest with the DUNGEON KEY.

SWEETCAKE: Exit Camineet and head North to the coast line (far North of Scion), and enter the cave. Four levels down you will buy a SWEETCAKE for 1,000 Mesetas.

GOVERNOR / LETTER: Return to the city of Paseo on Motavia. Enter the cave guarded by the 2 guards. Give the larger one the Sweetcake, and he will let you pass to see the GOVERNOR (Follow the Gold hallway to the Governor’s Mansion.) The GOVERNOR will give you the LETTER.

NOAH: Return to Paseo and exit the city in the upper left corner. Walk around the Antlions to the left, and follow the mountains, eventually, you will arrive at the Mahara Cave, in the upper left of the mountains. There you will find NOAH. If you give her the Letter, she will go with you.

GOTHIC: Return to the spaceport. In the lower left corner, go down the orange manhole. On the other side of the tunnel, you will arrive in GOTHIC.

DR. LUVENO: Exit Gothic and head south to the Prison in the mountains. Here you will find DR. LUVENO whom you will need to see several times before he agrees to accompany your group.

ASSISTANT: Return to the tunnel connecting Gothic and the spaceport. Take the branch to the right, in the tunnel, and on the other side of the door is Dr. Luveno’s ASSISTANT. If you have the Doctor, the Assistant will accompany you.

POLYMYTRL / LACONIAN POT: Return to Gothic, and exit to the right. Head down to the coastline, and go left and up around the mountains. Cross the Lava pit on the sides (be quick, don’t stop and fight!) Immediately to the left is the Bortevo Junkyard. Above Bortevo, is a tunnel that will take you to the other side of the water. Follow the coastline around to the right, and you will find the City of Loar (Replenish yourself after the Lava pits.) Proceed up to the left and around the mountains. There you will find the City of Abion. In Abion, you will find the POLYMYTRL in the first Food shop. Also, on the left side of the city, there is a cave (like the one in Camineet.) Go in and kill Dr. Mad, and you will receive the LACONIAN POT for the second time.

HAPSBY THE ROBOT: Return to Bortevo Junkyard, and go to the house with the blue door. Use the Polymytrl in front of the junkpile, and you will receive HAPSBY THE ROBOT.

SPACESHIP: Return to Gothic. The two houses in the middle (not destroyed) of Gothic have Dr. Luveno and his assistant. See Dr. Luveno 3 times, and the third time he will have built the Spaceship. To the left of Dr. Luveno’s lab is a Monk. He will now let you by, and to his left, you will see the completed SPACESHIP.

AMBER EYE / LANDROVER / HOVERCRAFT / FLUTE: Fly to Uzo on Motavia and head southeast. There you will find the Casba Cave. Enter and kill the Casba Dragon, and you will receive the AMBER EYE. On the other side is the City of Casba. There you can buy the LANDROVER and you will talk to a villager, who will ask you if you have ever heard of the HOVERCRAFT. You must tell him “Yes,” and he will tell you where it is. Return to Uzo, and talk to the villagers, one will tell you where the FLUTE is buried. Return to Bortevo Junkyard, and enter the very first house on Alis’ left. Go in and “Search”, and you will automatically receive the HOVERCRAFT. Return to Gothic. Go to the bottom left corner and at the dead end with one tree, use “Search”, and you will receive the FLUTE.

GAS SHIELD: Return to Palma. Go down and to the right from Scion, using the Hovercraft. You will find a floating island. Enter the city on the island, and find the Dungeon. In the dungeon, you will find a shop where you can buy the GAS SHIELD.

MIRROR SHIELD: Return to Motavia. Head up and to the left, to the Poison Gas field. In the middle, is the city of Sopia. The leader will tell you about the MIRROR SHIELD, which is used against Medusa. To find it, leave Sopia, and head left to the lake.

In the middle of the lake, you will find an island with one Antlion, and a few cacti. Head down from the Antlion, to the first cactus, and use “Search.” You will then receive the MIRROR SHIELD.

LACONIAN AXE: Return to Palma and go to Gothic. Exit Gothic, and head down to the mountains. Left of where you found Dr. Luveno is Medusa’s Tower (red inside). At the top of the tower, fight Medusa. Once she is killed, you will receive the LACONIAN AXE.

LACONIAN SWORD: Return to Scion, using the Hovercraft. Directly to the right of Scion, there is a floating tower. Kill all the Red Dragons you come upon, and when you kill the correct dragon, he will leave you a chest with the LACONIAN SWORD in it.

ICE DIGGER: Go to Skure on Dezoris. Make your way through the three tunnels, directly to the left of Skure. Once the last one is exited, proceed right, to find another tunnel. Go through it, and once you have exited, you will come upon a Dezorian Village. There you can buy the ICE DIGGER. The Ice Digger can only be used in 2 places. One is to get to the Altiplano Plateau (Laerma Nut Tree), the other is to get to the Prism.

PRISM: Go through the three tunnels that lead away from Skure. Proceed left. You will find a place, all the way to the left, where you can use your Ice Digger to dig South through the mountains to a lone cave. Make your way through the cave, killing all the Titans. When you kill the correct one, there will be a Chest containing the PRISM.

TORCH: Exit the cave, proceed North, and you will find the tunnel leading to the Corona Tower (dark red inside). Make your way through the Tower, and eventually, you will find a Dezorian, who will ask you if you want to trade the Amber Eye for the Torch. Tell him “Yes,” and you will receive the TORCH.

LACONIAN ARMOR: Proceed back through the tunnel. Exit the tunnel, head North, and you will find the Guaron Morgue (everything you fight in here is Zombies!) Make your way through the Guaron Morgue, using Noah’s “Tele” spell. There is a pit trap in front of one of the doors. Stand before it and use Myau’s “Trap” spell to disarm the trap. Enter the door to find the Chest, which contains the LACONIAN ARMOR.

LACONINA SHIELD: Head down around the mountains to the left, from the Morgue and you will find another tunnel. Go through the tunnel and find the LACONAIN SHIELD.

LAERMA NUTS: Go back to where you exited the third cave (from Skure), facing North. Turn left, and move a few spaces, then turn left. Then use your Ice Digger. A whole will open, which you can follow to a tree that is all by itself in a circular clearing. Use the Torch on the tree, and you will receive the LAERMA NUTS.

FRAD MANTLE: Return to Motavia. In the mountains, South of the lake where you previously obtained the Mirror Shield, is a cave (pink inside). Find Tajima and fight him. Once he is beaten, you will receive the FRAD MANTLE.

CRYSTAL / MIRACLE KEY: Return to Scion. North of Scion is the Baya Malay Tower, surrounded by a wall. Enter the tower with Noah’s “Open” magic. Answer “No” when the Robot Cop asks you if you have your pass, then kill him. When you exit the tower, you will be on the other side of the wall. Head left and up to the cave. Go through the cave and you will be at a Lava Pit. Use the Hovercraft to cross the Lava Pit, and down to the Left will be the Baya Malay Tower. On the first level, there are two sets of stairs that head up. If you take the back stairs and go up three more levels, you will find, behind a door, Damor, The Soothsayer. Answer “Yes” to all his questions, until he asks you if you believe everything he has said, then say “No.” Then he will ask you if you are calling him a liar, say “No,” and he will give you the CRYSTAL. NOTE: You can’t actually use the Crystal. It will protect you without using it. Head back to Level one, and take the stairs heading up in the lower right corner. Follow the instructions on the enclosed map. If you explore the levels, you will come upon the MIRACLE KEY.

Once you have gone through Level thirteen, you will be on the roof of the Baya Malay Tower (You’ll see blue skies, forest, etc.) Use the Prism, and then use the Laerma Nuts, and Myau will fly to Lassic’s Castle.

Find and defeat Lassic (when you find Lassic’s Shadow, you are very close!) Once you have beaten Lassic, you will be instructed to go to the Governor’s Mansion. In order to do this, Myau must be alive, or you must have a Transfer, to return to Palma.

When you enter the Mansion, you will fall through a Pit Trap. Follow the corridors, and you will eventually fall through two more Pit Traps. You will find yourself facing a two-way hall. Go right and go around two corners. Take three steps and face the wall on the left- a secret door will be revealed. Enter and follow the corridor to a Magical Door. At this time, heal yourself with Burgers.

When you enter the door, you will be faced with the last enemy, Dark Falz! To beat him, we suggest this technique:

ALIS – “Fire” MYAU – “Help” to Noah ODIN – Attack with Laser Gun (found in Skure) NOAH – “Wind”

Mais Phantasy Star

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