Dicas e detonados do Bonk’s Adventure de Game Boy

Dicas, guias, macetes e detonados em texto e em vídeo do jogo de plataforma Bonk's Adventure de Game Boy. Tem até umas manhas da saudosa revista Ação Games.

27 de agosto de 2020

Nesta publicação, encontram-se algumas dicas, guias, macetes e detonados do jogo de plataforma Bonk’s Adventure em sua versão de Game Boy, a qual foi lançada em 1992 pela Hudson Soft.

Algumas dicas e textos deste post foram adaptados na matéria sobre esta versão do Bonk’s Adventure na revista Ação Games #28 (1993), mas encontrei também um detonado completo em inglês, um longplay (vídeo do jogo sendo zerado) e complementei o conteúdo do jeito que pude.

Também, devo atualizar o artigo na medida em que aparecer mais macetes sobre o Bonk’s Adventure pra nós. Aliás, se você tiver alguma manha que esteja faltando aqui e quiser enviar nos comentários, sinta-se a vontade.


Personagem familiar entre os fãs do PC Engine da época, Bonk é um garoto da pré-história tipo o Ban-Ban dos Flintstones: invocado e muito forte (ele escala paredes e muros na base da dentada, para se ter uma ideia). Nesta sua primeira aventura para o Game Boy – a qual ficou muito bem feita, com gráficos e sons acima da média – Bonk deve atravessar a Terra dos Dinossauros em seis estágios repletos de perigos para resgatar Moon Princess, a Princesa da Lua, raptada por King Droll.


Os métodos de Bonk para enfrentar seus inimigos e obstáculos são muito radicais. Ele tem uma cabeça tão grande e dura que é capaz de derrubar qualquer coisa na sua frente, incluindo os monstros e blocos de rocha. Tipo, ele pode saltar e cair em cima do inimigo de cabeça ou pegar eles por baixo. É uma mecânica até interessante.

Também tem uns monstrinhos que ficam parados nas fases que parecem umas plantinhas. Se você pular e pisar neles, como na maioria dos jogos de plataforma, eles geralmente liberam itens, mas pode sair algum monstro também.


  • Smiley (🙂): garante 1000 pontos de bônus no final de cada round;
  • Carne pequena: dá mais poder para a cabeçada;
  • Carne grande: dá poder total, com invisibilidade e invencibilidade temporárias, e deixa o Bonk muito aloprado:
  • Corações: restauram as energias. O grande recupera toda a saúde de Bonk.
  • Coração Pálido: garante um coração extra na barra de saúde do herói. Existe um desses na 2-4 e outro na 3-3;
  • Bonequinho do Bonk: vidinha extra;
  • Florzinha: leva ao estágio de bônus;
  • Rango: tem uns legumes, tipo cenoura e tal, que valem pontos de bônus.

Fases e mapa do mundo

  1. Fase 1 – A aventura começa na praia da Ilha dos Dinossauros. A fase é bem linear e tem poucas surpresas.
  2. Fase 2 – Bonk atravessa uma perigosa cachoeira, pulando de uma plataforma a outra.
  3. Fase 3 – É uma fase aquática. Procure sempre explorar a superficial, pois pode haver itens acima.
  4. Fase 4 – Nesta fase montanhosa, o maior incômodo são os cachorros. Pule neles e saia correndo para escapar da mordida.
  5. Fase 5 – O cabeçudo vai ter que escalar as muralhas do Castelo de Droll usando a sua poderosa mandíbula.
  6. Fase 6 – Aqui, você terá que enfrentar todos os chefes de novo (no famoso boss rush), antes de encarar o chefão final, o King Droll.

Dicas sortidas

Abaixo, seguem algumas screenshots com três dicas para três pontos aleatórios do jogo que, embora possam ser melhor descritas no walkthrough ou no vídeo detonado desta publicação, valem a pena ser mencionadas aqui em homenagem à Ação Games, que foram de onde elas saíram.

Na terceira tela do primeiro estágio, suba as plataformas e você irá encontrar um coração (que vai dropar do bichinho que parece planta). Na matéria da Ação Games, é uma florzinha (que leva à fase de bônus). Será uma versão diferente do Bonks’ Adventure para Game Boy?

Tem um coraçãozinho no bichinho ae.

Suba na plataforma do ninho e ataque o chefe da fase 2 com um mergulho de cabeça. Em seguida, no chão, ataque novamente. Repita a operação até despachá-lo:

O chefão da segunda fase parece um pterodáctilo misturado com algum pássaro.

Na segunda tela do estágio 5, fique ligado nos blocos do lado esquerdo. Você pode quebrá-los e encontrar itens escondidos:

As áreas guardadas pelas pedras neste estágio geralmente tem coisas interessantes.

Já abaixo, segue uma foto da matéria da saudosa revista que tirei pra eternizar aqui. De lambuja, têm dicas para outros games do Game Boy no detalhe.

Clique na figura para ampliá-la:

Guia e walkthrough

O detonado/spoiler abaixo foi criado por GammaBetaAlpha, quem parece ser muito gente boa.

O texto é bastante completo, mas está em inglês:

                               Bonk's Adventure
                                   Game Boy
                     Developer: Hudson   Publisher: Hudson
                              By: GammaBetaAlpha

                               Table of Contents

                        How to Play                 [HELP]
                        Round One                   [RND1]
                        Round Two                   [RND2]
                        Round Three                 [RND3]
                        Round Four                  [RND4]
                        Round Five                  [RND5]
                        Round Six                   [RND6]
                        Donations/Amazon            [DONT]
                        Contact Info                [CONT]

                                  How to Play

Basic Gameplay Summary
        Bonk's Adventure is a basic platforming game in the vein of Super
Mario, split up into six worlds with several areas each. Each world is
incredibly straightforward, though they each have a little bit in the way of

        Bonk's Adventure lacks the same platforming depth that the Mario 2D
series has, however - each level merely consists of crossing through the usually
straightforward levels, killing off enemies with Bonk's forehead. In the last
area of every world except for one, Bonk shall face off against a boss, where
action will switch up from the regular platforming.

        Although ostensibly, there is a points system where points are gathered
by grabbing fruit and vegetables and killing enemies, there is little usage of
it except for bragging rights.

        Occasionally, you may find pieces of meat. Eating these will advance
Bonk into a Super Mode for a short period of time. When he is in this, he can
bellow while on the ground with the B button, taking out enemies nearby, and can
cause a minor tremor when he headbutts the ground after a jump, also upending
nearby foes. Bonk's Super Mode has two stages, the final stage in which he can
also run through enemies without taking damage. Bonk can make it into Super Mode
by eating pieces of meat: small pieces of meat only advance him one stage, while
larger pieces skips him straight to the final stage.

Bonus Areas
        Occasionally, you may find a flower that vaguely resembles a shrunk form
of the Fire Flowers from the Mario Bros. series. Whenever you pick one up, you
shall be lifted off to a secret bonus area. There are three of these types of
bonus area: the first one is a timed level where you must climb up a couple of
walls within 10 seconds, the second one is a level where you can eat lots of
vegetables as long as you can cross over large gaps with proper flipping, and
the final one is a jump off a high pillar, where the more flips you can do
before touching the ground, the more points you get.

A - Jump, Swim

B - Headbutt. When Bonk is in the air, he will aim his forehead down at the
    ground to headbutt
    Bellow while on the ground (Super Bonk)
    Retreat into your shell (Turtle Bonk)

Start - Pause/Unpause the Game, Revives Bonk when he runs out of life (as long
        as he still has life)

D-Pad - Move around

Fruit/Vegetables - Increases your point total

Smiley Face - Increases point total by 1000 points at the end of each round

Meat - Gives Bonk a temporary power-up into his super mode. Small meat only
       advances him one stage, while large pieces advances him to his full
       super mode

Recovery Heart - Recovers a part of Bonk's heart bar

Large Heart - Recovers Bonk's entire heart bar

Pale Heart - These give Bonk an actual extra heart in his heart bar, up to a
             limit of 5 hearts. The two pale hearts in the game are found in
             2 - 4 and in 3 - 3

1-Up - Gives Bonk an extra life

                                   Round One

Round 1-1
        Start off by head right and jumping and then headbutting the very first
avian foe you see. You can also run straight into the bird and hit the B button
to ram it, but it is far easier to take injury to Bonk himself at the same time
than if you headbutt from above.

        Continue on, and grab a smiley face out of the air before headbutting
the bird foe with glasses. Hit the headbutt button (B button) again quickly to
headbutt the monster - for the glass-wearing avians, hitting them twice is
required to beat them. Afterwards, proceed right again, obtaining another smiley
face and then headbutting the vegetable for a carrot for more points.

        Shuffle over right, eliminating another one-hit kill foe, then use the
vegetable to bounce up to the top. Headbutt another vegetable to get a piece of
meat to turn Bonk into Angry Bonk. From here, just run right through all your
foes, grabbing smiley faces on the way - as long as Bonk is in his angry mode,
he will harm all foes by touching them without taking damage himself (be aware
that the glass-birds need to be touched twice to defeat). If you headbutt, it
will cause a minor tremor that will upend all foes in the vicinity, and just
pressing the B button causes Bonk to take a large bellow and also upend any foe
in front of him.

        Shortly thereafter, you should reach the level exit.

Round 1-2
        Eliminate the enemy on the lower ground to start for points, then bounce
off the three straight clouds to get going along the level proper. Grab yourself
a couple of carrots from some more vegetables, then continue along the ground
proper. Get a piece of meat from another vegetable to activate Bonk's angry mode
again, then continue on right - ignore all the clouds you see, as they are
basically  red herrings. Instead, move along until you spot a flower in a small
crevice, and drop down and grab it to head to a bonus stage.

Round 1-2 (Bonus)
        Here, you need to scale two consecutive walls. The best way to manage
this is to jump at a wall, hold the Up and Right buttons, and tap A for Bonk to
jump up a section of the wall. As soon as he claws his hands back onto the wall,
quickly tap A again in conjunction with when he lands for smooth climbing - if
you should just mash the A button, Bonk will stall out every time he makes a
jump. After the first wall, quickly move over to the second wall and continue to
scale. Should all goes well, you should obtain a healthy dashing of points
before being returned back to the regular stage.

Round 1-2
        From the pit which previously had the bonus stage flower in it, continue
right and enter the next pit to finish off a bird enemy for points. Exit out
this second pit and continue along until you see some clouds. Make a jump onto
the first cloud and head across the three-piece of clouds to collect a smiley
face, then head into the next stretch of the level. Try to jump over the
vegetable you should see shortly as you walk right, as it contains a shadow
flower enemy which will damage Bonk.

        Once you make it near the end of the level, you should see another
three-set of clouds. Go from the right up to the top-left. When jumping off
here, you will need to pull a tricky maneuever of hitting A-B one after the
other consecutively to make Bonk do his forehead bash, which will slow the
effect of gravity down. Should you pull it off, a smiley face and an extra life
await. After, head right to finish the round off.

Round 1-3
        As you walk right, jump over the cactus to clear it entirely, then
eliminate the insect before hopping onto the vegetable for a recovery heart.
Skip past the bandit that you come across, as it takes three hits to kill, and
can be a nuisance. Instead, go up the platforms, use the vegetable spring to
launch yourself up to the right, and get another heart from a vegetable. Jump
down to the right, pressing A and B repeatedly to gain some floatness, then
finish off some enemies down below.

        Proceed right to come to two vegetables in a row, the first of which
contains a heart. The second contains a piece of meat for Bonk to eat: as you go
right, you will encounter two cactuces which Bonk cannot destroy at all, but you
can easily knock out one of the desert bandit enemies.

        At the end of the level, you will see a skull split in half. Jump up to
land on the small floor in between, then press the Down button to go down to the
first boss battle.

Round 1 Boss
        Your first boss opponent of the game vaguely appears to be some sort of
rhinocerous with a spiked helmet on tank treads. Note the spiked helmet: Bonk
can jump and headbutt the rest of the rhino's body, and in so doing, bounce back
into the air and then headbutt the rhino again as he lands back to earth.
However, do NOT touch the helmet, as doing so will instead injure Bonk.

        Other than that fairly simple attack pattern, keep an eye for when the
rhino boss actually begins to move, and separate from the rhino once it starts
to move to the other end of the screen, before regrouping and attacking its body
again with zeal. As long as you use the jump headbutt, it should be down in only
about a half dozen hits.

                                   Round Two

Round 2-1
        Head right to start, and once you get to the waterfall, climb up the
edge of the it. Slowly walk right, and wait for an electric eel to quickly pop
out. Bonk cannot injure them while they have electricity crackling around their
bodies, but when they pop out of the water, there is a small amount of time in
which they are vulnerable. Either time your hit to take it out, or just wait for
it to pop back into the water and quickly jump past it to continue.

        Hit the first vegetable you see for a apple, then ignore the smiley face
you see up ahead. Instead, jump across the next waterfall, then scale the
waterfall after that and head left on higher ground to grab your smiley face,
obtaining a heart from a vegetable on the way. Proceed to the last waterfall
again, then walk down until Bonk falls to the ground.

        Walk right along the ground to the end of the level, then go up the last
waterfall to get a smiley face. Kill the cloud-riding rhino if you wish, but
otherwise cross left across the last waterfall, go up a few platforms, and then
head right to finish this section off.

Round 2-2
        Hop up to the waterfall at the start, then to the left to grab a smiley
face. Scale your way across the waterfall, either avoiding or timing a hit on
the electric eel to make it to the opposite platform. Obtain a apple from the
flower, then jump across the next waterfall. Use the taller waterfall to jump up
to the platform to your left and then backtrack to grab a apple from up in the

        Go back to the tall waterfall, and fall down at the beginning. Head
right to get a Life-Up, then get a piece of meat from the vegetable to activate
the Super Bonk mode. Quickly scale the right wall and then head right onto the
next level.

Round 2-3
        In this level, you will have several poles that Bonk must ascend. When
you are on a pole, press and hold the Right button to rotate around the pole to
the right side (or Left to go to the left side). Climb up a little bit at the
start after defeating the dragonfly foe, then move to the right side, up a
little bit more, move to the left, and then to the right side again slightly
later to get a heart from a vegetable.

        From there, jump up a pole to the right, then jump up to the left to get
onto the main pole area. Turn inwards to the left and take out an avian foe,
then climb up the left side. Turn inwards right to kill a frog monster and get a
apple from the vegetable, and go up again the left side. Take out one last avian
foe and then take the flower to be lifted to the bonus stage.

Round 2-3 (Bonus)
        There is no time limit in this level, so take your time for Bonk to
collect a smorgas of food items. However, every couple of pillars will be too
far for Bonk to cross with a regular jump, so you will have to use Bonk's jump-
headbutt to move far enough. By the fifth pillar, you shall have to hit A and B
consecutively with timing to defy gravity long enough to make it over, and
shortly thereafter you will have several bouncing clouds to contend with.

Round 2-3 (continued)
        From where you are dropped off, head up the main pole frame to the left,
and jump off to the left to obtain a smiley face. Jump off the spring to your
right to head to 2-4.

Round 2-4
        Start by crossing over to the first platform (the ground is basically
one big bouncing cloud, so you can just that to jump onto the next platform) and
eliminate two bird foes, one on the ground, one from above. Continue to the next
stretch of higher ground. Kill two small insects if you want, then bounce on the
vegetable to open it up for a piece of meat.

        Eliminate the nearby foes with Bonk's ground-headbutt or his bellow,
then continue right, and drop to the ground for a second piece of meat. Go back
up and destroy two vegetables for a carrot and a large heart. Over the next pit,
drop down for a smiley face, then head back up and over the clouds for a second
smiley face. Continue on, and drop into the next niche in the ground for a third
piece of meat. Jump up to the right and open up two more vegetables for a carrot
and a heart piece, this one which actually gives you an extra piece of heart to
your life bar.

        Drop down once you come to more clouds for a smiley face, then go back
up and head right across the clouds. It can be tricky to maneuever across, but
if you do so successfully, you shall collect two more smiley faces and a Life-Up
(otherwise, you may need to scale the wall at the end). Once done, take the
elevator down into the boss lair.

Round 2 Boss
        When the pterodactyl enemy is in the air, it is basically invulnerable,
so do not attempt to hit it. Instead, walk around until the pterocactyl swoops
down and starts walking on the ground. When it does this, Bonk can do a couple
of jump headbutts before the pterodactyl flies back into the air - be careful,
as you do not want to touch the dactyl's beak, but rather the back of its head.
Walk around again and wait for it to come down to earth again before attempting
to hit it once more, and repeat until finally it is finished.

                                  Round Three

Round 3-1
        Round 3-1 is probably the easiest stage of the game, for what will be
obvious reasons. Cross the bridge at the start, and it will collapse on Bonk.
Once you fall into the water, swim down to the bottom and then head right to
finish up.

Round 3-2
        Within this level, you shall see several whirlpools that have happy
faces splattered over them. Avoid them, as touching them will damage Bonk. Also
in this level, as Bonk is underwater, jumping will not cause Bonk to instantly
fall down back to earth, but rather keep him buoyant in the water.

        Head right to start, and jump, then go right and headbutt the jellyfish.
Navigate your way around the first whirlpool, then eliminate the second
jellyfish. Go up through a large room and then right. You should quickly spot
the flower, but before taking it, go up a bit to get a smile face. Go back down
and grab the flower to be taken up to a bonus level.

Round 3-2 (Bonus)
        In this bonus stage, you need to hop off the pedestal Bonk is on and do
as many flips as you can to rack up points. Flipping is a fairly difficult
maneuever, as you have to hit A and B consecutively at a fairly good rhythm, so
you may not get very many points by the time you touch ground.

Round 3-2 (continued)
        From where you are dropped off following the boss stage, go up and to
the left wall for a smiley face, and take out one of the turtle archer enemies
as you continue. To the right of a whirlpool is a Life-Up, so grab that before
continuing your jump-swim upwards through the water. Before surfacing, be sure
to grab a smiley face, then exit the level.

Round 3-3
        Hop into the water, then head right, going underneath a whirlpool, and
killing one of the archers. Continue right, avoiding another whirlpool and then
eliminating another archer, then another whirlpool and archer set, and finally a
fourth pair of whirlpool and archer. After the fifth whirlpool, you shall
finally hit a jellyfish: after defeating it, swim straight up and leap out of
the water for a smiley face.

        Swim back down in the water and proceed right to face off against an
underwater robot tank of sorts. You are not going to be able to actually destroy
it, so jump over its head instead, and have Bonk eat the snapping turtle on the
back of the tank to turn him into Turtle Bonk. Hop onto the nearby platform and
open the vegetable up for a heart that will increase your actual heart bar.
Continue on to the next platform for a recovery heart, then start swimming
through the level - as a turtle, Bonk will start to dash through the water (if
you wish to collect the Smiley Faces, you will need to take a hit to turn back
into regular Bonk and then go collect the Smiley Faces).

        Make your way to the end of the level, then stand on top of the elevator
in the water to head down to the boss fight.

Round 3 Boss
        Your foe this time is a robot shark enemy. It will start off by being
burrowed mostly underground, with only its fin visible. When it crosses the
screen, jump over the fin, and it shall surface. Once it does, headbutt it from
its front side, then jump over the top of the fin to its backside and hit the
shark from its behind. From there, it will either burrow again, in which case
you can repeat the process, or it will turn around and float in mid-air again to
the opposite end of the room.

        If you hit the shark from its front side while it is moving, it will
pass through Bonk without harming him, so take advantage of your temporary
invulnerability. Sometimes, the shark will rise up a bit so that it will clear
Bonk totally and fly over him instead: when it does this, wait for it to pass
above Bonk and then headbutt it from underneath.

        It should be noted that the shark will take more hits to defeat than the
last two bosses, so do not be surprised if it takes a while to finish it off.

                                   Round Four

Round 4-1
        Watch out for the mini-sun enemies at the start (you can hop off them
instead) and eliminate the moles dashing along the ground before coming to a
vegetable with a apple contained inside. Continue along, taking out a couple of
more mini-suns, and then you will come to a pool of lava (supposedly). Use
Bonk's flip jump to make it over to the central pillar and grab a carrot from
the vegetable, and knock out the mini-sun.

        Use the flip jump again to grab a Smiley Face and hop over more lava,
and take out a couple of moles on the other end. Shuffle along again and grab
another smiley face and destroy another mini-sun before obtaining a banana from
the vegetable. Make another jump for a Smiley face, capping it off with a flip
to the end. Continue on, and hop off the last mini-sun foe and a bird monster
here to get a second bounce for higher elevation. Grab yet another Smiley Face
as you flip Bonk to safety.

        Once you come to two more sun enemies in a row, use both of them to
bounce yourself up to a final Smiley face. Finish off a lizard and one last sun
monster if you want for foes before finally exiting the level.

Round 4-2
        Take out a sun, a sort of water-bandit, and some more sun enemies before
hitting a vegetable to grab yourself a piece of meat. Head up and into the air
to get a second piece of meat to activate the super Bonk Mode, then go right,
killing enemies until you come to some blocks. Use your headbutt to charge
through a couple of sets of blocks, then kill the first enemy you see in the

        From here, go up, and grab a Smiley Face. Continue right while staying
as high up as you can, and eventually you should come to a flower. Seize it to
be lifted up to a bonus stage.

Round 4-2 (Bonus)
        This is exactly the same as the Round 1 bonus stage, so pretty much a
copy-and-paste ahead here. The best way to manage this is to jump at a wall,
hold the Up and Right buttons, and tap A for Bonk to jump up a section of the
wall. As soon as he claws his hands back onto the wall, quickly tap A again in
conjunction with when he lands for smooth climbing - if you should just mash the
A button, Bonk will stall out every time he makes a jump. After the first wall,
quickly move over to the second wall and continue to scale. Should all goes
well, you should obtain a healthy dashing of points before being returned back
to the regular stage.

Round 4-2 (Continued)
        Once you get back out from the bonus stage, headbutt the two nearby
blocks to go down. Jump to your right and do a couple of flips to clear a
dinosaur - you do not want to fight this enemy, as it can be a nuisance.
Instead, take out a bandit, then go right and destroy a couple of miniature
suns. AVOID the vegetable, as it will release one of the flower enemies.
Continue on past the veggie, destroy a couple more sun enemies for good measure,
then finish the level off.

Round 4-3
        Walk right and let the moles walk at you before headbutting them and
knocking them away, then jump up a couple of platforms, avoiding the diamond-
shaped obstacle protruding out of the top platform (this will damage Bonk should
you touch it). Make your way east until you find a Smiley Face, then jump
through the sky to grab another Smiley Face.

        Clear a totem pole, then open up a vegetable to get a piece of meat.
Once the transformation into Bonk's second stage is complete, blow through a few
mole foes before ascending the platforms again to put yourself on higher ground.
Jump off at the end and you should shortly thereafter come to a pair of
vegetables. Hit them both to get a apple and carrot, then proceed furhter
through the level to get another piece of meat from a third vegetable.

        Head along until you hit the end of the top platform, then jump, and
attempt to clear the bat with a block-shaped body. Scale up some more higher
ground, and be sure to grab a Smiley Face in the air. Attempt to jump off at the
end with several quick flips for Bonk to float over towards a Life-Up, then once
you land on the ground, take the elevator down to the fourth boss of the game.

Round 4 Boss
        After watching the skater lady skate around a couple of times, the
initial temptation may be for you to try jumping and headbutting her from above,
but that is a crapshoot - from time to time, she will disintegrate into a ball
of flame and fly up into the sky before coming back down to the ground, and her
path of flight is in perfect position to injure Bonk while he is attempting to
hit her from above. There is no pattern I have managed to discern that tells you
when she will jump, either - she twirls around time to time before skating, but
she does this both for when she jumps and when she skates across.

        A better solution is to simply wait for her to skate straight towards
Bonk, and then headbutt her from the ground. Bonk's ground form is temporarily
invincible for about a second as he performs his headbutt, so there is a lot of
leniency for you to be able to headbutt the skater and damage her, while she
skates straight through Bonk without causing him damage. You should keep Bonk in
the middle as opposed to either side as he can still be hit by the fire in that

        It should be noted, however, that ground headbutts generally do not
appear to cause as much damage to bosses as jump headbutts do, so it may take a
fair deal of hits to finish her off before you may advance onto the next round.

                                   Round Five

Round 5-1
        Quickly take out the patrolling soldier at the start of the level with
several headbutts, then a couple of miniature-suns and another soldier as you
climb up the floors. From the second soldier, jump up to a high platform using a
spring, then go left, eliminating a pair of a soldier and mini-sun. Continue up
and around the tower until such time that you can grab a Smiley Face, then head
right from here and open a vegetable up for a recovery heart. Take out a mini-
sun before continuing to the left.

        As you continue ascending the tower, grab another Smiley Face, then
bounce off the spring for a third Smiley Face in a short period of time. Leap
off to the left end, then scale the high ledge before continuing to loop around
right and left again. Once you come to a vegetable, open it up for a large
heart. Grab a piece of meat from the right side to turn into super Bonk again,
then head left and right up the clouds, killing a few foes on the way, before
finally exiting out the end of the level.

Round 5-2
        Charge through and grab a piece of meat from the vegetable, then use the
turret as a launching pad to grab yourself a Smiley Face. Take a bouncing leap
at the next turret to jump over the egg the soldier shoots out and instead
headbutt the soldier. Continue on, and grab yourself a large heart from the
vegetable. Jump up to the right, knock out another soldier, then jump off the
side of the ledge left to grab a Smiley Face. Go back onto the upper ledge, then
head right to find a flower and take it to go up to a bonus stage.

Round 5-2 (Bonus)
        This is the same as the bonus stage from Round 2 in concept, although
the pillars are spaced apart differently. Remember to use Bonk's headbutt to
clear some of the pillars, and then a multiflip to clear some of the larger gaps
as you attempt to grab as many vegetables as you can for lots of points.

Round 5-2 (Continued)
        Head right on the current ledge you are on, and jump off on the end of
it and enter the next level.

Round 5-3
        Proceed right and around up several platforms. You can take out the
weird dragon-oversized chess piece hybrid, though you may be better off to just
ignore it after knocking it away. Grab a heart piece from the vegetable, then
head left and take a jump from the edge of the cloud to grab a Smiley Face.
Continue your ascension up the level.

        Break some blocks in the wall to your left for a large heart, then get
back into the main area of the tower and continue on climbing. Once you can
break blocks to your left again, do so, and work your way up the left half of
the tower to a Life-Up. Go back into the right side through some more blocks,
and pick up a small heart from a vegetable.

        Take the clouds to your right upwards for a smiley face, then head over
to the left side for another Smiley Face. Go up the middle from here. Ignore the
dragon to the left and instead head up the platforms to your right, grabbing a
final Smiley Face on the way, until you come to an elevator. Take it up - there
is no boss for the fifth world.

                                   Round Six

Round 6-1
        Head right from the start to pick off a couple of the floor-hugging
enemies, then jump over the skating lizard enemy when it comes up from behind.
The mage that appears will only cast a fireball once before disappearing for a
few seconds, so take the time to deal with the skating lizard before eliminating
the mage when it reappears for points.

        Following that, continue your journey east to two vegetables. Hit the
first vegetable for a apple, but do NOT touch the second vegetable, which has a
flower enemy in it. Skip over the flower instead, then eliminate a mage as you
hit the lava pool. Flip over the lava pool and take out a three-pack of enemies
(or just ignore them), then go over another pool, where you will be ambushed by
another trio of monsters from behind and another generic critter from in front.

        After dealing with those enemies, continue right and flip over another
long lava pool to avoid taking damage. You should find a small flower
afterwards, so grab it to take it up to the bonus stage.

Round 6-1 (Bonus)
        This is the same as the round 3 bonus, so a bit of a copy and paste
again. In this bonus stage, you need to hop off the pedestal Bonk is on and do
as many flips as you can to rack up points. Flipping is a fairly difficult
maneuever, as you have to hit A and B consecutively at a fairly good rhythm, so
you may not get very many points by the time you touch ground.

Round 6-1 (Continued)
        From where you are deposited after the bonus stage, head right to finish
the stage.

Round 6-2
        Notice that you are in a water level here, so as you jump, Bonk will
swim around. Head right from the start, and avoid the two splash mines that will
explode, causing damage to Bonk if he is in the nearby vicinity. Take the jet
stream up. Knock the head of the robot tank once to make a turtle appear on the
tank's back, and pick up the turtle to turn Bonk into Turtle Bonk.

        Afterwards, navigate your way through a jet stream with two archer
turtle enemies. Should you take damage and lose your Turtle Bonk upgrade, that
is alright - shortly thereafter, you should come to another robot tank, so you
can knock its head and hit it for a second turtle for Bonk to grab. After the
first set of archers, the level becomes a lot more open to navigate through, so
you will be at minimal risk of taking damage again until you finally hit the
level exit mark at the end.

Round 6-3
        Taken a hit from the mage on the high ground at the start if you have to
to exit turtle mode, before executing it. Jump down to your right to grab onto a
pole. Switch directions by pressing and holding the Right D-Pad button to turn
around, then grab a Life-Up. Return left, and this time go along the higher
platform, killing a Mage, to get a large heart from the vegetable to restore
your entire life bar.

        Jump off the end of the top floor onto the nearby bone platform, then
onto the second high bone platform. Drop down from here to a platform with a
spring, but ignore the spring: instead, take the lower path of poles and monkey
-hop from pole to pole, grabbing a large piece of meat on the way. Once you get
past that, take the top section to get over faster, and ignore the vegetable,
which has a flower foe inside it. At the end, take the elevator up.

Round 6-4
        Proceed right and scale the pole in the middle of the level, and take
out the dragon-chess piece hybrid after a short climb to get it out of the way.
Jump over to the right side and go into a small chamber inside the bone poles to
break open a vegetable for a large heart to restore your entire bar. Climb up
the side of the right pole as high as you can get until the pole finally
terminates, then jump to the left and swing yourself into another enclosed
chamber with a vegetable that has a second large heart inside.

        From there, go up the left side, and swing around once you get to the
ceiling with blocks. Use your headbutt to destroy the blocks then head over to
the right pole. Climb up after swinging around to the right side, then swing
around to the left side again to grab a apple from the vegetable. Head left and
make a jump to grab onto the bottom of some more bones, and turn into yet
another chamber that contains a soldier. Kill the soldier if you wish for
points, then continue up the left pole. Headbutt some more rocks in the ceiling
and then take the elevator up.

Round 6-5
        In this level, you will face pretty much a boss rush, one at a time, ala
the Mega Man series. Thankfully, you get some items in between each boss, with
recovery hearts and Life-Ups. In order, you shall have to face the rhino boss,
pterodactyl boss, shark boss, and skater boss, so these are pretty much the same
boss strategies as before, copied and pasted for convenience.

Rhino Boss
        Your first boss opponent of the game vaguely appears to be some sort of
rhinocerous with a spiked helmet on tank treads. Note the spiked helmet: Bonk
can jump and headbutt the rest of the rhino's body, and in so doing, bounce back
into the air and then headbutt the rhino again as he lands back to earth.
However, do NOT touch the helmet, as doing so will instead injure Bonk.

        Other than that fairly simple attack pattern, keep an eye for when the
rhino boss actually begins to move, and separate from the rhino once it starts
to move to the other end of the screen, before regrouping and attacking its body
again with zeal. As long as you use the jump headbutt, it should be down in only
about a half dozen hits.

Pterodactyl Boss
        When the pterodactyl enemy is in the air, it is basically invulnerable,
so do not attempt to hit it. Instead, walk around until the pterocactyl swoops
down and starts walking on the ground. When it does this, Bonk can do a couple
of jump headbutts before the pterodactyl flies back into the air - be careful,
as you do not want to touch the dactyl's beak, but rather the back of its head.
Walk around again and wait for it to come down to earth again before attempting
to hit it once more, and repeat until finally it is finished.

Shark Boss
        Your foe this time is a robot shark enemy. It will start off by being
burrowed mostly underground, with only its fin visible. When it crosses the
screen, jump over the fin, and it shall surface. Once it does, headbutt it from
its front side, then jump over the top of the fin to its backside and hit the
shark from its behind. From there, it will either burrow again, in which case
you can repeat the process, or it will turn around and float in mid-air again to
the opposite end of the room.

        If you hit the shark from its front side while it is moving, it will
pass through Bonk without harming him, so take advantage of your temporary
invulnerability. Sometimes, the shark will rise up a bit so that it will clear
Bonk totally and fly over him instead: when it does this, wait for it to pass
above Bonk and then headbutt it from underneath.

        It should be noted that the shark will take more hits to defeat than the
last two bosses, so do not be surprised if it takes a while to finish it off.

Skater Boss
        After watching the skater lady skate around a couple of times, the
initial temptation may be for you to try jumping and headbutting her from above,
but that is a crapshoot - from time to time, she will disintegrate into a ball
of flame and fly up into the sky before coming back down to the ground, and her
path of flight is in perfect position to injure Bonk while he is attempting to
hit her from above. There is no pattern I have managed to discern that tells you
when she will jump, either - she twirls around time to time before skating, but
she does this both for when she jumps and when she skates across.

        A better solution is to simply wait for her to skate straight towards
Bonk, and then headbutt her from the ground. Bonk's ground form is temporarily
invincible for about a second as he performs his headbutt, so there is a lot of
leniency for you to be able to headbutt the skater and damage her, while she
skates straight through Bonk without causing him damage. You should keep Bonk in
the middle as opposed to either side as he can still be hit by the fire in that

        It should be noted, however, that ground headbutts generally do not
appear to cause as much damage to bosses as jump headbutts do, so it may take a
fair deal of hits to finish her off before you may advance onto the next round.

        Once you are done beating all four bosses, make sure to heal up as much
as you can before taking the center elevator up, where you will get into a fifth
boss battle.

Round 6 Boss
        The penultimate boss of the game is a skull on wheels that likes to move
around a lot from left to right and back, and does a lot of jumping. Bonk can
injure it from most sides, except for the 'fin' on its back, which shall injure

        For the most part, you are best off sticking to one or the other end of
the room. When the boss comes over, jump and target the front of its body with a
headbutt. When you bounce up, try to hit it again for a second time - it may
turn around during this time, so you will need to angle yourself properly to
avoid taking damage from its back.

        It should be noted that unless you are being conservative and only
taking very safe attacks, you should expect to be damaged from time to time
here, at least more often than you might have been damaged by the other bosses.
This is because sometimes the skull boss will jump to and from the ends of the
screen really fast, and there is no particular way to prepare for this and take
damage. Nonetheless, this is the reason I advocate you stay at the ends - trying
to attack the skull from the middle of the screen can get you damaged far more
easily because of this same quality of bouncing around a lot.

        Once you defeat the second-to-final boss, a short scene shall pass by.
Hop onto the elevator for another short scene, after which you face the final

Final Boss
        The final boss, a lizard wearing a crown, will hover in the air and go
back and forth, far above Bonk's head. While he is moving around, you do not
have to worry about him. Do not even bother trying to hit him from underneath,
as all it shall do is cause damage to Bonk.

        However, it is when he comes down to ground that you need to avoid
getting hit, and to also cause damage in turn. The lizard's entire back, as well
as his crown, are off-limits to taking damage, and shall cause Bonk injury in
turn. The lizard will come down in one of two different ways: the first of his
methods is to come down from the end of the screen straight to the middle of the
screen, and basically stand there for a couple of seconds before moving back up.
When he does this, you need to leap and headbutt him around the nose, and then
try for a second consecutive bounce-hit. Do not try for a third hit, as once he
begins to rise he is invulnerable to taking damage again. You can tell when he
is going to swoop to the middle because he shall pause in his flight around mid

        At other times, the lizard king will go off-screen, then shall reappear
on-screen on the ground, and run towards and past Bonk. When this occurs, take a
running jump and bounce off his snout or his forehead and then go past him to
avoid taking injury.

        It will take many hits, but by this time you should have racked up a
good number of lives, so do not worry too much if you lose one or two, as this
is the final boss.


        I don't really care too much about donations, but if you are feeling
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        Other than that, considering this FAQ is for an obscure old game, if you
have any other obscure old games that you do not play anymore, consider sending
them to me (I will even pay the shipping cost!). I write FAQs for plenty of
obscure old games with no FAQs, and having a physical copy of the game (and even
better, a manual) is superior to not. You can email me if interested at
gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com

                                 Contact Info

        Although I believe I have found everything there is to find in this
game, there is occasionally the possibility of some super secret level in an
obscure game that was never found because it was too obscure, or the like. If
you have anything that you feel needs to be includes, feel free to email me at
gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com

        If you have any other information to contribute or notice any errors,
again, shoot me a notice at gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com

        If you wish to host this guide, or use information from it, consider the
FAQ semi-public domain: you can host it without asking and derive information
from it word-for-word if you wish, but keep the document unchanged if hosting it
and give credit where due if using information
©2012 GammaBetaAlpha FAQs

Detonado em vídeo

Abaixo, temos o Bonk’s Adventure de Game Boy zerado do início ao fim num vídeo do canal World of Longplays. Você pode assisti-lo tanto para matar a saudade do game quanto para aprender como detoná-lo:

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